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Rough Riders #10

Cowgirls Don't Cry

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Good girls can play rough too

Jessie McKay has accepted her marriage to Luke McKay wasn't perfect. After two years of widowhood, she s ready to kick up her bootheels until Luke s younger brother shows up to spoil her fun. But if Brandt thinks she ll ever take orders from another McKay male, he s got manure for brains.

Brandt McKay has avoided his sweet, sexy sister-in-law ever since the night he confessed his feelings for her weren't the brotherly type. Unexpectedly faced with proof of Luke s infidelity, Brandt is forced to ask for Jessie s help in taking care of Luke s young son. Jessie agrees on one condition she wants Brandt s boots exclusively under her bed for the duration.

The sexual heat that s always simmered between them ignites. Brandt is determined to make the temporary situation permanent, proving to Jessie he s a one-woman man. And Jessie is shaken by feelings she s sworn never to have again for any man especially not a McKay.Warning: Contains branding-iron-hot sex, the one McKay on earth who wants to be tamed, and a woman who s decided tame is for nice girls who finish last."

242 pages, ebook

First published November 9, 2010

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About the author

Lorelei James

113 books8,181 followers
Lorelei James is New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary erotic westerns and erotic romances. She lives in western South Dakota.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 333 reviews
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,592 reviews582 followers
January 3, 2020
D.N.F. at the prologue!

Equal opportunity grossness.

Big fat DNF as the heroine is orally servicing another guy as the hero watches in the wings, waiting to jump in to protect for the gang bang that's a coming. And they say romance is dead.

Keep it coming!

Profile Image for MelissaB.
725 reviews340 followers
November 11, 2010
** 3 1/2 stars **

I have loved the last few Rough Riders books so I was suprised at some of the stuff I found in Cowgirls Don't Cry. Most of the book was pretty good but it just wasn't up to the quality of the last few books.

First off, I have to address the horrible prologue. It was the worst beginning I have ever read in a book. The heroine is at a party with a loser guy who is drunk and stoned. She goes off with him to have sex even after he invites other random guys to join in with them. She is drunk but there is no excuse for doing something that dumb, trashy and dangerous at her age - she isn't 16 and drunk for the first time. Brandt tries to stop her but she won't leave, she gives the loser a BJ and fully intended to sleep with him possibly in front of Brandt, but the loser guy passed out while giving her oral with the hero watching. Wow. What in the world was the author thinking? These actions do not fit with the heroine's personality at all. It was a sleezy, disgusting scene that started this book of at a nasty place and made me feel dirty. I also seriously questioned the heroine's intelligence and maturity. If she wanted to finally sleep with another man, why didn't she go on a date or find someone decent? Basically, I had to sort of scrub this incident from my mind to enjoy the rest of the book.

After the bad beginning that didn't fit the main character's personalities, the story was actually pretty good. I liked Brandt and Jessie as a couple even though they both seemed a little insecure sometimes. Jessie did get some backbone in the story but I had trouble with the fact that she let her deceased husband cheat on her and never really stood up for herself or confronted him about it, she just ignored it - that is just crazy to me. She does show growth in the story, she was willing to fight for Brandt when a girl tries to come onto him. Brandt was a nice guy but I hated how he let his nasty father walk all over him, I wish he would have stood up for himself and Jessie better.

I had one other issue: what is with all these McKay kids? Why do they all have like six kids? And why are four women breast feeding together at the same time? It's a bit much even for someone who likes kids.

I did like some parts of Jessie and Brandt's romance. I would recommend skipping the prologue so you don't have to try to scrub it from your brain like I did. Hopefully the next Rough Riders book will get back on track.
Profile Image for Ridley.
359 reviews345 followers
November 10, 2010
I hardly know how to rate and review this. The prologue is downright repugnant, the middle is just sorta so-so but then the last few chapters are great.

The book opens with Brandt McKay watching his nearly naked sister-in-law Jessie McKay from afar as an intoxicated guy invites people into his camping trailer to join them for some raunchy group sex. Having been in love with his brother's widow for years, despite her turning him down a year ago when he declared himself, he follows them to the camper, stopping to scare off aspiring participants along the way. Inside, he watches Jessie blow this guy, then lies with her as the guy goes down on her - watching the guy pass out drunk midway through.

