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Sign of Love #6

Grayson's Vow

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Kira Dallaire is desperate. She must get married, and fast, to access the inheritance her late grandmother left her. Otherwise, she'll find herself at the mercy of her wealthy, abusive father. With little money and even fewer options, she uses her quick wit and impulsive heart to come up with a plan.

Grayson Hawthorn is losing hope. A convicted felon with limited capital and dwindling resources, his vow to resurrect his family's struggling vineyard seems destined to fail. That is, until a young woman enters his office with an outlandish proposal―a win-win business marriage he can't refuse. But what begins as a temporary arrangement soon threatens to become more, as vibrant, spirited Kira challenges detached, arrogant Grayson to want more from life. To want more for himself.

As their wills clash and fiery passion ignites, the two realize that sometimes the past creates walls too difficult to climb, and lies and deception rarely precede a happily ever after.

A marriage-of-convenience spicy standalone romance from the New York Times bestselling author of Archer's Voice.

416 pages, Paperback

First published September 10, 2015

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Mia Sheridan

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,958 reviews33.7k followers
October 30, 2015
2.18754 Stars - And more random shit about me no one cares about.

Wwwwwwwwhelp, all righty then.

Once again I find myself sitting in the ever popular You Fucking Read This Wrong, You Whore Everybody Loved it But Me Camp of Shame.


Which is super UN-fortuitous as I was really prepared to love this thing up until about the 30% mark.

In fact, I really liked Grayson at first.

And here's why.

Toward the beginning of the book, there is a scene where Kira witnesses Grayson give money to a homeless man.

She is watching (unbeknownst to him of course) and she knows at that point that he's fucking broke - and yet still giving what could be his last few dollars to a stranger on the street.

Cue the organ music.


Anyplotploy, we are supposed to immediately know at that point that Grayson is a "good guy" and that Kira is not a complete fucking whack-a-doo for putting her future plan into action later on.

Now here is why this really stood out to me.


When my Mansicle and I were first dating, he used to have quite the coke habit.


Like we are talking about at least a gallon a day - NO JOKE.

I have never actually seen someone drink such vast volumes of Diet Coke before in my life, quite honestly.



And of course, the canned stuff wasn't good enough for the Man-pop, he of course HAD to have the soda fountain variety.

Needless to say I have wasted many precious hours of my life sitting in fast food drive-thrus across the nation just so that yahoo could score some soda.

Anyfructose, one day, we were at a McDonald's for his daily fix and this one did not have a drive-thru - gasp!

So like a good and dedicated girlfriend, I lovingly told him go in and get it yourself, jackass I'll wait here the car, dear.

Several minutes later, through the rear view mirror, I saw him come out of the McDonald's carrying his drink AND a bag of food.

Planning on laying into him for grabbing some fries when he said he was only getting a soda (just kidding, I could care less) I was confused when I noticed him walk to the right of the door where there was a homeless fellow I hadn't noticed sitting on the ground near the entrance.

Hubster handed the man the bag of food and then reached into his pocket and also gave him what appeared to be money. The guy was furiously nodding his head in thanks and Mansicle just shook his hand and then got back into the car so we could continue down the road.

I smiled and looked over at him, waiting for him to say something along the lines of, "Listen to what I just did" or "Guess how awesome and generous I am," because you know, CREDIT.

But you know what he said?

I'll never forget it.



That's right, not a damned thing.

And I didn't say anything either, because 1) I couldn't believe someone would do something like that and not brag about how "awesome" they are and 2) I was waiting to see if he was just waiting for a larger audience in front whom to "take credit" for it later.

Well ladies, to this day he has never said a fucking word about it.

And I remember thinking in that moment that he was a keeper - he did that because he really IS a generous and good person - and not someone who is both of those things, but then also wants praise for it.

Anyway, I'll always remember that.

But I digress.

My apologies, that was really long-fucking-winded.

But anyway, needless to say, I felt a sort of kinship with Grayson.


Until about the 31% mark.

When I realized that Grayson was actually just an asshole with daddy issues.


And Kira was a Manic Pixie Dream Girl of EPIC proportions.


And I just lost interest, quite frankly.

So with that...

Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
September 14, 2015
::: FULL REVIEW NOW POSTED ::: 4.5 stars :::

Mia Sheridan is, without a doubt, one of the most talented authors I’ve ever read. Her stories are unique, her writing is beautiful, and I’ve loved every single book she’s written. Grayson’s Vow was no exception. It told an unconventional but passionate love story that grew out of the most unlikely circumstance. What began as a marriage of convenience turned into a love that would last a lifetime. I was hooked from the first few pages, and now, having finished it, I can absolutely call this a new favorite recommendation!

Here’s the thing, this book actually has a bit of a different vibe than most of Mia Sheridan’s books. While her previous books are more serious in tone and often even heart-wrenchingly emotional, Grayson’s Vow was a little on the lighter side. While I absolutely adore the deeply intense romances we’re used to reading from this author, I quite enjoyed the light-hearted feeling this story had. Bear in mind, it’s still a serious romance, but you’ll see what I mean when you read it… it just feels lighter, somehow, in comparison.

The story starts out focused on our heroine, Kira, who is currently homeless and out of options. Refusing to accept help from her father, she’s determined to find a way to make it on her own. This is when her path crosses with Grayson Hawthorn’s, a gorgeous, suit-wearing ex-con whose name she remembered because it was her father who had influenced the severity of his sentence. With a record like his, he was unable to get the loans necessary to help keep his family’s vineyard running. In this, she saw an opportunity….

“I have a business arrangement to offer you.”
I lifted one brow. “A business arrangement?”
She nodded… “Yes, well, in actuality, Mr. Hawthorn, I’m here to propose marriage.”
I laughed, almost spewing the sip of coffee I’d just taken all over my desk. “Excuse me?”

She saw him as a means to an end and was determined not to let her heart be involved. But he saw her as a spoiled rich princess who’d fallen far from her throne. Given the almost antagonistic sparks that flew between them from the start, theirs was planned as a marriage of convenience, and nothing more.

“I had to admit his looks had swayed me, too. He looked like every hero in every fairy tale I’d ever dreamed, come to life. And, God, I wanted to believe in heroes again.
But sometimes, I supposed, a girl has to be her own hero.”

You could just feel this air of anticipation and tension around wanting them to get to know each other more and fall in love, but understanding that they weren’t quite there yet. Luckily for them though, sometimes initial judgements aren’t the most accurate and the more time they began to spend together, the more they slowly began to feel attached to one another… Then, one kiss changed everything…

This story was told in dual POV so, despite the outward indifference they initially showed each other, the reader was privy to their real feelings so you just knew that it was only a matter of time before their relationship would progress down the path you were hoping for.

I waved my hand. “I’m sure you’re aware that women find you… appealing of some unknown reason.” I shrugged.
“Hot, panty-melting,” I elaborated.
He stopped and I did as well, turning to face him. The look on his face was filled with amusement. “This topic interests me. I’d like to stop and discuss it further.”

I have a real soft spot for damaged heroes, and Grayson’s past was really heart-breaking. Everything he’d suffered through though had shaped him into a bitter, arrogant man who trusted no one. He’d been wounded so many times that his hurt and the walls he’d built around himself had almost become a part of who he was.
But luckily, he still had a good heart and even though they had quite a rocky start, being around Kira’s fiery attitude slowly, and over time, brought out a better side of him.

“I shouldn’t be delving more into Grayson’s hidden torment. It’d only make me love him more. Wasn’t that just the way with women? And I was no exception. What was sexier on a man than great abs and a heart full of hidden torment? They should bottle it and sell it by the truckloads. Or perhaps write a book: “Abs and Hidden Torment: A Man’s Guide to Bagging Babes.”

He did mess up a few times, and I definitely had moments when I wanted to shake sense into him, but it’s hard not to forgive a good grovel. And, in that respect, he certainly delivered…

I had a wife to find and some grovelling to do. I was going to grovel so hard they might need to find a new word for it.

I also have to say that while this is completely a contemporary romance, it almost feels like a fairy tale — capturing the well-loved feeling we often associate with stories like Cinderella, or Beauty and the Beast. Perhaps this can be it’s own fairy tale? The Witch and the Dragon. I rather like the sound of that!

Forget the price and princess. I always imagined the real story was between the witch and the dragon.

And finally, I loved the little bits of wisdom sprinkled throughout the book from Kira’s grandmother. They really rang true with regards to all life, and not just this story…

“Watch what people do when they think no one’s watching, love. That’s how you’ll know who they really are.”

All in all this was a really great read that showed a new side to Mia Sheridan’s writing and delivered a unique love story that I’m happy to add to my favorites list. This is a complete standalone novel (not related to any other book by this author) so if you like the sound of it, you can dive in at any time!

