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St. Clare's #4

Second Form at St Clare's

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The first term of the second form turns out to be an eventful one, with new girls Gladys and Mirabel revealing unsuspected talents for acting and music, while Elsie, the form's unpopular Head Girl, learns to be less spiteful.

156 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1944

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About the author

Enid Blyton

5,115 books5,955 followers
See also:
Ένιντ Μπλάιτον (Greek)
Enida Blaitona (Latvian)
Энид Блайтон (Russian)
Inid Blajton (Serbian)
Енід Блайтон (Ukrainian)

Enid Mary Blyton (1897 - 1968) was an English author of children's books.

Born in South London, Blyton was the eldest of three children, and showed an early interest in music and reading. She was educated at St. Christopher's School, Beckenham, and - having decided not to pursue her music - at Ipswich High School, where she trained as a kindergarten teacher. She taught for five years before her 1924 marriage to editor Hugh Pollock, with whom she had two daughters. This marriage ended in divorce, and Blyton remarried in 1943, to surgeon Kenneth Fraser Darrell Waters. She died in 1968, one year after her second husband.

Blyton was a prolific author of children's books, who penned an estimated 800 books over about 40 years. Her stories were often either children's adventure and mystery stories, or fantasies involving magic. Notable series include: The Famous Five, The Secret Seven, The Five Find-Outers, Noddy, The Wishing Chair, Mallory Towers, and St. Clare's.

According to the Index Translationum, Blyton was the fifth most popular author in the world in 2007, coming after Lenin but ahead of Shakespeare.

See also her pen name Mary Pollock

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews352 followers
February 21, 2019
Second Form at St Clare's (St Clare's, #4), Enid Blyton
The series is about the boarding school adventures of twin girls Patricia and Isabel O'Sullivan. Their form mistress is now Miss Jenks and they no longer have to bear the severeness of the first form mistress, Miss Roberts – who is extremely sarcastic and firm but can be kind when she feels like to, a bit like Mam'zelle, the French teacher that used to teach and is still teaching the girls. The Second Form at St. Clares is the fourth novel in the St. Clare's series of children's school stories by Enid Blyton.
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز هشتم ماه آگوست سال 2008 میلادی
عنوان: دومی ها در سنت کلر جلد چهار؛ نویسنده: انید بلایتون؛ مترجم: ایلونا جودمردی؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، شهر کتاب، هرمس (کیمیا)، 1386، در 209 ص، اندازه 20 در 11 س.م.، شابک: 9789643633738؛ جلد 4 از مجموعه سنت کلر؛ موضوع: داستانهای کودکان از نویسندگان انگلیسیی - سده 20 م
ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Manybooks.
3,448 reviews104 followers
January 5, 2021
Still rather too predictable and with characters that are often more than a trifle typecast and as such also a bit repetitive and sometimes monotonous (and that indeed Mirabel Unwin seems to totally feel like Margery Fenworthy from the second book of the St. Clare’s series, from The O’Sullivan Twins but of course with a different name and different talents), I have nevertheless much enjoyed The Second Form at St. Clare’s and indeed also do very much appreciate that Enid Blyton has this time around refrained from using extraordinary scenarios such as kidnappings and courageous rescue attempts to move her plot-line along (and that even the necessary bad girl, the standard villain, that Elsie Fanshawe is silly, rude and spiteful but also not totally unredeemable and therefore just to be cast aside, to have to leave St. Clare’s).

And while personally, I have found it rather grating that poor Gladys with her homesickness and her legitimate worry about her desperately ill in the hospital mother is constantly in The Second Form at St. Clare’s being both described and yes also chastised by her classmates (and by extension in my opinion also and equally by author Enid Blyton) as being miserable, as being weak and to be rather ignored until she “bucks up” so to speak and shows strength of character, I guess this is a sign of time and place, as indeed all of the St. Clare’s novels I have read to date, do tend to rather be preachy with regard to schoolgirls needing to show honour, school spirit and to learn how to become strong and courageous character-wise (but indeed, the on the surface like heavy duty focus on integrity, on being an asset to one’s school, while of course laudable is also never really all that subtly and with nuance demonstrated in and by Enid Blyton’s narratives).

