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Eric Carle's Very Series

Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt

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Eric Carles Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt gehört mit Sicherheit zu den ersten Bilderbüchern, die im Kinderzimmer auf dem Regal Einzug halten und die sich seit Jahren ungebrochener Beliebtheit bei den kleinen Lesern erfreuen, die meistens noch gar nicht selber lesen, sondern nur genußvoll der hemmungslosen Völlerei der kleinen gefräßigen Raupe lauschen.

Wer kennt das nicht, dieses wilde Durcheinander im Bauch, das die kleine Raupe in sich hineinschaufelte. Der Anfang ist noch richtig gesund. "Am Montag fraß sie sich durch einen Apfel. Aber satt war sie noch immer nicht." Am Dienstag müssen es dann schon zwei Birnen sein, am Donnerstag vier Erdbeeren und am Freitag sogar fünf Apfelsinen. Richtig toll ist die Steigerung am Sonnabend. Da langt sie noch einmal richtig zu und jedes Kind zählt mit Begeisterung all die wunderbaren Köstlichkeiten mit, die sich die Raupe gönnt: "Ein Stück Schokoladenkuchen, eine Eiswaffel, eine saure Gurke, eine Scheibe Käse, ein Stück Wurst, einen Lolli, ein Stück Früchtebrot, ein Würstchen, ein Törtchen und ein Stück Melone." Diese Orgie endet nicht mit dem gewohnten Satz: "Aber satt war sie noch immer nicht." Nein, es heißt lapidar: "An diesem Abend hatte sie Bauchschmerzen!"

Jedes Kind hat diese schmerzvolle Erfahrung schon selbst einmal gemacht und kann mitfühlen, wie die arme kleine Raupe jetzt leidet. Aber am nächsten Tag ist wieder alles bestens und die Raupe macht sich nach einem gesunden grünen Blatt daran, sich in ihren Kokon zu verspinnen und alle dürfen gespannt sein auf den prächtigen farbenfrohen Schmetterling, der sich ganz am Ende des Buches in seiner vollen strahlenden Pracht entfaltet.

Eric Carle erobert die Kinderherzen mit seiner ihm eigenen Technik der Collage in kräftigen Farben. Zudem hat er noch so viele Kleinigkeiten in seinem Bilderbuch versteckt, die alle von den Kleinen begeistert aufgenommen werden: Da werden die Wochentage aufgezählt, alle Verse auswendig mitgesprochen, genüßlich in allen Löchern gebohrt, die die Raupe gefressen hat, und zum guten Schluß weiß jedes Kind, daß aus so einer unscheinbaren grünen Raupe ein wunderschöner Schmetterling entsteht. Welches Bilderbuch bietet eine solche Fülle an Möglichkeiten? --Manuela Haselberger

17 pages, Paperback

First published June 3, 1969

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About the author

Eric Carle

531 books2,197 followers
Eric Carle was a children's book author and illustrator, most famous for his book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which has been translated into over 30 languages. Since The Very Hungry Caterpillar was published in 1969, Eric Carle illustrated more than seventy books, many best sellers, most of which he also wrote, and more than 71 million copies of his books have sold around the world.

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67 reviews419 followers
December 12, 2008
I actually gave this book 5 stars, but the very hungry caterpillar ate one of them.

Also, did anyone else get a defective book? My version has a bunch of holes in it.
Profile Image for Mark Lawrence.
Author 89 books54.1k followers
October 13, 2023
RIP Eric Carle who died today aged 92.

Former president George W. Bush named this his favorite book from childhood (it came out when he was 23 ... but perhaps he meant his kids' childhood). In any event it's one of my favorites from my childhood, and from reading to my own kids. Was it the first to put holes through its pages? Probably not, but it worked very well. Kids like sticking their fingers in things - genius!

Anyhow - this is one HUNGRY caterpillar! He puts a hole through everything be it a slice of watermelon (or wacca menon as my daughter first said it), ice cream cone, or sausage.

It is in fact one of the bestselling books in the history of literature!



So what does this epic teach us?

1/ Everything in moderation. Our caterpillar just sticks a single hole in each food item - he ain't that sort of greedy, he'll leave some for others.

2/ Try new things. Our caterpillar ain't picky, he'll try anything once, even gherkin!

