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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy #2

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

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alternate edition for ISBN 0345418921/9780345418920

Facing annihilation at the hands of the warlike Vogons is a curious time to have a cosmically displaced Arthur Dent and his curious comrades in arms as they hurtle through space powered by pure improbability - and desperately in search of a place to eat. Among Arthur's motley shipmates are Ford Prefect, a long-time friend and contributor to the The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Zaphod Beeblebrox, the three-armed, two-headed ex-president of the galaxy; Tricia McMilan, a fellow Earth refuge who's gone native (her name is Trillian now); and Marvin, who suffers nothing and no one gladly.

Source: douglasadams.com

250 pages, Paperback

First published October 12, 1980

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About the author

Douglas Adams

90 books22.7k followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Douglas Noel Adams was an English author, humourist, and screenwriter, best known for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (HHGTTG). Originally a 1978 BBC radio comedy, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy developed into a "trilogy" of five books that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime. It was further developed into a television series, several stage plays, comics, a video game, and a 2005 feature film. Adams's contribution to UK radio is commemorated in The Radio Academy's Hall of Fame.
Adams also wrote Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (1987) and The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul (1988), and co-wrote The Meaning of Liff (1983), The Deeper Meaning of Liff (1990) and Last Chance to See (1990). He wrote two stories for the television series Doctor Who, co-wrote City of Death (1979), and served as script editor for its seventeenth season. He co-wrote the sketch "Patient Abuse" for the final episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus. A posthumous collection of his selected works, including the first publication of his final (unfinished) novel, was published as The Salmon of Doubt in 2002.
Adams was a self-proclaimed "radical atheist", an advocate for environmentalism and conservation, and a lover of fast cars, technological innovation, and the Apple Macintosh.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 9,125 reviews
Profile Image for Federico DN.
747 reviews2,533 followers
February 15, 2024
Yo Marvin!

Zaphod, Marvin, Trillian, Arthur and Ford resume their improbable adventures through the infinity of time and the immensity of a boundlessly crazy galaxy. Trying to understand the significance of the Ultimate Question, and finding the Ruler of the Galaxy.

An interesting sequel, with many elements and the style that characterize Hitchikers #1, possibly the funniest book I’ve ever read. Many funny moments and absurd genialities of a tragically comic universe like only Douglas can deliver. Unfortunately, for various reasons, this sequel didn’t really cut it. Maybe the surprise was lost, maybe the humor didn’t nail it like the first time. Maybe the first book set a too high standard, impossible to reach.

Zaphod, a character that I found hilariously unpredictable in the first installment, in this one I found extremely grumpy and frankly highly unpleasant to bear. Trillian scarcely appears to make any comment at all, and Arthur and Ford barely have an exiguous protagonism, nearing the very end. But above everything, way too much Zaphod.

Thank god Marvin was there to "brighten up" the day though!

[1980] [250p] [Humor] [2.5] [Not Recommendable]

★★☆☆☆ 0.5. Young Zaphod Plays It Safe [1.5]
★★★★★ 1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
★★☆☆☆ 2. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe [2.5]
★★★☆☆ 3. Life, the Universe and Everything
★★★★☆ 4. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
★☆☆☆☆ 5. Mostly Harmless
★★★☆☆ 1-5. The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
★★★☆☆ 6. And Another Thing... [2.5]


Hey Marvin!

Zaphod, Marvin, Trillian, Arthur y Ford reanudan sus improbables aventuras a través de la infinidad del tiempo y la inmensidad de una ilimitadamente alocada galaxia. Tratando de entender el significado de la Pregunta Definitiva, y encontrar al Amo de la Galaxia.

Una interesante secuela, con muchos de los elementos y estilo que caracterizan Hitchikers #1, posiblemente el libro más gracioso que leí jamás. Varios momentos muy chistosos y absurdas genialidades de un universo trágicamente cómico como sólo Douglas Adams sabe explotar. Lamentablemente, por varias razones, esta secuela no me terminó de cerrar. Tal vez se perdió la sorpresa, tal vez el humor no la pegó tanto como la primera vez. Tal vez el primer libro estableció una barra demasiado alta, imposible de alcanzar.

Zaphod, un personaje que me pareció hilarantemente impredecible en la primera entrega, en esta parte me pareció extremadamente gruñón y francamente difícil de soportar. Trillian escasamente si aparece para hacer algún comentario, y Arthur y Ford apenas si tienen un exiguo protagonismo, promediando casi el final. Pero más que nada, demasiado Zaphod.

¡Pero que suerte que Marvin estaba ahí para "alegrar" el día!

[1980] [250p] [Humor] [2.5] [No Recomendable]
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews4,980 followers
April 24, 2022
The second strike of the prime, not so directive, example of how Sci-Fi, fantasy, humor, philosophy, and criticism can be fused to create an intergalactic road trip.

Reread 2022 with extended review

So much in such a short work
Including time manipulation, end of time, relativity of death and afterlife, monetarization of the end of the universe, human evolution and what may have influenced it, madness resulting from the insight of humankinds´ unimportance concerning the cosmic scale, etc., Adams covers a large range of topics in a small number of pages and mixes it with fabulous character description, dialogues, and weird protagonist premises.

Searching for the hidden meanings
Dissecting satire is no fun, but a difficult and highly subjective endeavor and it seems to me as if Adams has packed even more innuendos about grievances into it than in the first, more light-hearted part of his legendary series. Not dark, but a bit more in the grey area, typical growing a beard style.

