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A Song of Ice and Fire (1-in-2) #6

A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow

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Winter approaches Westeros like an angry beast.

The Seven Kingdoms are divided by revolt and blood feud. In the northern wastes, a horde of hungry, savage people steeped in the dark magic of the wilderness is poised to invade the Kingdom of the North where Robb Stark wears his new-forged crown. And Robb's defences are ranged against the South, the land of the cunning and cruel Lannisters, who have his young sisters in their power.

Throughout Westeros, the war for the Iron Throne rages more fiercely than ever, but if the wall is breached, no king will live to claim it.

663 pages, Paperback

First published August 8, 2000

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About the author

George R.R. Martin

1,452 books113k followers
George Raymond Richard "R.R." Martin was born September 20, 1948, in Bayonne, New Jersey. His father was Raymond Collins Martin, a longshoreman, and his mother was Margaret Brady Martin. He has two sisters, Darleen Martin Lapinski and Janet Martin Patten.

Martin attended Mary Jane Donohoe School and Marist High School. He began writing very young, selling monster stories to other neighborhood children for pennies, dramatic readings included. Later he became a comic book fan and collector in high school, and began to write fiction for comic fanzines (amateur fan magazines). Martin's first professional sale was made in 1970 at age 21: The Hero, sold to Galaxy, published in February, 1971 issue. Other sales followed.

In 1970 Martin received a B.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, graduating summa cum laude. He went on to complete a M.S. in Journalism in 1971, also from Northwestern.

As a conscientious objector, Martin did alternative service 1972-1974 with VISTA, attached to Cook County Legal Assistance Foundation. He also directed chess tournaments for the Continental Chess Association from 1973-1976, and was a Journalism instructor at Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa, from 1976-1978. He wrote part-time throughout the 1970s while working as a VISTA Volunteer, chess director, and teacher.

In 1975 he married Gale Burnick. They divorced in 1979, with no children. Martin became a full-time writer in 1979. He was writer-in-residence at Clarke College from 1978-79.

Moving on to Hollywood, Martin signed on as a story editor for Twilight Zone at CBS Television in 1986. In 1987 Martin became an Executive Story Consultant for Beauty and the Beast at CBS. In 1988 he became a Producer for Beauty and the Beast, then in 1989 moved up to Co-Supervising Producer. He was Executive Producer for Doorways, a pilot which he wrote for Columbia Pictures Television, which was filmed during 1992-93.

Martin's present home is Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is a member of Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (he was South-Central Regional Director 1977-1979, and Vice President 1996-1998), and of Writers' Guild of America, West.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,951 reviews
Profile Image for Col.
40 reviews4 followers
February 9, 2014
I'm seeing a lot of negative reviews about this book: people complaining about a slow story line and a ridiculously cruel world where anyone can be killed off without a second thought. My response is: if you want a quick, happy clappy mushy book, you need to get yourself to the romance section. Or even better, the young adult section.

My biggest pet peeve in books is feeling that characters are safe. I want people to die. I want people to be miserable. It tells me that the author is serious and that shit is going to get real. Sure, a happy moment every now and then would be nice, but the harsh realities in the world George Martin has created is a breath of fresh air. The character development is fantastic and I almost feel as if I've known these characters all my life. The story line can be slow at times, but that is what fantasy authors just tend to do, so get over it (LOTR, anyone?). Climactic events have me sitting on the proverbial edge of my seat because I know that it can go either way. Predictability has gone out the window, and although I like to believe I know where the story is going, George Martin proves time and time again that I just don't.

Now let me stop waffling and get on with the next book!
Profile Image for Shovelmonkey1.
353 reviews932 followers
October 5, 2011
Do you remember that bit in the Scream movie where Stu Macher (played by Matthew Lillard), turns to all the other film geeks and sets out the now famed set of rules for surviving a horror film and making it into the sequel? (FYI those rules were: Never have sex. Do not drink and never say “i’ll be right back”)

Well someone should be writing a similar set of rules for the characters in the Song of Fire and Ice Series because, oh boy are these guys in trouble. Despite the numerous sellswords, hedge knights, rogues, assassins, Sers and Lords running about the place in full armour and with more oversized silverware and valerian steel than the kitchen department at John Lewis, no one is more fearsome in the culling stakes than George RR Martin himself. Watch out Westeros, Wildlings beyond the wall and everyone in the Land Beyond the Sea... Martin has the biggest axe and no one can stop if from falling.... or knows where it might fall next!

Once again, this review will be scant on detail as it is impossible to discuss one iota of this epic without giving the game away and creating civil unrest amongst a legion of George RR Martin fans in the making. So... here’s what has happened so far:

XXXXX is dead
And so is XXXXX
XXXXX has been poisoned
Ooh and so was XXXXX but they had it coming really and the only tears you’d want to shed in their direction are Tears of Lys.
XXXXX is mortally wounded and so is XXXXX although probably it would only be a matter of time before the killed each other anyway.
XXXXX and XXXXX are both dead too.
XXXXX is also gone to the grave. XXXXX went to the grave and then came back.
And XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX all died in various battles but they were mostly just lesser characters with walk on/carried off parts anyway.
XXXXX died on the toilet.