3/ Eat healthy to avoid stomach ache. A nice green leaf will sort you out.

4/ Change is good. Straighten up and fly right and you too could become a beautiful butterfly and... um ... fly, right!

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Profile Image for Zoë.
328 reviews64.8k followers
February 6, 2021
[Book #11 for my grad school Children's Lit class]
Profile Image for Anne.
4,379 reviews70.2k followers
May 14, 2024
I somehow picture myself reading it to my grandkids with this disclaimer:

The moral of the story is that while caterpillars can eat themselves into a food coma and come out the other end as a butterfly, humans who do that will come out the other end with type 2 diabetes.


You're welcome, kids.
Profile Image for Bionic Jean.
1,341 reviews1,398 followers
May 18, 2024
Fun fact for today? A famous picture book, described as “one of the greatest childhood classics of all time” was actually inspired by … a simple hole punch!

Yes, incredibly, it’s true. The author remembers:

“One day I was punching holes with a hole puncher into a stack of paper, and I thought of a bookworm and so I created a story called ‘A Week with Willi the Worm.’”

But his editor suggested that readers may not like a green worm very much, and suggested a caterpillar instead. The idea appealed to Eric Carle, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar is the result.

“I said 'Butterfly!’ That’s how it began.” But did it begin there, or did it end? It’s rather like the chicken and the egg ...

The story starts on a moonlit night, with a tiny egg on a leaf. On the next morning, which is Sunday, a tiny red-faced caterpillar pops out of the egg. He’s very hungry, so he begins to look for some food. Over the next five days we see him eating through more and more fruit. There’s an apple on Monday, two pears on Tuesday, three plums on Wednesday, four strawberries on Thursday, and five oranges on Friday … and then, on Saturday, he gobbles down an enormous feast of all sorts of silly food:

“On Saturday, he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon.”

Of course by the end of the day, he feels very ill indeed, with a stomach ache. The next day though, another Sunday, he goes back to his more sensible diet, and eats through a large green leaf. He’s now a very big fat caterpillar! He spins a little house round himself called a cocoon and stays in there for a whole fortnight. And after that is the magic, which will entrance all young children, as of course the illustration shows the caterpillar emerging, transformed into a beautiful butterfly with large, glorious, multi-coloured wings.

This is a wonderful book for very young children. It introduces sound educational themes such as counting, the days of the week, foods, (although Saturday’s feast is a bit of a fantasy!) and the life cycle and transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. It is simple but accurate, and has been endorsed by the “Royal Entomological Society”.

It has to be said though, that its charm and novelty is its greatest asset. The pages are differently shaped, and have holes punched through to represent the caterpillar’s trail as he eats through all the various foods. Although The Very Hungry Caterpillar was first published in 1969, apparently it has sold the equivalent of a copy per minute ever since (30 million copies worldwide). It has won many awards for children’s literature, and also a major graphic design award. Eric Carle not only wrote it, but also designed and illustrated the book.

Quite an achievement, then, for a book which was inspired by a simple hole punch!
Profile Image for John Mauro.
Author 6 books794 followers
March 16, 2024
Hungry is as hungry does.

Eric Carle's vision of metamorphosis is more hand-painted collage and less existential nightmare compared to that of Franz Kafka.

Our hero of the story, the caterpillar, is indeed hungry. Very hungry. He even eats his way through the pages of the book itself.

All this eating is for a purpose, leading to his beautiful metamorphosis, which is finally revealed on the last page. (Spoiler alert!)

I have so many fond memories of Eric Carle's books, especially "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." This is the book that spurred my own interest in entomology as a child. Every year I would find monarch caterpillars, feed them milkweed, and observe their seemingly magical transformation into beautiful butterflies. Each time a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, spreads its wings, and takes its first flight is like a small miracle before your very eyes.

Eric Carle's artistic style is inimitable and immediately recognizable. You don't even need to read the name of the author on the cover of an Eric Carle book to know who wrote it.