Rating: 4.5 stars! Standalone contemporary romance.

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,223 reviews35.1k followers
September 10, 2015
5 'Little Witch' stars!

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Mia Sheridan is one of those authors who never disappoints. When I’m reading a book of hers, I know it will hit me in the feels. I know it will have superb writing and an original concept. I know even if her characters are broken, they will be strong and preserver. I love this about her. This is why she’s an auto-buy author for me. When I saw she had a new book releasing, I knew my schedule was packed and I didn’t have time to read it, but I made time- and I’m so happy I did! I loved this book!

Kira Dallaire has all kinds of wild or ‘big ideas’. She is not in the best place right now and has to come up with something. When she meets Grayson Hawthorn she devises a plan… no one is going to save Kira. She’ll just save her self.

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Kira and Grayson couldn’t be more different if they tried. But they have one thing in common. They need each other. They are both desperate in one way or another and the other person is their only hope. As much as Grayson does not want to take this woman up on her usual business arrangement, he wants to save his family’s vineyard more than anything so he does.

With Grayson’s scaly and abrupt personality and Kira’s fiery and feisty one, they take to the nicknames “Dragon and Little Witch”. I found this adorable.

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Grayson and Kira’s personalities do not mesh. They are both headstrong and stubborn. Kira is one of the most kind and selfless heroines, but she also stands her ground. I think she is my favorite heroine out of all of Mia’s books. Her personality was so fun and she was a generous and loving soul. Grayson was broken, damaged from a childhood and a past that haunted him. He does not trust easily. He does not love easily. And he doesn’t let people in. He doesn’t need anyone to help him or heal him. But spending so much time with Kira makes him question all that.

Grayson found himself wanting Kira more and more. As he continued to see the ‘real her’ and not who he thought she was, his desire for her only grew.
My desire for her burned, scalding my heart. Beautiful, willful, tender, stubborn, compassionate, infuriating little witch.

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As you can tell, I loved and adored Kira, Grayson was wonderful too, but there were other characters that really stuck out to me as well. Charlotte and Walter were fantastic as was Shane. Even though Grayson felt he never really had anyone in his corner, that wasn’t true. Those people were there for him all along whether he saw it or not. Even though Kira’s Gram wasn’t in the book, I loved her presence- especially in the beginning. I was very close to my Gran and she was the wisest person I knew so these quotes really stood out to me and moved me.
Today may be a very bad day, but tomorrow may be the best day of your life. You just have to hang on until you get there.

Watch what people do when they think no one’s watching, love. That’s how you know who they really are.

In this story, Mia shows us that love is not perfect. Sometimes life is painful and hard. Sometimes love isn’t easy- but it’s worth it.
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“There is always pain in this life. Not just for me, not just for you- for everyone. You can’t avoid it. And sometimes the pain is so great, it feels as if it carves out the very essence of who you are. But it doesn’t, not if you don’t allow it to. It carves out a place in you, yes, but love is meant to fill that space. If you let it, pain makes more space for love within you. And the love we carry inside makes us strong when nothing else can.”

Grayson’s Vow is a gorgeous and emotional story about love, strength and perseverance. It was also a lot of fun to read. It made me cry, it made me smile and it made me feel. I’m not sure if there is a better combination out there. I love books that make me feel, but also make me laugh and smile. It was the perfect mix. A sure sign I loved a book is when I stayed up all night and read it cover to cover and thats exactly what I did with this one! Grayson’s Vow is one I highly recommend!

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Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,722 followers
September 25, 2016
I've heard a lot of wonderful things about this book, but for some unknown reason I'm just getting around to it. Too many books, too little time, I guess. Now that I've read it, I'm wondering what took me so long. It was great!

Kira Dallaire is in a tough spot. She needs to get married in order to gain access to her inheritance that her grandmother left her. Otherwise, she'll be at the mercy of her wealthy, abusive father and her conniving ex-fiancé.

That's where Grayson Hawthorn comes in. A convicted felon, Grayson is unable to secure the funding to keep the vineyard he inherited from his father afloat. He is determined to do whatever it takes to save the vineyard in an attempt to prove himself to his father posthumously.

When Kira proposes marriage to Grayson as a business deal, it seems to be a win-win situation. She will split the money with him, they'll pretend to be happily married for a year or so, then they'll get a divorce and go their separate ways.

I'm sure you can see where this is heading...and you'd be right. The two end up falling in love. However, there are a few twists along the way. Kira's manipulative father is not going to just admit defeat and walk away. Similarly, Grayson has his own skeletons in the closet.

I can't say that this was a particularly original story. In fact, it was pretty predictable and had a feel of familiarity. It was just better done than most, delivering a well-known storyline in an engaging and entertaining fashion.

There was a full cast of supporting characters that I fell in love with. Most of the time, the background characters don't garner much attention. However, in this book, they played a vital role. If it hadn't been for Grayson's long-time housekeeper and butler, I would've given up on him. They really helped to reveal his more human and vulnerable side. This was especially important since he spent a lot of time being an ass.

My only gripe is that Kira was too damn forgiving, too soon. If you follow my reviews, you know that I expect my heroes to grovel and do some serious apologizing when they screw up. Grayson did some seriously hurtful and mean things to Kira, and on more than one occasion. Does she make him work for it? No! She just takes him back like a spineless doormat! I don't feel like my need for justice was met. I mean, she was practically apologizing to him for his behavior. WTF!

Aside from my desire to have Grayson pay for his errant behavior, I thought this was a terrific story. Everything worked out nicely and I was left with a warm, fuzzy feeling. It was a great audiobook selection and I'm glad I finally made the time to listen to it.

Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
September 20, 2015
*****FOUR STARS*****
{ARC Generously Provided by Author In Exchange For An Honest Review}

"If you let it, pain makes more space for love within you. And the love we carry inside makes us strong when nothing else can."

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I'm glad I took almost a couple of days to write this review. After thinking on it, I decided to give this a full four stars. I am a HUGE fan of Mia Sheridan. Having read all of her books except for one, I can honestly say that I have loved most of her books. This was the first one that didn't win me over right away. Grayson's Vow , has a fairy tale vibe to it. The constant references of the dragon and the witch, was off-putting to me. However the message that this story has to give is one that I find really beautiful and for this reason, I changed my mind on my rating.

Grayson Hawthorn and Kira Dallaire are two complete strangers, but with so much in common. They both lost their mother when they were young, although by very different circumstances. Their fathers are both wealthy and completely heartless. Grayson and Kira had pretty messed up childhoods. They never felt loved by the one person in their lives that should have showered them with love and affection.

So these two end up together when Kira overhears Grayson being turned down for a bank loan because he has a criminal record. He's recently been released from prison and is trying to revive his family's winery that was left to him when his father passed away. Kira is in deep financial trouble at the moment. She is penniless and refuses to live with her father who betrayed her several years back which caused her to have to leave the country for a while. She has a way to become financially independent. She must marry in order to be able to cash in on the inheritance her grandmother's will has left her.

Kira goes to Grayson and tells him she can give him the money he needs to get his vineyard up and running again. She tells him they must marry and stay that way for a year. At first he's skeptical and makes some pretty misguided assumptions about Kira. He's very closed off and bitter. Life has been pretty cruel to him and he's let it beat him down. Grayson doesn't have many close relationships, but does have one night stands from time to time. He eventually agrees to the arrangement with Kira.

These two get off to a very rocky start. However as they get to spend more time together, feelings start to develop and maybe both have finally found in each other the love that they've craved for so long.

Kira is a very endearing heroine. She opens her heart up to those less fortunate. She could have turned bitter but remains forever the optimist. It's very hard not to like this character and she definitely was my favorite along with Sugie Sug. Grayson was the polar opposite of Kira. It took quite a while for me to warm up to him. But I can't say that if I had gone through the same things that he did, that I wouldn't have turned into a bitter person as well. The moral of this story is pretty much summed up in that the quote I added at the beginning of my review. As the old saying goes - "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

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Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews687 followers
September 25, 2015
5 STARS! ★★★★★

"In wine there is truth. But the greater knowledge that now lived in the peaceful silence in my heart was: in love there is truth."

I can't remember the last time I had a 5-stars winner read but I couldn't be happier that I finally found one with a Mia Sheridan book. Most of us are no strangers to this woman's talented gift in writing but I am one of a few to admit that her books have been hits or misses with me in the past. But I believe if there is one thing we can all agree on when it comes to Mia's books, it is that you can always walk out of the read with a renewed sense of hope.

