Christopher’s review of Dark Matter > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Febles Really close to 5. Review to follow

message 2: by Kurt (new)

Kurt I'm currently reading "Pines", the first of the Wayward Pines trilogy. This is my first time reading anything from Blake Crouch, and I am REALLY enjoying this! "Dark Matter" has been on my bookshelf for a while now, with every intention of reading it. So many other books bullied their way into my TBR so I haven't had the chance to get to it. Let me tell you, if "Dark Matter" is anything like "Pines", then it will immediately make its way to the front of the line!!!

message 3: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Febles Kurt wrote: "I'm currently reading "Pines", the first of the Wayward Pines trilogy. This is my first time reading anything from Blake Crouch, and I am REALLY enjoying this! "Dark Matter" has been on my bookshel..."

Thanks, Kurt! I'd also strongly recommend "Upgrade." I'm not much on sci-fi but I like this author's work. Enjoy!

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