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Anne of Green Gables #1-2

Anne of Green Gables / Anne of Avonlea

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One Giant Literary Classics volume features the first two installments in the life of spunky heroine Anne Shirley. First, the impetuous, red-haired orphan meetsand must win the love ofher foster parents at the scenic farmhouse known as Green Gables. Her adventures continue as she becomes the new schoolmistress in Avonlea, where she finds new challenges and true love.

536 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1908

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About the author

L.M. Montgomery

2,034 books12k followers
Lucy Maud Montgomery was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908.

Montgomery was born at Clifton, Prince Edward Island, Nov. 30, 1874. She came to live at Leaskdale, north of Uxbridge Ontario, after her wedding with Rev. Ewen Macdonald on July 11, 1911. She had three children and wrote close to a dozen books while she was living in the Leaskdale Manse before the family moved to Norval, Ontario in 1926. She died in Toronto April 24, 1942 and was buried at Cavendish, Prince Edward Island.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 149 reviews
Profile Image for Maeghan 🦋 HIATUS.
292 reviews230 followers
June 15, 2024
« I’d like to add some beauty to life. I don’t exactly want to make people know more - though I know that is the noblest ambition - but I’d love to make them have a pleasanter time because of me - to have some little joy or happy thought that would never have existed if I hadn’t been born.
- I think you’re fulfilling that ambition every day »

I don’t think I could ever trust someone who disliked this classic. It was one of the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. Anne is so cute… I cried quite a few times. I loved this story very very much ❤️

My first classic ❤️ Anne is the cutest 😭
Profile Image for Veda.
142 reviews26 followers
January 8, 2023
Oh what a beautiful, charming, enchanting, book! It's a lovely, clean one, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

[Except for.. (note at the end)]

It's hard not to fall in love with Anne Shirley. Might I say that most of us who are into books might see a bit (if not a lot) of ourselves in her. She reminded me of the time when ma once exclaimed in exasperation that she should not have bought me all those Chandamamas and other books, because I used to be so lost in my own world most of the time. Lel! Oh! How I miss those days. Sigh!
That's another thing about this book. It made me all nostalgic about the simple joys of childhood and of the life I live when I am at my amumma's (maternal grandma's). I would have promptly left for her place, if only she wasn't away on one of her teerthayatras.

Coming back to Anne, I definitely want to read more about her, though there were times when I went, 'I need a break from this child', and put the book down. I mean she is a non-stop chatterbox. Also, a tad tempted to check out that series on Netflix just for those beautiful, scenic settings.

If only, that casual distaste towards 'heathens' and glorification of foreign missionaries (mentioned a couple of times in the beginning) can be gotten rid of from the book. But then, I guess that might mean staying untrue to how certain things are. Before someone says, that's how things WERE and not are, especially in the places that this story is based out of, let me tell you that, that is not the case. That hatred and dislike towards 'heathens' has been passed on to quite a few of Indian Christ-followers here. Just the other day I crossed paths with a certain lady (while traveling locally via public transport) who was trying to engage a few of us random strangers on Jesus, she kept going on and on, and about how he saved her and her family and, etc, etc, etc. I listened to her patiently for some time and then interrupted her saying it's wonderful that Jesus has helped her out in her times of difficulties and has given her strength and support. I added that my Vishnumurthy has done the same to me, and whether I should start talking about it all. She promptly got off the seat and got down at the next station 😒