Maybe the best part
It´s very difficult to choose the best part of the series, but I would prefer this one because it needs no further explanation and goes directly into different plots and the epic ending gives deep insights into human cultural evolution and lets one ask the question whose weirdo descendants we might be.

Alien 1: "I bet you might not dare to mix your genetic code with those primates because of the non-interference laws and ethical issues."
Alien 2: "Hold my beer."

I´m not quite sure if this is uplifting, pimped natural development, or just something between sexual abuse (or seduction including multiple misuses of bananas before, during, and after) of primates and a serious scientific field study by immortal, godlike alien beings with billion years of technological advance and thereby supremacy. But still enough perversion and substance abuse to have a hairy kinky time.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
Profile Image for J.G. Keely.
546 reviews11.4k followers
May 28, 2009
The universe is a joke.

Even before I was shown the meaning of life in a dream at 17 (then promptly forgot it because I thought I smelled pancakes), I knew this to be true--and yet, I have always felt a need to search for the truth, that nebulous, ill-treated creature. Adams has always been, to me, to be a welcome companion in that journey.

Between the search for meaning and the recognition that it's all a joke in poor taste lies Douglas Adams, and, luckily for us, he doesn't seem to mind if you lie there with him. He's a tall guy, but he'll make room.

For all his crazed unpredictability, Adams is a powerful rationalist. His humor comes from his attempts to really think through all the things we take for granted. It turns out it takes little more than a moment's questioning to burst our preconceptions at the seams, yet rarely does this stop us from treating the most ludicrous things as if they were perfectly reasonable.

It is no surprise that famed atheist Richard Dawkins found a friend and ally in Adams. What is surprising is that people often fail to see the rather consistent and reasonable philosophy laid out by Adams' quips and absurdities. His approach is much more personable (and less embittered) than Dawkins', which is why I think of Adams as a better face for rational materialism (which is a polite was of saying 'atheism').

Reading his books, it's not hard to see that Dawkins is tired of arguing with uninformed idiots who can't even recognize when a point has actually been made. Adams' humanism, however, stretched much further than the contention between those who believe, and those who don't.

We see it from his protagonists, who are not elitist intellectuals--they're not even especially bright--but damn it, they're trying. By showing a universe that makes no sense and having his characters constantly question it, Adams is subtly hinting that this is the natural human state, and the fact that we laugh and sympathize shows that it must be true.

It's all a joke, it's all ridiculous. The absurdists might find this depressing, but they're just a bunch of narcissists, anyhow. Demnading the world make sense and give you purpose is rather self centered when it already contains toasted paninis, attractive people in bathing suits, and Euler's Identity. I say let's sit down at the bar with the rabbi, the priest, and the frog and try to get a song going. Or at least recognize that it's okay to laugh at ourselves now and again. It's not the end of the world.

It's just is a joke, but some of us are in on it.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews326 followers
December 17, 2021
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy #2), Douglas Adams

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (1980, ISBN 0-345-39181-0) is the second book in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy comedy science fiction series by Douglas Adams.

The novel narrates the adventurous galactic journey of Arthur Dent, a middle-class British man, and his unwanted role in finding meaning in life, and narrates the adventures in intergalactic space, and Planets occur far from Earth, such as: Earth and time, power, authorities and authorities of the contemporary world, depicting people and concepts, thoughts and actions of human beings, with ironic language, and in transcendent humor.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز نهم ماه سپتامبر سال2016میلادی

عنوان: رستوران آخر جهان، کتاب دوم مجموعه ی پنج جلدی راهنمای کهکشان؛ نویسنده: داگلاس آدامز؛ مترجم: آرش سرکوهی؛ تهران، نشر چشمه، سال1395، در217ص؛ شابک9786002292896؛ موضوع داستانهای علمی و خنده دار خیال انگیز از نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده 20م

کتاب «رستوران آخر جهان»، جلد دوم از مجموعه ی پنج جلدی: «راهنمای کهکشان برای اتواستاپزنها»، است؛ «رستوران آخر جهان» نیز، همانند جلد نخست، رمانی علمی ـ تخیلی، و طنز‌آمیز است؛ این رمان، سفر کهکشانی پُرماجرای «آرتور دنت»، مردی میان‌مایه از طبقه‌ ی متوسط «انگلیس»، و نقش ِ ناخواسته‌ ی او را، برای یافتن معنای زندگی، روایت میکند، و با نقل داستانی، ماجراهایی که در فضای بین کهکشانی، و سیاره‌ هایی دور از کره‌ ی زمین، رخ می‌دهند، همانند: زمین و زمان و زمانه، قدرت، مراجع و اتوریته‌ های جهان معاصر، آدم‌ها و مفاهیم، افکار و کردار انسان‌ها، را با زبانی کنایی، و به طنزی متعالی، به تصویر بر‌می‌کشند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 27/10/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 25/09/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Dream.M.
769 reviews184 followers
July 14, 2020
تو نابغه ای(بودی) آقای داگلاس آدامز .
فقط یک نابغه یا شاید هم یک دیوونه‌ ی تمام عیار میتونه اینهمه عناصر بی‌ربط و پراکنده رو با ملاط طنز جوری کنار هم بچینه که نتیجه‌اش شاهکار از آب دربیاد. حشره‌هایی که بارتندر ان،آسانسور اگزیستانسیال، ربات افسرده، حیوونایی که میخوان متقاعدت کنن گوشت دنده لذیذی دارن برای اینکه بخوریشون و نئاندرتالها ...
تو خیلی خل بودی، و من عاشق آدمای خل و چلم، باهوش و بی حد و مرز خلاق، آتئیست هم که بودی،و یه آدم شوخ طبع و نویسنده فوق العاده، عجب ترکیب سمی‌ای. میتونستم برای ازدواج باهات تا لندن بیام ولی حیف یه چهل و سه سالی دیر بدنیا اومدم.