None of them will be making it into the sequel unless they’re getting a free pass to Wight world.

XXXXX and surprisingly XXXXX are still alive. So is XXXXX.
XXXXX and XXXXX are on the run. XXXXX has become an unlikely ally. XXXXX and XXXXX are at the wall. The XXXXX has turned up and so has XXXXX. No one seems to be looking for XXXXX and XXXXX is out of sight and out of mind and growing in strength.

So, how do you learn to duck, quick enough and low enough to avoid the George RR Martin cull?

1. Don’t offer to be a king, appoint yourself as king or have any claim to any throne or kingdom anywhere. There are a lot of kings around at the moment too but believe me, there is no safety in numbers.
2. Don’t be a hero.
3. Don’t be a coward either.
4. Don’t treat with sellswords
5. Don’t become a born again religious convert.
6. Don’t be jealous.
7. Don’t be coveteous.
8. Don’t be related to any Starks.
9. Don’t be related to any Lannisters.
10. Don’t be in possession of anything that either the Starks, Lannisters, Tullys, Freys, Boltons, Baratheons, Targaryens, Florents, Redwynes, Umbers, Flynts, Fossoways, Kettlebacks, Ostermonts, Karstarks, Mollens, Talharts, Glovers, Seaworths, Greyjoys, Slynts, Celtigars, Cerwyns or Marbrands want.

In short there is very little you can do in order to make it into the sequel. Maybe your safest option would be to take the black?
Profile Image for Baba.
3,800 reviews1,252 followers
August 28, 2022
Book 3 of the 'Game of Thrones' series. As Winter continues to make its unstoppable approach we catch up with the ongoing saga of many Kings, Queens and the Houses of Lannister, Stark, Baratheon, Arryn, Frey, Martell, Tully, Florent etc. and the the Wildings, Night's Watch and introducing the Outlaws in this wonderfully absorbing saga, which whether your a fan of the plotting or not, is one of the most detailed constructed realities ever created, albeit strongly borrowing from the European Dark Ages and other pre-Middle Ages' eras. 9 out of 12

2015 read; 2012 read
Profile Image for Reynje.
272 reviews953 followers
April 16, 2013

Okay. You know what time it is (besides 9.00 p.m. on a Tuesday night) - ASoIaF gif reaction time!

So, after an extended break after reading A Clash of Kings, it was time to jump into A Storm of Swords.

jon snow ready photo GoT-GIF-3_zps69096c02.gif

And everything was good.

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.. Even the Davos chapters.

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And though slightly spoiled for part of the story, I was entirely unprepared for the feels.

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At first I was all, "This book is DEAD TO ME."

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Then my grief became anger.

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Then resignation..

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And finally determination.

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Until.. that ending.

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Profile Image for Charlotte May.
779 reviews1,253 followers
November 6, 2017
“Night’s King was only a man by light of day...but the night was his to rule. And it’s getting dark.”

This one is definitely a game changer! I’ve never known so many major and minor characters to be killed off in a book - must be some kind of record!
I really can’t say a lot without spoilers. The war for the iron throne is ongoing but it seems being away from the battle can be just as deadly as fighting in it!

“It was not for murder that the gods punished him...but for slewing a guest under his roof; that the gods cannot forgive.”

I am loving this series! All the action that is happening at the same time to the different characters in different areas is so addictive! I love seeing how the characters interlink - and I fear for what will happen to them all next!

Arya is about to head off across the water after escaping numerous brigands, Sansa has found new troubles in a new place, Bran keeps on travelling, Davos still fights on for Stannis despite his Red Priestess, Brienne has fulfilled part of her vow and is off to fulfill the rest. Jaime is changed from his time with Robb and Catelyn, Tyrion’s family issues just get worse! Jon and Sam are having their own problems on the wall, far removed from all those in the South. Daenerys is conquering the East city by city. And where is Theon Greyjoy?

Bring on A Feast for Crows!