This is just one example, I am not even going into the details of numerous other similar incidents and practices followed by such folks (that I have encountered)..
So, the dislike towards 'non-believers' and glorification of missionaries is not outdated, and it's hard for me to ignore all this given how certain things were and are in India, how the narratives woven around those have been so far, and what I come across on a regular basis as a practicing-Hindu.
Profile Image for Nicky.
4,138 reviews1,085 followers
July 6, 2008
I read this when I was about ten or eleven, and forgot how much I adored it. I've finally got the whole set of the Anne books, so I sat down to reread this one today. It's easy to read, and charming, and more touching than I'd remembered -- I came over all sniffly a couple of times. And I also had a lot of delighted little giggles.
Profile Image for Sofie.
81 reviews
August 14, 2021
TUR att det finns fler böcker om Anne, annars vet jag inte vad jag hade gjort.
Profile Image for Sarahs Orange World.
104 reviews2 followers
October 22, 2022
Nach der sehr schön idyllischen Netflix-Serie "Anne with an E", habe ich mir den ersten Doppelband der Anne Shirley-Reihe als Urlaubslektüre auf einer kleinen Insel vorgenommen, was wunderbar gepasst hat. Wie auch bei der Serie musste ich mich auch beim ersten Buch erstmal an Annes Art gewöhnen, war aber ansonsten alles in allem sehr glücklich mit dem Leseerlebnis. Im Vergleich zur Serie kamen mir die Nebencharaktere etwas zu kurz, der Fokus lag ganz klar auf Anne, Marilla und Matthew. Der Schreibstil ließ sich auch heute noch problemlos lesen. Ungewohnt waren für mich nur kleinere Aspekte: So hätte ich mir z.B. gewünscht, dass einige Ausflüge, Feste und Erlebnisse etwas ausführlicher in der Gegenwart geschildert werden, während diese im Buch fast immer nur von Anne in der Rückschau nacherzählt werden - und das im Vergleich zum sonstigen Erzähltempo auch nur sehr kurz und knapp. Daneben gibt es dann aber auch wieder sehr große Zeitsprünge, so dass ein Großteil der Handlung von Frühsommer-Herbst spielt (über mehrere Jahre hinweg). Das war für mich alles nicht ganz ausgewogen, vielleicht aber auch nur ungewohnt.
Das zweite Buch hat mir etwas weniger gut gefallen, da hier für meinen Geschmack zu viele neue Charaktere eingeführt wurden und ich mir dann eher ein Fokus auf die etablierten Nebencharaktere gewünscht hätte. Dafür kam ich mit Annes Art deutlich besser zurecht.
Am Ende ist der Doppelband für mich ein 4-Sterne Buch und ich werde mir auf jeden Fall auch noch den nächsten Doppelband kaufen und freue mich darauf.
Profile Image for Dee (PlainlyReads).
63 reviews14 followers
June 7, 2017
Rating: 4.4

A good old children's classic. It was nice to read this after being disappointed with my previous read.
While reading this book, I always imagined myself as Marilla, while Anne is my niece and nephew, because like Anne, they talk non-stop. This novel reminds me a lot of Little Prince, where grown-ups, maturity, imagination, friendships and customary practice are the subject matters.
Profile Image for Ely.
329 reviews4 followers
February 18, 2023
This book divided into 2 titles, ”Anne of Green Gables” and ”Anne of Avonlea”
5 ⭐️! for both

Anne of Green Gables
Anne as a girl who has fully imagination over things and pretty talkative on her age is fascinating. When the story start and Matthew enjoys her company because Matthew was not a talkative person, give my heart a burst. Even though there are some misunderstanding while picking up Anne but at the end, Marilla and Matthew decided to adopted her. Then, as the time goes by, they were growing fond of her.

In this book, the story focused on Anne as a little girl and how her imagination always the dearest of her personality. It’s been a while I haven’t read any classic and this book give me joy and all the feels especially about family relationship. Anne picked names for everything around her always have a memorable place in my heart. Even though Anne was quite dramatic on certain parts but it was amusing for me. The ending give me in tears and I cannot move on for a while. How dare you give me that ending?

All the likes I had for this part of the book;
➊ The divine connection between Anne, Marilla, and Matthew
➋ Society seen Anne as a weird girl because she is different
➌ Gilbert and Anne sweet and remarkable moments
➍ Anne growing up as an orphan and how she handled things

Anne of Avonlea
The story continued when Anne decided to becoming a teacher and staying with Marilla instead of going far. Then, they have twins who need to stayed with them for a while. Davy and Dora has different personalities but Anne and Marilla handled them well enough. Also, Anne found new romance experience throughout the story of Miss Lavendar and Mr. Irving. She thought of them beautifully as in a book they were living.

The storyline, especially about Anne as a teacher won my heart. She handled her students pretty well and I love how in this book saying pupils when it comes to the students. Also, Anne’s handling Davy and Dora differently because as I see it, she sees Davy as the boy version of her. Anne also has growth within herself when she overcome the obstacle of being a teacher, and it was written beautifully. Then, Marilla and Anne relationship growing more and more beautiful in this part of the book. The ending when Anne and Gilbert talking after Miss Lavendar’s wedding has touched my heart.

