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The Prism of Ashlai

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Ashlai, a Fyre who can harness powers of flame from the sun, has always felt like an outsider amongst the Forest-footer elves who raised her and her brother, Merritt. The only clue to their past is a strangely unbreakable crystal Shard left to them by their mother.

When Ashlai discovers a Fyre princess speaking to her from within their mother's Shard, she is soon launched into an adventure that is much bigger than her constant longing and struggle to understand who she is and where she comes from--a quest which may help her unravel that secret past.

With the help of Six new friends, including the sarcastic Sprite, Aryl; the equally snarky Mandolin, Princess of the Water-skippers; and Gailea and Chamblin, a pair of squabbling but wise and kind-spirited musicians, Ashlai will go through a journey in which she is not only challenged with saving her world, but with facing her past and coming to know and accept who she truly is.

And, as Ashlei will learn, sometimes the truth is frightening to learn, and even more frightening to stand up to.

128 pages, Paperback

First published March 1, 2010

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About the author

Christine E. Schulze

60 books388 followers
Hullo there, dear reader! Christine E. Schulze here, author of YA fantasy, as well as a few kids’ books about special needs. I’ve been living in castles, exploring magical worlds, and creating fantastical romances and adventures since I was too young to even write of such stories. My collection of YA and children's fantasy books, The Amielian Legacy, is comprised of series and stand-alone books that can all be read separately but also weave together to create a single, amazing fantasy.

One of my main aspirations for The Amielian Legacy is to create grand fantasy adventures with characters that connect with readers from diverse backgrounds. My current focus is to include racially diverse characters, as well as those with disabilities. The latter is inspired by my day job working with adults who have autism and other developmental disabilities at Trinity Services in Southern Illinois.

I draw much of my inspiration from favorite authors like Tolkien and Diana Wynne Jones, favorite games like The Legend of Zelda, and especially from the people in my life. Some of my exciting ventures include the publication of my award-winning Bloodmaiden, as well as The Gailean Quartet, my first series with Words Matter Publishing. My books for younger readers include In the Land of Giants and The Amazing Captain K.

I love connecting with new raeders! Come find me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, or at my author website: http://authorchristineschulze.com

On that note, God bless, happy reading, and may you be truly inspired! I’ll see you in my next book.

- Christine E. Schulze

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews601 followers
March 8, 2013

With “The Prism of Ashlai”, Christine E. Schulze has penned a beautiful tale of a young orphaned girl destined to lead the fight against evil in her world. In spite of the recent devastation in her life, Ashlai is tasked with finding and recovering seven shards of a prism, she has one piece, left for her by the mother she has never known. She must find the other six, each held by someone with their own unique strengths, but Ashlai, who knows little of who she is or where she came from, is to be their leader. As she learns to reach out beyond their appearances and personalities, she discovers she has friends and allies on her perilous quest! With everyone looking to Ashlai for leadership and guidance, she evolves from a scared girl into a fierce warrior who has learned to follow her heart as she searches for the promised answers to who she is. Can Ashlai save her world and those she loves or will she be forced to choose?
With fast pacing and detailed scenes, “The Prism of Ashlai” is a captivating Young Adult book that transported me into a fantasy world full of the wonderful creations of Christine Schulze’s imagination! I found myself believing in this vividly detailed world and feeling the intense emotions as the surroundings swirled around me. Ashlai’s strength of character and her ability to face her fears head-on makes her an outstanding role model for younger teens!

Reviewed for Readers' Favorite
Profile Image for Lacey.
1,328 reviews29 followers
March 26, 2013
A nice story. Ashlai is a young girl who is unsure of who she is and what her goal in life is. Her friends and brother are moving away and starting their own lives, leaving her behind with her foster father. Suddenly she becomes the leader of a group out to save the kingdom from an evil ruler.

Like I said a nice story. The descriptions are excellent, I can very easily visualize what is happening and the world it is happening in. The conflicts vary in their degree of believablility.