“We are puppets dancing on the strings of those who came before us, and one day our own children will take up our strings and dance on in our stead.”
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
611 reviews478 followers
January 10, 2019
Ich bewundere George R. R. Martin von Band zu Band mehr. Das Worldbuilding ist grandios und detailverliebt. Der Schreibstil gewohnt fesselnd. Die Charaktere so einzigartig und echt. Und vor allem wird es einfach nicht langweilig mehr über alles und jeden zu lesen. Ich bin einfach verliebt in diese Geschichte, in unsere Helden und Antihelden (die witzigerweise für jeden anders liegen) und auch in die Art und Weise wie einem die Geschichte erzählt wird. Ich bin absoluter Fan von den vielen Erzählsträngen sowie von den damit einhergehenden Erzählperspektiven. Absolut bewundernswert finde ich auch wie Martin das alles irgendwie zeitlich und für den Leser logisch miteinander verwebt um diesen Epos zu erzählen.
Meine Entscheidung dieses Buch als erstes des Jahres 2019 zu lesen war goldrichtig!
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
611 reviews478 followers
January 26, 2019
Tja was soll ich sagen? Es ist Game of Thrones, natürlich bekommt es 5 Sterne. Aber davon abgesehen war es bisher eins der besten oder sogar das beste Buch aus der Reihe für mich! Es ist so viel passiert und es sind wahnsinnig viele Protagonisten gestorben. Auch merkt man in diesem Teil finde ich sehr stark den Unterschied zur Serie, was ich aber total mag! Das war jetzt auch der erste Band wo mir Sansa sympathischer wurde und obwohl das Buch gut 800 Seiten hat war es wieder viel zu schnell vorbei und ich spiele mit dem Gedanken direkt mit Band 7 durchzustarten...
Profile Image for Kai Spellmeier.
Author 7 books14.7k followers
December 6, 2017
"Night falls for all of us in the end, and too soon for some.”

Part 1 of A Storm of Swords was less exciting than it's companions. I grew tired of most of the character's plot lines and couldn't get enough of others. I especially love that we finally get introduced to the Tyrells and the Dornish people. They definitely belong to my favourite characters and make all the events in King's Landing even more exciting.

While I really like Brienne I don't care much for yet another long journey with unexpected (parts annoying) turns through Westeros. They stumble and get dragged through places and by characters that I do not have any interest in - same goes for Arya. And I don't like Jaime very much. Catelyn's story is pretty much the same every time, a lot of mourning and sorrow. While I like her and Robb very much, it's still unnerving. Davos and Stannis would be extremely boring as well if it weren't for the Red Lady.

So here are the many POVs, starting with the chapters I liked the most down to the ones I didn't:


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Profile Image for Kristin.
27 reviews
May 4, 2011
Better than the last book, not as good as the first. Altogether an interesting story, but the pace of the series is very slow and if GRRM mentions one more banner/sigil, I'm gonna lose it...
Profile Image for podczytany.
244 reviews5,470 followers
February 11, 2024
Wyśmienita. Im więcej wiem o tym świecie, tym bardziej doceniam tę historię. Wszystko tu jest tak dobrze przemyślane. Wszystko jest tak długofalowe… Nigdy nie o chłonę mówiąc o tym świecie.

Ocena: 5,0.
Profile Image for Charlotte May.
779 reviews1,253 followers
October 3, 2017
"The world grows a little darker each day."

Still plowing my way through A Song of Ice and Fire! Book 3 part 1 completed! The plots thicken and intermix, a rising host of new characters to cause a stir are introduced and the battles between kings rages on!

Catelyn: with Robb - the King in the North fighting battle after battle. Reeling from the knowledge concerning Winterfell and her two youngest sons, she makes a reckless decision that she hopes will protect her two daughters.

"It was different when there was a Stark in Winterfell. But the old wolf's dead and young ones gone south to play the game of thrones, and all that's left us is the ghosts."

Sansa: No longer betrothed to King Joffrey but imprisoned in Kings Landing all the same. Another marriage is arranged for her that none are happy about.

Arya: Still on the run with Hot Pie and Gendry, they come across a band of outlaws following the Lord of Light who have sworn to return her to Robb.

Bran: Heading North with Meera and Jojen, his Warg powers growing ever stronger.

Jon: After his ranging mission gone wrong, he hides out with Ygritte planning his next move. While the Wildlings plot their attack on the wall.

"The north is hard and cold, and has no mercy."

Samwell: I was so pleased Sam got a POV in this book. I love him! He remains with the Nights Watch and the Lord Commander. Awaiting any further news concerning the Wildlings, while fear of the Others grows more and more palpable.

Tyrion: Still one of my faves! Living in the nest of vipers that is Kings Landing. Keeping his secrets and plots.

Jaime: Another one who gets his own POV in this book! Thrown together with Brienne of Tarth to cross the country with Kings Landing as the ultimate goal. But of course things don't go according to plan.

Davos: My other favourite! I love Davos, the underdog that he is! Still loyal to Stannis Baratheon, and recovering from the battle of the black water. He helps Stannis plan his next move, keeping his hatred of the red priestess Melisandre to himself.

Daenerys: Last but absolutely not least! Dany is growing in her power and becoming more Queen-like every day! Her army is growing and she is as ruthless as ever.

Still absolutely captivated by this world and it's characters! Let's keep going!

