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Bear Wants More

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When springtime comes,

in his warm winter den

a bear wakes up

very hungry and thin!..."

Bear finds some roots to eat, but that's not enough. He wants more! With his friends' help, he finds some berries, clover, and fish to eat, but that's not enough. Bear wants more!

How Bear's friends help him to finally satisfy his HUGE hunger in a most surprising way will enchant young readers. Karma Wilson's rhythmic text and Jane Chapman's vibrant illustrations make Bear Wants More a perfect springtime read-aloud.

40 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2003

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About the author

Karma Wilson

93 books499 followers
Karma Wilson grew up an only child of a single mother in the wilds of North Idaho. Way back then (just past the stone age and somewhat before the era of computers) there was no cable TV and if there had been Karma could not have recieved it. TV reception was limited to 3 channels, of which one came in with some clarity. Karma did the only sensible thing a lonely little girl could do…she read or played outdoors.

Playing outdoors was fun, but reading was Karma’s “first love” and, by the age 11, she was devouring about a novel a day. She was even known to try to read while riding her bike down dirt roads, which she does not recommend as it is hazardous to the general well being of the bike, the rider, and more importantly the book. Her reading preferences were fantasy (C.S. Lewis, Terry Brooks, etc…) and historical fiction (L.M. Montgomery, Laura Ingalls Wilder, etc…). Those tastes have not changed much.

Karma never considered writing as a profession because her mother was a professional writer which made it seem like mundane work. At the age of 27 she realized that she still loved well-written children’s books of all kinds, from picture books to young adult novels. By that time Karma was a wife and the mother of three young children. Trips to the library with her kids were a combination of emotions…a good book meant fun for all! But so many of the books weren’t what her children wanted to listen to.

Then a tax refund changed everything. With the money the family decided to invest in a computer. Karma was forced to learn to type. Combining her desire to make the expensive computer pay for itself, her new-found typing skill, and her love of children’s literature, Karma started writing for children. She wanted to put a few more good books on the library shelves and pay off that computer! Countless rejections and three years later Karma was finally accepted by book agent Steven Malk (who had already rejected her once, which she never lets him forget). Her first book, Bear Snores On, was released in 2002. The computer was paid for!

Since then Karma has had more than 30 books accepted for publication. Many of those are on the shelves of libraries and bookstores around the world. Her books have received numerous state and national awards, been translated into dozens of languages, and a few have made an appearance on the New York Times bestseller list. Karma sincerely hopes that her books bring joy to children and families everywhere.

Karma writes humorous, rhythmic picture books for the very young, and humorous and wistful poetry for the primary grades.

These days Karma lives with her handsome husband Scott, and her three not-so-young-anymore children, two dogs, two chickens and one cat on some modest but lovely acreage in NW Montana. Her hobbies include reading (of course), photography, baking, yoga, and a passion for Mixed Martial Arts.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 316 reviews
Profile Image for Matt.
4,173 reviews12.9k followers
October 7, 2017
After a period of hibernation, Bear is ready to chow down on some good food. He goes in search of anything that might pique his appetite, finding many wonderful things. Meanwhile, some of his friends throw him a party with even more wonderful things to eat. Trouble is, when Bear begins his feasting, he goes from rail thin to quite pudgy and cannot fit into his den any longer. In the end, the party’s outside, where Bear is able to eat to his heart’s content... but his friends are still hungry. Neo laughed when he saw all the eating that Bear did, though is not sure if he could eat many of the foods that are consumed. Still, Neo knows the recipe for not getting too fat when you eat. EXERCISE (or hibernation, I suppose)!!
Profile Image for Laura.
164 reviews6 followers
September 17, 2016
- Why was bear sleeping? (hibernating through the winter)
-Why is bear hungry and thin?
- Can you show me waddling? (person of the day)
-Can you show me digging? (person of the day)
- Can you pretend you are a bear or a dog or a cat and show me your paws? (Are pays hands of a person or animal?)
- Is nibbling big bites or little bites?
-Is bear still hungry?
-Is scampering big steps or little steps? (Can you show me scampering, one kid)
-Where are bear and mouse going? (to get strawberries)
-What do they want to get? (strawberries)
-Is bear still hungry?
-Can you show me hopping?
-Where are they going? (to get clover)
-Is bear still hungry?
-Can you show me shuffling? (when I shuffle, do I pick my feet up high, or drag my feet on the ground?)
-Why are they going to the pond? (to fish)
-Who is Mole? Who is Raven?Who is Wren? What are they getting ready for?
-Can you show me sniff and snuffle?
-Where is bear going?
-What is bear's problem? (he is stuck)
-What are hare and raven doing to help?
-Why is the party outside?
-Why does bear's tummy ache?
- Is bear hungry now?
-Are bear's friends hungry?