All the likes I had for this part of the book;
➊ Anne as a teacher — perfection. Who doesn’t like an imaginative person as a teacher, anyway?
➋ Anne’s ideal of being a teacher, not abusive
➌ Society Issues

To conclude, this book makes me want to read more classic because I find it cute and fluffy when it comes to Gilbert and Anne. Anne’s growing up and her personality wiser than ever when it comes to the obstacle on her journey throughout the book also represents on a person nowadays. Even though it might comes more book in the series because the ending give me cliffhanger, I do want to devour more about Anne’s journeys. This book is mesmerizing. I loved every part of it.
Profile Image for  Chele.
489 reviews32 followers
September 20, 2017
See wildflowers' Amazon review for a list of books included in this complete set.

From wildflowers review:

"ANNE OF GREEN GABLES covers a span of Anne's first 5 years in Avonlea. She will age from 11 to 16. Her immortal antics that have made this book so beloved include her rivalry with Gilbert Blythe, dyeing her hair, and falling off of Mrs. Barry's roof...
ANNE OF AVONLEA spans two years. Anne is 18 at the novel's finish. She has become a teacher. Marilla adopts twins. Also, Anne has some more humorous and immortal moments.
ANNE OF THE ISLAND spans 4 years--Anne college years at Redmond. She will be 22 at the end of the novel. Anne discovers the real meaning of romance and love and courtship in this novel.
ANNE OF WINDY POPLARS also known as ANNE OF WINDY WILLOWS covers the 3 years of Anne's engagement to Gilbert. She is a Principle at Summerside High School where she has to deal with the Pringle clan, Katherine Brooke, and plenty of other interesting folks.
ANNE'S HOUSE OF DREAMS covers the first two years of Anne's married life. She and Gilbert now live in Four Winds Point, 60 miles east of Avonlea. Gilbert is making a living as a doctor, and the Blythes have new and interesting neighbors. **My favorite book of the series.**
Note: there is about a 6 year break between AHoD and AoI.
ANNE OF INGLESIDE covers about 6 years. Anne and Gilbert have moved to Glen St. Mary, near Four Winds Point, and now have children. This novel covers the birth of Rilla to the 15th wedding anniversary of Anne and Gilbert. More about Anne's children's adventures than Anne herself.
RAINBOW VALLEY takes place in 1 year. It is about Anne's children, and more specifically their neighbors, the Merediths--Faith, Una, Jerry, and Carl--and Mary Vance, but Anne does come in at important points within the novel. Faith is reminiscent in many ways of the young Anne.
Note: there is about a 9 year break between RV and RoI.
RILLA OF INGLESIDE is a heroine in her right. She ages from 15 to 19 during World War 1, the setting of this novel's time period. Anne is by now in her 50s and is a background character, but Rilla is a delightful and outgoing heroine with or without her mother.
This series was meant to be loved and reread and reread. Read the books in chronological order, or read them out-of-order but you'll still find them as fresh and enjoyable and as humorous as the first time you read them.
***Montgomery wrote some books about Anne's neighbors in Avonlea (CHRONICLES OF AVONLEA, FURTHER CHRONICLES OF AVONELEA) and in Glen St. Mary (THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY). And so if you enjoy the Anne books you might enjoy those books as well---although any Montgomery book is a reccommended read.***"
Profile Image for Nicki.
77 reviews
July 8, 2014
I had forgotten how very much I loved Anne Shirley when growing up. Rereading all of her stories has brought back so many memories, and I have fallen in love once again with the girl, Anne. After reading so many not-worth-mentioning, crappy, free, kindle downloaded books, this has been such a refreshing change of pace - well written, poetical, beautiful, and clean; and 'watching' Anne grow-up again is such a pleasure.
Profile Image for Dua'a Behbehani.
133 reviews18 followers
December 31, 2013

How did this book get such a good rating? The character did my head in with her chitter chatter, I even felt the author talking too much when describing scenes and characters! Enough!
Profile Image for Betsy.
104 reviews
April 11, 2017
BEST BOOK EVER!!! And not just for children!!Seriously, why did I wait so long to read this gem? The writing is simply beautiful and the characters believable and "real".
80 reviews1 follower
April 26, 2020
Read in a fit of nostalgia one afternoon. As lovely as I remember (albeit unsurprisingly extremely dated in some aspects) from reading it as a child.
Profile Image for Shanya Putri.
320 reviews151 followers
September 5, 2020
I finally finished this book! I have watched the tv series on Netflix a couple months ago and I enjoyed it a lot. Then I tried reading the book, after I remembered that I had it since 2016.

