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Younger Next Year for Women

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You're coming into the peak of your life. And because you’re already more attuned to your physical and emotional needs, and more inclined to commit to a healthier lifestyle, you're poised to live brilliantly for the thirty-plus years after menopause. All you need now is the program outlined in Younger Next Year for Women—which, for starters, will help you avoid literally 70 percent of the decay and eliminate 50 percent of the injuries and illnesses associated with getting older.

How? Drawn from disciplines as varied as evolutionary biology, cell physiology, experimental psychology and anthropology, the science behind Younger Next Year is clear. Our bodies are programmed to do one of two things: either grow or decay. Sitting in front of a screen all day tells the body to decay. Taking a walk or doing yoga tells the body to grow. Loneliness and stress trigger decay; love and laughter trigger growth.

Just as clear as the science is the goal: Become the active gatekeeper of your own body and gain the power to control those signals of growth and decay. Seven simple rules show the way, from #1 Exercise six days a week for the rest of your life, to #6 Care, to #7 Connect and commit.

They’re called Harry’s Rules, named for the doctor and coauthor—Henry S. Lodge, M.D.—who formulated them, and who explains the precise science behind each one. But since it’s one thing to know something’s good for you and quite another to put it into practice, Dr. Lodge, the scientist, is joined by Chris Crowley—coauthor, exhorter and living example—whose brusque charm and infectious enthusiasm will actually have you living by the rules. So, congratulations. You’re now about to get younger.

352 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2004

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Chris Crowley

24 books43 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 680 reviews
Profile Image for Rita.
542 reviews13 followers
May 11, 2011
I got this book from the library because Neil Gaiman said that Younger Next Year was recommended to him when he started a program to improve his health. He dropped a bunch of weight from his body and a bunch of years from his overall appearance in a relatively short time, so I thought I'd check this book out.

There were few good things in it and I will share them with you right here to save you from having to read this book:

1) Work out for at least 40 minutes a day, six days a week. Make a couple of those days consist of strength training.

2) Buy a heart-rate monitor to make sure you're working aerobically.

3) Get a good circle of friends.

That's it. The authors also really, really want you to join a gym. They say that you can't get healthy unless you do. I didn't put that in my list above because I don't think that's a "good thing." I don't think that joining a gym is necessary to be in shape.

Overall, I hated the book. It's geared towards women 50 and older and I am not quite in that age range yet. Maybe there is a generation gap happening, because the "patient" sounded like Wilfred Brimley to me. I know a lot of people think Wilfred Brimley is cute and funny, but, he's like nails on a chalkboard to me.

I found it tedious to wade through the pages describing his cycling, spinning and skiing workouts. And, I was irritated by his use of "piggy" to describe overweight people, sometimes calling them "big, fat piggies." I hadn't read Younger Next Year, so I don't know whether he uses that description for men, too, or whether it was only reserved for overweight women. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here and believing that those terms were in the other book as well. But, I actually cringed and groaned when he wrote, "Draw a picture in your head...that being a big fat girl is just out of the question." I had to stop reading the book for a while after that, it bothered me so much. I could go on and on about how using derogatory words for people's bodies isn't going to shame them into changing their lifestyles. It does nothing but make people feel bad about themselves and that tends to lead to self-destruction rather than self-improvement. But, really, the authors should know that, shouldn't they?

The rest of us are just getting to a place where different sizes, colors and shapes are being appreciated and we realize that we don't all have to fit the 5'0, 100lb standard to be attractive, right? There's a difference between being obese and being healthy and strong. But using words like "piggy" and "big fat girl" are taking us back 50 years, aren't they?

It is a book that, supposedly, is written for women. But, it's written by two men. It doesn't fly. At all.
Profile Image for Vanessa.
159 reviews10 followers
July 26, 2024
This guide is very convincing in its advice to achieve the best health as possible for middle aged and older adults.

There is a lot to like about this book. The authors' goal is not for the reader to reverse or stall the aging process. It is to make a lifestyle change to improve the body, mind, and spirit while going through the aging process.

The main of the book is getting the physical body in shape to live to the best quality of life at age 50, 60, and beyond. The authors contend that the quality of life as an older person is improved if the person can remain ambulatory (like being able to to sustain a fall without breaking a hip) and to be metabolically free of diseases.

They assert that if a woman exercises six days a week (4 aerobic; 2 weight training) for 40-60 minutes a day she can stave off the risks of heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, diabetes, etc. The continued exercise prevents hardening of the arteries and aerobic-intense exercise produce C-10 cells, which repair the body and reduce the production of C-6 cells, which inflame the body. That is a very basic statement--they go into greater detail.