He is also a gifted storyteller and know exactly how to capture children's imagination and inspire them to discover the world around them.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
809 reviews84 followers
November 30, 2011
Besides the promotion of drug use (look at that thing's eyes... and he obviously has the munchies!) I dislike that the author couldn't come up with some differing foodstuffs... come on... salami AND sausage? Chocolate cake AND a cupcake? And the line that says "Now he wasn't hungry any more - and he wasn't a little caterpillar anymore" drives me INSANE! Where is the parallelism? I always want to read it as: Now he wasn't hungry any more - and he wasn't little anymore. (In fact, sometimes I DO read it wrong on purpose!)

It also just leaves me a little empty at the end. I keep waiting for his metamorphosis to propel him into some new situation. Is he still hungry? (and in his state as a caterpillar, the author mentions he is VERY hungry. Is he MORE hungry than other caterpillars? What factors created this ultra-state wherein he persists?)

I really feel like the author left us questioning so many factors, that I didn't really ever feel a connection with the protagonist.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mischenko.
1,021 reviews96 followers
November 11, 2019
Eric Carle's books have a special place in my heart. The way he creates his illustrations makes them so colorful and appealing to all.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is one of our favorite books by him, but we enjoy them all equally. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, The Grouchy Ladybug, The Very Busy Spider, The Very Quiet Cricket, and Dream Snow are just a few of our most cherished Eric Carle books.

When you witness a toddler who can't read, recite all the words to these stories, you know just how much they love them too!

Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,666 reviews13.2k followers
October 20, 2018
There are some books I’m just not smart enough to read but, darnit, I challenged myself and I finally made it through The Very Hungry Caterpillar (after several false starts)! I’m not gonna flatter myself that I unnerstood the depth of the ideas, themes and junk in it, but I liked the colours and pitchers and stuff…

Oooooh man - lookit this lil guy! He eats an apple, two pears, three plums - he’s a beast! Does he stop there? Nuh to the uh! Four strawberries and then FIVE - count it, FIVE - oranges. This unstoppable motherfucker.

And then shit gets really fucked up - all bets are off! Cake, ice cream, cherry pie, a lollipop - he is. Off. The. Chain! We’ve all been there after a trying week - no judgements lil dude! I wonder if this book is inadvertently responsible for the “health at any size/fat acceptance” movement with its message of “eat like a pig and become beautiful!”?

I’m not gonna spoil the ending of course but it’s worth the journey. It seems predictable because he’s a caterpillar but it leaves things wide open for a sequel. I mean, this guy is now more mobile than ever - what else is he gonna eat next? A pizza?! Two pizzas?? THRE - you’re right, that’s too much…

You know what made me really laugh? My edition had a SUMMARY at the start! The summary was this large paragraph that was as long as the book’s lines put together! Who needs a fucking summary for The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Who can’t read this in no seconds flat and get the jist of it?! Which parent is looking at this wondering if it’s suitable for their braindead sprog to dribble on?!

Anyways. This thing is still the greatest book about greedy caterpillars out there and rightly deserves its legendary status. Just don read it when you’res dieting hawmahashsahwanasm…
Profile Image for Manny.
Author 37 books15.2k followers
February 18, 2009
I know everyone's supposed to love this book, but I just don't see what's so great about it. The character of the caterpillar is never properly developed, and he comes across as a one-dimensional parody of a larval form. The plot is dull and predictable, as is the language. I'm not thrilled by the artwork.

If it weren't for the fact that George W. Bush praised Caterpillar so highly, I'd unhesitatingly call it vacuous, uninspired rubbish. I must be missing something, but what?
Profile Image for James.
Author 20 books4,118 followers
April 23, 2019
Book Review
3+ of 5 stars to The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a children's picture book published in 1969 and written by Eric Carle. I am sure someone read this book to me as a very small child, but I know for certain that I had it on my shelf and looked through it around 10-years old. It's a delight for all ages with the cute illustrations, the physical design of the book and the quirky personality of the caterpillar.

It's a useful tool to teach young children how a caterpillar grows up, eats all the food around to get his/her nutrients, builds a cocoon and emerges as a butterfly. A wonderful science exhibit and activity to grown your own butterflies, it can be a hands-on teaching experience too. Lovely memories and great things come from it.

It gained in popularity again when George Bush mentioned it in a speech or interview. It's also got a few readers torn up in knots. You see, the caterpillar eats too much and gets ill and overweight, but emerges as a beautiful butterfly. People read into it, thinking kids will eat so much and become obese and sickly.