"Old stories are like old friends...you have to visit them from time to time."
Profile Image for Jadranka.
260 reviews155 followers
February 10, 2017

Martin i u Oluji mačeva na vrhunski način nastavlja svoju sagu o borbi za Gvozdeni presto.
Na moju radost Džejmi Lanister konačno dobija svoje poglavlje. Jako mi se dopada u kom pravcu Martin vodi njegovu priču i moram reći da mi je on omiljeni Lanister, antiheroj koga u početku niko ne voli, a onda malo po malo nekako ti se prišunja i postane ti drag...pa, dobro meni bar. On je zapravo, kad pogledamo celu priču, jedini koji sve što radi - radi zbog ljubavi, dobro nije to baš najzdraviji odnos koji je mogao da izgradi, ali njega ne zanima ni da vlada, niti da se petlja u celu špansku seriju odnosa i spletki, on siromah samo želi da ga svi puste na miru da voli ženu koju je izabrao, što je meni kao devojci ono kao cool....naravno da nije te nesrećne okolnosti, ali dobro niko nije savršen ;)

Osim Džejmija svoje poglavlje je zaslužio i Semvel Ubica. Ne znam kako je sa ostalim čitaocima Martinovog serijala, ali ja nikako ne mogu da izbacim iz glave poređenje Martinovog Sema i Tolkinovog Sema - nekako mi se čini da ima tu poprilično sličnosti: verni saputnik jednog od glavnih junaka, bucko koji nije u prvom planu, a ipak od njega zavisi dosta toga, preplašeni učesnik bitnih događaja koji ipak pronalazi svoju hrabrost u ključnim momentima...I jako mi je zanimljivo da pratim tok misli lika koji nije sav hrabrica i junačina nego je preplašen i ne zna šta će sa sobom.

S druge strane moram da priznam da mi Stanis i nije baš najjasniji....tačnije Stanis je jedini lik do sada u pogledu koga sam potpuno ravnodušna. Nadam se da će se malo konkretizovati njegova uloga u svemu i da će pokazati zube onoj Crvenoj beštiji.
Što se ostalih junaka tiče: Sansa me i dalje nervira, Arja je sve bolja, Džon Snežni postaje pravi macan :), a od Tiriona očekujem daleko više u nastavku, Deneris mi je malo falila, ali kad pomislim šta me čeka u Gozbi za vrane treba da budem zadovoljna i ovim.
Sve u svemu uživala sam i jedva čekam nastavak :)
Profile Image for James.
609 reviews121 followers
December 6, 2011
This is the ending that book three should have had. The first half, A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow, just wasn't strong enough to stand on its own. But that's okay as the second half more than makes up for it. From the off, there are bodies. Not just secondary characters either, but people we thought were going to be key players in The Game.

A number of characters get built out a lot more as well. Jamie continues his transition to three-dimensions with the start of a conscience. Stannis starts to come out of his shell a little and Petyr's role in the history so far starts to make a lot more sense – he did warn us not to trust him!