Their diet advice is to "not eat junk." It's not to go on a diet per se but to do the exercises and eat as many whole foods as possible, rich in nutrition and fiber. They claim that the body will even out and manage it's proper weight after a year or so of living this lifestyle.

The last section deals with being sociable and having good relationships with people as a healthy social life ties into a healthy lifestyle. When we are older we may outlive our spouse or family members--would we have enough enriching connections with the persons in our circle?

Exercise. Eat less junk. Move and groove in your social circle. These factors help to make up a healthy lifestyle and lead to a great quality of life.

The book's drawbacks? The authors are both wealthy white men and I feel that they think their audience are just wealthy white WASPs in good health with maybe 20 pounds to lose.

Their financial advice for going into retirement? Downgrade your Lexus to another maker and sell your summer house (to only buy another summer home in a lesser desired location to save money). With the summer home, I thought they were going to suggest if you own multiple properties to sell them save one, not to downgrade them.

They try to use humor to get their points across but for many readers I fear the humor would be interpreted as insults made by two privileged (albeit hard-working and who I think have their hearts in the right place) men. I personally don't mind being called or thought of as a "fatty" or "walrus" as I am very fat. Some women would not care for that, though. The humor cloaks to my mind their personal judgmental behaviors, which I can tolerate. But I can't fully recommend the book to all women.

I've been slowly working toward the exercise/eating routine that they suggest.

There are other versions of Younger Next Year. I'm currently reading the "original" version. It seems to be geared more toward a male readership.
Profile Image for Diane.
1,082 reviews3,048 followers
December 24, 2015
This book has some good information about exercise and health, but the writing is so poor and bloated that I can't give it a higher rating.

The gist is that exercise can slow down deterioration of the body, and if you want to be healthy in your senior years, a fitness routine is key. Women should be exercising six days a week, between 45 and 60 minutes a day. Four of those days should be a more intense aerobic exercise. Women should also do strength training (as in, lift weights) two days a week.

The writers also recommend getting a heart rate monitor to check the intensity of your workouts, avoiding junk food, and keeping up your social connections as you age. It's good advice, but this book will require a lot of skimming.
Profile Image for Carolyn Ivy.
Author 3 books23 followers
October 5, 2014
One day when I was in my twenties and my mother was in her forties a man from our chavura sat down next to me and waved toward my mother, who was surrounded by friends she was chatting with. "Quite a good looking woman, your mother," he said. She was, I supposed. Depressingly more attractive than her twenty something daughter. I probably took after my father or perhaps my grandmother on my father's side, I thought.

That moment stayed with me and as my mother got older and continued with her prodigious social life, her exercise, and her constant attempts to get my father to eat right. (In one of the oddest and yet inspirational moments, my mother got her PI license at retirement.) As I began to see other people age badly and die too young, I started to hope that I'd inherited my mother's vigorous aging genes. (People her age and younger still point her out to me as an attractive and vital woman.)

Until I read this book I thought it was the luck of the draw. Since reading it I now know that my mother simply did everything right. We've all inherited the right genes to age well. The question is not what our genes are saying to our body, but what we are telling our body about our environment through our actions. Is it winter in our soul and time for decay? Or is it the eternal springtime my mother lives in? We choose.

The book covers such obvious concepts as exercise, eat right, surround yourself with people and pursue a passion but it explains why these things matter. It explains how our bodies with the ancient instructions they've inherited interact with the very artificial environment we now live in and how we can convince our bodies to age better. We can be younger next year, which is a pleasure.

There are two authors: a doctor (who explains the science) and his "demo model" who fills the book with lively stories illustrating the concept. The book is both heart-warming and helpful. I cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone who wants to live a good life.

I've thought of recommending this book to my mother, but seriously, what would be the point? She's already doing these things.