Overall an enjoyable story and an easy read. I would like to see things get a little darker and more realistic...there was never really any question as to Ashlai being victorious at the end of the story. It was more like a narrative of her journey, but it was a very imaginative and creative story. I especially like the Oncazzas, a very creative and well described villain. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes happy endings and beautifully worded stories that you can visualize in your mind.
Profile Image for Jessica Mitchell.
2,053 reviews18 followers
June 7, 2020
An adventure that starts out slow but kicks butt once it really gets started. Action and adventure throughout it. Coupled with an array of characters that tie the story together. Each character has their own quirks and story of how they came to be on the time and why. The quest to save their world after finding the seven shards begins now...
Profile Image for Samantha.
623 reviews99 followers
December 23, 2012
The Prism of Ashlai is the story of a young girl (Ashlai) on a quest to find seven broken shards of the Prism of Ashlai and put them together to save a kingdom, while trying to find herself along the way.
To be honest, I was not a big fan of this book. I did not think it was a bad read, and i think the storyline has a lot of potential, but certain aspects of it just didn't go over well in my opinion. I admire the journey Ashlai takes, but during the first half of the book I almost forgot she was there. I didn't feel the connection to her that main characters need to make. She didn't talk much, and while I get that quietness was part of her character, it didn't leave enough dialouge with her actively participating. I kept hoping for a romance to happen to get her to be more involved in the story, but it held off until later in the book, and I was surprised at the partner. The boy, Aryl, was a big part of the story, but during the long stretches when Ashlai faded to the background, I thought he was going after a different character, a girl named Mandolin, another person helping in the quest for the shards. I was to the point of thinking Ashlai wouldn't have a love interest by the time they started leaning toward each other.
The action scenes were described very well, and the use of powers was a very interesting part of the story, but only in the scene when one of the characters "dies" did I feel that quest was difficult. Yes, they got attacked several times, but it seemed over very quickly, and they always got out of it. As ruthless as the antagonist was described, I expected a much more intense and rough journey.
Though I found many things lacking in this story, it did have its good points. I thought the family relationships were very believable and liked the scenes involving Ashlai and Gailea. Towards the end of the book, Ashlai was finally more involved in the story, and the time she spent at the front of the story wasn't bad. I think overall I just felt this could have been more. The ground work is there; there just needs to be more built off the groundwork. All in all, it is an ok read, but there is a lot of potential there to do better.
Profile Image for Ravencrantz.
536 reviews69 followers
March 10, 2013
Although this was your typical Good vs Evil story, it was still incredibly enjoyable. The characters were memorable, the fight scenes well written, and dialogue interesting, although sometimes choppy.

The story itself was a lot of fun, although the writing sounded like it was meant for maybe a middle school reading level. I no way is this a bad thing. Personally I am willing to read at any reading level so long as it is written well and the story is enjoyable. Even though at times the writing seemed childish, the story was so enjoyable that I hardly even noticed. And I'm in no way saying the writing was horrible. There were plenty of beautiful quotes, my favorite of which is describing Chamblin's fingers as he plays his pipa.

"His fingers plucked the strings lightly and with ease as if they were old friends his fingers gladly waltzed with."

Comparing the movement pf his fingers to a waltz is a beautiful image, and I read that line over an over again. I just absolutely love it.

They way the characters got along was very believable, what with Mandolin and Aryl playfully teasing each other, and the older members of the group telling tales of their travels, what I didn't like was the fight Aryl had with Ashlai. Something about it seemed off and I feel as if it was put there simply for tension and as a way for the reader to know hey Ashlai is having internal struggles as well as struggling with this quest. Also, the Big Reveal wasn't so much of a shocker to me. As soon as the crystal told Ashlai this ques world reveal more about he and he past when she defeated the Evil Ragnor, it was pretty obvious what their connection was.

Despite some shortcomings, this book was very enjoyable. A great story of a heroine who is set on a ques to save the world and discover her true self. I think it would make a great book to read in a middle school English class when learning about the hero's journey and Symbolism.
221 reviews
February 19, 2013
*I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

I enjoyed this book. I was rather impressed with the variety of characters (and species, for that matter). I love reading stories that have all kinds of settings and characters in a fantastical setting, and Ms. Schulze does a very good job establishing new areas and characters. I think my favorite character was Aryl, but Ashlai was a great protagonist. I enjoyed reading her journey as she truly progressed as a character. The hesitant hero(ine) is always more interesting than the one who flies into the action without a second thought. Although Ashlai doesn't need prompting to do the right thing, she does need others to help her see that she had the potential to be a good leader. The older, wise character archetype (aka the mentor) is almost always one I enjoy reading, and in this case, it was no different. I was really sad when she died, and grateful that she survived that and "resurrected" in the end.

