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The Lying Game #2

Never Have I Ever

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My perfect life was a lie.

Now I'd do anything to uncover the truth.

Not long ago, I had everything a girl could wish for: amazing friends, an adorable boyfriend, a loving family. But none of them know that I'm gone--that I'm dead. To solve my murder, my long-lost twin sister, Emma, has taken my place. She sleeps in my room, wears my clothes, and calls my parents Mom and Dad.

And my killer is watching her every move.

I remember little from my life, just flashes and flickers, so all I can do is follow along as Emma tries to solve the mystery of my disappearance. But the deeper she digs, the more suspects she uncovers. It turns out my friends and I played a lot of games--games that ruined people's lives. Anyone could want revenge . . . anyone could want me--and now Emma--dead.

From Sara Shepard, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Pretty Little Liars books, comes a riveting series about secrets, lies, and killer consequences.

309 pages, Hardcover

First published August 2, 2011

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About the author

Sara Shepard

98 books14.5k followers
Sara Shepard graduated from NYU and has an MFA from Brooklyn College. She has lived in New York City, Brooklyn, Tucson, Arizona, Philadelphia, and now lives in Pittsburgh, PA. Sara's Pretty Little Liars novels were inspired by her upbringing in Philadelphia's Main Line.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,266 reviews
Profile Image for Austin.
204 reviews7 followers
August 19, 2011
This book was definitely a page turner. Even more gripping than the first book!

Things that I liked that were different than in the first book:
• The pacing was much more fast
• There were unexpected twists and turns
• More characters were introduced
• Loved how Sutton's flashbacks provided clues to her suspects
• The writing didn't seem as forced

Once again, Sarah Shepard does not fail to deliver a light but gripping book that will keep teens on the edges of their seats while relating to how real the characters seem.

Many of the characters felt like real teenagers. Not smart, but not dumb. That's how I consider teenagers these days,(including myself.) The development in the characters was at the same level as the first book, but they had much more backstory in this installment.

The way the story was set up created a very well balanced atmosphere. Still a little similar to the first book, but still very intricate in how she portrayed other aspects.

I really like how Sarah Shepard writes. Although it's not detailed,(which I love) it cuts straight to the point while offering the reader perfect imagery on what's going on and flows effortlessly.

There were twists and turns in the plot that had me shocked. Sarah Shepard had me thinking this, than that, and then this, but at the end of the book I thought, WTF?!

She definitely surprised me with the ending. While shocking, I am still not sure if I positively know who Sutton's killer is, which is kind of disappointing. In some bizarre way though, I found myself really enjoying how things were put together. Looking forward for book 3.

Elemental Breakdown:
Rating:4 Stars
Profile Image for Tylah Marie.
134 reviews17 followers
May 19, 2019
*3.5 stars*

I’m really enjoying this series so far! It is SO similar to Pretty Little Liars in the sense that there is a “suspect” in each book and us as readers are led to believe that’s who we think killed Sutton! Can’t wait to read the next book : )
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kate.
327 reviews
February 25, 2015
Never Have I Ever, The Lying Game #2

Re-reading this review in Feb 2015 and I've realised this book definitely deserves 5 stars.
I read it back in 2012, and literally still remember most of the book, that is how you know the book was amazing, it leaves such an impact!

Theres so must nostalgia attached to this book for me.
I just remember loving the scene in the forest, and the train tracks memory, ah, loved it!
Profile Image for Raul.
488 reviews15 followers
December 16, 2016
Another awesome installment in this series. I love the mystery and how you're kept guessing. I don't trust anyone so far!
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
689 reviews814 followers
May 31, 2015
After finishing the first book in the series I wasn't sure whether I'll continue with the series or not.
There are two strong reasons for that:

1. Book number one was so much different from the tv show I actually felt hurt (because I really liked the show and since ABC family pulled that shitty move and cancelled it, books were my only chance to find out how the things would resolve).
2. I spoiled myself and I already know who killed Sutton.

So although I was entertained while reading this book I didn't have that reading experience I should have had in order to really involve myself into the story. I couldn't enjoy certain moments because I knew what I didn't suppose to know.