Three stars for The Second Form at St. Clare’s, for a pretty standard but generally quite enjoyable and entertaining British boarding school tale (but yes, I do have to wonder why the two O’Sullivan twins, why the main protagonists of the first of the Clare’s novels are from where I am standing now being increasingly pushed aside and to the back as simply random school girls as the series is progressing, and well, I do wonder if that is going to change a bit, since I do kind of miss seeing Pat and Isabel as main movers and shakers, as main characters).
Profile Image for Redfox5.
1,595 reviews66 followers
August 26, 2016
I used to love Enid Blyton when I was younger, never read anything from the St. Clare's series. Mainly I used to read 'The Faraway Tree' books over and over again.

This book is full of Blyton's typical charm, when did we stop using the word brick as a complement? I might try and bring it back. And also contains one of her famous food scenes. Ginger beer anyone? Not to sure about the sardines though. Can't picture kids getting excited about sardines nowadays.

It makes Boarding school sound like a jolly good time. Well unless the others girls don't like you then they can be mean to each other. But they are only mean to the girls who are nasty in the first place. However I'm sure in real life the reality of Boarding school is very different.

This book was published before they were made politically correct and normally I don't agree with this but there was a comment near the start about someone's hair looking like a Golliwog that really shouldn't have been there. Made me see why some of this books have been edited especially as they are still enjoyed by children today.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
613 reviews48 followers
July 9, 2021
Das war mal wieder ein süßes, unterhaltsames Hörbuch. Da ich gerade mit Zweitimpfung-Nebenwirkungen im Bett liege, konnte ich diese netten Kindheitserinnerungen echt gut gebrauchen.

Auch hier kommen wieder einige Charaktere hinzu, die uns längerfristig begleiten werden: Mirabel und Gladys, im Deutschen hießen sie glaube ich Marianne und Carla, sind für Blyton-Verhältnisse überraschend individuelle Charaktere. Ihre Freundschaft fand ich früher total toll, mittlerweile muss ich anmerken, dass sie bisweilen nicht ganz healthy ist, aber im Großen und Ganzen sind sie beide ganz gute Figuren.

Trotzdem muss ich feststellen, dass die Handlung im 4. Band nichts Neues ist: es gibt ein paar Neue, es gibt eine hinterhältige Schlange, irgendjemand hat Geburtstag, es gibt ein Mitternachtsfest. Schön, aber auf Dauer etwas langweilig.

Ich verstehe, warum die deutschen Ghostwriter so viel dazuerfunden haben in ihren Bänden: Enid Blyton war einfach nicht wirklich kreativ und um so eine Reihe dauerhaft spannend bleiben zu lassen, muss auch mal was anderes her...

3.5🌟 für den vierten Hanni und Nanni Band
Profile Image for SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡  .
3,739 reviews555 followers
September 4, 2016
Die Ferien sind vorbei, und Hanni und Nanni sind nun endlich in der achten Klasse! Was wird das neue Schuljahr bringen? Zunächst gibt es wieder neue Mitschülerinnen und auch eine neue Lehrerin. Wie sind die neuen Klassenkameradinnen; werden sie sich in die Gemeinschaft integrieren können? Eines steht fest; Langeweile gibt es auch im neuen Schuljahr nicht!

Mein Leseeindruck:

Von Zeit zu Zeit muss ich einfach einen "Hanni und Nanni"- Band lesen! Die Bücher gehören zu meiner Kindheit und bedeuten mir viel. Auch heute noch macht es mir Spaß, die Zwillinge zu begleiten und Abenteuer mit ihnen zu erleben.

