June 2024 LIMITED Nominations > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Carrigan This thread is for nominations for LIMITED category for June 2024.

LIMITED books are books that are unlikely to be available to all members. Typically these will be Indie books, but can also include books available only as ebook or from a single vendor, or books only available in a few countries. The general rule of thumb is if it doesn’t qualify for READER, then it should fit into LIMITED.

Must be
* currently in print in at least one format, either ebook or physical book. Requiring a special order from a store or website counts, but not if the book is only available used.
* Books posted to be read online count.
* Kindle Unlimited books count.
* Space Opera, which means a spaceship has to be involved in the story somewhere.
* If it is part of a series, it needs to be suitable to being read without having read other books in the series.
* Please no blatantly erotic books, as some of our members are not full adults yet.

* you may nominate one book on this thread.
* you may second as many nominations as you like on this thread.
* it is okay to nominate the same book on more than one nomination thread, as long as it meets the criteria
* books we already have on our bookshelf will be disqualified if they were added less than two years ago
* If a book you nominate or second is selected, you are expected to post at least one comment about it on the thread about the book.
* On or about the 22nd I will draw a book randomly, with each second being one raffle ticket for the book. That is, a book with three seconds (so four of us want it) will get three chances in the pool.
* If no book is seconded this thread will stay up until we get a seconded book.

It is likely helpful if you know something about a book that has been nominated if you mention it in this thread, whether it is for or against the book.

message 2: by John (new)

John R I'd like to nominate Eclipse by Herman Steuernagel.

A quote from Amazon - "A dystopian space adventure that's been described as perfect for fans of Red Rising, The 100 and The Expanse, ECLIPSE is filled with unwilling heroes, a hidden world, likeable characters, space pirates, a path of discovery and a road to redemption."

The author seems also to be the publisher - to quote from Amazon again -

"Herman Steuernagel is a science fiction and fantasy author. His internationally best-selling debut Lies the Guardians Tell reached the top of the science fiction charts in multiple countries.

His currently published works are dystopian science fiction that highlight the struggle between humanity and the technology we keep, as well as the motivations that keep us fighting with each other."

message 3: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Carrigan Rachel wrote: "Expedition

This is the first book in a series. The series is not yet completed, but three books are currently available.

Two Humans get sucked into a part of the universe far, far..."

Rachel, since I can’t send you a direct message I’m going to remove your comment nominating your book. Yes authors are allowed to nominate their own books, however not do self promotion on the nomination threads. You are free to make a new comment just saying you are nominating the book, and giving a link to its Goodreads page (or no link at all).

message 4: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Cherie Teresa wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Expedition

This is the first book in a series. The series is not yet completed, but three books are currently available.

Two Humans get sucked into a part of the un..."

Oh - sorry.... I thought it was just information.

message 5: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Carrigan Members can be verbose about books they nominate if those books aren’t their own book. We strongly discourage posting links to Amazon.

message 6: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Cherie Teresa wrote: "Members can be verbose about books they nominate if those books aren’t their own book. We strongly discourage posting links to Amazon."

Oh, okay

message 7: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Carrigan Summary so far:
Eclipse by Herman Steuernagel. Nominated by John. Awaiting seconds.

message 8: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Cherie Expedition

This is the first book in a series. The series is not yet completed, but three books are currently available.

message 9: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Carrigan I nominate Master Walk by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. This is a novella(?) that is not part of their Liaden Universe books, although I spotted two things that get minor references in two or three of the LU books. There are aliens, space pirates, spies, and a mystery that the main character is traveling to various planets to research. It’s also available in Double Vision which contains a bunch of short stories both fantasy and SF. I think it was originally intended as first of a series but the sequel was never written. It has a satisfying ending so it works as a standalone.

message 10: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Carrigan Summary so far:
Eclipse by Herman Steuernagel. Nominated by John. Awaiting seconds.
Expedition by Rachel Cherie. Nominated by Rachel. Awaiting seconds.
Master Walk by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. Nominated by Teresa. Awaiting seconds.

message 11: by Audrey (new)

Audrey I second Master Walk

message 12: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Carrigan Since nominations were in sudden death and we have a second, nominations are now closed, with our pick being Master Walk.

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