After reading this, you probably think I gave up and will not continue with the series, but I actually will.
And there's only one reason for doing so: Thayer .
Let's see if I'll swoon over him as I did when watching the show!
Profile Image for Liz.
251 reviews2,095 followers
June 19, 2015
Definitely a fun read and I'm glad that Emma is different from Sutton. I was definitely on the edge of my seat a good bit. The Twitter Twins were so weird and I still don't feel like ruling them out.

I wish it would stay in 1st person or stay in 3rd person. It's weird when it flips from Sutton observing to just 3rd person.

There are definitely a lot of suspicious characters, but there are also a lot of sweet moments between Emma-as-Sutton and her friends, sister, and dad. I just wish there was a little more depth there? I know it's told that Sutton was the Ice Queen of their community, but the scenes move on so quickly that we don't get too long of a sweet moment or conversation between her and Laurel or her and Mads.

TL;DR - Definitely a fun read, but don't expect much in the way of depth. ;D
Profile Image for Katerina  Kondrenko.
498 reviews1,003 followers
September 9, 2020
6 out of 10

This part is more fun than the book #1, and, oh, I see parallels with Pretty Little Liers) Of course, we learned nothing related to Sutton's death, but Emma fully implemented into her sister's life and even made some ammends. Can't say I'm super interested in the next installments, but I wouldn't mind to read them.
Profile Image for Jianne.
292 reviews
November 21, 2011
Never Have I Ever the second installment in The Lying Game series is better than its predecessor, The Lying Game. That's why I really love this book, especially the so awesome ending!

Never Have I Ever follows where the previous book left off, Emma Paxton continues on pretending to be her dead twin sister, Sutton Mercer. As Emma goes deeper into trying to find Sutton's killer, she realizes that the killer might just turn out to be the one she least expected it to be.

Never Have I Ever in my most honest opinion is much more better than The Lying Game perhaps in terms of the mysteries getting darker and it getting more tangled up (in a positive way). I love how Sara Shepard makes you think like "that's the killer" but in end it's not who you think it is and you're still a long way to go!

She absolutely convinced me that I've found the answer, but disappointingly not yet.

I love how Emma's character really developed since the last book and I definitely liked her character here more. She's more fierce and more determined to find her sister's killer and she begins to analyze angles and motives in a more critical way, WOW. I see that she tries really hard to adapt to Sutton's lifestyle. I also liked how I finally get a glimpse of Sutton'g family life, something to watch out there.

While Sutton's friends, including Lauren for that matter are getting in my nerves. They love and hate her, well which seems a bit fake to me. You can't really love and hate your friends. I mean sure, they have their bad traits and you don't like it but you don't hate them in the point that you just slap whatever they did to you in your face. I know Sutton's not really an angel here so there's a reason to hate her but there's also a lot of "fakeness" going on.

While Ethan and Emma's romance, oh guys don't bother asking. *Smiles* You get what that smile means.

Though Sutton's memories tend to come back to her out of nowhere, I just hope she'll be a bit more useful. And Thayer's character! Man, I so wanna know what role he is going on play here! I'm really excited!

I just have to say that the mysteries are deeper and much harder to put together, I love how Sara Shepard reveals so little yet in the end she'll make you go "I knew that!" I love how she connects everything until the end.

Excited for Two Truths and A Lie!
Profile Image for Maeyuka.
54 reviews15 followers
July 15, 2015
I didn't like the first book as much, but it's written by Sara Shepard so I thought I should give it a chance. And so I did exactly that and borrowed the second book from the library.

This book is honestly just so so good.
Even though I didn't really read it in a day or anything, I loved almost everything about it. The pace was quite fast and I just kept (and keep) wanting more and more.

There isn't really anything else I could say besides jUST GO AND READ THIS SERIES OKAY. It's so amazing.

I already made a reservation on the third book at the library so now I'm waiting for that one to arrive and then I'll jump into this once again.
Profile Image for hollyishere.
154 reviews74 followers
January 24, 2012
Review TBC...

I must commend Sara Shepard for such a winning debut installment in The Lying Game series. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for Never Have I Ever (Book #2) as it fails to continue the fast-paced action and adventure one hopes for in these types of mystery/romance books.

It continually bothers me to see not only Pretty Little Liars but also The Lying Game series' dragged out over so many installments. I can't seem to understand how these books continue to be so popular when barely any clues and/or suspects are revealed in each sequel. I'm barely three quarters the way through the PLL series and can see myself also loosing interest with The Lying Game series if it doesn't perk up a little in the next installment.