1. Anne of Green Gables
I was surprised when I read the first chapters. It looked exactly like the tv series! But then, some things were different. I also just couldn't stand Anne–she talked too much. Sometimes there's a whole page full of her dialogue AND READING IT MADE ME TIRED JSKSKSKS. Well, I can say that I much prefer the tv series.

2. Anne of Avonlea
This part wasn't in the tv series so it's new to me. Didn't really enjoy it but I read the whole thing anyway.
Profile Image for Phoebe Anne.
42 reviews6 followers
March 14, 2022
I have never felt such a strong connection to book character like I have with Anne Shirley. I was reading this thinking ‘oh my god, I’m Anne of Green Gables.’ I shared this thought with my mother and her response was ‘why do you think I’ve been trying get to to read them since you were eight!’

Such a lovely, wholesome, beautiful story, my heart is full.
Profile Image for Constantina ✨.
263 reviews31 followers
March 27, 2022
Dragostea mea pentru Anne of Green Gables a început cu serialul Anne with an E, pe care l-am descoperit în liceu. Nu pot să cred nici acum că a fost anulat sezonul 4 și da, știu că mă plâng mult din cauza asta. :))

"But if you have big ideas, you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?"

Dar povestea acestei fetițe orfane care a fost adoptată de un frate și o soră, amândoi bătrâni, mi-a plăcut așa de mult. Chiar dacă prefer serialul în ciuda cărții, prin roman am resimțit pasiunea cu care mă uitam prima dată la sezonul întâi și foarte multe personaje oferă farmec poveștii și aventurilor lui Anne. Însă aici, pentru că am citit și Anne of Avonlea, am văzut-o pe Anne evoluând mai mult, am văzut-o trecând peste adolescență și la sfârșitul celui de al doilea volum fiind transformată într-o tânără femeie.

"Dear old world, you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you."

Povestea lui Anne îți oferă nostalgie după copilărie, îți arată puterea imaginației și a bucuriei. Dacă vă simțiți triști, vă recomand cu drag să citiți această carte (e tradusă și în română în mai multe ediții), un clasic pentru tineri, dacă treceți printr-o stare deprimantă probabil Anne vă va arăta calea spre a vedea lumea cu ochi plini de lumină.
Profile Image for Ben.
88 reviews
March 15, 2011
I loved this book. Oh what a happy heart warming story of Anne Shirley. I could not stop reading this book. I found this story to be the best that I have read in a long long time. It brought joy to my heart and happiness into my day. This wonderful little girl changes the lives of Matthew and Marilla. Once she arrives at Green Gables there world is filled with endless stories and imaginations from Anne. She grows to become a scholar and makes Matthew And Marilla proud. The funny things Anne does are warm and fun. The pictures the author paints in my mind makes me want to be in Green Gables. It will bring a tear to your eye when Matthew passes. In simple terms a story of a girl that is rare in this old world. A story of times that were filled with fun. If you wish to brighten your day, take this book and read it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Amanda.
408 reviews77 followers
April 19, 2009
Tried to read it so many times but kept falling asleep. Horribly boring, and Anne is obnoxious.
Profile Image for Leanne.
46 reviews4 followers
July 5, 2021
Anne Shirley is an eleven-year-old orphan who has hung on determinedly to an optimistic spirit and a wildly creative imagination through her early deprivations. She erupts into the lives of aging brother and sister Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, a girl instead of the boy they had sent for. Thus begins a story of transformation for all three; indeed the whole rural community of Avonlea comes under Anne's influence in some way. We see her grow from a girl to a young woman of sixteen, making her mistakes, and not always learning from them. Intelligent, hot-headed as her own red hair, unwilling to take a moral truth as read until she works it out for herself, she must also face grief and loss and learn the true meaning of love.