One thing that bothered me a bit, though, was the villain. He was a bit too clear-cut evil to me, and one of his statements was similar to one of Voldemort's statements. That kind of villain is common for the genre, though, so I do not really find it a big problem.

I definitely recommend this to others who like similar books-ya fantasy and quest stories-and plan to read the sequel when it comes out.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Melissa.
285 reviews
December 28, 2012
Disclaimer: I was provided with a free copy of this book by the author in exchange for a review.

The Prism of Ashlai follows the adventures of a young girl, the eponymous Ashlai, as she seeks to reunite seven prism shards in order to defeat the evil Ragnar. She is joined by six others, each of whom have found a shard, and are identified as her allies by a glowing "A" on their hands.

Schulze has built a strong world between the pages, but the pace is so quick, the reader scarcely has time to appreciate the scenery. Each one of the prism shards is found with little difficulty, amounting to a new character appearing in a vision and showing up not long after. I found myself not connecting to Ashlai for much of the novel; only when a certain character is in peril did I feel myself growing worried.

There are many different races and lands presented in the novel, each unique and interesting their own ways. As stated above, I believe the narrative could have benefited from more adventure, letting us get to know the characters as they are introduced and form a bond with them. Instead of having the shards be reunited within one book, several books could have easily dealt with the quest. Lastly, the pages of exposition in the beginning of the novel left me confused, as there was no mention of this world being set in our own at any point in the narrative.

Strong world-building, but the same amount of attention needs to be paid to the characters and their journey.
Profile Image for Lindsay Paige.
Author 54 books596 followers
July 21, 2011
Interest: Synopsis
Title Thoughts: It fits.
Cover Thoughts: I like it.

This book is full of adventure to different places with a group that becomes a family. This book is perfect for providing an escape from our world and into another one where a girl is sent on a mission.

I really enjoyed Schulze's writing and it flowed smoothly. My favorite character would have to Aryl. He is just a likeable person and has a personality that has him instantly likeable. Between the characters and this book providing an escape from our world, I really liked it.

Addict's Last Words: If you need an escape from our world that doesn't require too much thought The Prism of Ashlei is for you.

To Buy or To Borrow: This is a toss up for me.

Disclosure: I participate in tours with The Teen Book Scene and a copy was provided to me by the author, publisher/publicist, or another third party.. No payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was not any obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed here are entirely mine and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, the book's publisher and publicist, or the readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Profile Image for Colleen Lynch.
168 reviews11 followers
May 2, 2011
I'm reading this now and I'm finding LITERALLY NO TIME TO READ what with my college classes and load of work, but it's very frustrating to me because this book has me pretty wrapped up in the world it's set in and I keep wanting to go back! I enjoy the characters - the dynamics between all of them are fun to read and make me think of my own friends to be honest, at least how we used to be in middle school. The story, while a bit predictable, is rich in setting and description, and it makes me feel younger and more imaginative to read about Asheli and her wandering journey - I think the way it's written is easy to delve into and follow, and nothing is too much of a stretch or any reason to trip you up, so if you're not like me and have absolutely no time to read, I'd recommend this for sure. It follows four books so I'm excited to finish this one and see where it's going - currently I'm at Chapter thirteen, "Caves of Aquanitess" and I've been trying to get to it for days. The settings in the book really are rich. I also love how Chamblin and Gail interact with one another I have to say :) I'll let you all know more when I FINALLY finish, if that day EVER comes! (it will, i just need to get through finals)

had to put down, sorry! will pick up again soon
Profile Image for Linda.
3,284 reviews2 followers
January 1, 2013
Ashali and her brother Merritt had been left with Bromwell a friend in Vian and knew that he would protect her little children. She left only a crystal shard as proof that they were of the Frye and not Forest Footers. They grew up up and her brother adjusted but she longed to know more about her people, fifteen summers later her older brother was to sail to Loz to start his apprenticeship and as she and Bromwell watched his ship sail away, she broke down, raced to the forest and hoped the tears would hold off until she was at the forest. She threw herself down at the aged tree where they had buried her little girl "treasures" then grabbed a rock to dig. In the wooden box was the glass shard that they had buried and she was enraged that her brother was leaving her alone so she hurled the shard against a tree with all of her might, but it didn't break and she picked it up and saw liquid shimmering and a face of a girl telling her she was chosen for a purpose............