بهترین قسمتهای کتاب برای من اونجا بود که برای پیدا کردن حاکم جهان رفتن به پرت ترین سیاره‌ی کهکشان و دیدن" گاد" اسم گربه‌ی یه آدم روان‌پریش عه که به اصالت وجود هرچیزی غیر از خودش شک داره!
همین طور بخشی که توی رستوران آخر دنیا، منجی ظهور میکنه ولی زمانی میاد که اومدنش بی‌فایده‌س و چند ثانیه بعدش همه چیز جهان نابود میشه. بدردنخور و پوچ...
کتاب دوم با اختلاف دو ستاره از کتاب اول بهتر بود. توی کتاب اول خیلی هیجان زده و شوک بودم و توی کتاب دوم بیشتر خندیدم و همچنان هیجان زده شدم.
معنی زندگی ؟ عدد ۴۲؟ خیلی شوخی باحالیه که معنی زندگی رو باید نئاندرتالها کشف میکردن ولی توسط اجداد اولیه انسانهای کنونی منقرض شدن. علت انقراض= افسردگی
🚫نکته انحرافی: افسردگی اطرافیانتون رو جدی بگیرید چون شما فقط ۲ میلیارد سال فرصت دارید!

🆘️نتیجه اخلاقی: دفعه بعد که خواستید یک فنجان چای سفارش بدید، به عواقبش فکر کنید. چون ممکنه کل زندگی تون رو به فنا بدید!
این مجموعه کتاب رو میشه به هرکسی ( رده سنی الف تا ی ) و با هر سلیقه‌ای ( حتی علمی_تخیلی_نخوان‌ها) پیشنهاد داد و مطمعن بود سرانه مطالعه بالا خواهد بود است :))
از خوبهای پست‌مدرنه ایشون ^___^
Profile Image for Baba.
3,800 reviews1,252 followers
July 20, 2022
For what it is worth, despite my loathing for the first book in this best-selling immensely popular series I persevered and took a look at The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. The same results ensued for me a Hitchhiker's, outdated, trite and weak humour, infantile comedy and almost lazy plotting. The only save at the moment for me is Marvin! One Star Read, I am afraid as I liked this even less than I liked Hitchhiker's! 3 out of 12

2005 read
Profile Image for Henry Avila.
508 reviews3,305 followers
June 13, 2019
Captain Jeltz our old not so good friend ( a callous butcher) from the previous book, is after the stolen spaceship with the unlikely name,"Heart of Gold" again! On board are Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Trillian and the ex -President of the Galaxy the thief, Zaphod Beeblebrox ( nobody cares about Marvin the annoying robot). The unsmiling captain likes killing, that's what he does best. The fugitive ship is just about to be no more, with the help of the cruel Vogan ( a bad poet too), and his deadly spacecraft's weapons...The Heart of Gold's computer is too busy making the perfect cup of tea, to defend the vessel.Thanks to the thirsty Mr.Dent, a man must have his beverage! The only bright side is that the Englishman gets the best tea, he's ever had...With the crew having only a few moments to live, the great- grandfather of Zaphod's is someways conjured up by Beeblebrox... He can't explain it either. Great -grandpa isn't very happy, observing the stupidity of his great -grandson. Four generations and what a blockhead, it has produced. And an ill timed lecture on his relative's shameful habits, complicates things. But blood is blood and with the desperate, nervous encouragement of the rest of the gang, he sends them in their merry, separate ways. Marvin and the former president, vanishing from the bridge. And the craft travels many light years away, from the rather dangerous somewhat bleak situation. Zaphod materializes on distant Ursa Minor Beta, a planet where it's always a sunny afternoon, along also his not so fun but gloomy robot companion Marvin, and "his" constant bad moods. Arriving in a bar he's amazed, speechless, shocked still the gentleman is no stranger to such an environment and soon feels right at home (after a couple of good drinks). And on this world is the wonderful headquarters of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Mr.Beeblebrox has an overpowering mysterious urge to see (he doesn't know why?), Mr.Zarniwoop the editor. Yet there are problems, they're always some, the sweet talking elevator won't take them to the 15th floor. Even asks if they wouldn't prefer going in the opposite direction, down. Strange behavior for this machine, some kind of premonition ? The reason becomes apparent soon after an attack from the galaxy's forces, not happy with our former leader's actions. Despite the gallant efforts of Marvin's, they take the whole huge building and transports it to the worst place in the Milky Way, the Frogstar planet. What a dump! A voice tells him to come on down from the 15th floor...He does, very slowly and enters a structure on the dreary surface, will that kill him? Maybe or maybe not... He's hungry, slightly tired and would prefer to be in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, (Milliways) where they see the end of the universe show ever night ( with a celebrity host ). Reasonable prices too, a great view of the entertainment if you can get a good table and join his friends for a few libations....The only heaven, which our not quite perfect hero knows.
Profile Image for R.K. Gold.
Author 14 books10.1k followers
June 15, 2019
Poor Marvin!
I’m glad our heroes are exploring space and time but poor Marvin!!!!
Profile Image for Roy Lotz.
Author 1 book8,662 followers
June 7, 2016
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, when he asked me for a book recommendation.

“Nothing too long,” he said. “Or too factual.”

My brain starting racing. Tolstoy? Much too long. Bill Bryson? Much too factual.

“The news?” I suggested.