Profile Image for Linda.
15 reviews
December 19, 2007
I LOVE this book! Although it's geared to 'older' women, I believe it is good advice for women of all ages. In order to take charge of our bodies, the authors stress throughout the book the importance of good, hard exercise six days a week for at least 45 minutes. They also believe that we should take charge of our lives by caring, connection with others, and commitment. In other words, get involved and live life! I believe these are habits that can be practiced and developed at any age, and the sooner the better. It seems that active, involved 'young' women will naturally stay young if they continue this lifestyle in their later years. For those of us who haven't made daily exercise a habit yet and who need guidance and a push to get more involved with people, this book is an excellent source for information and motivation. "Growth or decay" is the choice we are faced with daily as we get older. This book explains that 'decay' is optional and that we can choose to 'grow' and get stronger, healthier and 'younger' instead.
367 reviews2 followers
January 25, 2011
This book was loaned to me to read by my family doctor. He said he'd bought multiple copies and was lending them to all his older female patients...the first book he'd read about aging that he felt was worth sharing. I can't say I agree with him. The style of the book was very off-putting for me. I hate the "rah-rah" approach to almost everything except a soccer game. I avoid self-help books and programs on PBS like the plague. I'm annoyed by these people who claim to have "the answer" for anything that ails the human race. This book sounded as if it were written by a reformed smoker, a born-again Christian, someone who's suddenly "seen the light" and has to make sure he convinces everyone else to do the same.
Basically the book claims that if you exercise enough and eat healthy foods you'll be able to age gracefully and in good health, then burn out suddenly and die at a very advanced age. I have no argument with the need for exercise and plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables...it's the approach taken in the book that annoys me. The insistence that you absolutely must have a heart monitor, a personal trainer, join a gym, participate fully in either biking, skiing, rowing, swimming, etc. If all of that were true, I wouldn't know so many people in their 80's living full, active lives, none of whom do any of those things. The focus on trainers, on skiing, on biking trips to Europe, and so on also make it a rich woman's book. My doctor, of course, enjoys skiing and can afford to travel regularly to Colorado to pursue his favorite sport.
I haven't the least intention of buying a monitor, taking up biking or skiing, and I'm certainly not going to hire a personal trainer or join a gym. I will continue working on our farm through the growing season, take long walks in our neighborhood, and this year I've purchased a summer outdoor pool membership so that I can return to swimming. My husband and I love fresh fruits and vegetables and have cut back on meat consumption. We are both in our mid-60's and in good health, and without following the prescription in this book I think we can stay that way for years to come.
The doctor asked me to pass the book on, which I will do this week. It will be interesting to hear what some other woman thinks after reading it.
Profile Image for K.M..
Author 2 books37 followers
July 5, 2011
I didn't like this book at all. It's basically 12 CD's of alternating narrators (a doctor and a patient)telling you to exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life...over and over and over and over and over. Can you say ad nauseum? Also, did I mention that it's two MALE narrators? I don't care how enlightened and/or educated that they think they are, they are NOT WOMEN. Maybe it's sexist of me to think that they can't comment on a woman's experience of aging in any meaningful (to me)way, but I think that since I also believe that I can't fully appreciate a man's experience of aging, it balances out. Of course, men and women can catch glimpses of what it might feel like for the opposite sex, we don't truly know...but I digress. The doctor-written chapters are awful, so dry and dull that you can probably hear the pages crackling in the print version of the book. The patient-written chapters are a little more lively, but the subject is just as annoying. Exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life. Oh, and did they mention to exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life?
Mostly I just think that this book could have been written in one paragraph in, say, a magazine article with different philosophies on aging. Instead, they turned it into a book to ride on the coattails of the "male" version, "Younger Next Year" (sans the 'For Women'). Skip this one.
Profile Image for Annette LeBox.
Author 8 books21 followers
March 22, 2012
This is my favorite health and fitness book of all time. When Younger Next Year was first published it was meant for both men and women. The book was so successful that the authors wrote a second book geared to women. If your husband needs a little nudging to help him get fit, buy him the co-ed book. A girl friend of mine read the book aloud to her husband as the two drove to the city on a daily commute. Subsequently, her husband joined a gym and now he's working out a couple of times a week lifting weights and on weekends he goes bike riding or hiking. The authors recommend aerobic exercise four times a week and strength-training twice a week, but my friend's husband made a huge improvement after reading this book.
Younger Next Year is so inspiring that when you read it you will want to put on your runners and either start sprinting or go out for a sprightly walk! The subtitle of the book is 'Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy-- Until You're Eighty and Beyond'. It's written by a doctor who explains why you'll become younger (I'm not kidding!) and a lawyer who's so funny he'll make you laugh out loud. Two subtitles inside the book are 'You do have to age, but you don't have to rot' and 'Don't eat crap.' My personal trainer adores this book. She buys the book by the caseload so she can present the book to all her clients to keep them motivated.
529 reviews8 followers
March 28, 2011
AGING STARTS AT 30!! Everyone who is 30 or more should read this book or the original one, Younger Next Year. It really probably doesn't matter which one, the science and the recommendations are basically all the same. The for Women one just has a little more about women's health issues "more women die of heart disease each year than of all cancers combined ... two thirds of strokes happen in women." But the good news is that you DON'T have to age in the way we think about it, or as the authors say, you have to get old, but you don't have to decay. There is a lot of great stuff about the science of aging and the science of exercise, what is happening at the cellular/ hormonal/ blood stream/ brain level. I had already figured out for myself pretty much everything they are saying about how to live to avoid decay (one hour a day, six days a week of hard exercise, eat low glycemic index, high fiber, complex carbs and no saturated fats). But this makes it way more motivating, once you understand what all the benefits of it are, what it does for you and what happens if you don't follow these recommendations. I'm doing a lot better these days on all of it.
Profile Image for Jen Guyer-wood.
6 reviews1 follower
February 27, 2019
This book changed my perspective and will probably help me keep my daily workout plan for as long as I'm able. I learned some scientific things about aging and the human body and some practical tips. Why only two stars? I was really irritated by the non-doctor author's attitude toward overweight women. I think the word "piggy" was used. He also seemed obsessed with looking at women (join a gym where there are attractive people to look at) and it was offputting. I guess the book was written a few years ago, but still. The good stuff gets overshadowed by these sexist attitudes. A female co-author would have been a better strategy. I also don't think you need to join a gym to be fit, and he does strength training a disservice by calling it a drudgery. If you want to stay alive for a long time and want those years to be healthy, it is worth a read if you can ignore the asinine parts.