Grayson's Vow being the latest addition in her Sign of Love series is inspired by the zodiac sign of Libra, symbolizing the scale of balance. In this modern tale, we have Grayson and Kira, two desperate souls with a vow to fulfil but lacking the financial resources to accomplish them. They find themselves in an interesting arrangement proposed by Kira, one so outrageous but tempting that Grayson couldn't resist saying no to. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures, no?

Both Grayson and Kira butted heads at every chance they get, going as far as dubbing one another as the wicked witch and the fiery dragon. They can't stand each others' guts but try to play nice for the sake of living out their new partnership. I really enjoyed watching these two spitting-fire at each other as it builds up for some great humor especially with all the name-callings and sarcastic remarks that had me chuckling.

"Oh, I dare you. Show me that dragonish side. Do your worst."

It also made up for some delicious angst as they battle the undeniable attraction between them but are too stubborn to admit. It's not before long before they realised that despite being complete opposites on the scale, they shared a common bond that led to their distrusting behaviour towards people around them.

As I was reading Grayson's Vow, I found myself in multiple emotional states; from laughing at the witch-dragon name callings, then to heartbreak from the betrayal they've been through but lastly, a renewed sense of belief that there is hope in all things that mattered. Reading Grayson and Kira's story brought such joy to my heart as I connected to both of them on such a personal level that I can't quite fathom. I'm not even ashamed to admit that I had tears in my eyes more times than I can count as I grieved for these characters. This is a true testament of Mia's ability to put out words that have the power to break and heal you thereafter.

The thing I LOVE most about her books is that she writes about these real-life situations, real-life problems that we all go through whether we like it or not and they remind me that these characters are just like us living in this very real world. She write these stories that grants you strength, to remind yourself that even at the deepest and darkest corners of your life, there is always hope if we choose to believe in it. Her words speak volumes and with such raw honesty that I find myself clinging onto them everytime.

Of dragons and witches and of love and betrayal, Mia Sheridan continues to deliver romance stories in spades. This is a story that will leave you enamoured by her characters and convey a message of hope amongst the beautiful setting of Napa Valley. I can easily say that Grayson's Vow is now my favorite Mia book to date or perhaps I'm more bias towards this one since I'm a huge fan of the enemies-to-lovers trope.

Honestly if I could erase my memory and read this book all over again, I would a thousand times over because I can barely bring myself to read another book after finishing this. Definitely going into my top 2015 reads list. So thank you, Mia for sharing yet another piece of your beautiful gift with the world ♥

Grayson's Vow is a standalone NA contemporary romance in the Sign of Love series.

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews692 followers
September 10, 2015
★★★★★ 5 Stars ★★★★★

Amazon US | Amazon UK

This book was absolutely stunning, it seems that Mia Sheridan certainly knows how tell a fairytale and Grayson's Vow had all the magic and wonder and heartbreak that I devour in a book.

Kira Dallaire is a desperate woman, she craves freedom from her overbearing and unloving father and the only way she can achieve this is with the help of a man who is as desperate as she is. She sees something in Grayson Hawthorn that moves her and so she offers him a deal that will enable them both to achieve their dreams.

Grayson is not happy about Kira's offer, but in order for him to save his ailing vinyard and seek the acceptance and respect he always wished for from his father, even though he has now passed. He made a vow to make his father proud and the only way he can succeed is with the money that Kira is offering him,

Kira and Grayson are very different but also very similar. They take an instant dislike to each other, with Grayson referring to Kira as a little witch and Kira responding by calling him a dragon. Love/Hate stories are some of my favourite, the constant sparing and bickering with deep underlying sexual tension make for an entertaining read and Grayson's Vow had it in spades.

"You bring me peace, little witch, and you put a fire in my blood."

Despite their rocky relationship, Kira see's through the fire breathing dragon and sees a lost little boy who doesn't accept love easily and Grayson soon realises that he misjudged his little witch, for she is a caring, happy and mischievous soul who genuinely doesn't have a bad bone in her body.

Not only did I fall in love with both of the main characters but also the supporting ones, a mish mash of personalities that were loyal and caring.

Kira was the absolute star of this book, I loved her completely, she was so special and unwavering in the way she cared for Grayson, it was just beautiful. Everytime Grayson was mean to her, I felt it in my bones as if I were in the book itself, but she was strong and I loved her for it.

"Kira was like a brightly shining light, and I had been living in cold darkness for so very, very long."

Grayson, despite being a grumpy dragon and outright rude at times, was deep down a wonderful soul who deserved all the love in the world. My heart completely shattered for him on several occasions.

I was so enchanted by this book and the depth of emotions, the whole picture it painted, it was everything, it just captivated me throughout, it was such a beautiful story.

A big THANKS to Pavlina for the buddy read x

This is a standalone novel and does not relate to any other books in the same series. Told in dual POV.

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for Eliza.
661 reviews848 followers
September 10, 2015

Title: Grayson's Vow
Series: A sign of Love
Author: Mia Sheridan
Release date: 9th Sept, 2015
Cliffhanger: No

Ever since falling in love with Archer's Voice, the Signs of love novels are ones I have actively followed. Grayson's Vow is a glorious addition to series, and now among one of my favourites. Although there is the warring of emotions we've all come to expect (and appreciate) from a Mia Sheridan read, this felt the most contemporary in its delivery, there were enjoyable moments of lightheartedness which made for a perfect balance.

Twenty-two year old Kira Dallaire has a history of coming up with hair brained schemes. Her latest scheme is borne out of sheer desperation and coincidence. Estranged from her father, with her finances dwindling, an overheard conversation sets into motion a set of life changing events .

Her only real chance of survival is gaining access to her grandmother's inheritance. An inheritance that would be released if Kira were to marry, failing that it would be released on her 30th birthday. As she does not have the luxury of time, marriage is her only option. And her husband to be? Grayson Hawthorn.

After overhearing a conversation at the bank that results in Grayson's loan application being rejected due to his past criminal conviction, Kira decides to approach him with her proposition that would be mutually beneficial for both of them. Marry to release her inheritance and split the funds. Grayson is searching for vindication and his dream is to restore his late father's vineyard to its former glory and with a lack of investment or financial backing, he reluctantly, begrudgingly and hilariously agrees to her terms.

"Truce. Come here so we can shake."
"You come here," she challenged.
I smiled slowly. "Meet in the middle."

Their relationship is fraught with friction and they can't resist baiting and goading one another. This added ample amounts comedic value and also serves to build the sexual tension between the pair. The pretence of man and wife brings a strange comfort and their world of make believe soon fringes on a reality they daren't have wished for themselves.

"Hi, little witch," I murmured, stepping right up to her.
"Hi, dragon," she breathed, reaching up to undo the bow tie knotted at my neck.

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I'll always adore the true beauty and strength of Mia's writing, it shines through in her characters, the message she delivers and the feeling of fulfilment we as readers are left with. Grayson's Vow encompasses the true beauty that comes from pain, in a world were Kira and Grayson have suffered at the hands of those who should have loved them most, it's their pain that recognises and solidifies their love for one another.

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Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,227 followers
September 30, 2015
5 “Dragon and Witch” Stars.

Kira needs a way to finally escape her father and her past. Grayson’s is caught up with his past and needs a way to save his vineyard, fulfil the vow he make to his father and finally make a future to himself. So when Kira comes to him with a business proposition he feels like his best option to save himself from ruin.
An arranged wedding between them is just a means to an end, but when things become to feel very real how do you draw the line between what is business and what is personal?


With no surprise at all, Mia Sheridan once again delivers an amazing love story. I don’t know how she does it but she always manage to create an unbelievable situation and characters and turn them into a great book. Her writing is flawless and addictive and the story completely engaging. This book was no exception.
If you want a love story that will leave you completely hooked from the first paragraph until the very last one, I strongly advise you to read this book.


Rating: 5 Stars.
Characters Development: Grayson is broken and troubled man and his actions show it clearly, since he can’t help being haunted by his past. Kira was also troubled but she reacted to it in a different way and while Grayson drowned on it she became stronger. She was definitely an amazing heroine and very easy to love. I loved the supportive characters and as ever with Mia’s books, they brought richness to the book.
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,507 reviews5,349 followers
September 11, 2015

“Today may be a very bad day, but tomorrow may be the best day of your life. You just have to hang on until you get there.”


This is the tale of an ex-con struggling to restore his family vineyard and a woman desperately trying to claim her freedom from her corrupt political father. Grayson Hawthorne and Keira Dallaire, The Dragon and The Witch strike a deal for mutual financial gain.

”And so,” she went on quickly, “what I propose is this: we marry, split the money and in a year’s time, file for divorce.”

The plan seemed full proof and Keira and Grayon do indeed marry, they annoy the crap out of one another, and eventually fall in love.