“No, no,” he said. “A book.”

My mind kept racing through titles.

“Ah, I’ve got it!” I said finally. “Try The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. They are wholly remarkable books.”

This brief conversation encapsulates why I enjoy these books so much. They're well-written, thoughtful, funny, short, and immensely readable. They are the sorts of book you can recommend to nearly anyone, the sorts of books that turn illiterates into book enthusiasts. It’s hard to think of something more effortlessly pleasant.
Profile Image for Algernon (Darth Anyan).
1,635 reviews1,049 followers
December 30, 2015

There is theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened.

Arthur Dent and his companions went through some bizarre and inexplicable adventures after the Earth got blown to bits by Vogons in the opening sequence of the series. They were probably too close to making sense of their situation, because Douglas Adams decided to turn it all around for the sequel.
Is is not an easy claim to make that the second Hitchhiker book is better than the previous one, since there was nothing wrong with the first one. Yet, for various reasons, I ended up reading it faster and enjoying it more. It may be the fact that there is actually a plot, like searching for the ruler of the universe as opposed to searching for a philosophical answer to the ultimate question. It may be that the jokes are better anchored in the actual story and feel less like an improvised skit. It may be that most of the characters are already established and we get less exposition and more action. For me though, I guess the main attraction is to discover Adams' hardcore nugget of humanism that holds it all together, like the black hole at the center of our Galaxy. Douglas Adams first points out to us how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things, how tiny our problems are from the perspective of the Cosmos. Once he got us well and truly scared, he comes out with his guide to Life , The Universe and Everything, and puts on its cover the words : "Don't Panic!" . We may not understand everything there is to know about these issues, but we're alive, we are gifted with reasoning, and we might as well enjoy the ride.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is an indispensable companion to all those who are keen to make sense of life in an infiniteley complex and confusing Universe, for though it cannot hope to be useful or informative on all matters, it does at least make the reassuring claim, that where it is inaccurate it is at least definitively inaccurate. In cases of major discrepancy it's always reality that's got it wrong.

While the main quest may be the search for the man who rules the universe, there are enough mishaps and side quests to make the journey highly entertaining:

- We make a visit to the main offices of the publishers of the Hitchiker Guide, where my favorite scene describes an encounter with the artificial intelligence of a Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Happy Vertical People Transporter.

Not unnaturally, many elevators imbued with intelligence and precognition became terribly frustrated with the mindless business of going up and down, up and down, experimented briefly with the notion of going sideways, as a sort of existential protest, demanded participation in the decision-making process and finally took to squatting in basements sulking.
An impoverished hitchhiker visiting any planets in the Sirius star system these days can pick up easy money working as a counselor for neurotic elevators.

Marvin the Paranoid Android and this acrophobic elevator are a great reminder for me that intelligence has its shortcomings, and needs to be balanced by other personality traits.

- We accompany Zaphod on a forced visit to a penal planet, where he is to be punished for stealing the most advanced spaceship in the universe by undergoing a session in the Total Perspective Vortex device. This torture machine is supposed to "demonstrates conclusively that if life is going to exist in a Universe of this size, then the one thing it cannot afford to have is a sense of proportion." To see the whole infinity of creation is to go instantly mad, unless

Infinite: Bigger than the biggest thing ever and then some. Much bigger than that in fact, really amazingly immense, a totally stunning size, real "wow, that's big" time. Infinity is just so big that, by comparison, bigness itself looks really titchy. Gigantic multiplied by colossal multiplied by staggeringly huge is the sort of concept we're trying to get across here.

- we have dinner and drink Pan Galactic Gargleblasters at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, while we witness the unravelling of all existence and grapple with the absurd gramatical rules needed to express the upheaval of timelines , the mixing of the past with the future when/after/during/before the present ceases to exist.

- we meet the ghost of one of Zaphod's ancestors, who comes up with what is probably the best one-liner yet in the series:

"Life is wasted on the living"

- We attend the ultimate rock concert by the band Disaster Area whose leader, Hotblack Desiato, is spending a year dead in order to avoid paying taxes. Wthout giving away to many spoilers, the band is famous for using whole planets and astral bodies for special effects during their live performances.

- we get to meet the ruler of the universe, which might explain why it is so hard to make sense of it.

- we find refuge from another explosive misunderstanding in space on a Golgafrinchan Ark Ship, carrying a third of the population of their home planet away from an iminent if unexplained cataclysm and heading towards a tiny blue dot located in the unfashionable end of a spiral arm of our galaxy.

At the end of the second Hitchhiker installment, I might feel like I am starting to make sense of the Universe, including an explanation of how intelligent life blossomed on Earth, but I expect Douglas Adams has a few surprises up his sleeve for the next novel.
I can't wait to find out.
The word 'genius' comes to mind easier and easier when describing his talent, and I don't mean it only in the slapstick, satirical way. His one liners reach much deeper than the superficial layers of my awareness.

If human beings don't keep exercising their lips, their brains start working.
Profile Image for HaMiT.
205 reviews48 followers
August 31, 2020
اینکه یکی از معروفترین و بهترین کوت های کل مجموعه و آقای داگلاس آدامز که همون اول کتابه حذف شده بود شدیدا زد تو ذوقم

The story so far:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


ببینید این مجموعه قدرت تمرکز بالایی میطلبه. به درد کسایی که دنبال داستان یا شخصیت پردازی هستن هم نمیخوره
ولی اگه دوست دارید یه نفر تخیلات دیوانه وارش رو به شکل طعنه آمیز به رُختون بکشه، بِسمِ الگُّربة
Profile Image for J.L.   Sutton.
666 reviews1,126 followers
February 3, 2020
“The story so far:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”

“In an infinite Universe anything can happen.”

