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Betrayed. Murdered. Reborn. One last chance, to make it right. Theo's adventure ended with his mentor's hands around his neck. The betrayal cost him his friends, allies and everything he had built... but not his life. Though broken and powerless, Theo has one last chance to enter the Nine Worlds, wielding the knowledge and expertise of his first life. This time, he needs more than just power, he needs to unravel the deception that killed him once... and is coming for him again.

Theo is getting closer to ascending to Authority, but the consequences of his actions are nipping at his heels. Old rivalries return, other continents are threatening war, and the House of the Lost is working for mysterious purposes. Worst of all, the Asplundat Movement is finally marching to war. They've begun production of bloodcrete, their most dangerous sublime material, and no one is sure of the consequences...

338 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 13, 2023

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Sarah Lin

20 books412 followers
Hello! I'm Sarah Lin and I write various kinds of fantasy. If you want to keep up with my work, feel free to check out the following:

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
701 reviews2 followers
April 2, 2023
Continue to highly enjoy this series. The main complaint I read before reading this one was the first half of the book being too much about the soulhome crafting. However, that's my favourite part of this series. I also didn't mind the main characters starting apart, especially since if they were together, they'd have been working individually on their soulhomes.

Also, LOVE the summary of previous books at the beginning of this novel
25 reviews1 follower
January 17, 2023
this book suffers from splitting up the main characters. The plot also feels very not compelling, the crew run around on their own then come together to stop an unnecessarily convoluted plot where badguys are trying to take over an unclaimed area, and other badguys are trying to do the same, and if the MCs dont get involved then there will no longer be a buffer zone between these two groups!! And innocents will die because they are unable to take shelter during the fight???
Profile Image for Danny Moody.
1,207 reviews6 followers
March 3, 2023
Another solid entry into this unique series. I love the time spent on the soulcrafting. It is a defining feature of the series and fun to follow the progression. I’m glad that it seems this current arc on Fithe is ending. I’m ready for a new setting and some new plot lines. Some things felt like they have stagnated while they have been stuck on this planet. That being said, their cultivation has advanced so they have become stronger which is nice.
Profile Image for Bender.
447 reviews45 followers
January 21, 2023
Very mixed reactions for this book and the series going forward.
3/10 for first 75% and 7/10 for last 25% of the book.

The plot just meanders with majority of first half focused on advancement of soulhomes of various characters. It certainly is a fascinating system, but I don't want the entire book to be manual'esque without a plot. this book splits the main characters, so we get the soulhome building x3 which felt very slow, draggy and very filler'esque. Nothing really happens, Nauda's quest was a snoozefest and Fiyu just gets handed over stuff for free from her relative. The sheer types of sublime materials and their characteristics felt like reading a Botany text, without a plot to tie it to a greater context.

The last 25% saves the book. Action picks up, books moves into high gear and we finally see a showdown, story threads unravels, alliances and betrayals galore and some beautiful writing that kept me on the hook. Unfortunately the ending was like the closure of this arc and we might see a new beginning from next book.

On the series:

It's been 6 books and we have not seen much of the antagonist or what he wants other than minor nuggets. The plot begins in book 1 and after than has been a series of side quests for MC to get powerful? Lack of plot progress is very frustrating and we have no clue if any of the characters we meet actually will matter in overarching plot.

I'm very ambivalent to picking up the next book. let's see how I feel when it comes out.
Profile Image for Nolan.
233 reviews
July 23, 2024
Slow burn returns.

This series is like comfort food. It's not the absolute best, it's not necessarily the healthiest, but if you like it there's nothing else that can compare.

Pros: Cool ideas abound, and the author is willing to make them work. Pretty sweet battle scenes, political posturing, and inter-world conflict. The growth of the main characters feels earned and satisfying, as do their progressively closer relationships. No shortcuts here.

Cons: A lot of the world just feels like set pieces for the protagonists to find things or fight things in. The term 'sublime materials' is repeated so often I might cry a little. Glazed over a few pages because the formula of find a thing- try to make it work- it works! has been done enough times in the previous books to be notable.

Will read again when the series is finished.

130 reviews
April 18, 2023
I'll start by saying this was better then previous few books and liked how split up characters still too much time spent maybe with offer two girls.

I really like krikree the ant girl is so cool one favorite characters up there with senka, the soul home working and resources are still great fun to read.
Note I like senka as is when she is whole myself. (Fun.)

Interested to see wear goes from hear.
(Please no cringe romance.)
Profile Image for Mark.
831 reviews70 followers
January 14, 2023
3.5 stars

I found book 5 rather lackluster, but here in book 6 is where all the book 5 set up is paid off.