Man merkt natürlich, dass es schon ältere Geschichten sind. Ich glaube, kaum ein Mädchen würde sich heutzutage noch so benehmen wie die Mädels in dem Buch. Aber gerade das macht für mich den Charme dieser Bücher bzw. Geschichten aus. Es ist ein Stückchen "heile Welt".

Ich freue mich nun schon auf den nächsten "Hanni und Nanni"- Band!
Profile Image for Tammie.
814 reviews
September 3, 2016
I never normally write reviews for books and I don't think anyone will actually see this but I want to document my thoughts as I wrote no notes throughout reading.

Enid Blyton is one of my all time favourite authors and I think she truly knows how to write a magnificent story about truly enticing characters and plots. My favourite novels by her have always been her stories about the boarding schools.

The entirety of her Malory Towers books are truly wonderful but I had personally never read the St Clare's books, after reading this I definitely want to carry on with the series but I don't think they are as good as the Malory Towers books. I do feel as though I could have read this book in one sitting but with me writing my own book I found it hard to find the time to actually read. This may be why I found the book to be a little bit slow at some points, as I was leaving fairly big gaps between reading it.

That overall was my only problem with the book, I felt as though it was slow. Some of the points within the story were kind of dragged out. Enid Blyton's strong points are definitely her characters. They all seem to be rather interesting and she takes her time with each, with all of them getting a vivid personality and all having equal amounts of attention. She also has so much character growth within such a short time which may sound like a bad idea but it works in her favour.

Enid (whilst including funny and light hearted content) also deals with important subjects, sometimes even dark subjects but she doesn't make it unbearable to read and still makes it appropriate for younger children to read and gain knowledge of the subject. In this book in particular she deals with parent illness and minor bullying.

Overall I think this book was excellent and definitely worth a read.

Profile Image for Ashley Marilynne Wong.
407 reviews22 followers
December 28, 2018
2.5 stars. This book would have been as good as Book 3 – which I think has been the best in the series so far – if it hadn't been for poor and superficial characterisation. A wise teacher who is respected by every student, for instance, should not have been so brash and judgemental as to reducing her student to bits. In fact a better representation should have been one who possesses the ability to be straightforward yet tactful at the same time in so far as choosing her words.
Profile Image for Marina.
2,030 reviews342 followers
December 30, 2017
** Books 307 - 2017 **

3,2 dari 5 bintang!

Sebenarnya ceritanya sangat sederhana namun entah kenapa sekali lagi saya dibuat tersenyum simpul membaca tingkah laku gadis-gadis di St. Clare. Kisah Enid Blyton tidak pernah lekang oleh waktu dan pastinya selalu berhasil menghangatkan hati saya :)

Terimakasih Scoop Premium!
Profile Image for Sally.
Author 2 books139 followers
May 2, 2009
I read Malory Towers first, where there were six books - one for each year - so it always mildly irked me that St. Clare's six didn't follow the same pattern. I mean this is book four, and we've only just now reached form two! Worse still though, that the LAST one was only in form FIVE - thank goodness for Pamela Cox, I say!

Similar to In the Fifth at Malory Towers, two girls from the form above have been left back and since they're older than our gang of new second formers, they're made joint head girls. At least 'lazy' Anna pulls her socks up and ends up being a good'un, but spiteful Elsie just gets even worse! I think Anna and MT's Moira are my pair of choice.
Profile Image for Beth Stewart.
27 reviews1 follower
April 30, 2012
I love the 2nd Form at St Clare's, I think that the tricks and midnight feasts are brilliant! I especially love the part where Elsie decides to sneak on the girls the day of the feast, so, they change the night of the feast and still creep and hide the day Elsie sneaks on them. When she goes to tell their form mistress, Miss Jenks, the girls sneak back into their beds so that Elsie will get into trouble for sbneaking AND lying. I also love Mirabel and Gladys, the new girls. My heart goes out to Gladys, her mother is dangerously ill, so Gladys becomes quiet and distant. This book is good and funny.
Profile Image for R.A..
Author 32 books91 followers
August 13, 2018
I'm not sure what the reason was that I didn't finish this. Maybe because it wasn't very interesting or maybe because I haven't read the three before this one!
I'll have to try reading it again sometime, but for now, I'm not in the mood for Enid Blyton (I go through spurts). :)

A real review will come if I end up reading it again!