Not much in the way of plot or development here, but if you've made it this far into the Hitchhiker Series then that's probably not going to be a big problem. And it isn't! Douglas Adams' The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is a terrifically zany and entertaining adventure. I really enjoy the fact that anything can happen. Somewhere in this book, Adams writes about "brilliant nonsense." I feel like he could be describing this and the other books in the Hitchhiker Series.

Like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this is a book I first read in high school. I clearly enjoyed the reread, but might have to wait (and recharge my improbability quotient) before picking up the next installment in the series. 3.75 stars

“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”
Profile Image for Navid Honarjoo.
107 reviews62 followers
May 21, 2024
باید اعتراف کنم از اینکه به حرف دوستان گوش کردم و بعد از خواندن جلد اول از مجموعه‌ی راهنمای کهکشان برای اتواستاپ‌زن‌ها ناامید نشدم و به سراغ جلد دوم رفتم راضیم.
جلد دوم پیشرفتی نسبی نسبت به جلد اول کرده است و امیدوارم این پیشرفت در جلدهای بعدی هم ادامه داشته باشد.
به خصوص با وجود ایراداتی که بر ترجمه‌ی جلد اول نوشتم، تصمیم گرفتم از این جلد، به سراغ زبان اصلی بروم و از این تصمیم هم به شدت راضیم، هم به خاطر ضعف‌های ترجمه‌ی جلد اول، و هم اینکه همانطور که گفتم ترجمه‌ی شوخی‌ها، به خصوص شوخی‌هایی که در سطح زبان رخ می‌دهند، معمولاً کار دشوار و چالش‌برانگیزی است. به شخصه با ترجمه‌ی جلد اول ارتباط خوبی برقرار نکردم. برعکس، به نظرم زبان اصلی کتاب نثر جالبی دارد.
به هرحال، خلاقیت‌های عجیب و غریب جناب داگلاس آدامز در این جلد نه تنها تمامی ندارد بلکه پیشرفت قابل توجهی هم کرده است. هرگاه خواننده حس می‌کند داستان نمی‌تواند از این عجیب و غریب‌تر شود، نویسنده ایده‌ی جدیدی رو می‌کند و باز هم خواننده را غافلگیر می‌کند. ایده‌‌هایی مثل «رستوران آخر جهان» یا «مردی که بر جهان حکومت می‌کند»، دو مورد از ایده‌های بسیار خلاقانه و عجیب و غریب داگلاس آدامز در این جلد هستند که نمی‌دانم چطور به مغزش خطور کرده‌اند!
در مورد جلد اول هم گفتم، شوخ طبیعیِ بریتانیایی به نظرم به ندرت آنقدر خنده‌دار است که خواننده قهقهه بزند، اما ظرافت و زیرکی خاصی در شوخی‌ها دیده می‌شود که خواننده از آن لذت می‌برد. در واقع داگلاس آدامز از همان اولین جمله‌های جلد دوم، سرِ شوخی را باز می‌کند:
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
Many races believe that it was created by some sort of god, though the Jatravartid people of Viltvode VI believe that the entire universe was in fact sneezed out of the nose of a being called the Great Green Arkleseizure.

با وجود پیشرفتِ نسبیِ جلد دوم، هنوز داستان به استانداردهای شخصی من نرسیده تا بتوانم به آن پنج ستاره بدهم، با این حال به نظرم روند کلی داستان در این جلد بیشتر مشخص شده و سطح تعلیق و هیجان هم کمی نسبت به جلد قبل بالاتر رفته است. امیدوارم این روند رو به پیشرفت در جلدهای بعدی هم ادامه‌دار باشد. (و لطفا نقش ماروین به عنوان ربات افسرده در جلدهای بعدی پررنگ‌تر باشد! شخصیت مورد علاقه‌ی من در این کتاب است!)
با همه چیز شوخی!
در مورد جلد اول هم گفتم، مجموعه‌ی راهنمای کهکشان،شاید درون‌مایه و هدف نهاییِ خاصی جز سرگرم کردن مخاطبش نداشته باشد، و در این کار موفق هم هست.
با این حال بعد از خواندن جلد دوم، نکته‌ای توجهم را جلب کرده: در جهان داگلاس آدامز، هیچ چیز آنقدر جدی و مهم نیست که نشود با آن شوخی کرد. خواه پرسش‌های مهم زندگی انسان باشد:
معنای زندگی چیست؟
آیا آفرینش حقیقت دارد؟
آیا جهان بی‌انتهاست؟

و خواه اتفاقات مهم در خودِ داستان راهنمای کهکشان باشد:
کره‌ی زمین نابود می‌شود.
جنگ میان‌ستاره‌ای بین شخصیت‌های اصلی در جریان است.
گرداب پرسپکتیو کامل، پهنای جهان را نشان می‌دهد