At the beginning of the story, bear is hungry. At the end, bear is full, but his friends are hungry.
Profile Image for Taha Rabbani.
164 reviews215 followers
August 30, 2022
مجموعه‌ای پنج-شش جلدی از نشر پرتقال با کیفیتی عالی، چه از لحاظ چاپ و چه از لحاظ متن. متن یک مترجم دارد و یک شاعر و شعرها کیفیت خوبی دارند. ویراستاری کتاب هم خوب است. در باب کیفیت چاپ هم همین بس که هیچ‌کدام از این پنج-شش جلد بعد این همه‌وقت که زیر دست‌وپای دو بچه‌ام بوده‌اند خم به ابرو نیاورده‌اند. تصویرگری کتاب هم خیلی خوب و پرجزئیات است. آموزشی هم نیست که حال آدم به هم بخورد. شعری بچگانه، مناسب بچگیِ بچه‌ها.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
4,596 reviews
June 22, 2012
Very cute, fun rhyming story about Bear, who has awakened from his winter slumbers quite hungry and thin. His forest friends help lead him to food but after every meal "bear wants MORE!" There's a cute surprise ending. I really love Karma Wilson's work, she has such an effortless rhyme scheme and Champan's illustrations are just adorable. I have enjoyed all the bear books so far.

The only thing I wasn't wild about was bear eating the fish--I was glad that the initial illustration when he caught the fish didn't actually show him eating it, but later on we see the fish skeleton. Of course, I know bears eat fish but the sight of the once-smiling fish as an eaten meal might be a bit unnerving for some children.
Profile Image for Amar Pai.
960 reviews98 followers
September 10, 2016
Ho hum. Glib, slick and forgettable. Anybody can write a children's book-- the bar is SO low.

These books always gloss over the difficulties of a bear being friends with mice, birds, etc. yet ravenously devouring any fish it sees. Why don't the fish's feelings count? Are fish like the carrots of the sea?

Also I hate when kids books rhyme, but without any sense of meter. It's like they don't understand the concept! They should go back and read Dr. Seuss; he actually took the time to do it right.
Profile Image for Ana LibrariAna.
411 reviews7 followers
January 19, 2024
When spring arrives, the bear wakes up very hungry and thin. He finds some roots to eat, but it's not enough. He is still hungry and wants more! With the help of his friends, he finds more food; some berries, clover, and fish to eat, but it is still not enough. Bear wants more!

An ideal spring and friendship read-aloud. If you are using this series to teach about emotions, this one is great for happiness.
Profile Image for Charlie George.
169 reviews25 followers
May 19, 2009
Nice rhyming and cadence, the way I think a children's book should read. It skips along like Dr. Seuss, but isn't so silly and feels more modern and worthwhile.
Profile Image for Michael Cabus.
80 reviews15 followers
December 28, 2019
Yes I typically read books on sociology and economics. But a week with my nephew meant five nights in a row of reading this book.

He loves it. Nice rhyming and illustration. And the other books in this series which he also read to me: stellar.

