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The New Empire intends to celebrate its victory over the Nationalists with a day that will never be forgotten. On the high holiday of Wintertide, they plan to execute two traitors (Degan Gaunt and the Witch of Melengar) as well as force the Empress into a marriage of their own design. But they didn’t account for Royce and Hadrian finally locating the Heir of Novron—or the pair’s desire to wreak havoc on the New Empire’s carefully crafted scheme.

317 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2010

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About the author

Michael J. Sullivan

114 books94.6k followers
From now until the end of May we are running a sale (save 10% - 50%) off my hardcover books (including a limited quanity of the Riyria Revelation Hardcovers. Click the image to shop the sale.

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I'm a New York Times, USA Today, and Washington Post bestselling author with 9 Goodreads Choice Award Nominations.

I first opened the door to my imagination with typewriter keys while playing hide and seek and finding a black behemoth when I just ten years old. Serious writing started in my twenties, but after more than a decade trying to publish (and getting nowhere), I quit altogether. I returned to writing in 2004, and published my first novel with a small press in 2008. If you had told me that I'd be a New York Times Bestselling author, have 85+ novels translated into 13 languages, and sold more than 2 million copies, I never would have believed you!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 474 reviews
Profile Image for Książkowe Bajdurzenie.
152 reviews1,341 followers
September 25, 2023
Chyba sobie ze mnie kurwa Sullivan żartujesz. Przestań robić takie rzeczy w książkach psychopato.

Najlepszy tom, serce boli.
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,664 reviews86 followers
June 5, 2023
Hadrian esta en problemas, Arista esta encarcelada, el imperio parece haber apoderado de todo, no parece haber ninguna oportunidad para revelarse. Pero no todas las esperanzas estan perdidas, la ayuda puede llegar desde cualquier lugar, hasta el mas inocente de los ninos puede salvar el reino si esta en el lugar apropiado. Quizas necesiten suerte, o quizas sea su destino, pero Hadrian, Royce, junto con Arista, Modina y Amelia tendran que buscar la manera de liberar al Imperio del gobierno que los tiene reprimidos y darle un poco mas de libertad y paz.

Guao!, este libro lo agarre y no pude soltarlo hasta que termine de leerlo!, tenia mucho que no me pasaba esto con un libro de este genero. Claro, ya conocemos a los personajes, ya conocemos la trama, ya sabemos lo que deberia pasar, pero eso no le quita para nada la emocion de leerlo, de sorprendernos con alguno de los personajes. Tampoco evita que te duela la muerte de otros, ni te rias con alguna de las cosas que pasen, ni te indigne lo inocente que siguen siendo algunos.
En fin, esta saga se ha desarrollado de la mejor manera, va de menor a mayor, nos lleva, en cada libro, a una aventura diferente pero en el mismo camino. Conocemos y nos enamoramos de los personajes, queremos que todos tengan su final feliz. Ahora voy con el ultimo libro de la saga, espero que llene mis expectativas, y si es posible que las supere.
Profile Image for Lee.
351 reviews223 followers
January 22, 2014
I haven't time to write a full review so I am going to keep this brief. If you haven't started this series yet, you NEED TO.

For five books now we have followed the journey of Hadrian and Royce. I must say, for the amount of books involved, Sullivan has kept this story very tight. With my love for big epics from authors like Erikson, Hamilton and Reynolds, whose side stories become novels in themselves, it is really great to read a story with a central story with almost no side stories. Everything correlates to the main story and if there is a branch it is quickly brought back to relevance to the plot.

The characters just continue to grow and for a character dev fan like me, that makes all the difference between that 4 or 4.5 star to the big one. This book has finally tipped me into the 5 star range. This one had it all. I was absolutely engrossed and actually sat in my car being late for work the other day because the build up and anticipation for a jousting event had me on the edge of my seat. I haven't felt that much anticipation since the Gunslinger took on Blaine in a riddles contest.

This author has grown and grown with this series and has easily become one of my favourite. A wonderful series that I am completely hooked on.
Profile Image for Amar.
402 reviews
August 14, 2021
Definitivno nikad brže knjigu nisam pročitao i mislim da to dovoljno govori o kvaliteti ovog djela. Šest pametno potrošenih sati. Očigledno najbolja knjiga u serijalu dosada.