داگلاس آدامز همیشه برای بحرانی‌ترین لحظاتِ داستان و اساسی ترین پرسش‌های خواننده، مسخره‌ترین و عجیب‌ترین جواب‌ها را در آستین دارد و احتمالاً هرچقدر آن لحظه حساس‌تر و آن سؤال مهمتر و بنیادی‌تر باشد، جواب داگلاس آدامز عجیب‌تر و خنده‌دارتر است. این یکی از فاکتورهایی است که باعث شگفتی و لذت خواننده می‌شود:
معنای زندگی و جهان و همه‌چیز چیست؟ ۴۲!
چرا کل کره‌ی زمین و موجوادتش نابود می‌شوند؟ برای احداث بزرگراه فضایی!
چرا وسط جنگ میان‌ستاره‌ای، سفینه‌ی شخصیت‌های اصلیِ داستان از کار می‌افتد؟ چون کامپیوترهای سفینه مشغول یافتن طرز تهیه‌ی چای هستند!
انگیزه‌ی مخترع گرداب پرسپکتیو کامل از ساخت آن چه بود؟ عصبانی کردن زنش!
علت انقراض مردم سیاره‌ی «فراگستار بی» چه بود؟ افزایش کفش‌فروشی‌ها!
بزرگترین چالشی که سفر در زمان ایجاد می‌کند چیست؟ مشکل گرامر!
بزرگترین تفریح ملت در پایان دنیا چه می‌تواند باشد؟ خوردن غذای گرانبهایشان در رستوران آخر دنیا و لذت بردن از تماشای منظره‌ی نابودی دنیا!
آیا عبارت «خدا می‌داند» از زبان فرمانروای جهان، نشانه‌ی باور دینی اوست؟ نه! فرمانروای جهان اسم گربه‌اش را گذاشته: خدا! (the Lord) به همین خاطر وقتی می‌گوید خدا می‌داند(the Lord knows)، منظورش این است که گربه‌اش می‌داند!

شاید این مهمترین درون‌مایه و پیام کتاب در تمام مجموعه باشد: با همه‌چیز می‌شود شوخی کرد، هیچ‌چیز آنقدرها جدی نیست! سخت نگیرید!
Profile Image for Manny.
Author 36 books15.2k followers
September 25, 2014
"It must be nice," mused Ford Prefect thoughtfully, "to know what you're for. I don't have the slightest idea what I'm for. Most sentient beings don't. But you," he continued, turning to Arthur and Trillian. "You know. Part of finding the answer to the Ultimate Question. I'm sure that's comforting at times. "

"You mean the 42 business?" asked Arthur.

"What?" asked Zaphod's left head incredulously, while his right head rolled its eyes. "You mean you fell for that?!"

The rest of this review is available elsewhere (the location cannot be given for Goodreads policy reasons)
Profile Image for Jason Koivu.
Author 7 books1,344 followers
July 11, 2017
Had I read this? I couldn't recall. I knew I'd seen the old tv version, but I wasn't sure I'd actually read the book, so I read it. And why not? It's a hell of a good book, and I'd do it again!

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is kind of the continuing adventures of Arthur Dent. Honestly, while he's a focal point of book one, he doesn't factor into the sequel as much. This is more about Zaphod Beeblebrox and Ford Perfect, as well as the kitchen sink's worth of whatever zany ideas Douglas Adams wanted to throw into the works.

I say "zany ideas" as if they are a haphazard, careless collection of ramblings, but Adams does actually stay on topic for much of the time. That topic is humanity's futility. We're a go-nowhere race going nowhere fast. Adams basically says we've been given two million years worth of time to do something with ourselves before it's all over, and frankly we will fuck it up. Oh well!

While not as sharp as the first book, this is a worthy successor and I plan to continue reading the remaining books in the series, which I'm pretty sure I haven't read yet.
Profile Image for Keyhan Mosavar.
62 reviews50 followers
December 9, 2021
به به چه کتابی. جلد دوم کتاب راهنمای کهکشان برای اتواستاپ زن ها از اولی خیلی بهتر بود . طنزش خیلی قوی تر شد و واقعا نمیشه کتاب رو روی زمین گذاشت.
عاشقش شخصیت ماروین شدم خیلی خوبه. امیدوارم جلد سوم هم همینقدر خفن پیش بره.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,522 followers
May 17, 2020
Truly, the most memorable characters in this book are the ones in Disaster Area.

Just ignore the inane ramblings of the most important person in the universe, Mr. Beeblebrox, the man who says What all the time, or the brilliant but somewhat easygoing Trillian, or Froody Ford. They're just bit players. Indeed, the character that chews cud is rather more intelligent than the grand majority of those B-Cast characters sent to crash on that backwater planet with the official main characters.

Didn't you know? Between Disaster Area and the robot with the brain the size of a planet are the ULTIMATE main characters.

And now that we've met the meat... welcome to the best show in the universe served up with a huge side dish of pokes at God (or some philosophical backwater person who claims to be the leader of said Universe), the Universe, and Everything.

Anyone want to play a game of scrabble?
Profile Image for Ali Book World.
400 reviews215 followers
August 19, 2024
پایان بازخوانی سوم.
" راهنمای کهکشان برای اتواستاپ‌زن‌ها " عالی بود.
" رستورانِ آخر جهان " فوق‌العاده بود.

هرچقدر که در جلد اول، مطالب علمی-تخیلی ، طنز و فلسفه باهم قاطی شده بودند و از این ترکیب یک موضوع محشر خلق شده بود، در جلد دوم همه‌ی عناصر این مجموعه ده برابر شدند. متن علمی-تخیلی‌ش خیلی قوی‌تر و جذاب‌تر بود. طنزش بامعنی‌تر و فلسفه‌ش فوق‌العاده پیچیده‌تر شده بود.

جلد دوم دقیقا بعد از پایان جلد اول شروع میشه و همه چیز در یک رستوران به نام رستورانِ آخر جهان ادامه پیدا میکنه....