As a combined single book it would have been a five star rating, as part two more than rescues any failings in part one. I strongly suggest reading them back to back, and thinking of them as one logical book, if you're going to buy them individually.
Profile Image for William Gwynne.
433 reviews2,443 followers
December 10, 2022
I have finished part 1 of A Storm of Swords! It won the vote on The Brothers Gwynne (a channel I run with my brother), so I am reading it this month! Absolutely loved the first two instalments, and I hear that this is most peoples favourite instalment of the series.... A high bar has been set, and so far it is reaching it! The constant tension is fantastic. I love the character interactions, and the longer I spend in this world the fresher and more unique and entrancing it becomes.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews328 followers
April 11, 2018
A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow (A Song of Ice and Fire #3, Part 2 of 2), George R.R. Martin
A Storm of Swords is the third of seven planned novels in A Song of Ice and Fire, a fantasy series by American author George R. R. Martin. It was first published on August 8, 2000, in the United Kingdom,[1] with a United States edition following in November 2000. Its publication was preceded by a novella called Path of the Dragon, which collects some of the Daenerys Targaryen chapters from the novel into a single book.
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: از دوازدههم تا بیست و هشتم ماه می سال 2015 میلادی
عنوان: طوفان شمشیرها کتاب دوم از جلد 3 (نغمه آتش و یخ، #3)؛ نویسنده: جورج آر. آر. مارتین؛ مترجم: رویا خادم الرضا؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، ویدا، 1393، در 789 ص، و دو ص نقشه، شابک: 9786002910752؛
طوفان شمشیرها سومین کتاب از مجموعه رمان فانتزی حماسی: ترانه یخ و آتش، اثر نویسنده آمریکایی: جرج آر. آر. مارتین است. در حال حاضر این کتاب طولانی‌ترین کتاب مجموعه است. با توجه به طولانی بودن کتاب در برخی کشورها از جمله استرالیا این کتاب به دو بخش تقسیم شده و به چاپ رسیده است. چکیده: داستان طوفان شمشیرها کمی پیش از داستان کتاب پیشین است. هفت پادشاهی هنوز درگیر جنگ پنج شاه هستند. شاه‌ های باقی‌مانده راب استارک، بالون گری‌جوی، جوفری باراتئون و استانیس باراتئون برای حفظ قدرتشان در جنگ برای حفظ موقعیت خودشان هستند. جنگ داخلی مردم عادی را از بین می‌برد. این داستان از دید ده شخصیت اصلی گفته می‌شود و یک پیش‌ مقدمه و یک شخصیت پس مقدمه هم دارد که در کل دوازده گوینده داستان حضور دارند. راویان: پیش مقدمه چت برادر و نگهدارنده سگها؛ سر جیمی لنیستر پسر بزرگ تایوین لنیستر برادر تیریون لنیستر؛ جان اسنو پسر حرام زاده ادارد استارک؛ بانو کتلین استارک؛ تیریون لنیستر؛ سانسا استارک؛ آریا استارک؛ برن استارک؛ سمول تارلی؛ سر داووس سی‌ورس؛ ملکه دنریس تارگرین؛ پس مقدمه: مرت فری؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews328 followers
May 29, 2017
A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow (A Song of Ice and Fire #3, Part 1 of 2), George R.R. Martin
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: از بیست و ششم آوریل سال 2015 تا 12 می سال 2015 میلادی
عنوان: طوفان شمشیرها کتاب 1 از جلد 3 (نغمه آتش و یخ، #3)؛ نویسنده: جورج آر. آر. مارتین؛ مترجم: رویا خادم الرضا؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، ویدا، 1393، در 737 ص و شش صفحه نقشه، شابک: 9786002910745؛
طوفان شمشیرها سومین کتاب از مجموعه رمان فانتزی حماسی ترانه یخ و آتش، اثر نویسنده آمریکایی جرج آر. آر. مارتین است. در حال حاضر این کتاب طولانی‌ترین کتاب مجموعه است. با توجه به طولانی بودن کتاب در برخی کشورها این کتاب به دو بخش تقسیم شده و به چاپ رسیده است. داستان طوفان شمشیرها کمی پیش از داستان کتاب پیشین است. هفت پادشاهی هنوز درگیر جنگ پنج شاه هستند. شاه‌های باقی‌مانده: راب استارک، بالون گری‌ جوی، جوفری باراتئون، و استانیس باراتئون، برای حفظ قدرت و موقعیت خودشان هستند. جنگ داخلی مردم عادی را از بین می‌برد. داستان از دید ده شخصیت اصلی روایت می‌شود و یک پیش‌ مقدمه و یک شخصیت پس مقدمه هم دارد که در کل دوازده گوینده داستان حضور دارد: پیش مقدمه چت برادر و نگهدارنده سگها؛ سر جیمی لنیستر پسر بزرگ تایوین لنیستر برادر تیریون لنیستر؛ جان اسنو پسر نامشروع ادارد استارک؛ بانو کتلین استارک؛ تیریون لنیستر؛ سانسا استارک؛ آریا استارک؛ برن استارک؛ سموئل تارلی؛ سر داووس سی‌ورس؛ ملکه دنریس تارگرین؛ پس مقدمه: مرت فری؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Jade.
804 reviews10 followers
July 27, 2010
My favourite book of the series so far! I will not ruin it for anybody, but this book turned me into an emotional reck in the best and worse possible ways. It gave me moments were I found myself jumping round like a child who actually did get a pony for christmas, moments when I bawled like a baby and finally, moments when I was yelling my head off, threatening to never read another page and swearing like a banshee. This series needs to form part of everyone's life - it is so unpredictable and engrossing that it has to be up there with the greats.
Profile Image for LENA TRAK.
129 reviews124 followers
April 21, 2018
Seven hells...what did I just read?😱🐺

A Storm of Swords or as I call it the wedding book is by far the best book in the series ASOIAF!
Long yes, but for those of you who have watched or heard about the series this book describes the events we have watched both in season 3 and 4 ! Though, I have to say I have read about things they never showed us in the series(YET?) and I'm not talking about about small details, I'm talking about major stuff...Well I can't say anymore without spoiling something..But the epilogue left me speechless!

I couldn't find the full edition of the 3rd book so I bought part 1 and part 2. Due to their length it felt like reading 2 books so it was pretty obvious to me that the first part (abt 600 pages) was not so action-packed as I expected, so I gave it 4 stars. But boy, the second part was like 10 stars!
Like I said there are a lot of weddings described in this book and I personally hate weddings but these were really something! Master Martin makes sure you will cry, laugh, even bite your nails while reading this book. I think I have said that before, but I really love the fact that each chapter is told through a different character each time so we get a deeper insight into our beloved heroes while viewing the events from their perspective! Jaime appears to be a major character now, there's a lot being narrated from his point of view, but if I am not mistaken this is Arya's book! Her journey becomes even more treacherous and difficult and strangely enough it seems that most of the events revolve around her. I best liked Tyrion, Bran and Jaime-Brienne chapters!

I really don't know what else to say!!! I can't wait to get my hands on the next book!