Profile Image for Lizzie.
Author 1 book16 followers
May 3, 2019
*3.5 (on my special 'Enid Blyton' scale ;) )
Rereading these for nostalgia... So much to dislike, more bullying, neglectful parents (sending Mirabel off to boarding school because they can't bear her at home, what's with that?!), but, as usual, the new girls and a couple others do have character arcs and mystery and we have the usual hijinks of a midnight feast, tricks, and a concert.
Profile Image for Samantha.
214 reviews
August 27, 2019
Another warning, fun, delightful book by Blyton. She was my favourite as a little girl 💓
Profile Image for Bahman Bahman.
Author 3 books233 followers
August 16, 2018
انید ماری بلایتون (زادهٔ ۱۱ اوت ۱۸۹۷ در دولویچ شرقی، لندن – درگذشتهٔ ۲۸ نوامبر ۱۹۶۸ در همپستید، لندن) از نویسندگان محبوب ادبیات کودک و نوجوان اهل انگلستان است که شماری از داستان‌هایش را با نام مری پولاک نوشته‌است.

انید بلایتون در ۱۱ اوت ۱۸۷۹ به دنیا آمد.

انید پس از پایان تحصیلاتش معلم شد اما در اوقات فراغتش داستان می‌نوشت و شعر می‌سرود.

او از سال ۱۹۵۹ به سبب بیماری فعالیت‌های ادبی‌اش را کم کرد و پس از آن نیز کم‌کم نوشتن مجموعه داستان‌هایش را کنار گذاشت. این نویسندهٔ پرکار در سال‌های پایانی زندگی، حافظه‌اش را از دست داد.

در نهایت، انید بلایتون در سال ۱۹۶۸ از دنیا رفت. او در زمان مرگش یکی از سه نویسنده‌ای بود که آثارشان به بیشترین زبان‌ها ترجمه شده بود و کار ترجمه و انتشار این آثار پس از مرگش هم ادامه یافته‌است.

فعالیت ادبی
نخستین اثر او مجموعه شعری بود که در سال ۱۹۲۲ منتشر شد و بعد از انتشار این کتاب بود که او کار نوشتن را جدی گرفت.

کارهای بعدی بلایتون بازنویسی قصه‌های فلکلور و بعدها داستان‌نویسی بود و پس از گذشت سال‌ها به یکی از پرکارترین داستان‌نویسان انگلیس بدل شد؛ به طوری که گفته می‌شود در سال‌های ابتدایی دههٔ ۱۹۵۰، هر ساله به طور متوسط ۵۰ عنوان از کتاب‌هایش منتشر می‌شد. داستان‌های بلایتون به حدود ۹۰ زبان ترجمه شده و کودکان و نوجوانان جهان بیش از ۶۰۰ میلیون نسخه از آثارش را خوانده‌اند.

یکی از ویژگی‌های آثار انید بلایتون این است که قهرمانان کودک و نوجوان داستان‌هایش با کمترین کمک از سوی بزرگسالان به ماجراجویی می‌پردازند و افرادی شایسته و متکی به خود به شمار می‌روند. تخیل یکی دیگر از ویژگی‌های داستان‌های بلایتون است.