Oko priče ne bi mnogo, jer je ipak 5. dio jednog serijala. Priča je ( iako tako nije na početku djelovalo) bolja spram ranijih dijelova, ali to mi nije bio razlog za peticu. Sullivan je dosta napredovao u pisanju ali i u karakterizaciji. Ono što se meni ovdje dopalo jeste ljudskost koju su neki likovi dobili. Osjećao sam i patio sam sa njima, pogotovo u zadnjem podglavlju koje je bilo... my God, kako je to dobro bilo! Još kraj, pravi cliffhanger

Ostaje još Percepliquis...Imam neki ruzan osjecaj u vezi te knjige.. :)
Profile Image for Armina.
176 reviews97 followers
December 16, 2014

Best book in the series so far! It had it all. Easy 5 stars! I finished it a while ago but RL(being very hectic) prevented me from posting accurate updates since I'm mostly listening to the audiobook and using the omnibus edition. I'll try to write a proper review at some point.
Profile Image for ally  ¯\(ツ)/¯.
191 reviews37 followers
November 14, 2016
Initially, I thought I would rate these books by their two part bind ups, but I've changed my mind. This book needs to receive the individual attention and 5 star rating it deserves, no matter what part 6 may bring.
This series has had its ups and downs, overall I love the characters and the world, but sometimes the story itself drags. This book is flawless. I can't think of a single thing in this story I would change. It made me smile and laugh, but it also broke my heart.
I look forward to continuing this adventure :)
Profile Image for Komal.
270 reviews386 followers
April 3, 2014
You ripped out my heart Mr. Sullivan. You ripped it out from within my rib cage in a matter of pages. You just shoved your fist into my chest, got a hold and just... ripped it out. Just like that. And then you took out your dagger and started cutting it, strand by strand, in front of my face as I watched, helpless. Then you smiled and threw it away.

These tears.

Dear God.

--10 minutes later--

I have never seen an author grow with their book the way Michael J. Sullivan has. This book was brilliant in any and every way. When an author has your full emotional capacity under his control, you know he's a dangerously good author and holds the ability to send you to a blissful heaven, or torture you.
7/5 (the last one was 6/5). This entire series is recommended to every one.
(Complete review will come in the omnibus edition).
Profile Image for TS Chan.
763 reviews923 followers
February 8, 2017
Given how the series was progressing over the past 4 books, I wasn’t surprised to find myself gushing at the end of Wintertide and giving it a stonking 5-stars! The story really started to soar by now with Hadrian and Royce finally arriving into Aquesta where Empress Modina “reigns” and Arista was imprisoned. The tension and pacing of this book had me almost on the edge throughout.

Those who have followed my status updates will know that I have a crush on Hadrian and this book gave me more of him. His plot provided some humour, especially during his scenes with Nimbus (oh, how I love this endearing man as well), and places Hadrian in a challenging moral dilemma. Of course, no scenes of Hadrian can be complete without some form of badassery and I lapped it all up with relish.

Royce’s arc finally places him directly in the path of Merrick Marius. Without giving too much away, the culmination of their relationship at the end of book was truly heartwrenching.

While the Riyria storylines were really good, this book belonged to Empress Modina. As anything more I say may be considered spoilerish, I’ll just leave it at that.

The tone of the series really got darker, and the ending of this book was jaw-dropping! I actually couldn’t breathe for a while and was almost afraid to keep reading. BUT, needless to say, I jumped straight into Book 6.
Profile Image for Mike (the Paladin).
3,147 reviews1,966 followers
October 6, 2014
I finished this a few days ago but hadn't taken time to review it. I must say that I have enjoyed this series and can recommend it. This series and these characters are so well done I'm very glad I found it. I'd had it recommended to me some time ago but never got around to reading it. If the same is true with you try it...really.

This is the 5th out of 6 volumes and it's another good story. The plot takes a darker turn (as it's been headed that way from the first). We get to know these guys and the supporting cast from book one and they fill out rather than shift or change as we go along.

I wasn't actually surprised by the major turn here but I must say a part of me didn't really think "it would go that way" so to speak.

This story, as Tolkien said, grew in the telling. I'm not going to run down the story as this is the fifth volume and spoilers would be unavoidable...I will simply say that if you are a fantasy fan of most any stripe, don't miss this one.

Really. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for C.P. Cabaniss.
Author 7 books112 followers
July 28, 2017

"Happiness comes from moving toward something. When you run away, ofttimes you bring your misery with you."

I had a feeling going into this one that it would break my heart and I was right. Something had to go wrong eventually. Well, I mean, stuff had already gone wrong, but something else was going to go wrong. And it did. There was plenty to break my heart here. There was also plenty to love.

It's no secret that Royce is my favorite character and this installment did nothing to lessen him for me. His character has been building through the series, his layers being revealed one by one, and we get yet another layer (or more) here. His story is extremely sad, but so real. And that's what I love about him. Honestly, I have a hard time putting into words just how much I like Royce.