Fantasy lovers enjoy!!!
Profile Image for Exitgirl05.
153 reviews78 followers
May 18, 2019
Ne znam ja ništa, Džone Snežni! Ali svidja mi se pravac u kom jašeš... :)
Profile Image for Amy | littledevonnook.
201 reviews1,184 followers
February 19, 2016
I have slowly been making my way through the Song of Ice and Fire series and this has been my favourite of what I have read so far. In case you are wondering I have watched all of the TV show so I do know what is going to happen in the books before I read them but this doesn’t really bother me. I won’t go into detail about the plot of this book as I wouldn’t want to spoil it for anyone but I would definitely recommend to anyone who hasn’t yet picked up the series. All of my favourites characters were doing awesome things in this book and I simply loved it! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Profile Image for Kirstine.
466 reviews589 followers
November 14, 2015

Allow me to finally applaud you, George R.R. Martin without apprehension or dissatisfaction, without a hint of weariness or disappointment. Allow me to finally pass beyond the "I want to love it, but I don't" into "I was swept away by fire and ice and I ascend now as a different woman".

My favourite things about this book:
1) Jon Snow's every move (the light of my heart)
2) Jaime's journey to discover morals, honor and true love

Now, I can't tell you what it was about this installment that finally did it. I have absolutely no clue why I have found the past three books so tedious to get through while this one passed by as easy as breathing.

That most of the current plot lines culminated, crashed and made way for new ones was definitely a major influence. A Game of Thrones would have been brilliant if I hadn't watched the show first, but it suffered a bit from too many character introductions and too little happening. A Clash of Kings was chaos and confusion and a shitload of pain. A Storm of Swords pt. 1 was no better, but with nothing happening for the first 300 pages and some of the chaos bleeding through from ACoK it wasn't exactly thrilling, it was mostly just a mess of characters and plots and whatnot.

This, however, this is the book I've been waiting for. This is the reason I persisted and struggled through the others.

This is where I finally come face to face with the greatness that you've all been babbling about, but that I had yet to see.

This is in many ways the conclusion to the events that followed the execution of Ned Stark, which makes it a more pleasant read, because instead of throwing us more plotlines again and again and again, it actually explains some of it. It doesn't whirl the characters about, and throws them into rocks with sand in their eyes, it manages to ground them a bit instead.

(When I say "pleasant" I, of course, don't mean to imply it will not cause you emotional pain and take a few stabs at your soul.)

Still, those who have to die, die (and there aren't exactly few), those who don't, grieve and survive. And through it they all seem to find their feet a little better in this new world, even with the scales shifting and the balance thrown. They've gone from being lost creatures to having some resemblance of purpose - and just like the characters, the story has also grown and matured.

I still don't give much of a damn about Dany - and a few of the other characters, shh -, she's a great character and all, but until I am told what purpose she serves for the story, I'm gonna continue not giving a damn. I can't help it, she's over there, everyone else is over here and I won't care until her dragons are huge and can carry her across the sea.

Let's see if this experience will repeat itself with the next books or if I have to wait three books again. Oh well, if I have to, I will.
Profile Image for Zoe Artemis Spencer Reid.
568 reviews127 followers
June 19, 2017
There is no way I would ever not love any of A Song of Ice and Fire 's book. Once I got obsessed with the first book and love the characters with all my heart, it will goes the same for all its successor. But I have to admit that Part 1 of A Storm of Swords is a bit of slow paced even for a High Fantasy. There are a lot of unnecessary chapters in which the POV dragged in pointless story line, and encounter all these bunch of insignificant characters. Apart from that, this book is fantastic, those characters we love are going through great development and growth in their lives, and the possibilities of twist and turn of this series drive me crazy. I hope the second part will be more fast paced and I expect it will be more blood curling.
Profile Image for Laura Evlolle.
76 reviews287 followers
June 26, 2017
Dieser Teil hat mir bisher bei weitem am besten gefallen! Es ist so unfassbar viel passiert und ich bin aus dem Staunen gar nicht rausgekommen. Absolut geil!
Profile Image for Paul.
1,314 reviews2,076 followers
February 4, 2023
Well the field is thinning out a bit. Martin has killed off a few of the main characters, even POV characters. He is also adding new POV characters on different sides and giving the “baddies” a platform too. All sides have a perspective and there is nuance in many of the characters that was less obvious at the beginning. The advantage of using thousands of pages to tell the story.
There is plenty of treachery and deception and plenty of very good reasons for avoiding weddings. The morality is cruel and brutal, particularly in relation to sex and sexual relations. There is religion, more than one, although they are not quite as well developed as some other aspects of the culture.
There’s been a bit of grumpiness about well-loved characters being killed off, particularly in relation to the Starks, but Martin seems to have no favourites. Winter is still coming!
28 reviews61 followers
August 27, 2021
Dark Wings, Dark Words.

This is probably the most less action book in the series by far. But by the end, a lot is happening. Steel and Snow is the first half of A Storm of Swords, the third volume in the series. So its end is just the middle of the book. I am not going to deny, the story-line starts out really boring and slow-paced, but it will pick up its pace soon enough. George R.R. Martin said in a note at the beginning of the book that the opening chapters do not follow the the closing chapters in the second volume as much as they overlap them.