برخی از موفق‌ترین آثار بلایتون عبارتند از:

پنج دنبال‌گرد (به انگلیسی: The Five Find-Outers) همچنین مشهور است به مجموعهٔ اسرار انید بلایتون (به انگلیسی: Enid Blyton's Mystery series)
مجموعهٔ پنج مشهور (به انگلیسی: The Famous Five series)
مجموعهٔ ماجرا (به انگلیسی: The Adventure series)
کتاب‌های نادی (به انگلیسی: The Noddy books)
مجموعهٔ هفت رازدار (به انگلیسی: The Secret Seven series)
مجموعهٔ برج‌های مالوری (به انگلیسی: The Malory Towers series)
مجموعهٔ سنت‌کلر (به انگلیسی: The St. Clare's series)
مجموعهٔ صندلی آرزوها (به انگلیسی: The Wishing-Chair series)
مجموعهٔ درخت جادوی خیلی‌دور (به انگلیسی: The Magic Faraway Tree series)
مجموعهٔ اسرار بارنی (به انگلیسی: The Barney Mystery series)
مجموعهٔ سیرک (به انگلیسی: The Circus series)
مجموعهٔ مزرعهٔ میستلتو (به انگلیسی: The Mistletoe Farm series)
مجموعهٔ شیطون‌ترین دختر (به انگلیسی: The Naughtiest Girl series)
مجموعهٔ ماجراجویان جوان (به انگلیسی: The Young Adventurers Series)
مجموعهٔ چهار ماجراجو (به انگلیسی: The Adventurous Four Series)
مجموعهٔ ��انواده (به انگلیسی: The Family Series)
مجموعهٔ ماجرای خانواده (به انگلیسی: The Family Adventure Series)
مجموعهٔ راز (به انگلیسی: The Secret Series)
کتاب داستان قرمز (به انگلیسی: The Red Story Book)
کتاب داستان سبز (به انگلیسی: The Green Story Book)
کتاب داستان آبی (به انگلیسی: The Blue Story Book)
داستان‌های وقت‌خواب (به انگلیسی: Bedtime Stories)
Profile Image for Viri Shin.
104 reviews
April 24, 2023

Alurnya lebih cepet dari buku-buku sebelumnya! Tumben kudapetin anak-anak bermasalah bisa diatasi dengan cepet gini. Apalagi oknum jahat nggak ada yang tersisa untuk tetep jahat. Bahkan Alison juga membaik di sini yey!!

Bu Robert sama sekali gak keliatan ya di sini. Peran Bu Theobald di sini ditampakkan bagian tegas dan juga kekeliruannya dalam menilai anak didiknya, jadi bisa didapet bukti kalo nggak ada yang 100% sempurna di st clare. Peran utama di cerita ini justru bisa dikatakan adalah Mirabel sama Gladys, yang dulu-dulu jadi peran sampingan untuk bantu ngebangkitin sisi positif dari anak-anak baru.

Yah, pokoknya lumayan. Cocok buat jadi sandingan pas lagi makan. Hehe, peace! ✌️
Profile Image for Susana Loriente.
384 reviews3 followers
April 10, 2024
Segundo curso, de nuevo lugares comunes y actitudes políticamente incorrectas, pero también nuevas alumnas y más problemas. Las mellizas ceden de nuevo protagonismo a Mirabel, la malcriada, Gladys, la triste, Elsa, la rencorosa o Anna, la perezosa. También reaparecen viejas conocidas como Bobby, Carlota, Alison, Margaret o Lucy.
Hay enfados, disgustos y más bromas. La novedad es que extraigo lecciones que me parecen recomendables, como que más vale ser humilde y asumir los errores para no perder la oportunidad de aprender en la vida. Otra frase que me gusta se refiere a Alison: "de su dolor salió algo meritorio, que iba a ayudarla mucho en años venideros".
Profile Image for ☾.
85 reviews64 followers
March 16, 2022
Always love the character development of Anna!

"We are not out to cram facts and knowledge into the girls' heads all day long, but to help them to form strong and kindly characters too."

"...out of her hurt came something worthwhile, which was to help her in many years to come."