A few minor incidents do happen along the way (aka the book isn't a total bore) but most of the happenings in this book have absolutely nothing to do with the final outcome of the mystery as initially believed by the reader.

There were a few minor incidents along the way but just not enough progress made in the mystery of Sutton's death/disappearance. Although we did find time to cross off a few suspects for the time being but I'm sure they will be cast back into the spotlight further down the track.

If my suspicions are correct, Emma should be taking a much closer look at the one trusted ally, Ethan as I believe he would make the perfect culprit. If at error, I'm forced to select Laurel (Sutton's sister) as the lead suspect.

Truthfully, I am still keen to find out how this series plays out so I'll hopefully be won over once again by the next installment Two Truths and a Lie (Feb 7th 2012) where we will delve into Thayer's role in the death of Sutton Mercer.


Oftentimes, I found myself drifting off the page while the author took us down the track of clues that obviously had nothing to do with the case at hand.

We left off with ?

continues the hunt for Sutton's killer. Unbeknowst to her family and friends.

was just a set-up from an alternative story-line and nothing to do with the overall murder at all.

IAt times, I felt like I was reading a modern day Babysitters Club mystery or the like.

Profile Image for Morgan E.
142 reviews51 followers
November 24, 2015

I'm over it. I feel like maybe I'm too old for this book. If I had read it earlier in life, I might have had the patience to finish it.

I may give it another chance at some point.
Profile Image for Temi Panayotova-Kendeva.
413 reviews46 followers
January 28, 2021
Привет, пандишпанчета!

За много години като за начало и да се надявам (сама за себе си), че аз няма да изневеря на новогодишното си обещание да пиша повече през тази година. Определено не съм спряла да чета и да акумулирам книги, съдейки по количеството вкъщи.

Та, шегата на страна – започвам с една от най-пресните поредици в ума ми, която консумирах наведнъж. Не помня да съм чела скоро ей така 6 книги за два дена. Сама се видях в чудо!

Сара Шепърд стана доста популярна поради поредицата си за „Малките сладки лъжкини“ (която не съм чела, но сериала беше супер) и поредицата ѝ „Перфекциониста“, която е дуология и ми допадна. „Игри на лъжи“ е много стара нейна поредица, която на шега намерих в магазин Т-Маркет всяка за по 5лв – намерих само 4, а другите 2 прочетох на английски.

Идеята и сюжета на абсолютно всички книги на Сара е, че се въртят около мистериозно убийство, което главната героиня трябва да разреши.

В тази поредица Ема „по случайност“ разбира, че има сестра близначка (двете се оказват осиновени от различни семейства) и опитвайки се да се види с нея, всъщност се оказва в капан – близначката ѝ Сътън е била убита, а убиеца я кара да живее живота на Сътън, иначе и Ема ще я последва същата участ.

Можете да си представите в цели 6 книги, какви лукуми са били разтягани. Ах, имаше и любимото ми клише – любовен триъгълник. Но честно казано, като за тийн драма тип книги, бяха много добре изпипани. Определено имаше много елементи, които ми допаднаха в тях, за да ги изчета така бързо. Разбира се – да разбера кой е убиеца – беше главен мотивиращ фактор.

Поредицата си имаше всичко – мистерия, любов, динамика. Минах през всички спрекри на емоциите с всяка една част!

Мога само да ги опиша като кнкги, които трябва да се изживеят. Проблема е, че като знаеш вече края, надали би ги отгърнал повече. Може и да греша, кой знае.

Оценявам читателското си преживяване като 4/5 звезди.
Profile Image for K..
4,235 reviews1,150 followers
April 7, 2024
Content warnings: murder, theft, violence, classism, toxic friendships, emotional abuse, stalking, kidnapping, parental abandonment, bullying

Boy howdy, this was Not Good. And yet I am utterly invested. I flew through this in like an hour and a half. Am I invested? Yes. Am I enjoying myself? I honestly don't know. Is this good? Decidedly not. The writing - flipping between first person and omniscient third person within the same paragraph - is marginally better than the first book in the series, and I will definitely be reading the remaining four books in the series because I am *STILL* utterly baffled as to how this premise can be dragged out over nearly two thousand pages.
Profile Image for Crimelpoint.
1,543 reviews126 followers
February 13, 2022
Świetna książka, choć momentami miałam wrażenie, że niektóre wątki są naciągane i pisane tylko po to, by na siłę przedłużyć serię.