As usual, there are new perspective chapters to replace those who were gone or dead. The first one is Ser Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer. The book opens up with Jaime and Brienne while they are on their way to King's Landing, in order to exchange him with Sansa Stark. It was not good to be in his mind as much as it was interesting and important, in a way. For the first time, one can understand his motives and his seamy behaviors, and a little bit of his complex, incestuous relation with his sister Cersei. The presence with Brienne alongside him all over their journey made her take the role of the reader who knows nothing of him except what he would've heard. Despite that, she judged him and called him "Oathbreaker" a dozen of times through their dialogues. He was not very polite with her, too. For he is an arrogant man, he mocked her all the time and called her "Wench." His last chapter, in which contains the Bath part, is certainly the best. This is when Jaime confesses to Brienne about his past, and told her why he slew the king he has swore to protect. He was good and brave, but now he's not. Not evil, but not good all the same.

When Robb returned to Riverrun and discovered his mother's so-called treason, he forgave her and told her that he understands her reason. He did not blame her, maybe because he is a good son, but maybe also not to give her the chance to blame him for what he did. "I have won every battle, yet somehow I'm losing the war." And from scourge to torment and torment to scourge, Catelyn Stark is still the most strong and miserable mother in the Seven Kingdoms.

Afterwards, came my favorite character's chapter, Arya Stark's. She is still on her way to her parents at Riverrun in company of Gendry and Hot Pie. Her story-line has a lot of events earlier, in comparison to the other characters'. She meets Thoros of Myr, from the "Brotherhood Without Banners" who is serving no king, but rather aiming to save the world, and worshiping the one true God, The Lord of Light, R'hallor. The most thrilling chapter, when Lord Beric Dondarrion is introduced and fought. He is really one of the most characters I liked and one of of the main reasons I liked this book although he is probably a minor character and didn't appear that much.

This is only the beginning of a dire time for Tyrion. After the Battle at Blackwater, and Lannister's thunderous victory on Stannis, Lord Tywin Lannister returned at King's Landing and took Tyrion's place. Tyrion's end at A Clash of Kings was depressing, yet fair in my opinion. He was very idiot in Book Two, spending his whole time with a whore. Now that he woke up and returned to his wits with a scar on his face which made him look more monstrous than he already was, he discovers he is now nothing. He sees treason in every one he's known, even Bronn. Until he met his father, this part was truly rough for Tyrion and very cruel from his father. We understand how his father mistreats and persecutes him and why, and how he feels towards this. His tracending rage and the winds of anger were very convincing and credible.

One of my favorite characters, too, is Ser Davos. The loyal man who was though to be dead at the Battle, but he lived. When he returned, he found out that Stannis is now completely charmed by Melisandre, and was thinking that Davos is the reason behind his defeat against the Lannisters, for he was the man who convinced him not to take the Red Woman. And Davos was convinced that she is the one behind it. After a lot of suffering until the last chapter of the book, he was finally able to advise his Lord on the next move, and thought it would be wiser not to insist on keeping Melisandre away. "For the night is dark and full of terrors."

Sansa, however, is still at King's Landing, no longer betrothed to Joffrey. After her father's execution and all the stuff that happened, she finally realized there is a game to be played. Book Two was her best, I think, she was wise, choosing her words carefully and not trusting anybody in this realm of malicious vipers. Yet somehow, in this book, she is back to her stupid Book One character. The Tyrells are cunningly approaching her through Margeary, Loras, and the very funny Lady Olena. Sansa still imagines herself being wed to a Prince and have his babies...

Jon Snow has now one of the best story-lines which is definitely better than A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings. He went with this wildling young, beautiful girl Ygritte, who is kissed by fire, and the other wildlings beyond the Wall. He met their king and their people and knew many things about them. But to make them certain that he is one of them and no longer a crow of the Night's Watch, he must break the oaths he took... Will he? We all must admire the writer for turning the most boring story-line to be the richier one.

I almost hated Daenerys' chapters in the previous volumes, she is a very good character and a strong Queen but she hadn't get the chance to actually do something! She just gave birth to her Dragons, which was great but not enough for two massive books of almost a thousand pages each. In this book, she travels to Astapor in order to buy an army for her. She faces a lot of hardships in her way, of course, but she did what she aimed for because she is a very strong woman. Her "Dracarys" scene is a mind-blowing part in the book and a point where the path of events totally changes.

Bran also didn't do anything but few in this book. He is still on his way to Jon at the Wall with Osha and Hodor. He has his visions. He meets someone alike. That's almost everything, that's why many get disappointed. But I think it was good, I started to like Bran a lot. Being with him while nothing so important is happening makes the reader know him more and predict his deeds in the moments of tension.

Finally, the second character who gets his own POV chapters is Samwell Tarly, Jon Snow's fat friend from the Night's Watch. I was not pleased at all by his mere presence in the books. He's a good person but I don't really think he's even useful. His chapters were so boring, to be honest.