There’s something almost magical about the vineyard and that beautiful party scene. I found Grayson a pretty tough nut to crack and later in story at about 87% mark I was tired of battling and wished the author had them conquer their obstacles together, instead of Grayson’s come to Jesus moment.

“Love is not always smooth and easy. Love can be piercing. Love means exposing yourself – all of yourself, every tender part – to being hurt. Because true love is not only the flower, true love is also the thorns.”

Overall, this was a good read that lagged a bit in the middle, and didn’t have the couple together quite enough for my tastes. Still, Mia Sheridan delivered an endearing love story with a beautiful backdrop.

”I think you’ll find, that where there is real love, there is always hope.”
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,108 followers
September 10, 2015
IT'S LIVE http://amzn.to/1JXUHI3


"If you let it, pain makes more space for love within you. And the love we carry inside makes us strong when nothing else can."

I loved it so much this story!!It has everything I want in a story!It's funny,sweet,romantic,emotional,intense and so hot!!Mia Sheridan brings out every emotion I have with this amazing book!I had many feelings with this story,there were moments that I couldn't stop laughing,these two are hilarious!!And other moments I was crying...especially around 69% or I was swooning with their sweet and hot moments!


Kira and Grayson are desperate..each one has their own reasons.What should they do?Well Kira has an interesting proposition for Grayson which can solve their problems...Kira and Grayson feel disappointment and hurt from their past life and now that they are together they try to find what they lost.But they're afraid and they are insecure. Now it's the time to challenge and push themselves to trust and believe again.Can they do it?

Kira oh my this girl is simply amazing!!!She is smart,sassy,passionate and full of life!And Grayson....he is a Dragon!!Yes he is exactly how she called him!He is damaged and broken.
I loved how antagonistic they were!They challenged each other whenever they were together and this is what make the story so entertaining!But behind all this tension you can see the attraction and the passion!


Apart from the characters I loved the place where the story took place.Mia mafe me feel like I was a part of the story and it was so good that I didn't want to end it!It was nice having both points of view because both characters were so enjoyable!The epilogue was so sweet that I have happy tears while I was reading it!!!
This is a unique story that you should definitely read!!So far this is my favorite book from Mia Sheridan!!Can't wait for more stories from her!!!

*ARC provided for an honest review*

August 30, 2023
⭐⭐⭐.5/5 - Every time I pick up a romance, all I'm asking for is a story that somewhat makes sense and a little escapism. Grayson's Vow delivers on both of those fronts, but I did not want to pick it up about 40% of the way through. So glad I finished because the last 30% of the book made it all worth it!!

Find Me On Instagram 🦋 || More Bookish Thoughts & Reviews Here 🖤

**That's the biggest reason for my 3.5/5 rating - that middle 30% shouldn't make me feel like I'm kind of bored and want to pick up something else.

I think we get characters that have crappy pasts, find a chance at real love.. and a GREAT conclusion, but there's quite a bit of extra unnecessary wordiness in Sheridan's writing style. I thought that with Stinger as well, but just loved the story so much that I got over it.

**Stinger was my first and favorite Mia Sheridan book, and I'm not sure I need to read any more of her books!! If you absolutely loved any of her others - let me know!!

- 🌶️🌶️/5 -Def open door spicy but a lot of sweet moments too
- TWs: Cheating, drugs, child abuse
- HEA Endings - and the bad guys in both this one and Stinger get taken down! Which I desperately need to make a romance feel good!
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
September 12, 2015
3 Fairytale Stars!
Grayson's Vow started off really good for me. I was loving it so much. It is one of my favorite things to read about a marriage of convenience and then throw in them arguing all the time. Loved that Kira called him dragon and Grayson called her his little witch. So I was eating this one up until they got married which was around 50% in the book. The book became meh after that. Then I started not liking Grayson. He was a real douche bag. I kept reading hoping that he would redeem himself in my eyes but he never did. He just kept being a bigger douchebag. When Grayson finally decides his feelings for Kira are real I was happy. I thought yay! Finally I'm going to start loving it again. Then something happens and Grayson acts like an even bigger douchebag then he was before. Ugh! What a change for me. I usually never ever hate the H in a book. It's always the annoying h that usually makes me not like a book. lol I'm sad to say that I never felt the love between Grayson and Kira. I did like this book...I just didn't love it. Grayson ruined it for me. The epilogue was awesome. I'm glad it ended the way it did:))
Profile Image for Dee Montoya.
942 reviews596 followers
September 11, 2015

****4 Sweet Stars*****

(ARC kindly provided by Author)

This is a beautiful story about two people tormented by their past and coming together by a deal that will prove to be more that they both bargained for. I loved Mia Sheridan's writing style, and the beautiful setting of the California wine country made Grayson's Vow a very special read.

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Grayson Hawthorn just got out of jail after serving a five year sentence. His father died while he was in jail, and leaves Grayson the family vineyard in Napa Valley. He didn't have a good relationship with his Dad, so Grayson has made a vow to make the vineyard successful, and prove to his dad and everyone else that he is more than the troubled man everybody thinks he is.

Grayson needs money to buy new equipment and hire more employees to help make this next harvest a profitable one, but his lack of finances and bad reputation doesn't make him a good candidate for a bank loan. Little does he know, that a fiery redhead will come to the rescue and offer him a deal that will help him fulfill his goal. The redhead is Kira Dallaire, she too has a very troubled past and a terrible relationship with her father. Her sweet Grandmother left her an inheritance that she desperately needs but the papers say that she can't take possession of the money until she gets married and that's why she picked Grayson Hawthorn to be her fake husband.

"Marriage is much like wine. They both mature slowly and grow deeper and more complex with time"

Both Grayson and Kira have been burned by love in the past. So from the very beginning they both agree that their marriage is only business and that there's no room for love or any type of intimacy. But these two have a lot more in common than they think, and their plans won't go exactly as they hoped. That's how the fairytale of The Dragon and The Witch starts...

I loved everything about this story except one thing, the hero. Grayson was not your typical swoony male character. He was bitter and didn't trust anyone, not even his own shadow. At the beginning and after learning about his past I understood his reasons. But then it took him way too long to finally be able to see and appreciate the great amount of love surrounding him, and by then I had completely disconnected with his character.

I adore Mia Sheridan's books. Her writing to me, is truly magical and I will always be a huge fan. I would definitely recommend this book to all of her fans because it has her signature romance stamp that we all love.

"There's nothing on earth like the feel of someone who loves you grasping your hand in the dark when you are lost and afraid."
September 12, 2015
DNF at 45%

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Well, I'm going to go against popular opinion and give up on this book. It pains me to do so and maybe I'm just suffering from a massive case of PMS, but for the sake of my teeth (that I keep grinding) I'm calling it quits.

Grayson's Vow has a hero, Grayson, that's constantly referred to as a dragon yet I never really felt like I got the character development to justify it. He may be a big and brooding but the virtual constant references (76 times to be exact) drove me batsh*t. Not just dragon, but reptilian and every synonym thereof. It was cute at first but it's in her inner monologue constantly then rolls over to nicknames. Shoot. Me. Now.

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The same holds true for the heroine being termed a witch (65 times to be exact)- and I seriously can't figure out WHY he calls her that. Witch is a negative term to me and I didn't see anything but good things about her. It just got to the point I dreaded the next dragon/witch reference to where I was ready to chuck my kindle! Now we can't have that! My kindle is my life.

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Couple these annoying references with my lack of connection with their characters and ensuing love story, I'll just discreetly hang it up. I'm definitely in the minority and don't let my twitchiness deter you. My blog wife gave this 5+ stars so it's obviously a 'different strokes for different folks' kind of thing- or I'm just old and cynical- which is entirely possible.

Moving along...

Advanced copy received by author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for P .
691 reviews341 followers
June 8, 2016
“Today may be a very bad day, but tomorrow may be the best day of your life. You just have to hang on until you get there.”

This book surprised me, and I couldn't believe that Mia Sheridan did it again !

My expectation was so high for this book before it came out. Grayson's Vow is about a couple finding the way out of their desperate lives. Kira is a tough heroine and she's so brave. I respected her. She doesn't surrender to her fate easily. In the beginning, she meets Grayson and makes a deal with him. No love. No feelings. Just money and their benefits.

"If you let it, pain makes more space for love within you. And the love we carry inside makes us strong when nothing else can."

There's some fairytale vibes in this book, too. I'm sure you'll love it, if you're a fan of Disney or fluffy movies.

I was also in love with this song, too : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2WHo...

This book reminded me of the film 'A Walk in the Clouds'. Because Greyson tries to save his vineyard and has to marry for money. The story isn't much different for me to think of him that he's Paul Sutton.