Miko wszystko bardzo mi się podobała i nie mogę się doczekać kolejnych części.
Profile Image for Sara.
288 reviews56 followers
July 1, 2017
This was excellent.
I love to read mysteries and this was a fast paced page turner.
I have no idea who the killer is, but have one prime suspect in mind.
Looking forward to reading book 3.
August 22, 2011
I read this book so fast, I didn't even had time to mark it as Currently-Reading, in about four hrs I think, Just like with the First One, Wanna know why? Because it's freacking impossible to put down!! Once again Sara, GREAT WORK!! I love Ethan and Emma, they are sooo cute together!! (so please, try not to break them for Thayer, would you?). Even if Ethan says "Like" way too much... Aaahhg damn, I was so convinced it was the Twitter Twins!! Poor Mads and Thayer!! They should deffinitely tell the cops about their dad!! And I still think mr. Chamberlain had something to do in Sutton's murder... Maybe with an accomplice... I dunno, but thinking about it, he was in Charls house at the sleep-over, he was there when Emma got to Sabino, and why would he have said he was at a business trip? Well, so he could go and kill Sutton without much problem... Besides, Sutton DID stole his daughter's boyfriend, and putted his daughter's life in danger.. I can think of a few reasons why he would like to kill her, and nobody, or at least Emma would ever guess... Why would her best friend's dad want to kill Sutton?... Speaking 'bout Sutton, I dunno why, but I liked her way better this book ;) .... Looking forward to more Lying Game pranks in "Two Truths and a Lie" can't wait 4 it!! Have you noticed that in 1st book they played "never have I ever" the name of the 2nd book, but in said book the played "two truths and a lie"?
Profile Image for Kristy.
598 reviews93 followers
November 2, 2011
I am too old for this I believe.
SoMany twists and turns with so little answers.
Ethan gives me a bad vibe. He is around so often. I will bring suprised if the killer really is thayer.
2.5 stars
Profile Image for Misha Mayhem.
37 reviews4 followers
August 8, 2011
I knew that the Twitter Twins weren't Sutton's murderers, however I felt jipped when I found out they were playing a well-executed prank on her. This book gave more background and insight into Sutton's life, and it sucks that I have to wait six months for the next book!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1 review
Want to read
March 10, 2011
I loved the first and I read the pretty little liars.... So if it's as good as those then I'll stay hooked on her books ! +).
Profile Image for Icy.
195 reviews15 followers
May 23, 2015
3.8 star
Better than the first but still is not good enough for 4 star. It’s more fast-paced than the first book and I really enjoy the friendship between Emma and Sutton’s friend.
Profile Image for Buddy.
191 reviews13 followers
May 29, 2016
schon wieder so eine sucht-Serie. .:)
Profile Image for Socrate.
6,734 reviews228 followers
May 13, 2021
Atunci când mori, îţi lipsesc lucrurile simple. Plăcerea de a te trânti pe pat când eşti epuizat, mirosul de aer curat din Arizona după o furtună din sezonul musonilor, nodul din stomac atunci când îţi vezi marea dragoste la capătul coridorului. Ucigaşul meu m-a lipsit de toate lucrurile astea chiar înainte să împlinesc optsprezece ani.

Şi datorită sorţii ― şi a unei ameninţări din partea ucigaşului meu ― sora mea geamănă pierdută cu mult timp în urmă, Emma Paxton, a intrat în viaţa mea.

Acum două săptămâni, după ce am murit, am aterizat brusc în lumea Emmei, o lume atât de diferită de a mea, după cum vă puteţi închipui. Chiar din prima clipă, am început să văd ceea ce vedea Emma, să merg acolo unde mergea ea… şi să observ. Am observat cum Emma m-a găsit pe Facebook şi cum cineva care s-a dat drept mine i-a cerut să se vadă. Am urmat-o în Tucson, unde spera să mă întâlnească în sfârşit. Apoi le-am văzut pe prietenele mele abordând-o pe Emma, luând-o drept mine şi ducând-o la o petrecere. Eram în spatele ei când a primit bileţelul în care cineva o anunţa că am murit, avertizând-o că, dacă n-o să continue să se dea drept mine, dacă n-o să-şi ţină gura, o să moară şi ea.