Fiyu's uncle remains mostly free of personality. Senka is so Fizban that I find it off-putting, but that's mostly just my hang up. The cultivation style remains technobabble, but is it any more technobabble than more traditional cultivation settings? Not really.
Profile Image for Merrick Green.
Author 0 books
January 16, 2023
A personal favorite

Sarah Lin has succeeded in coming up with an utterly engrossing and interesting magical system, as well as three compelling main characters with distinct and complementary personalities. This continuation of the journey retains the excellent pacing, action and depth, and I’m loving the journey.
16 reviews
January 20, 2023
I'm still very much enjoying this series, but this book is very thin on plot and characterization. There is more exploration of the ever-fascinating magic system, but the plot just feels like the downtime between the real adventures. The main characters mostly just split up and do their own thing, with a somewhat contrived climax to pull them together and set the stage for the next book.
118 reviews
January 23, 2023
sweet, but short

I liked this book, but preferred the earlier books just for the novelty. Some plot points weren’t explained fully, but it was still great in terms of character progression and giving readers an insight on the personalities of all the characters. Will read the next book!
Profile Image for J.
323 reviews
January 26, 2023
Solid entry.
I think the only part that kind of fell flat for me was Fiyu's ascension.
It's not major overall, but it was important to her, but the drama felt lacking.

Part of that could have just been formatting, might have worked better with more line breaks. Or just a bit more buildup in the chapter itself.
Profile Image for Francis Blair.
Author 13 books14 followers
August 30, 2023
Reading this book, it feels like we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. There’s a more concrete end goal, and the conflict in this story feels better laid out, as well as better resolved. Though I admit I was expecting the titular bloodcrete to have more of an impact on the story than it does.
Profile Image for Chris.
232 reviews10 followers
September 25, 2023
Kind of curious where the series is going. It is going waaaaay too slow unless there’s a significant time skip coming up.

They’re at level 3 of 9 after 6 books. They seem to ascend once every 2-3 books. Theo has been stuck as Ruler for 3 books now constantly foreshadowing an ascension.

Also the book blurb is totally inaccurate lol
Profile Image for William Howe.
1,593 reviews69 followers
January 14, 2023

The development of the soul home concept continues. The three MCs spend much of the book a parked, but are reunited during the final phases of the conflict. Knowledge comes from an unexpected source.

I eagerly await the next book.
Profile Image for Nick Boyer.
80 reviews3 followers
January 21, 2023
Great continuation of the series!

The stakes get higher. More of the universe is revealed. And of course more soulcrafting. Looking forward to continuing with this series for a long time
January 24, 2023
The series keeps getting better!

This series keeps getting better! There has been no slowing down. It is wonderful to see these characters that started out struggling to keep up grow more powerful as the series continues, and we learn more about the world they inhabit.
Profile Image for Limitnacho.
9 reviews1 follower
January 26, 2023
Continues a Great Story

Plot threads are completed, and more plot threads are born. Characters' relationships develop less than I would prefer, but still are present. Overall, a very good book 6.
Profile Image for Mike Goodman.
1,333 reviews9 followers
February 19, 2023
Good Series

But too many POV storylines for me to enjoy this and only this book. It had the whole group out doing their own things. I prefer one story per book instead of multiple short stories slash together.
1 review
January 14, 2023
Another great book

The series keeps getting better and better, I love the unique magic system. It's tough wait between books, but luckily sarah keeps those waits short.
Profile Image for Ryan McCoin.
179 reviews8 followers
January 14, 2023
Great continuation

Very glad this cam out so soon and continued the series. I'm a big fan and can't wait for more.
Profile Image for E.
306 reviews
May 13, 2023
Really solid conclusion to the second plot arc of the series.
Profile Image for A.
144 reviews1 follower
May 28, 2024
⭐️⭐️⭐️ - i truly believe the fifth and sixth books could've been combined into one and only good things would've come out of it
2 reviews
July 22, 2024
bloody brilliant

A damn good story that is well written and planned out. Can’t wait to listen to the audio book version
Profile Image for Sundeep.
Author 9 books11 followers
August 3, 2023
As usual, I read the previous book in the series (Bondsfungi) as preparation for the latest book. Summary of prior events are included at the start of the book, but I find rereads more rewarding. And these books are short and fast paced, which makes it easier.