I'll probably be hated for my next comment, but seriously? Relax. I don't think reading this book as a child will lead to such dire consequences. Wanna know why? Because if you're a parent or guardian, read it to your kid and explain the whole story... talk about the process of nature and metamorphosis. Discuss eating habits. Explain what real beauty is. Talk about what foods are good and what foods are bad. Show how when you eat too much, you can get sick. Teach balance. But don't hate on a book because it seems to say "eat what you want and you'll be beautiful even when you're sick." Oh, and read it with a child. Don't just put it in his/her hands and shove them out of the way. Make it an interactive experience so the right goals of the book are understood and accomplished.

Yikes, my reviews are getting more "animated" without even using GIFs. Off to get some lunch. Perhaps a box of cookies... I think I just learned that lesson reading some reviews on Goodreads about this book. Yum!

FYI - Wrote this review ~2017 from memory as I want to have a review for everything I remember reading. If I messed it up, let me know! LOL :)

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For those new to me or my reviews... here's the scoop: I read A LOT. I write A LOT. And now I blog A LOT. First the book review goes on Goodreads, and then I send it on over to my WordPress blog at https://thisismytruthnow.com, where you'll also find TV & Film reviews, the revealing and introspective 365 Daily Challenge and lots of blogging about places I've visited all over the world. And you can find all my social media profiles to get the details on the who/what/when/where and my pictures. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Vote in the poll and ratings. Thanks for stopping by. Note: All written content is my original creation and copyrighted to me, but the graphics and images were linked from other sites and belong to them. Many thanks to their original creators.

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Profile Image for Manual.
5 reviews
June 26, 2008
A deeply touching saga of the hardship of a young catapillar's life.
The main character has to overcome his ravenous appetite on his jouney to become a butterfly.
There were were in my eyes and laughter too as I jouneyed with the catapillar in the greatest epic ever told.
We had much to learn from the noble catapillar.
Profile Image for Trina.
902 reviews3,896 followers
January 30, 2019
The first time my baby ever laughed was while we were looking at the butterfly on the last page and I was talking to him about butterflies. Instant fave.
Profile Image for Tim.
477 reviews782 followers
May 9, 2021
There are a lot of children's books that feel as if they are really written for the parents. The sort that kids tolerate but adults "ooh and aah" over feeling they're doing their parental duty by reading these fascinating works of children's literature and enriching their lives, where the child really just wants to know how much Dragons Love Tacos. Almost all of Eric Carle's work feels that way to me. I remember hating him as a kid, yet adults love to read him. Hell, go into any large book store and they practically set up a shrine to the man for consumers to pay homage before offering their tithe.

This book is the one exception to that list. It's the one I liked as a kid and the only one I've bothered to buy for my daughter (for the record, I read The Grouchy Ladybug to her just to see if maybe I was the weird one as a kid who hated them, and she showed zero interest in it). This one works with its creative design, the humorous word choices and the amazing day where it eats a random assortment of food. This is the one Carle book that actually seems fun for young readers rather than being just "a work of art".

Maybe I'm coming off overly critical of him. Maybe I just don't "get it" but hey, at least there's one exception… right? 4/5 stars
Profile Image for addie! semi ia .
146 reviews362 followers
August 7, 2024
⁀➷ ★★★★.75

More like The Very Greedy Bitch! Should we really be promoting gluttony to our children?
Profile Image for Kate.
649 reviews137 followers
March 8, 2008
I believe this book is THE MAJOR CAUSE of the childhood obesity epidemic currently sweeping the nation. Still, nice illustrations.
Profile Image for Jimmy.
5 reviews
February 14, 2012
Very differcult read. recommended for advance readers only.
Profile Image for Hilary .
2,304 reviews459 followers
December 22, 2019
A favourite of both my children. My daughter had a board book version of this that she absolutely loved from about 6 months on. She loved the holes in each page and every single time we read it she had to pretend her little finger was the caterpillar and make eating noises at every hole, and when the butterfly emerges we had to make the book flap into the air. It's not a realistic representation of a butterfly and obviously the butterfly isn't eating usual butterfly food but this was a well loved book in our house for years.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews352 followers
October 16, 2019
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a children's picture book designed, illustrated, and written by Eric Carle, first published in 1969. One Sunday morning, a caterpillar hatches from an egg. He is known as the Very Hungry Caterpillar, who loves eating, and so he begins to look for some food. He eats through increasing quantities of fruit on the following 5 days. First it's one apple on Monday, then two pears on Tuesday, three plums on Wednesday, four strawberries on Thursday, and finally, five oranges on Friday. On Saturday, he eats an enormous amount of food, including one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon. Then that night, he gets a stomachache from overeating. But the next morning, it becomes Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one green leaf. And after that, he feels much better. At the end of that, he is not hungry anymore. He is neither hungry nor a little caterpillar. He is a big, fat, caterpillar. The now-big caterpillar spins a cocoon around himself. There, inside he sleeps in it for 2 weeks. Later, the caterpillar emerges as a butterfly with large, gorgeous, multi-colored wings.