Profile Image for Maria.
2,206 reviews44 followers
June 7, 2008
I may have intuitively known some of the things in this book, but I clearly did not take it far enough. Every woman over the age of 50, every woman is who retired, every woman who can find the time (at least 2 hours a day) for that matter, should read this book. I am working on Rules 1, 5 and 7 at the moment. So far I am only up to long, slow exercise consisting of walking 5 miles per day 5 days per week with 30 minutes of Pilates as a warm-up each day. As suggested, I am trying to treat exercise like work. Unfortunately I only worked five days a week (actually 4 10-hour days) so I am having trouble getting that sixth day of exercise. I am also working on getting rid of the crap in my diet. After three weeks, I have lost 5 pounds, a bonus if there ever was one. Hopefully next week will be my 30 mile week, the weight will continue to come off, and I will be as successful at eating right. Finding something to commit to I will have to think about. 3 out of 4 of my children and my grandchildren may be halfway across the country, but my husband, my children, and my grandchildren will always be my first priority. Maybe I'll look into Habitat for Humanity, a project I have long wanted to get involved with. Or maybe I'll find somewhere that wants web programming on a part-time basis. Or maybe I'll get back to writing. Clearly still thinking about this one. Congratulations to Harry and Chris for affecting so many lives in a positive way. Next step is the heart rate monitor. (I promise.)
Profile Image for Susan.
Author 9 books82 followers
October 16, 2013
My mom gave me "Younger Next Year for Women: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy - Until You're 80 and Beyond" at my last birthday. It's written by a doctor, Henry Lodge, and Chris Crowley, an energetic guy in his 70s. These two previously wrote a "Younger Next Year" book focused on men. I've been reading the book little by little over the past year.

Basically, here is almost 400 pages condensed into what you really need to know:

Exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life
Do serious aerobic exercise 4 days a week for the rest of your life
Do serious strength training with weights for 2 days a week for the rest of your life
Spend less than you make
Quit eating junk food
Connect and commit

There! Now you, too, can be younger next year.

I liked the book overall; it didn't really present anything I didn't know, but was a good reminder to do what we all know we need to but often resist doing, either for laziness or whatever reason. I found Crowley's tone a bit annoying (referring to one's husband generically as "old Fred," throwing in the rah-rah 'damn, girl!' type comment often, etc). Others may find it cute/motivating.
Profile Image for Erin.
124 reviews6 followers
May 20, 2016
Well, it's no secret I don't really like instructional books. However, I still think forcing myself to read them from time to time is a good thing. This book was recommended to me by several people who said, "it's totally applicable for really anyone over 25-30." It's really not. (To her credit, my mom said not to read it because it was for people older than me. But she also said the same thing about Anna Karenina when I was younger, so I have learned to take her age-based book-shielding with a grain of salt.)

