Zealous by Alex Rawecki > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Alex (new)

Alex Rawecki Hi everyone!

Zealous by Alex Rawecki

Alex Rawecki

I just published my first technothriller novel, Zealous. It's quite science-y (mostly neuroscience), very fast-paced, and full of action. Being a scientist myself and a great admirer of Michael Crichton's work, I aimed to write a book that I would enjoy reading: a fun, gripping read offering an escape from reality.

As this is my first book, I would love to hear your thoughts on it and collect a couple of reviews. I would be happy to share a free electronic copy with anyone interested in reading it.


message 2: by Tom (new)

Tom Hi Alex,

Thanks for sharing, and congrats on publishing your first novel. I'm pretty much an audiobook-only guy due to a vision impairment, so I probably won't get a chance to read it, but I hope you get some feedback from others here and on Goodreads. At 250 pages, it should be a quick read for folks. Good luck.

message 3: by Alex (new)

Alex Rawecki Thanks, Tom. Depending on how successful the book is, there might be an audiobook in the future, but I can't promise that at the moment.

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