عنوانها: ک‍رم‌ اب‍ری‍ش‍م‌ دل‍ه‌، ک‍رم‌ اب‍ری‍ش‍م‌ ب‍س‍ی‍ار گ‍رس‍ن‍ه‌؛ ک‍رم‌ اب‍ری‍ش‍م‍ی‌ ک‍ه‌ ه‍ی‍چ‌ وق‍ت‌ س‍ی‍ر ن‍م‍ی‌ش‍د؛ ک‍رم‌ گ‍رس‍ن‍ه‌؛ کرم ابریشم شکمو، کرم گرسنه کوچک؛ کرمی که خیلی گرسنه بود، ن‍وی‍س‍ن‍ده‌: اری‍ک‌ ک‍ارل‌؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: سال 1986 میلادی

عنوان: ک‍رم‌ اب‍ری‍ش‍م‌ دل‍ه‌، ت‍ال‍ی‍ف‌: اری‍ک‌ ک‍ارل‌؛ مت‍رج‍م: م‍ه‍دی‌ ت‍وان‍ا، [ت‍ه‍ران‌؟]: م‍ه‍دی‌ ت‍وان‍ا، 1364؛ در 26 ص، مصور، رنگی؛ موضوع: م‍راح‍ل‌ م‍خ‍ت‍ل‍ف‌ رش‍د ک‍رم‌ اب‍ری‍ش‍م‌ و ت‍ب‍دی‍ل‌ آن‌ ب‍ه‌ پ‍روان‍ه‌ در ق‍ال‍ب‌ داس‍ت‍ان‌ و آش‍ن‍ائ‍ی‌ ب‍ا روزه‍ای‌ ه‍ف‍ت‍ه‌؛ برای کودکان از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده ی 20 م
عنوان: ک‍رم‌ اب‍ری‍ش‍م‌ ب‍س‍ی‍ار گ‍رس‍ن‍ه‌؛ ن‍وی‍س‍ن‍ده‌: اری‍ک‌ ک‍ارل‌؛ م‍ت‍رج‍م‌: ک‍ت‍ای‍ون‌ ص‍درن‍ی‍ا؛ ت‍ه‍ران‌: دف‍ت‍ر ن‍ش‍ر ف‍ره‍ن‍گ‌ اس‍لام‍ی‌، 1370؛ در 28 ص؛ مصور رنگی؛ چاپ دوم 1372؛
عنوان: ک‍رم‌ اب‍ری‍ش‍م‍ی‌ ک‍ه‌ ه‍ی‍چ‌ وق‍ت‌ س‍ی‍ر ن‍م‍ی‌ش‍د؛ ن‍وش‍ت‍ه‌: اری‍ک‌ ک‍ارل‌؛ م‍ت‍رج‍م‌: ی‍ل‍دا م‍ع‍ی‍ن‍ی‌، ت‍ب‍ری‍ز: آن‍اس‌، 1380؛ یک جلد، بدون شماره صفحه؛ شابک: 9649153942؛ مصور، رنگی؛
عنوان: ک‍رم‌ گ‍رس‍ن‍ه‌؛ ن‍وی‍س‍ن‍ده‌: اری‍ک‌ ک‍ارل‌؛ م‍ت‍رج‍م‌: ش‍ی‍م‍ا ح‍اج‍ی‌اح‍م‍دی‌؛ ت‍ه‍ران‌: ای‍ران‌ب‍ان‌، 1381؛ در 24 ص؛ شابک: 9649298932؛ مصور رنگی؛
عنوان: کرم ابریشم شکمو، نویسنده: اریک کارل ؛ مترجم: فرینوش رمضانی؛ تهران: نشر مرکز، کتاب مریم، 1386؛ در 30 ص، مصور رنگی؛ شابک: 9789643059453؛
عنوان: کرم گرسنه کوچک؛ نویسنده: اریک کارل ؛ مترجم: مهناز همت‌خواه؛ تهران : عصر اندیشه، ‏‫1395؛ در 14 ص؛ شابک: 9786005550573؛‬ مصور رنگی؛
عنوان: کرمی که خیلی گرسنه بود، نویسنده: اریک کارل؛ مترجم: حبیبه جباری، سعید قاضی‌زاده؛ به سفارش انجمن علمی گیاه پزشکی دانشکده کشاورزی دانشگاه مراغه؛ اردبیل: یایلیق، ‏‫1397؛‬‬ در 14 ص، مصور رنگی، شابک: 9786007470497؛ فارسی انگلیسی؛