Christine Schulze pens a beautiful story of a girl destined to lead seven people to fight against evil that Regar vowed to avenge with capturing the prism to obtain power and rule all of Hyloria.
Profile Image for Kay.
68 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2013
This book was provided to me by the author in digital form (since I entered to win but didn't) in exchange for an honest review. I do not know the author. All thoughts are my own.

This YA book is very well imagined, developed and written. The author has a very vivid imagination and the ability to put forth beautifully, descriptive words pulling in the reader.

It's a tale of a young girl, Ashlai of Fyre who, in the beginning, meets a tree sprite named Aryl. He saves her life and then she tells him of her terrible past couple of days. Her brother, Merritt has left for an apprenticeship with a blacksmith but she fears him dead. Along with fearing Merritt's death, she also believes that Bromwell (the man who raised them) may also be dead. She finds a shard of crystal that had been buried with her "little girl" things left to her by her mother. Inside the shard is a Fyre princess that guides Ashlai toward her destiny. Ashlai and her new found friends embark on a journey where she finds more than she ever imagined including love.

Although it is a YA book, I am 42 years old and very much enjoyed it. I totally recommend it for anyone young or young at heart!
Profile Image for Cathleen.
735 reviews19 followers
January 5, 2013
I wish to extend my thanks to the author, Christine E. Schulze, for providing me with a free copy to read and review. I have been honored to read several of Christine's stories to date and I can honestly say that this story is my favorite.

Though I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story, I was left with feelings of wanting more. I strongly feel that the author needs to put more adventure into the story as the pace is too fast. The descriptions of the different races and the land they inhabit is well thought out and presented. The author should put as much attention into the characters and the quests which would engage and involve the reader. The dialog and interaction between each of the characters is exceptionally crafted and I particularly enjoyed the “friendly” arguing between Mandolin and Aryl. The stories Chamblin and Gailea told of their travels was fun to read.

With poetic lines such as “His fingers plucked the strings lightly and with ease as if they were old friends his fingers gladly waltzed with” the author shows an amazing writing talent. There are many such lines throughout this story and these are the lines that made this a good read.
Profile Image for Sarah-Jayne Briggs.
Author 1 book47 followers
December 16, 2012
(This review may contain spoilers).

I was really excited to get a message asking if I'd like to read this book, since I really like this author's work. Once again, I found myself unable to pull myself away from reading this book, even though I've just finished three night shifts and am more than a bit tired by now.

I think this book might be my favourite one so far. I loved the characters (with a couple of exceptions) and there was a scene right towards the end that actually brought tears to my eyes. I can't remember the last time that happened with a book.

The writing did a really good job of painting pictures of the scenes inside my head and I really did like the linking with the other books and short stories. I also like the use of faith in the book - it's always good to read really excellent Christian fantasy.

Finishing the book has left me with a good feeling and I've purchased Lily in the Snow from Amazon. In my opinion, five stars for this book are definitely well deserved.
Profile Image for Mark.
172 reviews19 followers
January 11, 2013
I was lucky enough to win a paperback copy of "The Prism of Ashlai" by Christine E. Schulze through a first reads giveaway on Goodreads.

I wish I was 14 again to read this. It is a story of friendships, first loves, betrayals, secrets, self doubt, self discovery and fantastic adventure. I was disappointed with a lack in description regarding how magic systems wok. They seem to just assume everyone knows.

My biggest quarrel with the book is that this slip of a youth is able to sneak right past armies into a castle fortress and best the most powerful sorcerer seen in ages. Her magical sword is crafted by here 18 year old brother, not yet an apprentice smithy. There is a lot of logical steps that are missing and bother me.

Watching the growing relationship between Aryl and Ashlai is enjoyable. The tension between Mandolin and Aryl provides humor.

Overall there were certainly parts and characters I enjoyed. The book was okay so I'm giving it two stars.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eden Silverfox.
1,155 reviews96 followers
November 16, 2010
Ashlei's faith in Amiel isn't as strong as it should be and she's not sure why she was appointed to be the 'Ashlei', the leader of this quest for the glass shards.
But along the way, Ashlei meets many great people who she comes to call her friends. Aryl, Gail and the rest of the Six are there when Ashlei needs them and they give her support even when she is unsure of herself.
The quest is long and tiring, but with her friends, Ashlei knows that they can defeat Rachendorf.