Not sure what that was about, but that's our prologue. WTF?

The actual story starts four months later, at Keely and Jack's wedding reception. That's where Jessie slugs Brandt in the stomach for not listening to her when she told him she didn't want to talk. Unfortunately for her, he has an important issue to talk to her about. He's recently become the temporary guardian of his brother's child - fathered when he was sleeping around on Jessie - while the mother is in prison on a DUI charge. Due to his father being a mean drunk with control issues, he can't enlist his parents' help, so Jessie's the only person he can think of to ask for help, inappropriate as that may be. He can't bear to turn his nephew over to the state foster care system.

Jessie is, of course, wary of helping to raise her dead husband's love child, even temporarily. On the one hand, she doesn't want to get involved with the by product of her husband's infidelities, and on the other, she doesn't want to fall in love with a child that can't be her own. Ultimately, she can't say no and place the child at the mercy of either the state or her nasty father-in-law, so she agrees to live with Brandt and the child for the next few months.

This book was a bit more uneven than I'm used to from Ms. James. That prologue never should have seen the light of day. Her editor should have said, "I know you're trying to show Jessie moving on after her husband's death by owning her sexuality, but do it in a way that 1. doesn't make me want to vomit in my own mouth and 2. doesn't make Jessie look like a half-wit. I'm lighting this on fire for your own protection." I thought it added nothing to the story but squick.

The baby premise is...interesting. I'm still not sure it was a contrivance, as it did wrap up surprisingly well, but neither did it feel natural. It was a rather heavy-handed way of bringing these two reluctant lovers together via having them play house. I guess it was a clever way of showing Jessie learning to love someone for who they are rather than what they represent, with Brandt being more than just her brother-in-law and another McKay and the toddler Landon being more than a product of her husband's infidelity.

Still, the romance felt forced at times. In most of their other interactions, Jessie comes off as a self-reliant, take charge sort of woman and Brandt was the hard-working, quiet, self-controlled pleaser and provider. Yet, James seemed to want to force them to fit her bossy man/submissive woman formula when it came to the romance and sex. I thought it seemed a bit backwards considering their personality types.

Due to the baby plot and the questionable romance dynamic, the middle bogged down a bit for me. Then, all of a sudden, the book picks up the pace in the last few chapters. The romance reaches a more natural-feeling dynamic, the baby plot resolves in a way I honestly didn't expect, Brandt's family drama explodes and his hitherto one-dimensional father is fleshed out. It adds drama and twists and turns, setting the stage for future books without shamelessly sequel baiting.

So, it's a hard book to rate with all these ups and downs. I'd say it starts a 2, spends the bulk of the book as a 3 then ends on a 4 or 4.5. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone unfamiliar with the series, but for readers already invested in the Rough Riders world, it's a worthwhile addition.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,116 followers
June 3, 2016
This ended up being a re-read for me...It was a great refresher to get back to this series with...I am beginning to realize I was a lot further on in the series than I thought!! LOL Too many books to remember...I am thinking I have already read the next two books as well...Gotta figure this out!!

Anyway, another great, sexy read from Lorelei James. If you haven't ever read one of her Cowboy books before....start with the McKay brothers...Holy smoly these books are beyond hot and kinky!!! You get all kinds of interesting scenarios when it comes to this series. If you are a reader that prefers your sex scenes mild and inside the box...then you most certainly do NOT want to read this series!!! Whew...but if you are like me and like some variety in your life...then this is the series for you!!!
June 27, 2011
oh wow. brandt mckay just shot right to the top of my mckay men list. such a sweet, thoughtful, sexy intense cowboy. and my heart broke for jessie, what a bad situation to be thrust into. i loved the way this ended. i thought when they first started taking care of landon that i wanted them to keep him. but i'm really glad it didn't turn out that way. i'm glad that got a fresh start.

and i really wanted to cut luke's balls off. what a prick. guess he gets that from his dad casper who's an even bigger prick. i'm so glad joan left his mean old ass.

can't wait for the next books. i know we get chase and tell. i hope to see dalton and ben too.

i love this family so much. this book was well worth the wait.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,636 followers
March 10, 2020
I am not a prude but I can't get down with a heroine that has no respect for herself and is willing to be passed around by a bunch of piss drunk strangers.