I've missed Theon, I hated him but I now realize he was interesting...
Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
724 reviews4,199 followers
July 4, 2020
“In King’s Landing, there are two sorts of people. The players and the pieces.”

A Storm of Swords is responsible for so many of the now-iconic moments from Game of Thrones. The Red Wedding, The Purple Wedding, and so much more.

So it's not surprising this is such a well-loved instalment of the series. I do have to agree with the masses and say this is the best of the ASOIAF books so far.

The first half is excellently plotted with meticulous character and political arcs, and the second half is a whirlwind of action and drama that undermines expectations over and over. Sam and Davos are extremely boring but, beside their chapters, I genuinely loved every POV included in this book and every character and plot arc. AND THAT EPILOGUE !!

“You are grown so very great now, yet the higher a man climbs the farther he has to fall.”

And onto A Feast for Crows! Who knows when I'll get to it, though. I like that this is a world I can easily jump in and out of. I did have a lot of fun with this though, and I'll be looking forward to seeing what comes next (especially since I believe we're getting to the point where the book and show start to really deviate)
Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
724 reviews4,199 followers
July 20, 2019
“Why would the stars want to look down on such as me?”

A Storm of Swords is definitely a lot slower than it's predecessors. In this book, there's a sense everything is just on the verge of falling apart, like everyone is moving into position and soon there will be utter chaos. So I enjoyed the scheming, the political machinations, the set-ups and the lore that we get throughout this book - but I also found parts of it quite slow.

My favourite part of this book was definitely the backstory and history we get about the characters and the world. A lot if about Rhaegar, Aerys and Roberts Rebellion. I always find worldbuilding and history really interesting and engaging in fantasies so these bits really drew me in. While I did know a bit of it from the TV show, getting more was nice. And I really like how much George RR Martin has actually thought out this world and the histories and backstories of the characters. He reveals just enough to transform our perceptions of them without defining them - like Jaime for example, and I think that's fun.

I also noticed George R.R Martins writing a lot more in this. It was a little more poetic than the past two books which I appreciated.

My least favourite bit is how much TRAVELLING there is. Arya and Jaime's chapters are pretty much just them walking around and it was definitely boring. I think there was too many POVs in this with not enough for each of them to do, because although we hear from each character a few times, most of them don't actually have much to do.

My favourite to least favourite POVs are as follows:


“The world grows a little darker every day.”

Yes, unpopular opinion but I love Catelyn's chapters. I feel her pain! And I think the entire Stark camp is the one that has the most happening. Also I know whats about to happen and I want to appreciate them while I can.

Daenerys is one of my least favourite characters (another unpopular opinion) but I liked her scenes in this book especially in Qarth. Truly epic and iconic. Also I liked the reflection on Rhaegar/Aerys and the Targaryens reign in Westeros.

Sansa is MY GIRL and I like all the Kings Landing politics. Same reason I liked Tyrion's chapters.

I like Bran. I like Jojen and Meera. Their travel chapters were just more interesting to me than the others and also Bran had Summer with him and I'm just a sucker for those good boy wolves

“I'm not a lady, Arya wanted to tell her, I'm a wolf.”

Anyway, Game of Thrones is like a friendly warm fantasy world to return to. Which, I know sounds weird since it's brutal, but since I know the characters and the world and the majority of the story from the show it's such an easy and fun thing to return to and experience in a new way.

ANYWAYS I'm not sure when I'll get to A Storm of Swords part II. I'll be slowly making my way through this series since I want to catch up and be ready for the new release (when it's hopefully actually coming.)
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,177 reviews64 followers
May 29, 2010
Possibly the most devastating, awesome, exciting and surprising instalment yet, and I'm starting to get a sneaking suspicion that the real story is only just starting...

If you'd told me during the first book that by this point I would be pinning all of my hopes on The Hound and Jaime freaking Lannister, of all people, I'd have thought you were certifiable. But that would appear to be where we are at the moment, with Jaime in particular evolving into being one of the more interesting characters.

Containing a ton of gruesome deaths it's now quite clear that absolutely no character is safe in this story, and I'm really enjoying being taken along on the remaining characters stories. I can only begin to imagine what may happen now with Arya possibly on her way to a reunion with Jaqen, Jon commanding the Wall and Tyrion having, awesomely, killed Tywin Lannister. Can't wait to find out...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paul.
1,314 reviews2,076 followers
January 16, 2023
“The greatest fools are ofttimes more clever than the men who laugh at them.”
Martin continues to manage multiple plot lines and lots of plates spinning at once. I am reading a historical book about the women around the Norman Conquest and to be honest there is a certain similarity and it’s just as bloody and treacherous.
Gradually there seem to be fewer surprises and some characters have become a bit predictable, but I’m sure Martin is just lulling into a false sense of security. It’s as much a chess game as anything and the dragons are growing.
It’s all escapist nonsense, but sometimes it’s what I need.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,951 reviews

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