I love Mia Sheridan wholeheartedly. She became my favorite author after I'd read all of her books. But Grayson's Vow is different from the other books a little bit.

For example,
- Leo and Leo's chance may bring you to the point that you want to cry violently. That beautiful ending though.
- Stinger might warm your heart and make you full with worthiness for him when
- Archer's Voice is a masterpiece of Mia Sheridan. It's an emotional book and the best of contemporary romance I've ever read.
- Becoming Calder and Finding Eden are spectacular stories and real tearjerkers.
- Kyland is intense. I love the concept about this book very much.

Well ... so I'd like to say that Grayson's Vow is unremarkable. Although I found out the storyline was predictable, yet this book never stopped shaking my heart all the time. Grayson is a jackass while Kira is too good to deserve him. Anyway, this book lacks of the intense scenes. I was waiting restlessly for the moment all of dramatic issues would hit me at my face like her previous books, and when that time came, I realized it was not powerful as I'd hoped. However, it was good enough to make me enjoy very well.

"I love you. I will always love you."

First half of this book was slow, but after the story reached 70%, it just got better and better.

ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

More at : http://goo.gl/ysUcVN
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,944 reviews1,523 followers
September 10, 2015

4.5 Meet Me in the Middle Stars

I love all of Mia Sheridan books. I love how they make me feel, I love how the stories are conveyed and I love each one is completely different, but no less epic.

I would say Mia Sheridan books can be a bit intimidating. You never know what you are going to get and you know it will be a long, but very thoughtful. I will admit, I put on my big girl pants and prepare for battle before I start my Mia Sheridan read. She usually guts me and I end up weeping like a baby, but it’s ALWAYS worth it.

To my surprise, Grayson’s Vow is not dramatic. It’s kind of light-hearted, very adorable and cute. It’s very different from what she usually writes and I 100% LOVED it and the direction she took the story.

Kira is in a tough situation. She’s back in the states and is broke. She has a rich Daddy, but she rather be homeless than ask her father for a penny. Grayson is an ex-con and the boss of a failing winery. He needs money fast to save his business.

Kira is able to tap into her trust when she turns thirty, which is in eight years or marry. So, Kira proposes to a stranger. She asks Grayson to be her husband for a few months and both will leave richer.

I adore this story-line. Not only do I find the premise very cute, but it made me want to drink a glass of wine while I read (and I did, don’t judge).

I loved Kira. I found her strong willed and independent. I loved how she was willing to do anything before she went back to her father. I loved that no matter what Grayson threw at her, she took it in strides. The man made her sleep in a guest house with no hot water, it was funny and sweet. Grayson is your tough Hero beaten around the edges. He’s been in prison and has a huge chip on his shoulder. I liked Grayson, but he sure made it hard on me.

The thing I love about Mia book is that she knows how to build up her characters. You get the FULL back story to Grayson and Kira. You feel for them, you feel the pain and it makes you fall even more in love with them. Her stories are very descriptive and it’s a mammoth of a read, but it never felt long. I felt like I was just going along the beautiful ride.

If you are a Mia Sheridan fan, you will NOT be disappointed at all. You will be completely satisfied, happy and pleased you got your Mia Sheridan fix. If you haven’t tried a Mia Sheridan book, this is a great one to start with.

An ARC was provided

Grayson's Vow by Mia Sheridan AMAZON
Profile Image for annie 🇵🇸.
272 reviews558 followers
December 9, 2023
3 stars

❝And sometimes we'll meet halfway, but other times, I'll come to you.❞

➤ I'm beyond frustrated rn because this book really messed with my brain. I'm still slightly considering if I REALLY liked it or didn't. If you love a marriage of convenience, then this is the proper book for it, but IT WAS SO DIFFERENT than the ones I've read. The heroine was done so dirty in this book, but I have a lot to say about the hero!

➤ It was filled with so many struggles, heartbreaks, grief, trauma, and obviously insecurities. It wasn't all lovey or sweet and NOT AT ALL A BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE. It does have cute/comfort scenes though.

Grayson Hawthorn is an ex-felon and he's barely scraping by, having lost all hope for saving his family's wine company that he inherited. Kira Dallaire is struggling through life to get free from her father and is also in need of money. That is until she overheard Grayson being rejected for a loan and saw him looking vulnerable in an alley, which led her to propose a marriage with him to get funds she'd inherit from her grandmother, making a deal to split it in half.

I found it all so ridiculous at first because you're telling me she overheard him, GRAYSON HAWTHORN, a random stranger she knows and saw him struggling and related to him so much that she literally proposed marriage to him. I've recently been reading about these SUPER CONFIDENT female main characters, and I'm,well... shocked.

Kira — she's seriously a good person, but she has been done so dirty by the author. She's amazing, and her intentions are always pure, but she suffered so much at the hands of her father. He controlled her life for so long, and I nearly cried when she sobbed because he hit her. She's been vulnerable too many times in this book, and each time, it brought a pang to my chest because I actually didn't like it. I still think she forgave Grayson too easily and was kinda less harsh on him.

Grayson — I don't know whether to love him or hate him because he is such a complex character. I could easily chalk this up and say he is a dick with daddy issues... even though TRUE lol, but nope, he was much more than that. In his earlier interactions with Kira, he was way too judgmental, which was ironic considering he kept repeating in his pov how OTHER PEOPLE JUDGE HIM because he's a felon. Slowly and gradually, his character developed, and after a lot of rude interactions, he finally starts to warm up to her, and at first, it was all because of lust, but eventually, he fell in love with her.

• In the start, aside from him being judgmental, he was super rude and didn't want to outwardly acknowledge to HIMSELF or KIRA that she was doing him a favor. He was mean to her, but finally he actually did accept that she's helping him and he's desperate, but he vowed to return her the money once he's successful. These things were okay, but the way he fought his intrusive, lust-filled thoughts and tried to prove to himself and Kira that he's not interested in her by going out with a random woman on their wedding day (didn't do anything but thought about it) and ghosting her a lot. Finally, he started to come to his senses when she showed him defiance.

The middle part was beautiful. ♥️ It showed his healing from his own traumas, he started believing that maybe HE'S WORTH IT, he started being happy, started trusting, let go of his grudges, and started opening up. Their first intimate scene is LITERAL DEFINITION OF 'making love'. That scene showed intense vulnerability both the mcs posess.

Towards the ending, I SERIOUSLY, and I mean SERIOUSLY say this with utmost sadness that 🤡 HE CAN GIVE JOSH CHEN A RUN FOR HIS MONEY. So there was a little crisis and revelation, and the way he acted cruel and said harsh things to her... I died a little. Then, if that wasn't enough, when he finally came to his senses a little to talk to her when he found her at a restaurant – he saw her with her ex – and AGAIN said such cruel things while she was crying and watching him. These things literally ruined all the vibes for me. The way he had a whole 360-degree change in the ending.

He was hurt, badly hurt, not only by Kira but upon the revelation that the only reason the vineyard is failing is because HIS FATHER HATED HIM SO MUCH THAT HE STARTED DESTROYING THE BUSINESS BEFORE HE DIED, and he thought that his father finally found him 'worth something' and he vowed to save the business. I felt so bad for him when he cried on the floor and broke down, got drunk, and was numb. During all this, he was overwhelmed and felt so betrayed that he lashed out on Kira and pushed her away.

The groveling in this book is literally zero. He said sorry many times though. Whenever he made a mistake, he just eventually made up for it or said sorry, but most of the time he DIDN'T do the things book boyfriends are supposed to do. He was, I don't know, not cute IN THAT WAY. He seriously needs a therapist because his traumas run deep and he has issues.

The money issue in this book was weird yet believable because not everyone is a billionaire. He was desperate, and I don't blame him for TAKING the money from Kira. But sometimes when he said things like 'I'm scared she might run away with the money' or something like that, I kinda felt an ick. He had trust issues and why not, but idk.... And in the end, he was still like YOU MARRIED ME FOR MONEY (which was hers) AND FOUND A WAY TO TAKE IT BACK, like stfu? Well he can't really do a job either because of his history. Ugh it was just messy.

• In case you wondered, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison thanks to Kira's dad because he accidentally killed someone when he got into a fight with a boy who roofied a girl with his friends and wanted to take advantage of her. He punched him, and suddenly the boy fell and hit his head and died, and Grayson suffered for it for years, though it was an accident.

The epilogue is super cute! THEY HAD 2 GIRLS 🥺 and a new one coming. But I was hoping for more like 2 years later rather than 8 years 😂 Charlotte and Walter are literally the best characters in this book. I love them so much, and for once, I felt so much for the side characters; it actually feels nice to read about them. Shane and Vanessa's story was sad but good, and I really thought Vanessa was supposed to be a bitch, but she was an angel.

