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message 1: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Cherie Hello!

I'm currently working on book 4 in a space opera sci-fi series where two Humans get stuck in get stuck in a galaxy far, far away.... What could go wrong?

I did a rapid release of books 1-3 from May 2022 to Sept 2023. And I'm now having to play catch-up trying to get reviews because I did basically no promotion. (Yeah... my bad....)

Anyway.... In terms of TV shows, this series is semi-comparable to Stargate, Star Trek NG, and the Hawaii 5-0 reboot mixed together. You can expect to find...

✨ Romance, yes
✨ Smut, no
✨ Character-driven plots
✨ Political intrigue
✨ Some alien lingo
✨ New worlds and people

Expedition (Book 1 blurb):

When a civilian space flight gets swept away to a distant part of the universe, Elise Lewis and Major Rick Clark are the only survivors. Stranded far from Earth, they find themselves amidst an alien crew, aboard a living ship. They cling to the hope of discovering a way home. Meanwhile, their presence begins to irreversibly alter the dynamics of the crew. As time passes and trust is tested, the Humans find they have unique roles to play in this foreign galaxy.

Despite Head Officer Denijku Zúrhé’s desire to return the Humans to their planet, he has problems of his own. A powerful new regime encroaches from beyond the charted galaxies, eager for an alliance with the United Free Territories. Their representatives insist on altruism, but Zúrhé and others are not so easily persuaded.

Questions need to be answered. And the truth could mean everyone--even the newly arrived Humans--are in danger.


Currently available on Amazon / KindleUnlimited!! Here is the link to Expedition on Amazon:

Thank you in advance!! Your reviews and ratings are deeply appreciated!!! If you have any questions, please let me know!

Kindest regards,


message 2: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Carrigan You may want to nominate your book on the Limited Pick Nominations thread. Just give the name and author, and perhaps the link to the Goodreads page for the book. Link to that thread is

I’ve grabbed a free preview but can’t promise a review because I’m very picky.

message 3: by Rachel (last edited Feb 21, 2024 01:39PM) (new)

Rachel Cherie Teresa wrote: "You may want to nominate your book on the Limited Pick Nominations thread. Just give the name and author, and perhaps the link to the Goodreads page for the book. Link to that thread is"

Thank you! I'll check it out!

And thank you for checking my book out too.

message 4: by odedo1 (new)

odedo1 Audio book worm. I’d be honored to give you an honest review for this trilogy when they go audio, please contact me and I will send you my Audible listener page on both U.S and U.K accounts which together I passed one thousand audiobooks, and most have been reviewed.

Oded Ostfeld.

message 5: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Cherie odedo1 wrote: "I’d be honored to give you an honest review for this trilogy when they go audio, please contact me and I will send you my Audible listener page on both U.S and U.K accounts which together I passed ..."

I don't know when I will get them done in audio, but I absolutely appreciate the request!! Thank you!

message 6: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Cherie odedo1 wrote: "I’d be honored to give you an honest review for this trilogy when they go audio, please contact me and I will send you my Audible listener page on both U.S and U.K accounts which together I passed ..."

It looks like I might have an audiobook in the works. If you're on Facebook, like my page to get updates.

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