A wonderfully delightful children's classic, which can be enjoyed, by young and old alike. This edition combines the first two books of the Anne of Green Gables series, and we follow Anne from the age of 11 - 18. Through out the two books the reader see's Anne grow as a person, as well as those around her, especially Marilla.
I loved reading the parts of the books, where Anne is twittering away as you get an insight into her imagination and her romantic ideas.
Parts of the book really had me laughing, this was in part due to Anne and something she may have said / done, but also because of the glimpse into life in the early 1900's, and things that we would find funny in todays society.

This is a book that I will definitely come back to, and enjoy rereading, and I would like to get my hands on the rest of the series, which follows Anne into her 50's and 60's.
Profile Image for judy.
277 reviews3 followers
April 15, 2023
4.5 stars
Anne of Green Gables - 4.5 stars
Anne of Avonlea - 4.5 stars
I loved this. I always considered this a trilogy so I will only read the next book - Anne of the Island and then I won't continue for the advice of a goodreads reviewer who said so.
College life, here we go!
Profile Image for Vana Maria.
76 reviews
May 30, 2023
Such a heart warming experience! A story of a fierce young girl with a kind heart, and a tendency for trouble. Absolutely adorable <3

"Dear old world', she murmured, 'you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you."
May 5, 2021
Anne in Avonlea, ist der 2. Band Annes Lebensgeschichte. Anne ist hier viel älter un reifer als im 1. Teil was mich sehr erfreut hat. Leider verlor Anne ihre Unbeschwertheit und ihre sonderliche art zu reden etwas... Das hat mir nicht so gut gefallen da es mit der Begründung "Ich bin nun älter und verbleibe mit meinen Gedanken für mich" nicht gut begründet war.
Dennoch ist Anne generell ein super Buchcharakter und es ist immer sehr unterhaltsam.😄
Profile Image for aimyalice.
16 reviews
February 28, 2022
i’ve loved anne ever since i met her in the movies. her talent and her optimism really does inspire me. it’s genuinely so much fun watching her learn about life, her thought process intrigues me because it is so realistic.

i especially love the descriptions. so softly does the author describe pretty things.

“i think they must be the souls of the flowers that dies last summer and this is their heaven.”

“‘what do you think of the new moon, teacher? i think it is a little golden boat full of dreams.’

‘and when it tips on a cloud some of them spill out and fall into your sleep.’”

“you always bring youth in your hand like a gift.”

these are some of my favourite lines. this book is filled with beautiful lyricism. if the voice in my head spoke like this, i would never be sad.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
April 20, 2020
I loved it! So wonderful and sweet. Can't wait to read the others!!
November 20, 2023
I really love the character of Anne of Green Gables, despite her thinking Anne is only pretty with an "e" and my middle name is without it. I've read these books before but I loved reading them again as an adult and enjoying her adventures, but also appreciating her optimistic outlook on life. I love how descriptive the author is especially of the landscape. Such a beautiful reminder that joy can be found in the simplest of things. Definitely recommend to read it again if you haven't since your childhood! There is more to be learned from Anne!
Profile Image for Val.
84 reviews13 followers
April 25, 2021
This book contains the first two novels of this series. Just some clarification: I didn't read the books ever as a kid, and I don't think I ever heard of the character before the Netflix series was released (which I watched until it was cancelled, and like it to a certain degree). A short introduction about the theme of the books: Anne Shirley is an 11 years old orphan who gets adopted by two farmer siblings living in Prince Edward Island, Canada, by the end of the 19th century. These siblings are rather old and never got married, so they are also childless. They decide to adopt a boy, so he could help them in the farm, but instead this skinny red haired girl arrives, and conquers their hearts with her quirky personality. She is very talkative and romantic, full of imagination and passion.
The novels are not my cup of tea. I enjoyed the second a bit more than the first, but it was not enough for me to like the series.