سوالاتی که مطرح میشه اینه: (شاید اسپویل باشد، شاید هم نباشد)
۱- چه کسی جهان را اداره میکند؟
۲- عدد چهل‌ و دو به چه شکل تمامی مفاهیم دنیا را در خود جای میدهد؟ راز آن چیست؟

** تعریف کلیِ این مجموعه‌ی عالی رو در معرفی (ریویوو) جلد اول نوشتم که اگر نخوندیدش حتما برید و بخونید.... **

در مورد جلدهای بعدی هم در جایگاه مخصوص به خودشون خواهم نوشت..!!!
Profile Image for seak.
440 reviews470 followers
March 2, 2015
I'm absolutely astounded at how quotable this book is. It's no wonder Douglas Adams suffered from writers block because just about every line in the entire book (and previous book, and probably subsequent books), is perfectly crafted to bring about a chuckle.

In this second book of the trilogy of five (which is now 6 I'm told), our crew of Beeblebrox, Arthur, Trillian, Ford Prefect, and of course the loveable Melvin the depressed robot, has to find the man behind the power, the ruler of the entire universe.

Of course, it's peppered with more great aliens and planets and if you thought the Vogons were great (or terrible, depending how you look at it), well, let's just say the committee meetings don't end there.

Doug Adams was absolutely brilliant and I thought this was even more quotable than the last. And I love quotes. The actual plot was a little less so, and it's definitely a middle novel with that ending.

If this beginning doesn't sell you, however, I definitely won't:
"The story so far:

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

4 out of 5 Stars (highly recommended)
Profile Image for Benjamin Duffy.
148 reviews709 followers
January 18, 2021
Back in junior high school, when I was being bussed 30 miles each way to the Magnet School for Gifted Math and Science Students (don't get excited; I washed out of the program in shame and disgrace after two years), the Hitchhiker's Guide series were all my nerdy friends' favorite books. They would throw quotes and in-jokes about Pan-Galactic Gargleblasters and Ravenous Bugblatter Beasts of Kraal back and forth at each other much like some people do with Monty Python films or The Princess Bride. For whatever reason, all the Douglas Adams-themed 7th grade nerd humor rubbed me the wrong way and I refused to read the books, which was an act of breathtaking contrarianism at the time.

Recently, I decided it might be worthwhile to fill the Hitchhiker's-shaped hole in my literary Great Wall, and I started reading the series.

I think I might have been better off reading this book in 7th grade, because what it did in my 30s was irritate me, mostly. The constant wordplay seemed clumsy and unfunny, and most of the main characters sort of ran together. Worst of all, the plot was completely devoid of interest - I understand that the plot isn't supposed to be the central attraction in these books, but it's hard to muster up emotion over perilous situations when you know that the characters, whom you don't care much about to start with, are inevitably going to be bailed out by some zany deus ex campus sinister and zoom along to their next wacky adventure. It was like trying to get excited about watching other people ride a roller coaster.

I can't remember the last time I had such a hard time finishing such a short book, but I'm actually glad I did, because the last 50 pages or so were the best part.
Profile Image for Cecily.
1,217 reviews4,713 followers
February 8, 2017
Hitchhiker's, volume 2.

The beginning of human life on earth and the end of the universe, aided by infinite improbability.

As with the others, it's the ideas and writing that make it so good:

Marvin makes a heavily armoured tank guess what weapon he has (nothing).

"The guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate".

"How are you? Fine if you like being me, which personally, I don't".

"Everything's cool and froody".

"Little expense had been spared to give the impression that no expense had been spared".

"The terrible light that had played on his features went off to play somewhere more healthy".

Like most car parks, it "smelt mostly of impatience".

"He paused just long enough to make them feel they ought to say something, then interrupted".

Spend a year dead for tax reasons.

Meat bred to want to be eaten.

"Life. Don't talk to me about life".

The ruler of the universe doesn't know it, and doesn't believe in anything anyway.

Dump hairdressers, telephone sanitizers, management consultants and advertising execs - then die from dirty phones.

Can't invent fire without knowing what people want from fire; can't invent wheel till decide on a colour.

"We were about to do nothing at all for a while, but it can wait".

Brief summary and favourite quotes from the other four of the five books, as follows:

Hitchhiker's Guide (vol 1): http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

Life, the Universe and Everything (vol 3):

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish (vol 4): http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

Mostly Harmless (vol 5): http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

And Another Thing...(vol 6), by Eoin Colfer : https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...
Profile Image for Tom Quinn.
601 reviews208 followers
December 20, 2022
The rare sequel that fully captures everything the original got right. For my money it's just as witty, just as thoughtful, and just as fun as the first.

5 stars.
Profile Image for Lyn.
1,932 reviews17.1k followers
January 11, 2019
Douglas Adams’ hilarious chronicle of Zaphod, Ford, Trillion, Arthur – and Marvin the Paranoid Android keeps a’ rollin’ in this 1980 sequel to his epochal The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Center stage is Adams’ brilliant humor and he continues on with more explorations of his magnificent world building.

We are introduced to Hotblack Desiato and Disaster Area, one of my favorite characters from when I read this the first time decades ago. Disaster Area is the most successful rock band of all time, and by far the loudest as their concerts are frequently banned due to geotectonic concerns. Hotblack joins a host of other memorable characters and scenes from this thoroughly entertaining novel.

Profile Image for K.D. Absolutely.
1,820 reviews
March 21, 2012
Better than the first book. This has more funny moments and I just found myself laughing out loud more than when I was reading the first book. I guess it was by design. Douglas Adams had to explain fully his milieu for the series. Since he did that in the first book, his characters now have the whole universe to play around for themselves. So, they just don't hop and hop from one planet to another but also in this one, enjoy a time travel. They went to a restaurant at the end of the universe. Prior to my reading of this book, I thought that the restaurant is located at the end or the edge of the universe. But I was fascinated to learn that while eating steak (from the meat of a talking animal), you could watch the end or the death of the universe. Sorry for the spoiler but it's found in the first half of the book and there are other more interesting scenes in the second part and you have to read the book and experience for yourself how is it to be dining and watching the end of yourself. Very clever imagination.