This is really two separate books, interspersed chapter by chapter. One book is by Harry S. Lodge, the other is by Chris Crowley. I really enjoyed the book by Harry S. Lodge, and that's too bad because I hated the book by Chris Crowley.

Chris Crowley struck me as a snotty, condescending litigator (which I assume he was before he retired). He can attempt to "talk folksy" to the jury, but in the end, you can see right through him to his base snobbishness and the ease with which he lives his life. To start, for the most part, he assumes that everyone over 50 is retired. The main premise of the book is to work out for an hour every day, but not once does he address how to do this when working a job that requires more than an 8-hour punch-in, punch-out schedule. He waxes poetic about how great it is when his workout naturally stretches from 1 hour to 2.5. That's just great, if you're really retired, and if you can afford to be retired. And that brings me to another point...

If you are not rich, this book will piss you off. His favorite recommended workouts: walks on the beach, hikes in the mountains, skiing, cross-country skiing, swimming, biking, and spinning. He is constantly reminding the reader that her weekly golf game is not exercise. The best way to kick off this program is to drop everything and take a big biking trip, yoga retreat, or buy a brand new fancy bike. Then he'll drop a quick "if you can't afford it, you don't need to." I love his recommendation that swimming is so cheap! Yes, if you have a pool or can pay to belong to club that has a pool! Same with spinning - joining a gym is key. I'm not saying this because I can't afford to belong to a gym - I belong to a gym with a pool, but the completely wealthy lens with which this guy sees the world just makes me wonder why this book didn't piss off the rest of the 99% of Americans. My favorite, FAVORITE part is that there is a chapter on "living within your means," which Crowley admits he didn't even want to include - Lodge insisted. Lodge should have written it, because Crowley's chapter is laughable. He uses the following as his anecdotal evidence of how living with economy includes making hard choices: he and his wife decided that their beach house in a fancy area was too expensive, so he sold it ... AND BOUGHT A LESS EXPENSIVE BEACH HOUSE. Big sacrifice!!!! I know he probably can't help his internal biases resulting from being successful in life. I am not begrudging him of his lifestyle. But there is absolutely no editing done to this book to take the edge off of his rose-colored glasses. His is an experience lived by few people in this country - as he himself points out in the economy chapter. He says that 50% of women in American die below the poverty line, and then says that just a little bit of planning (before the husband dies) would correct that. Hmmm.

And that brings me to another point. If you are a woman over 50 who has a career, don't read this book. It will piss you off. The endless references to the fact that "your husband's life is changing so much because he's quit his job, but YOUR life is changing so much because you have so much new-found independence," just make me want to vomit. Finally, Crowley's "bully" tactics and shaming language are irritating: "fat girl, piggies," etc. No intelligent and successful woman needs to read that, no matter how much help she needs with diet and exercise. I haven't read the book for men, so I'm not sure how much these words are in both versions, but I assume a lot of the material was the same in both books.

Ok, after the above rants, I really do like Lodge's ideas and his plan. Reading the book has made me want to work out more, and he makes it very accessible when talking about monitoring heart rates, etc.

My recommendation: read the Lodge chapters, and keep your blood pressure down by skipping the Crowley chapters. If you are a (very) wealthy man who is completely retired, then you can read the Crowley chapters, but consider yourself warned.
Profile Image for Lori Kincaid Rassati.
109 reviews1 follower
May 19, 2016
I enjoyed the audio version of this book. The balance between both narrators was good--not too much fluff, not too much hard science. The basic premise of the book is simple--you're either growing/building your body or you're rotting. Simple to understand, tough to do, especially if you're still in the busy mom stage as I am. But it was a good wake up call that there is no time where you can sit back and take it easy.

So even though I'm in good shape "for my age" (46), this book made me realize I need to do more--a lot more. Three days a week of aerobic exercise isn't going to cut it. I need to do at least 4 days of aerobic exercise and 2 days of strength training. Okay, okay. I also now understand the need for a heart monitor. Okay, okay.

But if anyone is hesitant about this book, they need to do nothing more than google the names of the authors and look for images. Yes, most of the pix are promotional for their books, but these guys are in tremendous shape and don't look anything like what you expect for their chronological age. They're living the dream.