The first novel, Anne of Green Gables, has no plot, just episodes in the life of Anne, sometimes with a big temporal gap in between them. The second one, Anne of Avonlea, is similar in that aspect, but at least by the end there’s an attempt to a plot that develops in several consecutive chapters... But I didn’t find it interesting anyway. The style in these novels is often poor, monotonous, boring, too poetic and pretentious to my taste. Anne's personality is tiresome. At first she seems sweet and quirky, but soon enough she shows to be shallow and extra, to not say plain silly. She pays a lot - A LOT - of attention to her physical appearance, and the one of others, which makes her a very boring character, at least for me. I don’t buy all her poetics if she can be that shallow. I know we're not meant to take Anne's discourse so seriously, especially in the first novel, but being a book for young people it makes me cringe to see that certain ideas get validated by Anne - the hero and protagonist - so often.
In general the characters were not interesting for me, many of them don’t develop much of a personality (even if they are important ones like Gilbert or Diana), or they have a very cliché one. I guess the only character that enjoyed reading was Matthew, and sometimes Marilla.
The writing style of the first novella has a very repetitive structure. The chapters very often go like this: we get an introduction about the season or weather of that day, then Anne attempts to do something and much likely she will make a mistake or something outstanding out of it. And then it ends with Marilla or Matthew making a comment about Anne.
Other common formula for these chapters: Anne is the narrator of what happened lately in her life, so we don't get the author to narrate a situation, but instead there's a description that Anne makes of particular events. So we get these long monologues by Anne quite often, that are obviously not very detailed and again, leave no much room for side character development. Everything seems so focused on Anne that makes the book very boring.
The second novel, Anne of Avonlea, improves in this aspect, and we see things as they happened, with less (but still some) monologues by Anne. Buuut, this one novel had something that it’s quite awful: it validates whipping children as a correct punishment for behaving badly (in school.) I know this book is old, but I can't believe people love these books so much today. Whipping kids has never been a good thing. There are also very awful comments about women, that don’t look like critics from the author. For example, Mr Harrison saying “A woman would forgive a man for beating her sooner than for hinting she was too much pleased to get him.” (p. 480)
So, overall, I don’t recommend these books, even though I enjoyed some bits. But, hey, it’s the first time that I can endure 527 pages of a book that I don’t like and I’m not obligated to read ;p
Profile Image for Sophia El Kerdini.
81 reviews55 followers
August 26, 2019
This is a touching, funny and tear-jerking story of a red-haired, freckled faced, eleven years old orphan girl named Anne Shirley. (although she’d rather be called princess Cordelia!). Anne is delivered to the Cuthbert aging brother and sister Matthew and Marilla who were intending to get an orphan boy to help with their farm at green gables. But words got lost in translation and Anne is mistakenly delivered instead.
Matthew who was set to bring the orphan from the train station is immediately conquered by the little girl’s loquaciousness , scope for imagination, love for romance, beauty and nature, and her affinity for using big large words.
Once home, and after many debates whether to send her back to the orphanage, Anne finally gets to stay in green gables and she couldn’t be happier about it as she already had gratefully set her heart to stay (plus she had renamed all the beautiful glorious places between the station and green gables with more... suitable names.)
Although sometimes she’s a real trial to Marilla, both brother and sister soon grow fond of her, and the Cuthbert house -usually calm and monotonous- is filled with many adventures from Anne’s clumsiness, odd capacity of getting into trouble and making many funny mistakes. The school gets the same treatment from her with a fierce rivalry with a school mate (it was a question of honor!).
Anne’s character is a very touching one. Even though, she makes many mistakes she quickly recovers as everything gets better in the morning. A new day, fresh and so full of possibilities, with no mistakes in it.
Anne’s capacity of living in the moment, of loving life and finding happiness and adventure no matter where she goes, are some of the many things from which we could all use a lesson.
That first book was a lovely delightful read.

The second book “Anne of Avonlea” follows Anne’s adventures over the next five years where she embraces the carrer of a young school teacher. Her studies are becoming even more important for her as she values the worth of education, her old rivalry with an old schoolmate has turned into a good friendship - that I suspect might turn into a sweet romance *__*
We discover a mature version of Anne who, without loosing her vivid imagination and vibrant spirit, is more grounded.
There are also new characters and -mostly children and some are just too cute and attaching.
You can’t help but fall in love with the book and the main characters. It’s a heart-warming story, a very comforting one, and an enchanting novel with great insights into human nature. It’s also beautifully written, dialogue and narration flow making reading so effortless with vivid scenes and strong emotions.
I would recommend this book to every sensitive romantic soul out there. And especially for little girls, that would learn a great from Anne’s personality and it would definitely serve as an inspiring read.
There are many adaptations of the books, movies and animes, and the recent one - Anne with an “e” : the tv show on Netlfix- is a very good one. Although it’s got a much darker interpretation of the story, with much more drama and many modern issues. I would recommend to read the book before watching any.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 149 reviews

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