کتاب «کرم گرسنه گرسنه» اثر «اریک کارل» یکی از کتاب‌های نمادین ادبیات کودک جهان است. این کتاب از طریق تصاویر جالب و طنز ظریفی که دارد شمارش اعداد، اسامی روزهای هفته، و فرآیند دگردیسی، و اهمیت تغذیه ی خوب را نشان می‌دهد. در ای�� اثر، «اریک کارل» کتاب تصویری سنتی را با تعبیه چند سوراخ‌، و تغییر اندازه ی صفحه‌ های کتاب، به یک شیء اسباب بازی تبدیل کرد. او کتاب «کرم گرسنه گرسنه» را این گونه توصیف می‌کند: «کتابی است که شما می‌توانید با آن بازی کنید، یک اسباب‌بازی، که می‌توانید آن را بخوانید.» «اریک کارل» این کتاب را در دوره‌ ای برای کودکان نوپا، و کودکان پیش‌دبستانی نوشتند، که هنوز کودکان برای صنعت نشر، مخاطبان چندان شناخته‌ شده‌ ای نبودند. خلق این اثر سبب شد که دوره ی نوی، در میدان تولید کتاب‌های تصویری، آغاز شود. «سفر کرم ابریشم گرسنه گرسنه»، اکنون در سراسر جهان بسیار شناخته شده است. هنوز پس از بیش از پنجاه سال از انتشار آن، در هر سی ثانیه، یک نسخه از آن، در نقطه‌ ای از جهان، به فروش می‌رسد. تا کنون به شصت و دو زبان ترجمه شده است. تازه ترین ترجمه‌ هایکه از آن منتشر شده، به زبان «ییدیش» و «مغولی» است. «اریک کارل» همیشه در پاسخ به این پرسش، که چرا کتاب «کرم ابریشم گرسنه گرسنه»، از بین همه ی آثارش محبوب‌تر است، می‌گویند: «زیرا کودکان نیز بزرگ می‌شوند و بال‌هایشان را برای پریدن می‌گش��یند»؛ این اثر دومین کتابی است، که «اریک کارل» برای کودکان آفریدند. پس از انتشار این کتاب در سال 1969 میلادی، «اریک کارل» بیش از هفتاد عنوان کتاب دیگر، برای کودکان تصویرگری کردند، که بیشتر آن‌ها از پرفروش‌هاست، و تاکنون بیش از «یکصد و چهل و پنج میلیون» نسخه از کتاب‌هایش، در سراسر دنیا، به فروش رفته است. هنر «اریک کارل» متمایز است، و به سرعت می‌توان آثارش را تشخیص داد. او در آثارش از تکنیک کولاژ استفاده می‌کند. «کارل »کاغذهایی که خودش رنگ کرده‌ را برش می‌زند، و با قرار دادن آن‌ها بر روی هم، تصاویر شاد و درخشانی خلق می‌کند. در بسیاری از کتاب‌هایش با گذاشتن سوراخ، و پنجره‌ هایی در صفحه‌ ها، همانند کتاب «کرم گرسنه گرسنه»، یا استفاده از چراغ‌ چشمک‌زن در کتاب «کرم شبتاب خیلی تنها»، یا صدای جیرجیرک واقعی در کتاب «آواز جیرجیرک کوچولو»، آثاری بازیگوشانه می‌آفرینند؛ اسباب‌بازی‌هایی که می‌توان خواندشان، و کتاب‌هایی که می‌توان لمس‌شان کرد. کودکان همچنین از کولاژ لذت می‌برند، و نقاشی‌هایی را که با الهام از آثار او درست کرده‌ اند برای او می‌فرستند. «اریک کارل» هر