For most part of the book, the trio (Theo, Nauda and Fiyu) were on their own. In Theo's case, it was soulcrafting combined with mini missions. The book started with Theo sailing the sands of Arbai, getting to know about rumors of vast sublime beasts in the depths and finding black sand for his soulhome. Then Fithan politics led him to a plateau ripe for a war between the Asplundats and Ruling Cities. The titular bloodcrete turned out to be an explosive rock that leaked red liquid. And surprise! Senka was back and Krikree's reaction was hilarious — wonder how Krikree will feel once Senka is fully recovered (if that's even possible).

Senka and later some kind of eldritch horror (higher dimensional being?) from the House of Lost allowed Theo (and us readers) to get to know more about the higher tiers of soulcrafting and Vistgil's possible motivations. A lot of it will probably make more sense as the series progresses further. Vistgil seems to be somehow weaponizing probability/chance to entice wars from trivial reasons — and also seems to be limited in some ways.

Theo's visit to the fortress near Gold Wastes was brief but interesting. Apparently the Tymetron continent has a Dominion-level soulcrafter and deploys demonic materials — but somehow being held back by another Dominion-level soulcrafter from the Wastes.

Nauda continued progressing her relation with music producing leaf beetles, and accidentally leading them to adding statues to their art skills. Didn't really get why she was assigned to use the compass for retrieving a weirkey (Tythes could've probably done it in a day instead of weeks for Nauda). Anyway, I did enjoy the worldbuilding details about the termite city and the more industrious beetles. Will be interesting to see if the gift from the royal bees will turn out to be significant part of Nauda's soulhome. Nauda going back to meet her Tatian mentor was nice. And Nanjuma even got the epilogue chapter, which seemed to indicate Deuxans (part of the same multiworld organization that sponsored House Crimson on Fithe?) were trying to bring the planet under their control.

Fiyu finally ascended to Ruler tier. At the end of Bondsfungi, I thought she was well past the requirement for ascension. Instead, she needed sublime materials to match her personality and soulhome as well as soulcrafting to be polished to the peak. Which meant multiple weeks and visit to Siata (amazing planet, even more wondrous than Arbai/Ichil/Slest) and Fithe. While visiting the depths Fithans, we got to know about a sublime creature far beyond the Dominion stage. Given the beast rumors at the start of the book during Theo's visit to Arbai, I'm guessing such beasts are present in all the worlds. And probably the cause for planet-wide cliff on Nauda's world.

Fiyu's ascension involved corporeal floor (one of the Five Transcendant Monuments mentioned by Senka). Wonder if Guchiro already knew those details. And wonder what Guchiro and Senka discussed when Fiyu came back to the Blacksilver House.

The trio finally came together for the climatic battle, which was nice even though they mostly fought away from each other. Theo holding against the fleshmasker authority was impressive (Krikree did well too). Fiyu and Guchiro fighting together at the end was awesome, using their stealth techniques to great effect. Nauda made a grand entry from her world (as did Tythes :D). The twists with the bloodcrete golem, Dhan advancing to Stronghold and Homez damaging the demon artifact were all nice. I kept expecting Theo to advance even though he mentioned needing to visit Noven multiple times.

Can't wait for the trio along with Senka and Guchiro traveling the world of Noven (has nine Suns!). But sad that Krikree was left behind due to injury. And Navim was still not ready to travel with the team yet. Wonder if Homez will join them later on. Speaking of Navim, I liked that he was shown to ponder the nature of Krikree's questions, and not just trying to frame the answers to suit Krikree like Theo and the others.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Deepak.
151 reviews5 followers
October 6, 2023
One of the best books so far in the series. About two-thirds of the book is slow and sets things up for the last third. The author concentrates on every detail about progression and frequently comments that the pay-offs are more satisfying done this way. However, it slows down pacing and several times in the previous books I got distracted or didn't have the urge to continue. One of the things the author loves is to dip into local politics a lot. Every time the characters spend some time in a city in a planet, politics gets focus. It becomes difficult to follow when there is similar emphasis on progression.

But, although, this book follows similar principle and we're getting closer to progression to next level, I could tolerate better. The last third of the book is battles and highly enjoyable. Fight scenes are written very well and intrigue/mysteries are also integrated seamlessly. One of the reasons I believe I enjoyed this book is I read this book in 2-3 days. If I read them over several weeks, I would've definitely forgotten several plots. The book ends with Theo, Fiyu and Nauda being together once again and their next destination is decided.

I must say book 7, Wakespire, is best book so far. Starts off with a bang and keeps continuing like that.
6 reviews3 followers
August 14, 2023
I'm really liking this series. The attention to detail on how the magic system works and how the pieces interact certainly take a forefront in this entry. Personally, I enjoyed all the detail followed by this book finishing with plenty of action.

Looking forward to the next entry, I feel like the current pacing means lots of plot development about to happen.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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