The opening to this book was a turn off. The heroine, Jessie, gets drunk with a bunch of guys and get's carried off by some drunk jerk to his trailer. He announces along the way that anyone is welcome to join in for some gangbang action and the lead female is cool with that.

So when the hero, Brandt, intervenes and puts a stop to the ganging...I honestly didn't care. I was no longer invested in Jessie's HEA.
Profile Image for ♥  Sam ♥.
348 reviews9 followers
November 14, 2010
Grrrrr I just wrote out an awesome review but hit the wrong button at the wrong time and lost it all. I am not re-writing it all, ill just do a summary of what I wrote.

Okay so the was just another book from Miz Lorelei James. Please someone, tell me how this woman can keep it up!

The sex between the main characters is hot...but its the emotionally charged atmosphere that has you holding your breath and biting your nails.

Im loving how with each book we get a closer look into this circle of family she's created. Their lives, tragedies, loves and their good times. Full of hot and steamy love scenes but its always the cowboys that get under my skin ( and wishful thinking, into my pants..)

So if you like your romance HOT but sweet, this is the perfect book for you.
Profile Image for Ang -PNR Book Lover Reviews.
1,738 reviews146 followers
September 28, 2011
OK WOW where do you begin!!
This was a long time coming, and i am glad it is done cos Brandt and Jessie were meant to be together!!
I am so crushing on Brandt now tho!!
This was an awesome book, and to see more into the other McCay cousins was so cool, Tell and Dalton were to cool and sweet with Landon!! i loved that we got to see all the regulars as well..
And What a freaking A hole Casper is!!! I mean G i could smack him in the head!! I hope he has whats coming to him and more!!
I Really loved this book alot!!
I hope we hear about these two love birds so more in the next up coming books!!

So look at Chase McCay, i think he is the next story!! Shall be interesting seeming we didnt get to see him much! We dont even know who he is going to be hooking up with, unless it is his PR girl *sugar tits* LMAO too funny!!

I hope Ben gets a book, he sounds like fun!!
And then Brandt two brothers, they are going to be Wild!!!

I love this series, i think it just gets better and better!!

It had me in tears at some stage Pissing my self laughing in places*The Kitchen Scene with Brandt and the McCay wives in the kitchen* holey hell that was funny as!!
And then at stages i was getting MAD!!! So good...

I Havent got he write words, but It was A great book!!!
You guys who havent read this series you should have a go it might suprise you :)

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Leah.
1,201 reviews348 followers
May 5, 2017
Over the last few books, I've come to like Brandt and I was happy to know that he was going to get his happily ever after. Yay. Right? To a certain extent. The thing that made me give this book 3.75 stars (rounded to 4) was Jessie. There was just something about that woman that pissed me off to no end. I'm not even exactly sure what it was. And don't you hate that? When you can't even pinpoint the reason you don't like something or someone? Drives me up the fucking wall. And that definitely happened a lot throughout this book with that woman. To the point where I've been neglecting other things so that I could finally finish this book and be done with her. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't dislike her to the extent that I hated Long Hard Ride and Rode Hard, Put Up Wet. Far from it. But like I said, there was just something about that woman that rubbed me the wrong was ever since Raising Kane.

That being said, I did like pretty much all the other characters, with the exception of Casper. I loved the cameos of all the other McKays and their babies. I love that Joan finally left Casper. I absolutely adored Landon. And I abso-freaking-lutely love that Carson, Calvin, and Charlie McKay "retired" from ranching and put their sons in charge so that Casper would be forced to do the same thing and Brandt, Tell, and Dalton wouldn't lose their inheritance simply because Brandt chose to marry a woman their father hated.