This book was great. I'm not sure which characters I like best; they all were great and unique. It was pretty funny some of the things that happened between Aryl and Mandolin. Gail and Chamblin's picking on each other was quite entertaining too. But, the love the characters had for each other was touching. It was just a ton of things that made this a great story.
Profile Image for Lindsay.
551 reviews1 follower
June 2, 2013
*I received a free ebook copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.*

First of all, thank you, Ms. Schulze for giving me the opportunity to read and review your book. I have to apologize for taking so long to read it. School sort of took over.

Now, onward to the review! This is one of the most charming stories I've read in quite some time. The characters were so magical (literally and figuratively) and the plot was action packed. I highly recommend this to anybody of any age who is looking for a wonderful, sensational, stupendous read! :)
29 reviews50 followers
December 27, 2012
I got this yesterday, around 4 o'clock, in the mail. Not only did the story within the book itself captivate me so much so that I started reading it almost immediately and finished it at 10 this morning, but Christine's personal message also meant a lot. So, definitely a book I would recommend to my friends, not that they'll be borrowing my copy, and I cannot wait to get my hands on the rest of the series. Truly beautiful.
40 reviews
February 5, 2013
I thought this was a fast paced, constantly moving book. Ashlai is given a quest, with some help along the way, to defeat the ultimate evil of her world. While on her quest she learns about the family she couldn't remember and the "family" she didn't know she had. Inspirational and touching, I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys following a group on an adventure. I hope to see more of Ashlai and her traveling companions in the future.
Profile Image for Lauren.
3 reviews
January 22, 2013
I received this book from the author in exchange for a review.

This book was a fantastic read. It was very creative and imaginative. The characters, places, and all aspects of this novel were unlike any books I have read so far. It kept me wanting to know what would happen next and was a pretty thrilling read. The ending seemed a pretty final conclusion so I can't wait to see what will happen next in the series.
Profile Image for Christina.
106 reviews
September 20, 2010
This book takes readers to a new world. A place where magic lives in music and nature, and where you don't have to think you're anything remarkable to be a hero. With a heroine who wants to see the good in everybody, and who believes in the hope and happiness of budding romances, this story is a unique one.
Profile Image for Alegna.
73 reviews17 followers
January 31, 2013
This is such an amazing book. It has so much adventure, mystery and majestic surroundings that will have you not wanting to leave that world. I truly enjoyed this book very much. Christine E. Schulze never fails to astound me with her choice of words and detailing descriptions of such wonderous worlds.
Profile Image for Melissa Levine.
1,027 reviews43 followers
July 26, 2015
I only made it through this book about halfway. It has a good story line but for whatever reason I just could not get into it at all. Usually when I'm reading a book it's easy for me to visualize the characters and everything I'm reading, in my head. Maybe given some time I'll try rereading it again and will change my review around.
Profile Image for Jessica Mitchell.
2,053 reviews18 followers
June 7, 2020
The Prism of Ashlei
Christine e. schulze

An adventure that starts out slow but kicks butt once it really gets started. Action and adventure throughout it. Coupled with an array of characters that tie the story together. Each character has their own quirks and story of how they came to be on the time and why. The quest to save their world after finding the seven shards begins now...
Profile Image for Louisa.
593 reviews69 followers
February 21, 2013
a really enjoy able fantasy book. engagable characters and lots of twist and turns during the andventure to keep the reader interested.
I will defefintely be reading more books by this author
Profile Image for Steven Burke.
Author 7 books55 followers
February 18, 2013
This was a story about faith in a higher power. A story that was full of adventure, self discovery, and choices. This was a very entertaining story that almost any age would thoroughly enjoy.
80 reviews
September 11, 2019
I got this book as an ARC. I have to say that I struggled to get through this book. I think the layout of the book I was sent didn’t help. It was very difficult to read, laid out badly. I also struggled to connect with some of the characters. I found them incredibly annoying. I’m sure at some point they’d mature but I couldn’t bear to find out.
Profile Image for Isis Ray-sisco.
726 reviews
March 18, 2020
This was an interesting read. I thought it had a lot of great points to it. I liked most of the characters. The plot moved along at a good pace and all came to a head at the end. I liked the conclusion of the book. I have not read this author before but I would give another book of hers a try. I think others will enjoy this book especially if they enjoy YA fantasy reads.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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