Acum, o privesc pe Emma cum îşi pune tricoul meu preferat, alb şi subţire, şi îşi dă cu fardul meu ars pe pomeţii proeminenţi. Nu pot să spun nimic când o văd trăgându-şi pe ea jeanşii mei strâmţi pe care obişnuiam să-i port în weekend şi cotrobăind în cutia mea din lemn de cireş cu bijuterii după medalionul meu de argint preferat, cel care, atunci când se reflectă soarele în el, trimite scântei de curcubeu în toată camera. Şi stau liniştită lângă ea în timp ce trimite un SMS prin care confirmă planurile pentru un mic dejun întârziat cu cele mai bune prietene ale mele, Charlotte şi Madeline. Eu aş fi folosit alte cuvinte. Totuşi, Emma are cam aceleaşi trăsături de bază ca şi mine ― aproape nimeni n-a observat că nu sunt eu.

Emma pune telefonul jos, cu o expresie îngrijorată pe chip.

― Unde eşti, Sutton? întreabă ea cu voce tare, tremurătoare, ca şi cum ar şti că sunt prin preajmă.

Aş vrea să pot să-i trimit un mesaj de dincolo de mormânt: Sunt aici. Şi iată cum am murit! Doar că, atunci când am murit, mi-a dispărut şi memoria. Mai am, din când în când, crâmpeie de amintiri despre cine am fost, dar la suprafaţă n-au ieşit decât câteva momente cât de cât coerente. Moartea mea e un mister la fel de mare pentru mine ca şi pentru Emma. Tot ceea ce ştiu în sufletul meu, în oasele mele, e că cineva m-a ucis. Şi că acelaşi cineva o urmăreşte pe Emma la fel de atent ca şi mine.

Dacă mă sperie chestia asta? Da. Dar prin Emma mi s-a dat o şansă să descopăr ce s-a întâmplat în acele clipe din urmă, înainte să-mi dau ultima suflare. Şi cu cât descopăr mai multe despre cine am fost şi despre secretele mele, cu atât mai mult îmi dau seama câte primejdii o înconjoară pe sora mea geamănă pierdută cu mult timp în urmă.

Duşmanii mei sunt pretutindeni. Şi, uneori, tocmai cei pe care-i bănuim mai puţin se dovedesc a fi marile noastre ameninţări.
Profile Image for Pretty in Fiction.
138 reviews57 followers
November 21, 2011
REVIEW originally posted on Pretty in Fiction.

Title: Never Have I Ever
Author: Sara Shepard
Publisher: HarperTeen (a HarperCollins imprint)
Pub. Date: August, 2011
Rating: 4.7 Stars
Read an excerpt of The Lying Game
Read an excerpt of Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is one of those books that it felt like I'd been waiting on forever.

I read The Lying Game this past January, and loved it. I couldn't wait for the second book. But when Never Have I Ever was released this past August, my reading schedule was already so jam-packed (I had, and still have, books that need to get read and reviewed by specific dates for a number of reasons – Release dates, Library due-dates, various upcoming features and events, etc. -- and there was the normal time crunch of co-running a fairly brand-new blog, too.) that I had to make myself put off reading it just yet.

And then I made the mistake (in the sense that it completely chucked my schedule out the window. Definitely NOT a mistake otherwise.) of tuning into ABC Family's version of The Lying Game (Mondays, 8/7c – guess you know what I'm doing tonight). If you haven't seen the show yet, then let me tell you: the people who work on this series are masters when it comes to leaving you hanging. After a few episodes of tuning in and then being left to bite my nails down to the quick for a week, I couldn't take it anymore. I needed an Emma/Sutton fix to get me through the week, and Never Have I Ever was just sitting on my shelf all nice and pretty.

Now, before you start saying anything along the lines of: “But if you've read the books, how can the show be nail-bitingly good?” Let me explain something to you. The show, while based (and I use the term loosely) off the books, is a different entity entirely. You still have the long-lost twins that are in the books – one a part of a nice, well-to-do family, whether she recognizes it or not, the other in a crappy foster care situation (who has to take the place of the first sister while she is gone, as opposed to dead in the books). Also, a lot of the supporting characters are the same with similar roles.