I'm eager to read the next Rough Riders book, even though I know it doesn't even come out until June. Damn. Can I wait that long? I don't know. I mean, it's not like I'm chomping at the bit for Chase's story, but I seem to have become addicted to this series.

And speaking of books to come, I know I've mentioned this question before but I'm going to repeat it: When the hell is Bennett McKay going to get his own book? He's the one I've been waiting for ever since I read about his brother, Quinn. He's not even in the series that much but I am just inexplicably drawn to Ben and I really, really want to read about him. And why should baby brother Chase get a happily ever after before Ben?

Anyway, another good (but not great) installment of the Rough Riders series. Here's to hoping the wait to June won't seem so damn long! Hey, a girl can dream, right?
Profile Image for Beanbag Love.
566 reviews241 followers
November 23, 2010
Okay, I'm rounding this one up to 4 stars from about 3.6.

Right off the top the book loses an entire star for the prologue. Now infamous, it was really a terrible way to start this story. The writing didn't rise to the more recent LJ standard and the situation was OOC for both leads. The location was out of the blue and wasn't used again so it was distracting. I have this feeling that it might have been a set up for a later book since there was some vague reference to Brandt's brothers or cousins being there, but we never saw them or what they were doing.

Skip the prologue altogether is my advice. It isn't necessary for the story and it starts the whole thing off with a very bad vibe.

The story itself is okay. It has some lulls and Jessie got on my nerves a few times, but overall it was a good installment. The last 25% of the story saves the whole thing, IMO, and reminds me of why I enjoy this author so much. She so often gives the reader the unexpected, yet totally believable plot progression and I love that. Her "slice of life" storytelling is very good and the character chemistry is usually completely believable.

This was not as good as my favorites -- "Branded as Trouble" and "Raising Kane" -- but it's a decent installment anyway and I'm chomping at the bit for the next one (pun intended).
Profile Image for Kathleen.
691 reviews90 followers
November 15, 2010
As I've said in the past Lorelei James to me has a way of writing stories that grab me from beginning to end. Each story is unique in it's own way. I find myself having a hard time explaining what I Loved about this book so I'll just say that I Loved everything and leave it at that.
Profile Image for chanceofbooks.
214 reviews25 followers
April 18, 2011
4.5 stars. Book 10 in the Rough Riders series, Cowgirls Don’t Cry, is actually the perfect introduction to James’s amazing voice for readers more used to spicy contemporaries and who haven’t yet ventured into Romantica. Brandt is quite possibly my favorite hero of the whole series. He really showcases James’s range as a writer—he’s not her usual alpha hero at all, yet she imbues him with layers of complexity and succeeds in making him strong and attractive while still showing him to be more sensitive than the rest of the McKay clan. I found him even sexier for this sensitivity—he makes choices that come from his heart, and he gives Jessie the space to make her own choices. At first the plotline of the widow and her former brother-in-law coming together to raise the deceased’s love child seemed far fetched and rooted in category romance tropes, but James transforms this into a complex story about what it really means to be a family and what love can overcome. There’s also a few nice twists along the way that make this feel fresh and different.