In 2020 more serious reviews will come. But this week it's fitting to write about this hungry bear.
Profile Image for Lauren.
675 reviews
January 27, 2023
The writing is weird, like I feel like words are missing? The illustrations are very pretty. Almost water color like. The story is kinda sweet but it’s overall just kinda eh. My son seemed to like it though. Hopefully however bought him this book is not on Goodreads reading my review whoops! It’s a solid 3 stars though.
20 reviews1 follower
January 22, 2021
Text-to-Self Connection: I feel like I relate to the bear in this story. He wakes up from his deep sleep and is so hungry. He eats and eats but he always wants more. His friends plan a surprise party for the bear and he gets stuck in the door because he is so big! I feel like I am the bear at times because I am a person who will eat and eat until my stomach hurts. Then, I fall into a food coma and nobody can wake me up. The bear is continuously looking for something to satisfy his hunger, but nothing works until his friends make his favorite foods. I think we can all relate to this bear at times.
Profile Image for Dolly.
Author 1 book666 followers
December 29, 2015
Our girls love the Bear books by Karma Wilson. They are great stories to read aloud, rhyming, sing-song narrative with colorful and fun illustrations. We've read most of her books over and over and over! Our girls really like them and so do I!

December 2015 update: Having introduced our niece to Bear with Bear Snores On in the last year or so, I was excited to show her some of the other tales. We read Bear Stays Up for Christmas since it was almost Christmas, and we found this tale in a board book edition during a visit to our local library. We enjoyed reading it, but I am not sure that it had quite the same charm as the original story.
Profile Image for Candice.
1,489 reviews
March 22, 2012
One of my favorite author/illustrator teams has done it again! Another Bear book with happy, clever rhymes and endearing illustrations. Bear wakes up from his winter nap, and he is famished! His animal friends show him where to find food, but it's never enough, and thus the refrain "the bear wants more" is repeated over and over - just enough for toddlers to know what's coming next. A fun book that will lead to conversations about how some animals hibernate while others do not. Also, if you look closely at the cover, the animals are making the sign for "more." Toddlers who are into signing may pick this up.
Profile Image for Lisa Vegan.
2,856 reviews1,290 followers
May 29, 2009
This is almost too adorable; it really has to be read to young children so that adults can appreciate the story too. The bear has the most innocent facial expression and manner. The rhyming and repetitive story is great for picture book age children and the illustrations convey a lushness I liked, and I thought the bear was painted well, but I wasn’t so wild about some of the other animals’ appearances.
22 reviews1 follower
February 24, 2015
I enjoyed how this book brought all the animals together in search of food for a very hungry bear. The colors really drew me in, but the overall story held my attention. While bear satisfied his hunger, he forgot about making sure his friends were just as satisfied. It was a clear message to not forget those that help you along the way.
Profile Image for Jenna.
2,974 reviews39 followers
May 15, 2021
Tämä Kalle-Karhun tarina oli jäänyt meiltä aiemmin lukematta! Hassua sinänsä, sillä toiset Kalle-Karhun seikkailut olemme lukeneet lukemattomia kertoja läpi. Tässä suloisessa karhu-tarinassa Kalle on herännyt juuri pitkiltä talviunilta ja on ymmärrettävästi kovin nälkäinen. Onneksi Kallen ystävät vievät hänet syömään, mutta karhu tahtoo lisää syömistä...
Profile Image for Katherine.
89 reviews
April 5, 2011
This story has a really cute storyline and cute illustrations! This story could be used to introduce poetry and rhyming to students. I would read this story before snack or lunch time because watching bear continue to eat in this book will make you and your students hungry! :)
January 13, 2012
Bear wakes up from his long winter's nap and is hungry. His friends share their favorite snacks (berries, fish, and clover) but Bear wants more. Will his friends be able to help him find more food?