That's where the similarities end.

But I digress. This is a review of the latest chapter in Sara Shepard's newest series, not of the television show.

When I jumped into reading , I was quickly reminded of why I loved so much in the first place. The secret investigation into who killed Sutton Mercer was still underway for Emma and Ethan, and practically everyone was still a suspect. To make matters worse, Emma was still only two weeks into playing Sutton. She had no idea, really, who these people were and what they were capable of – or much about Sutton, herself, for that matter. How was she supposed to know the sort of things Sutton may have gotten herself into before her untimely demise?

Slowly, Emma is given various opportunities to eliminate potential suspects. Certain friends have alibis, and for others, possible motives are discovered. Yet, by the end of the book we're still not any closer to discovering who the real culprit is.

I'll admit it. This book had me. It's not very often that I am given a story where I am so certain who the bad guy is, only to discover I was completely off base. A few glancing suspicions here or there, maybe, but only occasionally where I've fingered the wrong person for the crime with such an adamant belief in their guilt. Sara Shepard weaves together her mystery so artfully that this is actually the second time in as many books that I have done this, and may already be falling for a third (I won't know for certain until February 7th, 2012, when Two Truths and a Lie comes out, but I've got my eye on you, character I'm not going to name).

One of the other things I loved about this book was the character development. Er, well, not development per se (don't really recall seeing too much of that in the sense of growing as a character, unless you count Sutton, herself, or Emma with her whole throw caution to the wind thing, there, in the end), but rather the glimpses into the characters' pasts (provided by the deceased Sutton, as she remembered events that happened to her, and various other clues) that helped us to understand them better. It's a different sort of experience, I think, learning about characters you know nothing about, yet based on their relationship to Sutton you should at least know something. We learn as Emma learns and Sutton remembers, and as such, we are not just being told about the characters, which is usually how it goes when a character has known someone forever, which is why I like it.

If you haven't read either of The Lying Game books and are a fan of stories reminiscent of roller-coaster rides, then I think you should give this series a chance. If you have read The Lying Game, but not Never Have I Ever then trust me, you don't want to wait much longer to pick up this sequel.

Overall, I would rate Never Have I Ever with 4.7 Crazy Hearts, and am eagerly anticipating the next installment.
Profile Image for Ivonne.
Author 1 book106 followers
February 7, 2021
Der zweite Teil fand ich ein wenig schwächer, als der erste, was hauptsächlich daran liegt, dass mir die Ermittlungen bezüglich des Mordes an Sutton ein wenig zu sehr in den Hintergrund gerückt sind und irgendwie anderes "High School Drama" im Vordergrund stand. Das machte das Buch natürlich nicht weniger spannend oder weniger unterhaltsam, aber ich hätte mir einfach gewünscht, dass da bezüglich Suttons Mörder bisschen mehr passiert wäre.

Allerdings hat sich eine meiner Theorien nun verstärkt und eine andere hat sich in Luft aufgelöst :-) Es bleibt also spannend und ich bin super neugierig darauf zu erfahren, was als nächstes passiert. Teil 3 ist schon bestellt und kommt hoffentlich bald an!
Profile Image for Lexi Kinggard.
305 reviews4 followers
August 14, 2022
“A single wail punctuated the air. A series of crashes sounded, a body smacking against tree branches, jutting rocks, sharp cacti. And then, agonizing moments later, there was a crash, a clear but distinct sound of a heavy falling object finally hitting the bottom.”

Book two in The Lying Game series, Never Have I Ever, picks up where the first book ends (sixteen days after Emma discovered she had a twin sister). Who killed Sutton? Who is threatening Emma? Who else knows the truth about Emma? This book focuses more on potential suspects in Sutton’s murder, and the motive those individuals may have. Emma gains a lot of information on the final days of Sutton’s life in this book, but is it enough to piece together who killed her? 🕵🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Bella.
149 reviews12 followers
March 10, 2018
Ziemlich leichte Unterhaltung aber Sara Shepards Bücher schaffen es immer wieder, dass ich gerne weiterlese
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