A good book? Yeeeeah. Do I recommend it? Maybe. Flaws? 100%. 🚶‍♀️
Profile Image for Surajat Debbie.
171 reviews56 followers
September 8, 2024
3 ⭐️ “How do you feel?”
“Like your husband….How do you feel?”
“Like your wife”

A marriage of convenience between two down and out individuals who have been let down by the people who were meant to care for them the most. There’s a bit of found family, a heavy splash of spice, and a classic enemies to lovers.

3 solid(ish) stars. The romance, the love declarations, the side characters..were all 4 or 5 ⭐️. I would have easily rated this higher. But I’m not a fan of MMCs being mean and getting away with it. Enemies to lovers only works when there’s a good balance of hate between the two MCs. But when one character is simply mean and hateful with words…it takes a lot for me to root for them. I feel like Grayson, although sweet at times, pushed too far and should not have had an easy redemption.

Mia Sheridan however writes beautifully. I can’t fault the love story itself once I ignored the parts I didn’t like. It’s a classic romantic drama. Mia’s stories almost feel like magic realism…the way it heavily leans on fate. I can’t describe it, but I love it!

A more detailed review may come… but I’ll recommend the read in the meantime.


pre-read: and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness

Mia Sheridan, I’m ready to cry x
Profile Image for Νόρα.
256 reviews31 followers
June 15, 2021
Όσοι έχετε διαβάσει τις προηγούμενες κριτικές μου θα έχετε μια ιδέα τι επίδραση έχει πάνω μου η συγκεκριμένη.Κάθε φορά που βλέπω βιβλίο της στα προσεχώς,μεταμορφώνομαι και ψιθυρίζω μια γνωστή ατάκα.

Οι εκδόσεις Elxis αυτή τη φορά έγιναν πρέσβης και μας κακόμαθαν,κυκλοφορόντας δυο βιβλία της πολυαγαπημένης μου συγγραφέα.
Αλλά μου έβαλαν και δίλημμα,έτσι μην μπορώντας να αποφασίσω με ποιο να ξεκινήσω έπαιξα άμπε μπα μπλόμ και η τύχη διάλεξε τον όρκο του ζυγού.
Αναρωτιέμαι αν θα υπάρξει η πιθανότητα να βαθμολογήσω ένα βιβλίο αυτής της γυναίκας με λιγότερο από πέντε αστέρια,πραγματική πρόκληση,αν και δεν νομίζω να συμβεί.
Πάνε μήνες από τότε που διάβασα κάποιο βιβλίο της και πραγματικά την χρειαζόμουν αυτή τη μαγεία και την αγάπη που πλημμυρίζει κάθε της ιστορία.

Καθώς διάβασα,μεταφέρθηκα και πάλι σε έναν κόσμο όπου υπήρχαν μόνο ο Grayson και η Kira,οι λέξεις της με αιχμαλωτίστηκαν,μου δόθηκει μια ευκαιρία να ζήσω στη φαντασία της, και δεν ήθελα ποτέ να τελειώσει.

Επιλογές ...... αποφάσεις .....απελπισία,είναι τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά του βιβλίου,ένας συνδυασμός για να σχηματιστεί ένα απροσδόκητο αποτέλεσμα.

Αυτή είναι μια ιστορία αγάπης μεταξύ ενός δράκου και μιας μάγισσας,ή για να είμαι πιο ακριβής μιας γυναίκας χωρίς επιλογές και ενός άνδρα χωρίς ελπίδα.

Η Κίρα Νταλέρ χρειάζεται χρήματα και να ελευθερωθεί από τον έλεγχο του πατέρα της.Είναι έτοιμη να προχωρήσει και η επόμενη μεγάλη κακή της ιδέα είναι να παντρευτεί για τα χρήματα.Η γιαγιά της έχει αφήσει μια κληρονομιά,αλλά πρέπει να παντρευτεί �� να περάσει τη ηλικία των τριάντα για να τα διεκδικήσει.Ο Γκρέισον Χόθορν χρειάζεται χρήματα για να σώσει τον αμπελώνα του πατέρα του στον οποίο έδωσε έναν όρκο για να το φέρει εις πέρας.Αλλά,όταν η τράπεζα του αρνείται το δάνειο για να το σώσει αποφασίσει να δεχτεί την τρελή πρόταση που προσφέρει η "πριγκίπισσα".

Αυτό που ξεκινά ως επιχειρηματική συμφωνία μετατρέπεται σε επιπλοκή με κεφάλαιο Ε.

Ο Grayson ή ο δράκος όπως τον αποκαλεί είναι τραχύς,απόμακρος.Έχοντας μια παιδική ηλικία που κανένα παιδί δεν θα έπρεπε να έχει,αναγκάστηκε να βάλει έναν τοίχο για να προστατεύσει τον εαυτό του από περαιτέρω κακό.

Η Κίρα ή η μάγισσα όπως την αποκαλεί,είναι ό,τι δεν είναι εκείνος.Παρόλο που έζησε μια προνομιούχα ζωή(αλλά όχι και ιδανική,θα αποφύγω τα σποιλερ),έχει μια έντιμη καρδιά,βοηθάει πάντα τους άλλους και άνοιξε πιο εύκολα τον εαυτό της και την καρδιά της για να δεχτεί κι άλλους ανθρώπους στη ζωή της.

Η χημεία ανάμεσα στο πρωταγωνιστικό μας δίδυμο νομίζω πως είναι το κλειδί της επιτυχίας της ιστορίας αυτής,αφού χωρίς αυτούς δεν θα ήταν το ίδιο απολαυστικό.

Οι διάλογοι ανάμεσά τους είναι επικοί,ζωντανοί,γεμάτοι νεύρο,με έντονα κωμικά στοιχεία που δεν γελοιοποιούν καταστάσεις,αλλά που τις διασκεδάζουν.

Περιέχει όλα τα γνωστά συστατικά ενός υπέροχου παραμυθιού,αστείο,γλυκό,ρομαντικό,συναισθηματικό και γεμάτο έντονες στιγμές ανάμεσα στο ζευγάρι.

Ο Kira και ο Grayson είναι η ο ορισμός της φωτιάς και του πάγου.Αναφερόμενοι ως η μάγισσα και ο δράκος,παλεύουν με τα φαντάσματα του παρελθόντος τους και οδηγούνται από μια βαθιά επιθυμία να ζήσουν μια κανονική ζωή.
Η Κίρα κατάφερε να βγάλει το δράκο από την ζοφερή και σκοτεινή σπηλιά που κατοικεί και να τον οδηγήσει στο φώς.Η όμορφη μάγισσα όπως την αποκαλεί,κατάφερε να λιώσει τον πάγο που τον περιέβαλλε.
Με την αφήγηση να εναλλάσσεται ανάμεσα στους δύο νέους,γινόμαστε μάρτυρες της ιστορίας της,αλλά και όλων όσων κρύβει ο καθένας μέσα στην καρδιά και στην ψυχή του.Σκέψεις,συναισθήματα, επιθυμίες, όλα ξεδιπλώνονται μπροστά στον αναγνώστη.

Κάθε φορά που διαβάζω βιβλίο της,το μυαλό μου τρελαίνεται! Και νοιώθω πως χρειάζομαι κάποια ψυχική και συναισθηματική προετοιμασία όταν ξεκινώ.Γιατί η Sheridan δεν είναι μια συγγραφέας που ξεχωρίζει από άλλες του είδους της.Δεν γράφει απλά μια ακόμα δραματική ερωτική ιστορία για να μας συγκινήσει,αλλά πραγματικές ιστορίες,με το δράμα και την τρυφερότητα που μπορεί να τις συνοδεύει,μα πάνω απ' όλα ιστορίες που κρύβουν μέσα τους αλήθειες που μπορούν να μας διδάξουν πράγματα.

Μια υπέροχα μοναδική ιστορία ή καλύτερα ένα υπέροχο μοναδικό παραμύθι δύο εξαιρετικοί χαρακτήρες που πραγματικά έπρεπε να συναντηθούν.

Για ακόμα μια φορά η Mia με μάγεψε αν και στο συγκεκριμένο με μέθυσε με την ιστορία της.
Profile Image for Vilma.
633 reviews2,843 followers
September 10, 2015
Beautifully evocative and compelling. Grayson and Kira’s deeply moving story will own you. It’s my favorite Mia Sheridan book to date.

Grayson’s Vow is my new favorite Mia Sheridan book. With a narrative that’s enrapturing, consuming and beautifully heartbreaking, I read it straight through, in single, late-night sitting.

It was unputdownable.