I reason why I read this after the first book was that I'd like to find out what was the Ultimate Question for the Ultimate Answer that was "42." However, it seemed the Adams was deliberately delaying it as it was only in the second part where it was brought up and he did not even give any hints. So, after reading this book, I looked from the third book but I could not locate it. So, I am now reading the fourth book and since its title is Song Long and Thanks for All the Fish, I hope to already know what the Ultimate Question is.

Again, I am not really a big sci-fi fan so I understand if you find this book more enjoyable and rated this with more than 3 stars. However, I agree with you that this book is good: talking insect as receptionist, elevator refusing to come up, animal talking to you prior to being butchered so you can buy and eat its meat, restaurant at the end of the universe, etc. They are all cleverly thought of that not too many of writers would be able to put them in one book and make people laugh. Really, unbelievable.

On to the 4th book.
Profile Image for Elinor.
171 reviews111 followers
May 7, 2020
In his sequel to “The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy”, Douglas Adams continues the adventures of Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Trillian, and Marvin, in the same funny and unassuming style. Zaphod, still nutty as a fruitcake, looks for the man who rules the universe, while Arthur’s continued search for “The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything” churns out the unsatisfactory “What do you get if you multiply six by nine?”.

It makes for a quick read, ever surprising by its sophisms, absurdity and sense of perspective from ‘one’s never alone with a rubber duck.’ to (speaking of planet Earth being destroyed to make room for a hyperspace bypass):
‘Oh, I’ve heard of worse,’ said Ford, ‘I read of one planet off in the seventh dimension that got used as a ball in a game of intergalactic billiards. Got potted straight into a black hole. Killed ten billion people.’

Douglas Adams also touches on deep issues like faith, people management, and ecology, for instance when a civilisation decides to use leaves as currency. The book is surprisingly contemporary given it was published in 1980.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book, it made me laugh and has a great pace, with every new spaceship, planet, and set full of surprises. Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe, doesn’t disappoint. Also, for some reason, I love the scene at the end of the book.
Profile Image for Sara Kamjou.
634 reviews393 followers
October 8, 2017
کتاب دوم نیمه‌ی اولش برای من راحت‌خون‌تر، اما انسجام داستانیش کمتر بود. خیلی جاها حس خب که چی بهم دست می‌داد!
تنها قسمتی که برام خیلی جالب بود، اون بخشی بود که رفتن پیش اون آقاهه که اسم گربه‌ش گاد بود.
در کل کاش نویسنده کنار خلاقیت زیادش یه مقدار داستان‌پردازی و شخصیت‌وپردازی رو قوی‌تر انجام می‌داد. نمره‌‌ی واقعیم بهش ۲.۵ هست که با ارفاق ۳ می‌دم.
بخش‌های یادگاری از کتاب:
آدم میون این عظمت نامتناهی فقط یه نقطه بی‌نهایت کوچیکه که از بحث بی‌اهمیته حتی دیده هم نمی‌شه.
- زندگی چیز غریبیه.
+ زندگی اونیه که تو ازش می‌سازی.
چرا مردم نمی‌تونن یاد بگیرن که در صلح و صفا کنار هم زندگی کنن؟
کسانی که بیشتر از همه سودای حکومت کردن بر مردم رو در سر دارن، درست به دلیل همین آرزو، کمتر از همه آدمای دیگه برای این کار مناسب‌اند.
به نظر می‌رسه که شما خیس هستید اما نظر شما رو در این باره نمی‌دونم.
من فقط برای جهان خودم تصمیم می‌گیرم. جهان من چشم‌ها و گوش‌های منن. همه چیزای دیگه شایع است.
مهم این بود که آدم یه چیزهایی داشته باشه که بتونه در انتظارشون بشینه.
Profile Image for Ulysse.
345 reviews166 followers
May 31, 2024

I am not a philosopher
Nor a super computer
My skull houses the brain
Of a Goodreads reviewer
Who reads a great many books
Some better than others
And praises in verses
Their fathers and mothers
But would you find me presumptuous
If I told you I knew
The question to the answer
That is forty-two?
Though the Ultimate Answer
Does not have a question
There’s no need to panic
I’ve made my inspection
And pondering deeply
As deep as Deep Thought
After forty-two minutes
Zero questions I’ve got
You see I knew what it was
But disaster of disasters
Last night I’d one too many
Pan Galactic Gargle blasters
Profile Image for Stephen.
1,516 reviews11.9k followers
July 1, 2010
2.5 to 3.0 stars. Decent follow up to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. While enjoyable, I did not find myself laughing as often as I did during the first one. With books like this, your mood is often an important factor in determining your level of enjoyment so it could be that I just wasn't as receptive to the story as I might otherwise have been. Good but not great.
Profile Image for Melindam.
773 reviews358 followers
March 23, 2018
“The History of every major Galactic Civilization tends to pass through three distinct and recognizable phases, those of Survival, Inquiry and Sophistication, otherwise known as the How, Why, and Where phases. For instance, the first phase is characterized by the question 'How can we eat?' the second by the question 'Why do we eat?' and the third by the question 'Where shall we have lunch?

In which installment we learn that tea is a most dangerous beverage....
Displaying 1 - 30 of 9,125 reviews

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