Brandt’s respectful treatment of Jessie extends to the bedroom, and one of the most fun love scenes of the series comes when she knocks HIM for a loop by showing just how far she’s willing to go. The love scenes are smoking, but they are a bit less “kinky” than some in the series—there’s not as much of a domination vibe and there’s no backdoor action. I suppose some fans of the series might be a bit let down by this, but I really enjoyed seeing James’s versatility and the balance between heat and substance—Brandt and Jessie both have complex character arcs that extend beyond realizing that they are perfect for each other. We also see some different secondary characters in this book, and I look forward to seeing them in future installments. The other McKays make an appearance, but one could totally read this story without reading anything else in the series. Shoulda Been a Cowboy and Raising Kane introduced Jessie, Luke, and Brandt to readers, but that backstory is also woven into this book as well. James tosses around the phrase “Gentleman Cowboy” throughout the series, but Brandt really personifies that. This is a great read featuring a memorable hero.
Profile Image for Teryl.
1,123 reviews
February 2, 2015
After reading a few reviews on here I was expecting the prologue to be disgusting and scandalous. It actually wasn't bad at all and didn't seem out of place for Ms. James. For a lot of the book Jessie was annoying me with her selfish self when it came to Landon, but by the last part of the book all was good. I enjoyed Brandt and Jessie, they seemed a lot tamer than the McKay's in the previous books, but that was no biggie. Loved getting a peak at the past McKay's and the McKays in books to come. Once again, another great installment to one of my all time favorite series.
Profile Image for Wendy.
526 reviews280 followers
June 30, 2013
And the stories, just get better and better. It's another emotionally packed read, along with good, hot smexy times! It's another winner!
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,333 reviews1,442 followers
September 19, 2011
Not exactly what I was hoping for. I am a big fan of this series, which is consistently good, and often great. For me, this wasn't one of the great ones. The story was just okay for me...it had its moments, and of course it had the Lorelei James staples--smokin' hot sex scenes and to-die-for-hero (I found Brandt super sweet), but...there was something about the heroine, Jessie...I didn't find her all that likable. I'm not exactly sure what Brandt saw in her. She was supposedly a sweet girl with a big heart, but I didn't see all that much evidence of that. I guess my problems stemmed from her relationship with baby Landon. I understand the tough spot she was in, and I can understand the hurt and pain she had to go through , and I can understand why she was keeping herself from becoming emotionally attached to baby Landon (and Brandt to some extent), but I expected her to throw caution to the wind and smother Landon with love! Her abandonment issues caused her to hold back a lot. She's lucky that Brandt was so patient with her and hung in there until she saw the light.

The best part of the book for me was Brandt--I thought he was an interesting character. Gentleman cowboy on the outside, passionate with an edge in the bedroom. And trying to control a hair trigger temper--wow, some of the scenes where he got angry...he had to put up with a lot of crap from his father (God, Casper was one bitter, nasty man).


Once again I enjoyed catching up with the extended McKay family (but there's so many offspring that I had to pull out that McKay family tree to see who was who!) and meeting the heroes of future books (Chase and Ben are sure to have exciting stories).

So yes, this wasn't quite up to par with some of my favorites (Cowgirl Up and Ride, All Jacked Up) but by no means was it bad. I still raced through it and had a hard time putting it down, but I just didn't find it all that memorable. 3 1/2 --4 stars
Profile Image for MountainKat.
2,205 reviews99 followers
August 3, 2024
Another great installment of the Rough Riders series! I love these books!

This story was so sweet, once you get past the prologue that isn't necessary and way out of character. Do yourself a favor and just skip it, the story really works just fine without it. I really enjoyed watching Jessie come into her own and learn to stand up for herself. It was also good to see the changes in Brandt as he dealt with his long standing feelings for Jessie. All of this went happened as they were caring for his dead brother/her dead husband's child from one of his many infidelities. I wasn't sure how the situation with Landon was going to work out. Or how I wanted it to work out. But I am happy with the resolution there. I was also happy with how things turned out within the McKay family.

All in all, another steamy cowboy story with heart!
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,310 followers
January 8, 2014
3 1/2 stars (rounded down to 3 stars, because the way the "old" McKays handled big, bad brother Casper made me think they were a bunch of stupid men who couldn't read - I mean, none of them had ever taken a look at the legal documentation for the McKay ranch?!)

Note to self: Skip the Prologue. It adds nothing to the story but squick. Scaaaaaary!
Profile Image for Danielle.
1,339 reviews49 followers
November 13, 2010
This is a truly addicting series. It was kind of disappointing on how it starts off. I mean Brandt finds Jessie moving on, so to speak and asked to join. The beginning made Jessie look like she was easy when she is far from that. The story begins to unfold from chapter 1.

Brandt has always been in love with his brother's widow, but Jessie hasn't been ready to move on until now. Hit with her late husbands wild ways and a child is brought in for Jessie and Brandt to take care of for the four months while the mother is getting her life back together after getting her second DUI. Now Brandt and Jessie are not only taking care of this child, but Brandt moves in to do it. Can being to close to the one you love make the other see how right this is?