Hadrian and Royce are separated for most of this installment, each dealing with different aspects of the same problem. Hadrian's portions were quite entertaining, for the most part. There were darker, harsher moments, because what he was trying to do was tearing him apart, but so many little things happened that made his story quite humorous. Which is excellent. A story can't always be dark; that's just not how life works.

I don't know how Sullivan manages to build every single character so well, but he does. All of the side characters are brilliant and either have me loving or hating them. Sometimes both. Nimbus really shone here and he was hilarious. Seriously. Which makes me curious about his past. Hopefully we get more about that in the next installment.

Another new favorite is Sir Breckton. The guy is pretty much perfect, but not in a bad way. He was just great. I really want to see more of him in the last book.

And of course there is Arista. She isn't as involved in this one, which makes sense if you've read The Emerald Storm. But she manages to have some good scenes and make a difference. She has probably grown on me the most through the course of the books.

Modina and Amilia each have important roles to play here. And I really like both of these women. Modina more than Amilia, probably, but both of them have their moments. And some of those things are brilliantly executed.

The plot really gets amped up here, taking us to a new level. Most of the questions that have been building through the series are yet to be answered, but the setup for the conclusion is excellent. The stakes are high, higher than ever, and I'm ready to see what happens. The subtlety with which Sullivan is able to weave his story honestly amazes me. The smallest things done or said books ago come back time and again with huge impact. Piecing all of that together is so much fun.

The ending of this shattered me. It tore my heart out and broke it into a million pieces. What will happen next? I really have no idea.

I was going to pause for a day between books, but I don't think I can keep myself from starting that final journey. I need to know what happens.
Profile Image for Shaghayegh.
343 reviews95 followers
March 7, 2021
فقط یک جلد دیگه مونده و من به شدت برای پایان مجموعه میترسم
Profile Image for David Sven.
288 reviews476 followers
January 8, 2014
These books just keep getting better. The writing is better, the characters have developed some depth and complexity, and even though things have gotten a little darker, it’s still not dark fantasy – and that’s a good thing for this series I think.

And it’s ditto what I have already said about the previous books regarding Tim Gerard Reynolds audio narration ie very good.

Royce and Hadrian are back and go right into the heart of the Empire, determined to save the Heir of Novron and Princess Arista. I won’t say too much more about that, but it will involve jousting – and what medieval style fantasy would be complete without jousting!

The puppet Empress Mordena is to be married off at the culmination of the Wintertide celebrations. But Mordena has her own plans to clog up the wheels of the Nyphron Church. And it’s not going to be all smooth sailing for Royce and Hadrian either. Hadrian will be faced with the choice to sell his soul for those he cares for most – and Royce’s path will take a dark turn he might never come back from.

I’ve already started listening to the final book. This one gets my highest rating yet for the series at...

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Jim.
Author 7 books2,066 followers
October 23, 2014
May2012: Read it again in preparation for the final book of the series & really enjoyed it, even though I knew what was coming. Great!

Sep2010: Again, I had the privilege of reading an ARC & enjoyed the experience tremendously. Sullivan took me for another great ride. I'd highly suggest reading the previous four books first. While he's again done a great job of filling in the background, there are a lot of details & emotional investment that you'll miss out on.

The next book is supposed to wind up the series. While I'm eagerly awaiting it, I'm kind of sad, too. I hate to think of it ending.
Profile Image for Julia Leseritter.
97 reviews6 followers
June 13, 2021
Geil, geil, geil! Bester Band bisher! 😍 Ich bin gespannt auf das Finale!!!
Profile Image for Brent.
502 reviews67 followers
June 26, 2021
Exceptional continuation of the Ryiria Revelations series, and the best one of the 5 I have read so far. Wonderful twists. Great characters were well established already, but those characters had arcs that had some really satisfying events in this while setting up the final volume. Exactly what you want in a penultimate entry in a series like this. Excellent action and pacing, and some really big emotional moments that left me momentarily stunned. Easy 5 stars.
Profile Image for Michelle.
601 reviews38 followers
October 11, 2021
Have you ever read something more than once, and hope that something doesn't happen that you know happens because you've read it more than once? That sums up the ending of this one perfectly for me.
Profile Image for Bogdan.
946 reviews1 follower
November 30, 2017
In all of the series I seem to have problems with the construction of some of the characters and their ulterior evolution, but, maybe, it`s only a personal thing. In one moment some of them are the most despicable and feared across the land, in the next one, they`re dead- easyyy as a piece of cake......

I don`t know, sometimes their initial image doesn`t add up with their ulterior evolution.

