Three Grams of Elsewhere: Cover and Pub Date! > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Norm (new)

Norm Davis Holy Moly, Andy, can't wait. Who's reading the audiobook?

I reported a "missing book" on B o o k h u b (re: wishlisted). Maybe they'll get in touch?

I'm excited! I'll start nagging my people to get finished with The Nothing Within (again) see if that helps with the May 4th launch.


message 2: by Andy (new)

Andy Giesler Norm wrote: "Holy Moly, Andy, can't wait...."

Thanks so much, Norm—support like this makes such a big difference for indie authors like me. I hope you enjoy Three Grams when it comes out.

It's taking all my focus just to get the eBook, paperback, and hardcover versions out into the world, so as happened with The Nothing Within, the audiobook will have to be a future project. I'm considering reading this one myself.

I really appreciate your help getting the word out.


message 3: by Norm (new)

Norm Davis I've put the word out best I can. Emily Sutton-Smith noticed (I did mention her along with The Nothing Within.) Not like I'm popular or anything, but I know you're a great storyteller and an excellent writer. I hope folks realize that and are as enthused as I am about your writing efforts. I also asked Bridget E Baker (another indie) to mention the book on her fan page (romance mostly). Good luck & my apologies if my enthusiasm has been too extensive.

message 4: by Andy (new)

Andy Giesler Very cool. Thanks again. :-)

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