Written in Mia’s signature, emotionally effusive style, Grayson and Kira��s story felt raw and deeply moving. Both Grayson and Kira are individuals with pasts that have scarred them… defined them. Where there should have been love, there was hate. Where there should have been nurturing, there was abandonment. Kira grew up under the unrelenting and often brutal pressure of her father, while Grayson lived a life where he felt unwanted and resented. But whereas Kira remained bright, hopeful and fierce, Grayson turned cynical, numb and unforgiving.

Kira meets Grayson at a vulnerable moment, after being denied a much-needed bank loan. They both need money and Grayson is a felon without options. But then Kira comes up with an idea that changes everything. With cutting, angry words, Grayson accepts Kira’s outlandish proposal to save his father’s ailing vineyard.

Their relationship starts antagonistically as misconceptions and assumptions override kindness and rational thought. Kira feels as if she’s let herself and those she cares about down, while Grayson’s anger boils just beneath the surface every time he sees her.

“She would be a constant, shameful reminder of just how far I’d fallen.”

But despite angry words and hurtful actions, undeniable fire burns between them both. Before too long, emotions complicate everything and old wounds are ripped open, even as something more, something healing, pervades.

“True love is not only the flower, true love is also the thorns.”

Their pasts twine unexpectedly, unearthing lies and feelings of betrayal. The tension surges as these two broken souls stand to lose it all.

Beautifully written and evocative, Grayson and Kira’s story will own you from beginning to end. This is one of my favorite stories of the year, and one you shouldn’t miss.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

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Profile Image for warhawke.
1,436 reviews2,155 followers
September 15, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone from A Sign Of Love Series
POV: First Person - Dual

Grayson Hawthorn inherited a now crumbling winery in Napa from his father. He made a vow to save it and restore its glory. However, money was tight and his previous life preventing him from securing finance to make it happened.

Kira Dallaire was the estranged daughter of politically powerful ex-mayor. With her money running out, her only option is either to run back to daddy, which she would never do or cash in her inheritance, which required some stipulations.

Both were desperate, but she saw an opportunity that would benefit both parties. She offered him something he couldn’t refuse without realizing secrets and lies from the past has a way of destroying the future.

I have been a fan of Mia Sheridan since I first read Archer’s Voice and after seeing comments on the “fairy tale elements” I was even more intrigued. The book turned out to be a lot lighter than I hoped but I still like it nonetheless.

Apparently, I'd been wrong about The Dragon, in some ways at least. He wasn't the uncaring beast I'd originally thought.

Grayson or The Dragon as she called him, was abrasive. Having a less than ideal childhood forced him to put up a wall to protect himself from further hurt. I sympathized with him for what he had to go through and the motivation behind his vow.

Irrationally, I felt duped, as if the little witch had put some kind of spell on me. Maybe it wasn't so irrational—she probably had. Bewitching little troublemaker.

Kira or The Witch as he called her, was everything he was not. Even though grew up in privilege, she had an honest kind heart and readily opened herself to accept others into her heart. I love that even though she’s gentle, she had bites.

This book is inspired by the zodiac sign Libra – specifically the scale of justice – about how the characters had to deal with the unfairness of life. What’s interesting is that this one deal with a downfall of two individuals who grew up in the lap of luxury.

As mentioned, this book is a lot lighter than previous books in the series. There were plenty of sweet/cute moments. I like how Kira’s lightness and carefree attitude balanced Grayson’s more rigid demeanor.

The shrubbery was tall and untended, and as I ran by, holding the hoops of my skirt as close to my body as possible, my long dress trailing on the ground behind me, branches seemed to reach out and grab me.

My favorite scene was the fairytale party and the subsequent maze scene. It felt dreamy, romantic and a tinge of surreal – not something I usually like, but ended up loving it. I also the locations in general, as in the sweeping vineyard and the house.

Grayson’s Vow is a story of individuals overcoming difficulties while learning to accept and complement each other. It would appeal to those looking for light and heartwarming story with a dash of fairytale dreaminess.

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Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews675 followers
September 16, 2015

♥ ♥ ♥ 4 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥

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“Today may be a very bad day, but tomorrow may be the best day of your life. You just have to hang on until you get there.”

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Kira Dallaire finds herself in a place she never thought she would be in, penniless and alone. She is determined to make it on her own and not seek any help from her wealthy father. Then she overhears at the bank that a man is being denied a loan, she recognizes his name, Grayson Hawthorn. Grayson is a an ex-con trying to keep the vineyard his father left him after his death afloat. But he has very limited funds and it doesn't seem like he will be able to keep it open for much longer. Things change when a young woman shows up at his home with a crazy scheme that would benefit the both of them.

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“Love is not always smooth and easy. Love can be piercing. Love means exposing yourself – all of yourself, every tender part – to being hurt. Because true love is not only the flower, true love is also the thorns.”

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Kira knows her idea of getting married may sound insane to Grayson, but it makes sense to her. She proposes they get married in order for her to be able to get the trust her grandmother left her and split it with Grayson. They finally agree to it, despite the fact that they can barely tolerate each other at times. The deal is to split in half, live together for about two months, and in a year's time, they will divorce keeping their own money without taking any of the others.

Kira may have had a tough childhood, but that has only made her stronger. She refuses to lose hope or her optimism that things will get better. She enjoys having fun, and isn't afraid of working hard despite her coming from money. Meanwhile, Grayson has also had a terrible way of growing up, and it has affected him deeply. After being sent to prison, he changed a lot. He has built a wall around himself so that nothing can ever emotionally affect him again. He feels unworthy nor does he ever want love in his life. So, in other words, they are quite opposite. But that made things so much more interesting. These two fought, argued, and disliked each other, but each day they felt a little more for one another. Having the story in both of their P.O.V. was perfect. I loved knowing how Grayson was feeling and how he was slowly falling in love with Kira.

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‘My beautiful little witch – there was magic within her, and I wanted to bathe in its light.’

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This book was a little bit different the few previous books of the Sign of Love series. This one wasn't as heavy or heart wrenching as those. There was quite of bit of angst, though, which I enjoyed. I loved the characters and how they challenged each other. I love Kira and how selfless and sassy she was. I liked Grayson despite how stubborn he could be, because when he let go, it was heartwarming. The story was really cute with a very fairytale like quality to it. The only thing I can say is that there were moments that seemed a little too perfect and too sweet to me, and I usually don't get bothered by that sort of thing, but it did a bit in this one. I also wish Kira would have made Grayson work harder for her near the end. Other than that, it was really great. I loved many of the secondary characters. I just really enjoyed it, and didn't really want to put it down. Overall, it was a wonderful read.

Profile Image for Natasha is a Book Junkie.
688 reviews4,767 followers
September 11, 2015

“Forget the prince and princess. I always imagined the real story was between the witch and the dragon.”

From an author whose every story manages to touch the deepest recesses of our hearts, we are given another extraordinary tale that steals our breaths away and holds us spellbound cover to cover. This is the story of a marriage of convenience between an enchanting little “witch” and a grumpy old “dragon”, a marriage designed to benefit both, but be in name only, until a ‘love spell’ is cast and a game of make-believe turns into a real-life fairy tale. And while there are in fact no real witches or dragons in this book, there’s nonetheless a dreamy, almost fantastical quality to this love story, reminiscent of so many childhood fairy tales, and its message just as inspiring. I was enthralled by these characters, emotionally invested in their every high and low, and utterly smitten by the magic that is woven between them. This is a book I loved loved loved…and then loved some more.

“I have a business arrangement to offer you.”
“A business arrangement?”
“Yes, well, in actuality, Mr. Hawthorn, I’m here to propose marriage.”

Kira Dallaire is twenty-two and broke. Born into a life of privilege and luxury, she has left her old life behind to become her own person and make a difference in the world, determined to be free from the controlling and intimidating influence of her powerful father. But with no college education or any employment prospects in sight, she is driven to concoct a plan born out of sheer despair—to marry a complete stranger for money. With a trust fund that would go to her either when she turns thirty, or when she gets married, Kira makes an offer of marriage to a man she does not know, a man she is inexplicably drawn to from the moment she lays eyes on him, a man who needs that money just as much as she does—proposing to split her inheritance once they are married, and then after one year, simply go their separate ways. But as attractive as her offer is, her soon-to-be husband only unenthusiastically agrees, openly resenting her for becoming a constant reminder of his failures in life.

“He looked like every hero in every fairy tale I’d ever dreamed, come to life. And, God, I wanted to believe in heroes again. But sometimes, I supposed, a girl just had to be her own hero. Especially when the hero in question turned out to be a dragon.”

