ella’s review of Powerless (The Powerless Trilogy, #1) > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Lauren (new)

Lauren Roberts I love this review, thank you!!!

message 2: by Hermione (new)

Hermione Where do you read it

message 3: by ella (new)

ella Hermione wrote: "Where do you read it"
I bought it from amazon and read it on the Kindle app.

message 4: by Ruqayyah (new)

Ruqayyah Great review! Does the book end on a cliff hanger?

message 5: by ella (new)

ella Ruqayyah wrote: "Great review! Does the book end on a cliff hanger?"
Yes! The ending is super exciting and suspenseful.

RaineDayReads🍊🤍📖 Exactly how I felt! Great review!

message 7: by Katie (new)

Katie Schnore how did u feel abt the ending ?

message 8: by Ainsley (new)

Ainsley Pleaseeeee say there’s a second book in the making!!

message 9: by ella (new)

ella Ainsley wrote: "Pleaseeeee say there’s a second book in the making!!"

Yes, I believe Lauren is writing a sequel!

message 10: by Sina (new)

Sina Dana Ainsley wrote: "Pleaseeeee say there’s a second book in the making!!"

there is!

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