The scene at the end reminded me of a classic Winnie-the-Pooh story.
Profile Image for Shan.
444 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2024
Such a fun book! My daughter loved the Bear books when she was little. The illustrations of this book were perfect, each animal was detailed and easily recognizable for little ones, while being accurately and beautifully colored. The plot has a common motif that is great for kids to latch onto, and it helps get them immersed in the story. It was a very smart idea for the author to shift this motif a bit at the end for a fun and (kind of) unexpected ending that will definitely make kids smile. Lastly, the dialogue from a variety of different animal characters makes for an open-ended and creative reading experience, as parents/guardians can change their inflection for each character. My daughter loved when I did this when reading the Bear books to her, and other kids will enjoy this aspect as well.

Profile Image for Suzanne Lorraine Kunz Williams.
2,429 reviews11 followers
October 13, 2019
Bear wants more and more and more, but finally he is satisfied. Isn't that just like how we are sometimes. Sometimes if we've been starving in some way (as bear was through the winter) we are ravenous. But as we our pursue our needs even eventually get filled.

Talking points - Talk about how bears friends were kind to them and helped him when he was hungry. Who helps you when you are hungry, for food or for something else? Bears friends need some nurturing too? Tell about a time when you gave your all to help someone and then needed to recharge yourself. Is it okay that bear kept wanting more; why or why not?

Essential Oil Pairing Tip - I'd try this blend which is perfect for spring - 1 drop Clary Sage, 2 drops Lime, 2 drops Juniper Berry
Profile Image for Mort's Kids.
400 reviews3 followers
March 13, 2021
Remember, in High School, when teachers were always, like, "you can't turn in the same paper in multiple classes, you're plagerizing yourself!"

I never really understood that. How can you plagerize your own words and ideas?

But then I read Bear Wants More and I kind of get it. Karma Wilson wrote a great book in Bear Snores On and now she's just putting out the remix, hoping it hits number one in the charts again. Like the Children's book version of Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road".

Is she allowed to plagerize herself? Sure. But I'm allowed to give her a C+ for the effort.
Profile Image for Karina.
835 reviews59 followers
October 22, 2021
Huge hit! Our son can now say the word “more” and got a kick out of “reading” it every couple of pages. He laughs at my impression of the mouses’s squeaky voice. He will also say “eat, eat, EAT” He’ll start hopping when the hare shows up, and laugh at “crunch, crunch, crunch”! He recently discovered honey, so he gets excited about “honey cakes” that Bear’s friends make. He will rub his tummy with Bear, and sniff the air like Bear. He’ll lift his hands to show how big Bear is, and giggle when Bear gets “stuck, stuck, STUCK”, but will try to help him out by pushing on the picture. It’s very sweet to see him so engaged with the story.
Profile Image for Heather McLeod.
Author 3 books3 followers
January 30, 2017
We've read hundreds of books to and with our son: Bear Wants More is one of the best. The rhymes and vocabulary are wonderful, the illustrations are full of details that tie in with other books in the series, and there are lots of words per page so we can really get into the story. (I dislike children's books that have only a few words per page -- they're over too quickly and are dull to read. Consider the poor parent!)

Bear Wants More is one of the books I always give new parents. It's sure to be a favourite.
4 reviews
June 12, 2019
This book is good for teaching the cognitive skill of problem solving. In this book, Bear wakes up from hibernation and is looking for food, all of his friends help him eat, but he still wants more. He then returns home where his friends have planned a surprise party with plenty of food. He gets stuck in the entrance to his own house because he ate so much. His friends problem solve how to get him unstuck. When he they get him out they decide to eat outside. This book offers multiple opportunities to ask students how Bear and his friends might solve the problems they encounter.
Profile Image for April.
37 reviews9 followers
November 21, 2019
When springtime comes,
In his warm winter den
A bear wakes up
Very hungry and thin!

1. Another beloved Bear book in Karma Wilson's series! My son and I love these. The rhyming, the illustrations! It is all so magical!

2. This is a series that I seriously suggest. It is so fun to read together and we also do voices for all the animals.

3. I love the message of true friends in every book and how much they are always willing to love and help, so great simple message as well.

Bear is awake and hungry! Strawberries, fish, clover! Nothing is enough for this big old bear with insatiable appetite. Good thing his friends are there to help him fill his hungry tummy!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 316 reviews

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