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Die ausgelassene Stimmung auf dem Schulfest ist schlagartig vorbei, als plötzlich Herr Sakuma – Minatos Schwarm aus Highschool-Tagen – vor ihm und Shintaro steht. Während Shintaro seinen Konkurrenten mit scharfem Blick mustert, reagiert Minato mit spontaner Flucht! Um seine Gefühle in Ruhe zu ordnen, nimmt er sich eine kleine Auszeit am Meer. Shintaro ist natürlich deprimiert, dass er Minato im Waschsalon nicht besuchen kann, doch noch mehr ärgert ihn, dass Herr Sakuma ausgerechnet seine Klasse unterrichten wird …

168 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 26, 2022

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Sawa Kanzume

8 books8 followers

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Katie.
298 reviews3 followers
August 5, 2024
This volume is quite slow hope it get better in next volume
Profile Image for bee.
858 reviews46 followers
May 7, 2023
『 ★★★,5 』

Cover art game are still so strong 💪🏻

—————————————————————— •○●

See full review in: bee's review
Profile Image for L. .
199 reviews3 followers
August 6, 2024
My review on the last volume said that once I finished it I felt like I instantly forgot everything I read, which I can say is accurate because I did not remember what was going on when I started this volume. It also said that I felt like simultaneously a lot and nothing happened at the same time, and I feel that way about this volume as well. On one hand, I really like that because it helps create the small town, slow life vibes that are the backbone of this story, but on the other hand I am still not compelled by the impending main relationship. In fact, I caught myself smiling more whenever Minato was interacting with his old teacher than when Minato and Shintarou interacted...

I won't talk about my complected feelings about Minato and Shintarou's relationship, as I already did so in my review of volume one, but I will say that I'm still not completely sold and I feel really bad for Minato who is trying his absolutely best to NOT date a high schooler and it's just not working out for him.

However, my neutral feelings on Minato and Shintarou aside, I really like a lot about this series.

I love the small town "everyone knows everyone" vibes. It's so cozy.

I liked page 89. It was cute as hell.

I love how Shintarou is immature. He's moody and jealous and just such a teenager, which is nice to see? Or maybe I should say refreshing and interesting? In a lot of the age gap stories I've seen, the younger character is often matured significantly and comes off more like a young adult in order for them to 'fit' more with the older character; the benefit of this is that the audience is more accepting of the relationship because the teenager 'feels' mature enough to be with the adult. But Shintarou doesn't feel like that, and on one hand it makes me not a fan of him perusing Minato, but it makes me like him as a character because his thoughts and actions make sense for someone his age. (In a different story, I can see a character acting like he does eventually maturing out of his crush as he realizes how inappropriate he's been behaving).

I also really, really love the parallels between Minato and Shintarou and Minato and his old teacher's relationship. I haven't read a story before where the adult character (Minato) who is being perused by a teenage character (Shintarou) once was a teenager who was in love with an adult. As an English major, I just love the parallel of it, and as a concept it is so interesting to explore, as Minato now has a chance to reflect on his own actions. I can see this position he is in allowing him to empathize with Shintarou's feelings (because he felt the same), reflect on the position he must have put his teacher in (because he is now in that position), and really use his situation to reexamine his boundaries. But... alas... I do not think I am going to get that degree of reflection and introspection... Sigh... Even without that level of self reflection, I do like how Minato has to face his feelings for his old teacher and, I assume, get over them before he can move forward with Shintarou.