روز صدها نامه از طرف طرفداران کوچکش دریافت می‌کند. راز موفقیت کتاب‌های «اریک کارل» در درک بصری و احترام به مخاطبانش است. «اریک کارل» در کتاب‌هایش از ژرفترین احساسات، و عواطف و افکارش با خوانشگرانش صحبت می‌کند. موضوع داستان‌هایش معمولا از دانش، و عشق بسیارش به طبیعت، سرچشمه می‌گیرد، در کنار زیبا و سرگرم‌ کننده بودن، به خوانشگرانش یاری می‌کند تا دنیای پیرامونشان را بهتر بشناسند. کارل می‌گوید: «من در بسیاری از کتاب‌هایم تلاش کرده‌ ام شکافی که بین مدرسه و خانه است را پر کنم. خانه برای من نماینده امنیت، گرما، اسباب بازی، گرفتن دست‌ها و در آغوش کشیدن است. اما مدرسه یک جای عجیب و غریب برای کودک است. آیا مدرسه جای شادی است؟ افراد جدید، معلم، همکلاسی‌ها رفتار خوبی خواهند داشت؟ من بر این باورم که رفتن به مدرسه دومین بحران بزرگی است که هر کودکی تجربه می‌کند؛ و البته اولین بحران زاده شدن و به این دنیا آمدن است. در واقع، در هر دو مورد ما محل گرم و امن را ترک می‌کنیم و به جایی ناشناخته گام می‌گذاریم. روبه رو شدن با ناشناخته‌ها اغلب با ترس همراه است. ‌من سعی می‌کنم در کتاب‌هایم این ترس را با پیامی مثبت جایگزین کنم. من معتقدم که بچه‌ها به طور طبیعی خلاق و مشتاق یادگیری هستند. در کتاب‌هایم می‌خواهم به آن‌ها نشان بدهم که یادگیری واقعا شگفت‌انگیز و سرگرم‌کننده است.» ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Claude's Bookzone.
1,551 reviews253 followers
May 27, 2021
Well this book brings tears to my eyes. I read this to my children nearly every day when they were little. They would point to the food and put their little fingers in the holes. I would have my hand on the other side of the page and tickle the pads of their finger. They would giggle and giggle. Thank you for this wonderful story, Eric, and rest in peace.
Profile Image for leynes.
1,201 reviews3,264 followers
December 8, 2023
A children's book classic. I recently gave our old family copy back to my sister so that she could entertain my nephew with this thrilling tale but I soon started to miss the book in my own collection. Therefore, I opted to re-buy a miniature version, which is perfect for multiple reasons: it doesn't take up nearly as much space as the big picture book version which is targeted at kids but I still get to enjoy the story and look at the pictures.