Grayson Hawthorn has never known what it feels like to be loved, raised by parents who reminded him every single day of how unwanted and unworthy of love he was. When he is left the family winery in his late father’s will, he vows to himself that he would do all he could to bring it back to its former glory, believing the gift to be his father’s way of atoning for a lifetime of unkindness and of making him feel worthy for the very first time in his life by entrusting him with such a great responsibility. Determined to make his father proud, but with the winery teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, Grayson is willing to do all it takes to fulfil his vow, even marry an entitled, selfish, spoiled little princess with fiery hair and bewitching emerald eyes, whose defiant spirit seems to set his temper alight.

“Next time you offer to marry someone, you should try to be a little more meek. A man likes some obedience in a wife.”
“What was that now? I want to make sure I get every single word of wise advice. Meek, was it? Does that have double e or is it ea? I can never remember.”

But first impressions can be deceiving and the longer they live under the same roof, the more they uncover about one another, soon discovering that they have a lot more in common than just their financial predicament. Grayson quickly learns that he might have misjudged his “little witch”, her upbringing not so dissimilar to his own, thus leaving deep scars on her self-esteem and sense of self-worth, while Kira’s regard for her husband grows tenfold when she discovers how little love he’s known in life. They argue, they bicker, never conceding to one another’s will, but their every heated exchange also stirs a deep yearning in them both, slowly blurring the lines of their fake marriage and making them wish it was all a little less ‘pretend’ after all.

“I’d sleep on the floor in this dusty shack if it meant getting the best of Grayson Hawthorn.”

What sets off almost as a Brönte novel in a present-day setting, with a marriage of convenience resulting in a new wife feeling unwelcome in her neglectful husband’s home, the prickly touches of unrequited love quickly turn this story into a moving modern fairy tale that pulls the reader in with its irresistible blend of pleasure and pain. A story that is entirely character-driven and told in both their voices, with frequent dashes of witty dialogues and light-hearted humour, we fall for Kira and Grayson almost immediately, and the more we get to understand them, the more attached we become. With a feisty but kind-hearted heroine whose decision to marry for money weighs heavily on her conscience, longing to be loved and cherished, but forced to forgo all childhood notions of marrying her Prince Charming one day to a loveless connection to a “man-dragon” who can barely stand the sight of her; and an irritable, judgemental hero whose cold, unforgiving façade conceals a man starving to feel worthy of love, respect, and kindness in his life, until a little “witch” shows him what selfless love truly looks like, turning his colourless existence into the life he never dared to dream—this was a winning formula from the start for me.

“Love. Fierce longing rose in my chest. For just once to be cherished.”

There are so many delightful facets to this story, so many puzzle pieces that keep us engrossed in its every word, and for me, it was one of the hardest books to move away from in the end as I desperately wished I could have stayed in their world forever. A breathtaking example of the healing power of love, and of how only pain can sometimes make us recognise true love—I simply adored this wonderful book and would recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone seeking an exquisitely written story they would never forget.

“Love can be piercing. Love means exposing yourself—all of yourself, every tender part—to being hurt. Because true love is not only the flower, true love is also the thorns.”

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Profile Image for Ramona Popescu.
406 reviews137 followers
December 3, 2016
" Meet Me in the Middle ? "

There is no secret that I love Mia Sheridan and I will put aside all the books to just read hers.
After falling irrevocably in love with Archer's Voice and Becoming Calder+Finding Eden, my appetite for her writing has increased and wanted to see with what she will come up next. Every time I read her books I expect them to be fabulous and guess what??? They are!! And sometimes, even more than fabulous.With Grayson.. WOW!! She was not wrong in choosing him and creating this type of loving/moody hero.

This is the reason I consider Mia Sheridan one of my favorite writters. I can't imagine anyone displaying this amazing love story in a more romantic, heartwarming and outstanding way.
The plot is very interesting and captivating. We have our girl Kira, who is faced with a difficult decision in order to obtain an inheritance that her grandmother left her. In order to have it, she must be married... problem there... she is not married and her fiance is a bastard.

Enter Grayson.. He meets Kira while having a meeting at a bank, in which he desperately tries to find a way of saving his vineyard. His situation is critical, and he needs help as soon as possible to keep his business floating, or not, risking of losing everything.

Kira hears about his situation and comes up with a plan: them getting married purely as a business deal and spitting the money. They only have to stay married one year, so it shouldn't be very difficult to end it soon after the year is over. As predictable as it might seem, they fall in love.
But their relationship was not easy.. They were like 2 firecrackers, igniting with a single spark.
I liked Kira for her determination and ability of putting up with Grayson, because believe me it was not easy. I found her to be very enjoyable and trustworthy as a heroine, despite her background and upbringing. She was the perfect match for Grayson, always confronting him and being in a way his equal. She had moments of weakness in which from my point of view had to fight harder, but when you cross the line, nobody is perfect and she made her human mistakes like everybody does.
My relationship with Grayson was a love hate on. At the beginning he was very difficult to say the least, hot tempered and a totally bastard to Kira, although she brought him the solution of his lifetime. He was also very tormented of making his father proud of him, even if the vineyard was given to him as a form of punishment after his death. He has some policies to pay and he wants to make everything that stands in his power to rise this business and be successful. I was not enjoying the way he treated Kira, being a complete and miserable a** to her throughout the first half of the book. But as she managed to crack his icy exterior, Grayson can be very romantic and lovable, a delightful and passionate person to be around.

Their love scenes were a mixture of intense and romantic, with the trademark of Mia Sheridan all over them. In some scenes of the book, I thought that I'm reading the script from one of Keanu Reeve's movies, "A Walk in the Clouds".

To conclude, there can't be a book from Mia that won't make me swoon and cry, admiring her for her talent and well written stories.
5 dragon and witches stars:)


For more reviews please check https://readwithloveblog.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
September 15, 2015

Another absolute win for Mia Sheridan! I loved Grayson’s Vow, it’s sweet, emotional, sexy and funny, the total package. I am not sure how Mia does it, but her books always bring such a huge smile to my face. This one also brought on a little rage, Grayson isn’t your typical Sheridan hero but I loved him just the same.

“Today may be a very bad day, but tomorrow may be the best day of your life. You just have to hang on until you get there.”

We first meet Kira when she is emptying out a savings account her grandmother had established for her. We don’t know the details of her situation, but we know she is estranged from her father and penniless. I immediately loved Kira, she is hilarious. Her plans and ideas were completely irrational, but her heart is always in the right place. Despite growing up with wealth and privilege she is humble and has a heart of gold.

Back to Kira’s crazy plans, this is actually how we meet Grayson. Kira doesn’t know a lot about Grayson, but she remembers a few details. She knows he was just released from prison and that he is in desperate need of money to save his vineyard. She can also see he is at his breaking point.

“Sometimes, I supposed, a girl just had to be her own hero. Especially when the hero in question turned out to be a dragon.”

Kira propositions Grayson with a plan to save them both: marry her. Kira’s late grandmother left her an inheritance, but she isn’t eligible to receive it until she is thirty, unless she marries first. She offers Grayson half the inheritance if he marries her and stays married long enough to convince her father it’s a legitimate.

Grayson and Kira are like oil and vinegar when they first meet. Both have preconceived ideas of who the other is and allow their assumptions to cloud their judgment. Grayson and Kira had a long way to go with each other and both had to be willing to open up. These “growing pains” broke my heart and me fiery and super angry at times. BUT, they also made smile so freaking hard. I loved them getting to know each other and watching them find their way.

Grayson’s Vow is super entertaining and I can promise you will have a huge grin on your face when reading it. I loved the dragon and witch comparison and how it worked into their dialogue. Grayson and Kira are tons of fun and I loved reading their story. Whether you are a fan of Mia or if this your first book, I highly recommend it!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,413 reviews1,484 followers
January 20, 2016
3.5-4 Stars!
(ARC provided by author)
(BR with Patty & Dee)

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Kira Dallaire is a 22 yr. old woman from San Francisco, who comes from a very wealthy, political, influential, dysfunctional family that she wants to get as far away from as possible. She leaves home with just what she can fit in the trunk of her car. She is now homeless & desperate with little money & few options. She heads for the only place she's ever felt peace. She returns to Napa Valley where she always spent summers at her Grams house.

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She crosses paths with a breathtakingly handsome man named Grayson Hawthorn. Grayson owns Hawthorn Vineyard. Grayson is also in a bind financially & Kira suggests an arrangement that would be mutually beneficial to both of them. Grayson has vowed to keep his family's winery running & restore it at any cost.

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As Grayson & Kira spend time together neither are prepared for the feelings that begin developing between them. Grayson is cold & withdrawn & closed off emotionally, but Kira makes him feel again & stirs emotions in him he didn't think he could feel anymore.

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