And the bad guys, are making a lot of crimes, but still their main motivation is that those action are for the good of the people

... Oh!!!..please!!! Cut the Bul*hit!

But, anyway, reading some of the writers` notes about these series I realized that he had also targeted the 13+ age, so, maybe, it`s understandable that there are some inconsistency in their construction.

Again, on the side if the evolution of things, there aren`t big surprises here, some of the characters are dying, some not, the second ones are evolving slowly to the main scene.

And for what is worth the second ones are getting better and better by the book.

After all these books, I`m guessing that this will not be a fantasy series that resides on surprises, but mostly one that wants to reconnect the younger people, but also the other readers, to this kind of fantasy style and characters.
13 reviews2 followers
July 11, 2024
Jak na ten moment najlepszy tom z serii. Zobaczymy co się stanie z ostatnim..
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,371 reviews29 followers
December 10, 2015
The atmosphere becomes darker here, with some horrendous scenes right out of my worst nightmare. That mustache-twirling church went overboard at times. And what's with that holy idiot squirreling away his enemies in prison? It would make more sense to just execute most of them. Plot contrivance.

Nonetheless, an engrossing read, with old characters and some new ones.

Royce and Hadrian can't truly trust anyone except each other. We've seen that play out in several books now. That treacherous little man really twisted the knife, but I saw it coming. He does like his knives. And I have my doubts about Nimbus. He seems too good to be true.

I'm liking this series, but not fully loving it. Wish we'd see more of the monk Myron.
Profile Image for Narilka.
661 reviews47 followers
May 1, 2021
Wintertide is the fifth and penultimate book in Michael J. Sullivan's Riyria Revelations series. Again, the story picks up right where the last one left off. The Wintertide festival is almost here and events set in motion in the second book finally come to a head.

Each character goes on an arc. It's amazing how much growth they all have in just over 300 pages. I loved the nod to A Knight's Tale in Hadrian's story thread. My heart is breaking for Royce and I'm a little worried about what that's going to do to his mental state. The horrible situation Arista was in has taught her to be humble and I think she's going to bounce back fantastically. Now if only she'd experiment with the Art more! Thankfully Modina finds her way through her own personal darkness and is back in the game as an active participant. Between her and Nimbus the Empire is in good hands. With all the hubbub over the real heir Best of all, it was satisfying for Saldur to finally get his comeuppance.

While I don't think anything will match the pure fun of meeting Royce and Hadrian for the first time, this book came close and is a tie for my favorite in the series. I can't wait to see how it all ends in Percepliquis.
Profile Image for Theo A.
84 reviews106 followers
June 19, 2022
my Booktube Channel [Rekindled Reader]
Read as Part 1 of the Heir of Novron omnibus. Fantastic set up for what I hear is an epic conclusion. Lots happens and this book solidifies Royce and Hadrian as one of my favourite friendships / duos ever. In fact, I struggle to come up with better. Fast paced, clever and full of heart, with a few emotional moments that land well. Can't wait for the final part to the main Riyria Revelations "trilogy".
Profile Image for Pavle.
457 reviews172 followers
August 6, 2017
Definitivno najbolji deo do sada, ali i dalje malo fušari Salivan sa svim koincidencijama (lošom realizacijom narative), ali to se da zanemariti kada se knjiga proguta. Još jedan deo i sve pokazuje da će biti najbolji.

Profile Image for Sydneroo.
253 reviews610 followers
June 8, 2018
Absolutely fantastic! This is the 5th book in a series so I don't want to spoil anyone :)

Profile Image for José.
486 reviews270 followers
September 20, 2016
The ending of this book... I'm at a loss for words right now (review someday).
¡Qué final! Me da miedo averiguar cómo va a terminar la saga, todavía no supero lo que acaba de pasar T_T (reseña pendiente)

Profile Image for Sana⁷.
287 reviews101 followers
March 18, 2023
Things I liked:
1) sir Breckton Belstrad
2) Breckton & Amilia
3) Alric's love for his sister
4) the fact that Myron showed up

Things I didn't like:
everything else

Most of this book I felt bored. I can't really tell if it's the book's fault or it's because I felt too tired after work to care. I also felt cheated, because I waited with huge excitement for the scene with Hadrian and Royce that was foreshadowed through the previous book and I never got it. And I never will. Because Hadrian was never the most beloved person for Royce.

Okay then.

This is all I wanted to write. I will definitely read the last book, but my excitement is sadly gone.

The Riyria Revelations - my rating:
Theft of Swords (1-2): ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rise of Empire (3-4): ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Wintertide: ⭐⭐
Displaying 1 - 30 of 474 reviews

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