Honestly, I'm just glad I discovered this book and have the ability to fully implement its recommendations.
Profile Image for Chueca.
34 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2012
Overall I was very excited to learn how I can take better care of my body in the future and present by reading this book. However, some parts very annoying and blatantly sexist and classist. I was offended too in different parts. What the author suggests shopping as a "physical activity" is annoying,. And, whenever they talk about old fred---not only because not all women/womyn want to be with a man but talking about him like old fred makes him seem like a piece of furniture in her life completly uninterested in her or her well being-- which is how no partner should be! And when ever he suggests activities to work out its always Canoeing, kayaking, "shopping" in one instance, skiiing etc... what kind of ever day person does this stuff or has access to them? THese are expensive sports! Sure you and Time go skiing and I can come over and snowboard, but the majority of ppl do no do or have access to these types of sports. Jeez! But, there is some really valuable information in here about exercising and how good it is for our bodies. It's so good!
Profile Image for Julie.
4 reviews14 followers
July 27, 2009
You will find a cogent argument for 6-days-a-week exercise and the reason to eat small amounts of nutritious food rather than feasting, but I am glad I was reading a library book. I would not want to buy this as a motivational book or a reference book; the older author uses offensive language and refers to overweight women as "piggies." The nutrition and exercise rationales could be explained in fewer chapters.
Profile Image for Shari Strong.
Author 2 books18 followers
October 22, 2018
Oh, man. I have such mixed feelings about this book. First the good: This book really woke me up to the things I need to do at age 50+ to take care of my body (and mind/emotions, too), and why I need to do them. I've long known I need to take better care of myself...yeah, yeah, don't we all? And I've tried, focusing on my eating for a while, on exercise for a while, etc., but my resolve doesn't stick long-term, because general thoughts about *I should do x, y, or z* don't keep me engaged or motivated. This book explained the science of it all in a way that made sense, finally, to me, and has lit a fire under me. As a woman who experiences a great deal of stress and who now lives in 50+-year-old body, I need to do things differently if I'm going to cope, feel joy, and live a long life. This book helped me to see that, and to understand what I need to do. I'm incredibly grateful to the authors and publisher for that.

Now the bad: A book about women's health, by two men? It's not that the science is wrong. It's the tone. The main writer's humor has that curmudgeonly guy humor thing going on: sometimes funny, sometimes cheesy, sometimes cringey, and sometimes (to me) offensive. Plus, he makes numerous observations about women's physical desirability. Ick. I can't imagine why the book's female editor(s) didn't say in countless places, "No, no, no. You can't say that. Women won't like that." I wrote "Ugh" in the margins in a bunch of places, in silent protest. Plus, at roughly 350 pages, this book is way too bloated. More often than not for a given topic, each of the authors (one, the main experiential/anecdote guy, and the other, the science/doctor/rule guy) wrote his own chapter, with his own points and stories. Predictably, there's a huge amount of overlap/repetition. This book could have easily been 200 pages and made it's very excellent points in a much more concise and streamlined way. I wish the publisher would re-release this book, re-edited for length and tone, perhaps with a female co-author added. Now, *that's* a book I could more fully endorse. But I do still endorse this version, even with all its very real (and annoying) flaws.

For health information/impact on me, I give it five stars. For tone, I give it two. I'll round up and give it four stars here, with the above reservations. Bottom line: I highly recommend women 40+ read it, and especially those over 50. Do what I did if it helps you, and doodle little eye rolls in the margins when the tone gets irritating. Underline the most important parts and points so you can just reread those, and skip the irritating stuff, the next time you read the book again (something I plan to do regularly, to keep me motivated). But do read it. I think the information here is super important, and it explains the science of stress and aging bodies in a way that dramatically changed how I'm going to approach my health. I can deal with the rest if I need to—and given my desire to deal with stress better and live longer, I think I do. Unfortunately, without a good, strong re-edit, I'm afraid it'll be hard for the publisher to find readers in the generations of women behind me, who (rightly so) have far less patience for such tone-deafness. But for the sake of your health, do try. Take the medicine. It's good for you, even if it sometimes tastes bad.
Profile Image for midnightfaerie.
2,111 reviews123 followers
December 24, 2015
I was torn on this book. I can see both sides of the opinion scale on this one. On one hand, it's very inspiring and has a lot of truth to it. I can see myself reading it again in the future to get inspired. It's also funny and entertaining. I like the two personalities that co-wrote the book and how they feed off of each other. But, on the other hand, I can definitely see the criticisms of this as well. While it holds many facts, it's also daunting in it's main theme of exercise, exercise, exercise. Running, moving, walking, climbing - whatever, the idea is if you never stop moving, you'll live longer. In so many ways this is true, but not an easy feat. Depending on your lifestyle, if you have the time to make exercise your main priority, then yes, this will work for you. Otherwise it gets hopeless quickly. My brother, a married man in his 40's with all children out of his house has plenty of time to focus his life on being healthy. However, me, a homeschooling mom of three, very involved in church and in charge of other programs, has very little time to work this into her schedule. I did it for the last half a year though. I changed my lifestyle, made new priorities, and lost 30 lbs. All the while, getting more and more depressed and stressed out trying to figure out how to balance time with my children, husband, friends, church, and those in need. Something needed to give. So, overall, this book definitely has value. It's well written and more entertaining than other health books I've read, and it has some really good messages. However, for those who can't exercise everyday, this book might depress. For me, I'm working on finding a happy medium - a middle ground where there is balance in all areas of my life, and a peace that pervades, so I can enjoy my family and my life more.
Profile Image for Michelle G..
72 reviews
August 4, 2010