I absolutely loved Brandt. He is sweet, lovable, and just down right sexy. Jessie is strong, independent, and ready for someone who wants her. You couldn't help but enjoy this emotional ride right along side both of them. This was a more emotional book then the others have been but if you read the others you know why it had to be. I had my box of tissues right beside me but don't worry it's not all tears. This sexy cowboy can have any girl ready to saddle up and settle down. I was pleased how we got to know more about Brandt and Jessie, understand them, and yes I rooted for their happy ending.

If you liked the previous books you will love Brandt and Jessie. I am really looking forward to reading the next book in the series and dying to know who will be the lucky stars of it.
Profile Image for Tiss.
232 reviews4 followers
November 15, 2010
Lorelei,you went through so many aspects of life. It's like knowing an actual family.
From the aspect of being a widow and knowing about your husbands unfaithfulness, to finding that he's got a child,
that you were hoping to provide for him.
The aspects of family ranch life and Brandt's parents and everything that they've been through and Caspers putting his
kids through hell.
Samantha trying to get her life back on track.
Jessie, loving Luke, but loving Brandt more cause he treats her like a woman is supposed to be treated.
The way the brothers/uncles banded together to make things right for the family ranch.
Joan, getting up the guts to move on and finally get on with her life.
Either you have some wonderful ranch people to talk to for idea's or you have a great sense of the ranch life. I just can't say enough about this book. It hit close to home on some levels. Know all about people being assholes to family that they should love and trying to bend people to the way they think.
I could go on and on. I'm not a reviewer and usually can't think of a thing to say, but this was AWESOME.
I'm looking forward to the next book, when we get to find out how many babies Brandt and Jessie have Too bad we have to wait a year.
I'll be sad to see this series of books end, as they have become something to look forward to. To see everyone come together and grow over the years that we've been reading these Rough Riders books.
L, you are doing an AWESOME JOB AND YOU ROCK
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for D.G..
1,366 reviews338 followers
January 26, 2014
This will be the last book I read in this series. I really couldn't connect with the heroine, the hero or even their issues. I knew I should have been sympathetic to their problems but I just wasn't. Also, the love scenes weren't anything to write about - that first scene was so freaking gross!

Of course, it doesn't help that there are like a gazillion kids in this series and I can't keep who's who straight anymore.
Profile Image for Kristin.
81 reviews12 followers
November 12, 2010
*sigh* These books are amazing. I'm so easily wrapped up in the McKay world, and this was top 3 in the series so far for me...possibly top 2 (Keely & Jack's book being #1).

I may review this book further later...just know, it was EXCELLENT!
Profile Image for Krista .
315 reviews17 followers
July 11, 2019
Am I ever disapointed with this series?!? NEVER
God Brandt is amazing in more than 1 way;)
This story was pretty emotional and drew me in instantly!!
Profile Image for Ivana Azap Feješ.
217 reviews44 followers
March 5, 2017
Jessie McKay who had been married to Luke McKay but now is a widow. It has some lulls and Jessie got on my nerves a few times, but overall it was a good installment. The last 25% of the story saves the whole thing, IMO, and reminds me of why I enjoy this author so much. She so often gives the reader the unexpected, yet totally believable plot progression and I love that. For a lot of the book Jessie was annoying me with her selfish self when it came to Landon, but by the last part of the book all was good. I enjoyed Brandt and Jessie, they seemed a lot tamer than the McKay's in the previous books, but that was no biggie. The story was just okay for me...it had its moments, and of course it had the Lorelei James staples--smokin' hot sex scenes and to-die-for-hero (I found Brandt super sweet), but...there was something about the heroine, Jessie...I didn't find her all that likable. I'm not exactly sure what Brandt saw in her. I LOVED Brandt! I will admit, cowboys had never really been my "thing" but these books have definitely put them in a whole different light for me!! I think i like them now...