"Malice and spite rouse such bitter feelings in others. Other faults, such as greed, irresponsibility, silliness— these arouse disgust, but are forgotten and forgiven. Spite always rankles, and is never forgotten."
Profile Image for Medomfo.
44 reviews
May 28, 2018
I love revisiting children’s favourites.
The memories... 😊
Profile Image for Ali Molenaar.
327 reviews2 followers
November 22, 2019
Nostalgie, nostalgie. Echt, ik begrijp waarom ik het als kind zo leuk vond, maar nu is het alleen nog maar nostalgie. Maar ik heb nog wat die nostalgie boeken uit de minibieb gehaald.
Profile Image for Pervinca.
205 reviews48 followers
December 7, 2022
This one has been my favourite so far! I love a good midnight feast, and i am finally seeing some personal growth!!
Profile Image for niamh.
38 reviews
October 30, 2018
Second Form at St. clare's by Enid Blyton.
The girls have been bumped up to the second form now and have a few surprises in store this term.
An easy, Quick read. Quite enjoyable.
Profile Image for Carolina.
51 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2021
Também é um dos melhores livros da coleção. Aqui formam-se amizades, alteran-se personalidades e acontecem muitas outras coisas.
Profile Image for Hanna.
49 reviews
August 12, 2023
Carlotta slayed, I said what I said

(nostalgic purposes)
Profile Image for Maryam.
171 reviews53 followers
February 7, 2017
I loved it!!!!!!!! I love Carlotta's party!! And i also loved the part when Bobby played the plate trick on Mam'zelle!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
November 25, 2019
The twins, Pat and Isabel, are starting their first term in the second form, and what a lot they have to deal with! With Catty Elsie and Lazy Anna being joint-heads of the form, and two new girls - Misery girl Gladys and Rude Mirabel - joining them, the second form is definitely an exciting place to be!

Finally moving up from the bottom form gives the twin's form a sense of importance, but they are dismayed to find that Elsie, who is spiteful, and Anna, who is far too lazy for words, are their new joint-heads. To top it off, two new girls, Gladys and Mirabel, are joining the second form. Gladys is mopey and quiet, and Mirabel is not only rude but stubborn and defiant, and continuously causes trouble for the second form. Furthermore, there are tricks to play, and birthdays to celebrate! The term is so eventful that it comes to an end far too soon. Time simply flies when you’re spending it at St Clares.

The series of St Clares books as a whole is eventful, and the Second Form at St Clares is no exception. A lovely book to read as a pastime, and just like how the term ends far too soon for the girls, the book ends far too soon for its readers.
Profile Image for Kavita.
821 reviews427 followers
October 17, 2019
I really enjoyed this book a lot. The new girls, Mirabel Unwinn and Gladys Hillman, provide interesting stories. They also become fast friends.

There is also Miss Quentin, a new drama teacher, whom Alison decides to worship. Then there are two old girls who stayed back and are made joint head girls, Elsie and Anna. I really enjoyed Anna's character arc. It's rare that Blyton provides one to her characters. It's usually all black and white. Like Elsie's story. I don't know why such young girls need to become so spiteful and annoying.

I think my favourite part of the book is Carlotta's birthday party drama. And the concert. It's always fun to read about new talents being discovered. It's such a positive feel!
Profile Image for Limau Nipis.
635 reviews25 followers
April 22, 2012
I particularly like this book better, what with the introduction of new girls and they are fast becoming best friends, Mirabel and Gladys.

And dear lazy Anna, who was choosen as the second former head has proven that she is a responsible and most sensible person.

As for Alison, it seemed by the end of the book, she had matured. Between all the teachers, I still love Mam'zelle the best, because bless her heart, she even can laughed at her own self.

The best part of the book is of course Carlotta's midnight feast!
Profile Image for T.F..
Author 7 books57 followers
November 9, 2014
This is my favorite book in the series - how many every times I read this book, i never seem to tire of reading out. Of course, I am currently reading it after a gap of 14 years. But used to read it over and over during my childhood and college days. The evolving relationship between the two new girls Mirabel and Gladys is really interesting. Somehow stories of schools friendhsips always seemed to have a great appeal to me. But I never extrapolated this to adult reationship novels, which I have always given a skip preferring fantasy or science fiction.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 148 reviews

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