I am now exercising at least six days per week as a result of this book.

I have a real incentive to be more social.

Alternating chapters of personal narrative and science explanations makes the read less dull.

Not so good:

Scanning paragraphs at a time because they repeat their themes so often, and with the same words.

The tone is fear-inducing sometimes. Do this, or THAT will happen. You won't be able to walk, you will get fat, you will die, etc.


A book that I would borrow, but not buy. I would recommend this book to people my age, and those much older (the book is designed for 40-50 year olds).
Profile Image for Go2therock.
256 reviews9 followers
December 13, 2013
Pros: I recognized the gentleman reading the part of "Chris" from another book on tape. He was better suited to this role, I think. I appreciated his 'get over it' attitude of encouragement. He fully recognized and affirmed the fear, hesitancy, and trepidation a woman like myself feels in entering a gym and walking among the fit, fabulous, and decked out. He could be a bit crass at times, but overall I enjoyed the time I spent with him. (That's how it feels when listening to a book on tape piece of non-fiction.)

Cons: Harry (and a bit of Chris) drove me nuts with his constant, repetitive, drenching of references to evolution and Darwinian assertions. Eventually, I just forwarded the tape every time he made mention of either. Result: I would up listening to him very little.

Overall, I would recommend this book if you're 50 or older and need a boost in the behind to get you moving for longer life, better health, and validation that you can and should take solid positive steps to changes for a younger you. Not artificially young, but an all-around stronger and more secure you.
Profile Image for Julie.
1,483 reviews35 followers
July 31, 2009
Younger Next Year for Women is written by a doctor (Henry Lodge) and his patient (Chris Crowley). I found this book to be an easy read, very informative and I recommend it to anyone who is worried that the second half of our lives might not be as fun and rich as the first half (and guys - there is a version for men if you want to avoid topics like hot flashes). From this book I learned that the gradual decay that our society associates with aging - osteoporosis, stiffness, arthritis, dementia, etc - is NOT inevitable. As hunter/gatherers, our bodies were not designed to sit behind a desk and eat chocolate chip cookies. We need to exercise - ok here is the hard part - at least 6 times a week. Now this isn't new information, but Dr. Lodge presented enough explanation on how our bodies work, and the consequences of not exercising, to convince me to change my habits. I have been recommending this book to my family and friends - don't delay or decay! Read this book!
Profile Image for TheGeekyBlogger.
1,459 reviews184 followers
June 10, 2015
Read/Listened for Fun (Audible/Kindle)
Overall Rating: DNF

First Thoughts: Younger Next Year for Women had a good message (mostly) but it was buried under joining a gym, skiing stories, swimming stories, and insulting terms that made me shut down the book!

Here is the parts that I really liked:
1: Exercise is key to adding years to your life.
2: Eating right makes your body perform better.
3: Knowing your heart rate during exercise will let you know how much you are pushing yourself.
4: Strength training for women is key to battling some women specific issues that come up post menopause.

Nothing earth-shattering but all good things to keep in mind. The rest (and I made 6 hours) was all chatter that was off-putting and buried the information. Overall I was not impressed.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Cottrell.
Author 1 book41 followers
November 19, 2009
If you had told me I would ever give five stars to a HEALTH book, I'd have told you you were crazy. Who knew a book about getting and staying fit and active could be so funny, so compelling, so motivating, and so readable! The two authors are a fit man in his seventies with a great sense of humor and a non-nonsense approach to things. His voice alternates with that of Dr. Lodge, an internist/gerontologist who provides easy-to-understand biology and physiology to go along with it.