Anyway, another great, sexy read from Lorelei James. If you haven't ever read one of her Cowboy books before....start with the McKay brothers...Holy smoly these books are beyond hot and kinky!!! You get all kinds of interesting scenarios when it comes to this series. There was just something about Jessie that pissed me off to no end. I'm not even exactly sure what it was. And don't you hate that? When you can't even pinpoint the reason you don't like something or someone? The story itself is okay. And the stories, just get better and better. It's another emotionally packed read, along with good, hot smexy times! It's another winner! After reading a few reviews on here I was expecting the prologue to be disgusting and scandalous. It actually wasn't bad at all and didn't seem out of place for Ms. James. I am a big fan of this series, which is consistently good, and often great. I'm still amazed that L.James can write each book with so much smoking hot sexing, and still add a decent plot and sub-plots. Wow can I just say that the family dynamics with the McKays is very complex, and being the family is so large the mix of personalities and characters really keep you on your toes. This book really covered alot of real life issues such as infidelity, emotional and sometimes physical abuse, abandonment, dead-beat parents, but also there was redemption, living in the moment, and love...not only between a man and a woman, but for the love of your family and a special child. This one was super duper sweet!!!
Profile Image for Holly.
439 reviews340 followers
January 5, 2012
This one was only 3 1/2 stars for me! I absolutely love this series but this one just wasn't doing it for me. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't love the McKay's more, and I really liked Brandt but for the fact that he seemed like a doormat for half of this book and a few books prior. That said, I didn't like Jessie at all. I get that she had a rough go of it, with a shitty, unfaithful husband and now faced with his love child, but she took such advantage of Brandt in the prior books I had a really hard time warming up enough to even give her a chance. She did redeem herself for the most part but I just couldn't love her the way I have done with all the other characters in this series.

I love this series so much that I have actually tried to savor it, I have been reading them for about a year now and I read a few at a time and walk away for awhile just because I don't want it to end! I'm getting caught up and it's making me nervous! LOL - I love jumping in every now and then for my dose of McKay's!!
Profile Image for Sarah.
2,092 reviews30 followers
June 25, 2015
You meet Jessie late in the series. Jessie is married to Luke McKay on Casper/Joan side.
Jessie has always had a struggling marriage with Luke. Jessie and Luke had a shotgun wedding after Jessie found out she was pregnant but lost baby.
Luke was a cheating player and Jessie ignored the sighs hoping if she was best wife and caretaker he'd be happier.
Luke dies in same accident as Domini fried and mother of Anton. That's when Brandt finds out Luke has a child called Landon.
Brandt goes to Jessie asking her to help look after Landon for possibly 4 months while his mother was in jail for DUI.
My heart broke for Jessie and how she dealt with Luke's love-child and stigma of being a push over.
I really like that this story isn't as Rosie as the others and Casper/Joan issue and what that effect has on McKay land.
Great HEA.
Profile Image for MBR.
1,259 reviews370 followers
November 12, 2010
The story of Brandt McKay and Jessie McKay which has been a long time coming finally comes to us in the 10th book of the Rough Riders series.
Though the prologue was a definite turn off, the story that unfolds from chapter 1 onwards is done in classic Lorelei James style with enough heat and passion with a hero who is to die for and a heroine who is just what the hero needs.
Full review up on my blog: http://bit.ly/dtcQPm
Profile Image for Sarah.
642 reviews50 followers
November 12, 2010
I really, really liked it. I agree with some other readers, that the opening was horrific - it was. It made Jessie look stupid and like a whore - which she wasn't. She was smart and independent. Brandt was awesome, but I think I would have punched him in the nose for asking her to do what he did. The tension was hot, the lovin' was hot and the story was hot. It even got tears (plus a few laughs and angry scowls). Can't wait for the next!!!
Profile Image for Cyn Mistress Kitty.
1,581 reviews171 followers
December 4, 2010
I gotta tell you that I am a huge McKay lover and I was really looking forward to this book. I think this book wasn't bad but it was just ok for me and definitely not up to par with the others.
First of all the prologue was awful and made me question and kinda dislike Jesse from the start. I must say that she got better as the book went on but I just never really liked Jesse or Brandt. This won't put me off reading future Mckay books but this one was just a dud for me. Too bad.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 333 reviews

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