I am in it for the long haul, I guess, but I hope this series is short and things start wrapping up.
Profile Image for Sandra.
258 reviews4 followers
July 11, 2024
Hachja ... irgendwie geht es mir immer mehr auf den Keks, das einfach ALLE wie Teens aussehen, dabei haben wir gerade noch ein weiteres Age-Gap-Paar dazu gekriegt ... und der Lehrer, in den Minato in SEINER Schulzeit verknallt war, kommt jetzt viel mehr vor und er sieht halt einfach 1 zu 1 wie aus den Rückblenden aus. Alle sind einfach Teens - der Manga wäre besser, wenn sie auch einfach alle Schüler sind mit dem ganzen Eifersuchtsdrama, aber mit dem Hintergedanken "Der Mann da ist 30 Jahre, der sollte wenigstens n klein bisschen erwachsener sien, vorallem wenn er selbst nen Waschsalon hat" ist das einfach alles lächerlich. Es kriegt 3 Sterne, weil es schön anzusehen is und weil es schlechtere Mangas gibt. Aber es ist echt nix überragendes mehr...
Profile Image for Josué Zúñiga.
1,097 reviews7 followers
July 22, 2024
Me ha gustado mucho, pero empiezo a tener un problema con este manga. Los dos primeros tomos, Shin y Minato me parecían monísimos y que jugaba muy bien con el tabú. En este, creo que retrata muy muy bien la edad que tiene Shin, por ejemplo, y la índole de su enamoramiento y planta sobre la mesa (gracias, Hanabusa) una cuestión interesante. PERO han dejado de ser el (mi) ship principal. Ahora mismo, mi resolución ideal sería y creo que eso va a influenciar mucho en los siguientes tomos cuando los lea.
Profile Image for Rydeen7907.
21 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2024
This was a slower volume which didn't move the story ahead by much. Shun Katsuki comes off as a bit creepy at points and I have mixed feelings about him. I am glad Asuka Hanabusa appears frequently in this volume, and I'd like to see him continue to have a larger role in the story.

I liked peering a bit into Akira Minato's past, and it's nice that the Yen Press edition of this volume includes translation notes, bonus comics, and a written short story.
Profile Image for L Ann.
628 reviews137 followers
August 5, 2024
This volume was slower than the previous two. Minato and Shin, along with Sakuma (who I’m really starting to warm up to) and Shin’s sisters, go to a theme park together where Shin kept making Minato uncomfortable by calling it a date. There were some funny moments when the two went into a haunted house, but other than that, there isn’t much to talk about. The overall plot didn’t move forward, and we didn’t learn anything new about the main characters. 2.5 stars, rounded up
Profile Image for moonseemslost.
65 reviews
April 29, 2023
It's cute but I am tired of the slow buuuuurn....come on, we are at the 3rd volume and nothing really happened?
They are cute and I wanna give it a bigger rating but ahhhh....
Profile Image for Martha.
90 reviews
December 25, 2023
3.5, a rather slow and repetitive progress in this volume. Shin is as childish as ever while Minato still hasn't done anything about it.
Profile Image for Thanh Dat.
79 reviews
February 4, 2024
Rất hiểu cho diễn biến tâm trạng của Shin trong vol này, hiuhiu.
Mong Minato giải quyết được xong cái bứt rứt tình cảm cũ sớm sớm chút🤔🙄
Profile Image for naviya .
303 reviews7 followers
February 7, 2024
- i really like the power dynamic and age gap
- minato's so cute lol
- akusa!! what is up with him??
Profile Image for Noa Seishu.
44 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2024
Me encanta el rumbo que está tomando, eso sí siempre se deja en lo mejor y la espera me desesperaaaa
Profile Image for -moonprismpower-.
2,522 reviews11 followers
June 13, 2024
Ugh I just love these characters so much. Minato is so funny. Shin is aggressive for a high schooler. The age gap is… well… I’m looking past it. So don’t ask me!!!!! LOL
73 reviews
August 31, 2024
I really like this series, but wanting a little more to happen. Seems like we’ve been stuck since vol 1.
Profile Image for ℂ ✧.
1,975 reviews
May 18, 2024
Bufff embolic de sentiments i molta ràbia desbocada... comencem el manga amb un Minato dubtós, que no acaba d'entendre si encara estima el Sakuma-sensei i que sembla que vol buidar el pap de tot allò que no va ser capaç de dir-li durant la graduació. El Shin, que no es dona per vençut, veu el profe com un rival i li genera moltíssimes inseguretats no conèixer a fons el Minato. Petit incís que es diu de passada: una de les germanes del Shin té un crush i és el germà del profe. Aviam, la visita al parc d'atraccions em fa pupa perquè el Shin ja no explica com seria la seva cita ideal, no amaga gens que està coladíssim pel Minato i l'altre es fa el boig, però acaba explicant una cita que podria ser una tarda qualsevol amb el Shin. Em sembla jugar brut i em fa rabieta perquè el personatge es contradiu! El volum s'acaba amb un Shin emprenyat i amb raó cridant a ple pulmó que el Minato és "the one who is messing with me!" No veig bon pronòstic a aquesta sèrie, ai mareta!!! ^^'
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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