Rereading this book literally takes 5 minutes but it actually made me wonder what the purpose of this story (if there is any) is. I mean we get to follow a very hungry caterpillar that eats and eats throughout the week, then sleeps in a cocoon and wakes up as a beautiful butterfly. Is this supposed to be a metaphor for children growing into adults? I literally have no clue. One thing that's very evident are the patterns that come up in this book, especially those referencing days of the week and numbers. I can see how that's useful as an early teaching tool for pre-school kiddos. Apart from that, the story seems quite nonsensical to me – which is fine, and honestly a breath of fresh air. Not every book aimed at children needs to be this huge morality tale.

Anyways, the gimmick that I always enjoyed the most about this book (as a kid and as an adult!) is that some of its pages have holes in them to illustrate how the caterpillar eats its way through the food. It's so fun and clever. And little ol' 21st-century me is always fascinated when stuff like this is incorporated into books from literally 60-70 years ago. It's good to know the kids were always having fun!
Profile Image for Ken.
2,383 reviews1,359 followers
September 28, 2021
One of the joys of becoming a parent is being able to revisit your own childhood favourites, this classic tale of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly is one of the earliest books I can remember as a kid and was the perfect place to start.

So simple and clever as it not only teaches children to count but also explains a part of the animal kingdom around them.
Profile Image for ᴿᵒʸᵃ.
23 reviews
July 22, 2024
"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle is an engaging story that promotes curiosity about nature and the life cycle of a butterfly. It encourages exploration of growth and transformation, making it a solid choice for young readers interested in biology.

Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,404 reviews104 followers
September 29, 2017
Mr. H, my grandson, loves this book so much he turned it into a play. Great show! The critics (that would be me and his aunt) raved about it! 👏🏻
Profile Image for Manybooks.
3,447 reviews104 followers
March 14, 2021
As a three year old (in Germany, in 1969, and thus in the very same year the book was in fact published), I absolutely adored Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar (or I should rather say that I loved the German version of the book, that I found Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt absolutely wonderful, and that I have in fact only read the English version but this one time, being today, and as a Kindle download). And if I therefore am mostly rating The Very Hungry Caterpillar with my memories of childhood and my inner child in mind, The Very Hungry Caterpillar is most definitely and always will be a full and glowing five stars for me.

But yes, as an adult, I do indeed and well understand that the main "protagonist" that the very hungry caterpillar is never in any manner textually and narratively developed as a character, that he remains rather flat and one-dimensional throughout, and that he also consumes mostly food products that are not even remotely suitable for caterpillars (as they basically consume mostly leaves). However, I also and absolutely know and realise for a fact that when I was three years old (and had Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt repeatedly read to me), whether the list of foods the caterpillar was eating was suitable and acceptable for butterfly larvae or not did not matter all that much to me (if at all), and that for the intended audience, both the text and the accompanying images of The Very Hungry Caterpillar are generally pure unadulterated joy, magic, and perhaps even perfection, with the final illustration, the beautiful and intensely coloured butterfly into which the erstwhile very hungry caterpillar morphs, being the ultimate icing on an already most delicious cake (and no food based pun is intended with this here allusion either).

And indeed, I do have so very many fond memories of both my mother and grandmothers repeatedly and always gladly reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar to me (in German), with my most special and evocative, precious recollection being my mother's mother taking the time to meticulously and slowly explain to me that caterpillars do not really eat chocolate cake and ice cream cones (that they consume leaves and grass, that chocolate and most of the other foods mentioned in the book would actually and likely make the caterpillars very sick) when I asked if I could feed chocolates to the caterpillars in the garden. So I guess with my remembered and recalled question to my grandmother in mind, I should perhaps offer this small caveat to parents that they might consider also letting their young children know that caterpillars do not and should not consume most of the food products mentioned and depicted in The Very Hungry Caterpillar, lest they are like me and are curiously wondering whether the caterpillar's presented and depicted consumption is realistic (and yes, I really did want to try and feed chocolates and ice cream cones to the caterpillars I had seen in grandmas's garden and was a trifle disappointed at my grandmother's answer to my question).
Profile Image for Maede.
413 reviews557 followers
December 24, 2021
کرم صدپای خیلی گرسنه یک داستان کلاسیک کودکان انگلیسیه که از سال نشرش (۱۹۶۹) تا الان بیشتر از پنجاه میلیون فروخته شده. تصویرپردازی جذاب و داستان کوتاه و ساده‌اش باعث شده که برای بچه‌های کم سن خیلی لذت‌بخش باشه

داستان در مورد کرمیه که به دنیا میاد و یک هفته فقط‌ غذا می‌خوره تا آخر پیله می‌سازه و به پروانه تبدیل میشه. همین داستان ساده به بچه‌ها عددها، روزهای هفته، اسم غذاها و پروسه تبدیل کرم به پروانه رو آموزش میده و از طرفی هم در مورد مسیر رشد، کنترل کردن خود و سلامت صحبت می‌کنه. یک کتاب کودک دیگه چی باید داشته باشه؟

من این کتاب‌ها رو سر کلاس‌های بیگینر و المنتری برای تدریس زبان استفاده ‌می‌کنم، چون ساده هستند و شاگردام حس خوبی می‌گیرند که می‌تونند یک کتاب واقعی رو بخونند

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