Perhaps the most interesting part was the role of non-physical things in our well-being: staying connected with others, finding something to be passionate about, etc. Very interesting stuff.

Their first book was for men, and I'm going to order it for Johnny.
13 reviews1 follower
January 9, 2015
I was not obviously the target audience for this book. Although a life-long athlete, I thought this book might offer some nuggets of information that I might not be aware of yet, especially since I am approaching my fifties in a couple of years.

Chris Crowley completely turned me off with his immaturity and condescending, archaic tone towards women. I get that this guy is in his late seventies, but he should think about modernizing his attitude.

I did force myself to finish reading the book, but why this book would appeal to women, regardless of age, is beyond me. The same information can be found in many other resources, albeit with a less abrasive delivery.

9 reviews
March 6, 2009
Excellent guide to living life to the fullest by taking care of your metal and physical health. Written by a doctor and his patient. The doctor gives you all the medical reasons to keep yourself young in language that won't bore you while Chris Crowly pumps you up and out of your seat. Excellent guiding to keeping your physical and mental age much younger than your actual years. I bought over 20 copies of this book when it came out and gave them away for Christmas to my friends and co-workers. I will reread this book every year.
Profile Image for Robin.
258 reviews31 followers
March 3, 2010
Two authors, one is a folksy good old boy in his 60's or 70's the other is a doctor (I like the doctor chapters the best).

This book is written to the 50+ crowd but it applies to anyone over 35. Actually under 35 too. His basic premise is that you will age, but you don't have to decay. How do you stop decay? 60 minutes of hard sweaty exercise a day. He also talks a lot about lifestyle and how to keep yourself young through social interaction. There is one for men too and I think it would be a great audio book for my man.

68 reviews
March 11, 2020
I suspect this book contains some good information, but it’s hard to tell for sure. If it’s there, it’s buried in chapters of writing so grating and insufferable I had to skim to avoid wanting to throw the book across the room. Helpfully, however, the worst and hardest to read writing is all by Crowley, who writes roughly every other chapter. Skip all those and you may survive this book and learn something. The chapters by Lodge - the actual medical professional with some credibility - are more informative and less annoying.
Profile Image for Mary.
211 reviews3 followers
June 23, 2013
Yeah, it's probably a bit early for this book. Yet, it's already inspired me to get back into working out. I've been taking a break that's lasting too long.

After reading a few reviews (both good and bad), I decided not to finish. Looks like the authors' repeat themselves. I'm already feeling the importance of getting back to exercise so why belabor the point? There are too many other books I want to read.
Profile Image for Karen.
18 reviews12 followers
January 26, 2013
This book changed my life. I am working out every day- Zumba, the bike, weights! It was hard for me to read so I got it in audio form and listen to it while I cook, or do my taxes... in other words small doses works best. I plan on being younger next year!
Profile Image for Brie.
409 reviews
January 2, 2023

In a lot of ways, the main points in this book (workout hard 6 days a week, stop eating crap, connect with yourself and others) seems like common sense. Except here I am, about to turn 40 in a few months, and probably at my most unhealthiest I’ve ever been. So in that respect, this book was a bit of a wake up/aha read for me. It’s a slippery slope to not being the healthiest version of yourself and I’m on that slide. And the longer I wait to make changes, the harder it’s going to get.

I was fascinated by the concept of aging vs decaying. There’s a biological shift that occurs as you age and you have the choice to “grow or rot” as the authors put it. Aging is inevitable, but you don’t have to decay. And they argue that the recipe to grow and not decay is mainly achieved by exercise as it’s the sedentary lifestyles of today’s world that is slowly killing us.

Now, this book was written almost 20 years ago so I feel like some of the writing has not aged well. There’s probably too much reference to looks and sexist remarks about women’s body that would not be approved by an editor today. And I wholeheartedly disagree with the nutrition bit about avoiding potatoes and that potatoes make you fat as it’s not potatoes that are the problem, it’s the butters and oils in the potatoes that are generally the issue.

Anyway, I appreciated the overall message of this book and it’s really made me stop and reevaluate my life and how I want to FEEL and live as I enter the next decade of my life. There’s also a lot of repetition in the book, but I feel like that’s on par as far as “self help” books go, probably because us readers need the message to be beaten into us over and over to make a lasting impression 😂.

I’m glad I read this book. My husband is currently reading the original version and also having some epiphanies. So problems with it aside, I think this is a good book for anyone struggling with living a healthier lifestyle and needs a little dose of aging reality.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 680 reviews

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