Christopher’s review of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Peacejanz (new)

Peacejanz I loved this book when I first read it years ago - still have it somewhere. You wrote a great review and it prompts me to go find it now and reread it now. The world seems to be driving me nuts like the stuff you used to freak out over. I need to read this book because I know it is all small stuff. Thanks for reminding me of this super way to stop some of my Type A thoughts. Thank you for a great review. peace, janz

message 2: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Febles Peacejanz wrote: "I loved this book when I first read it years ago - still have it somewhere. You wrote a great review and it prompts me to go find it now and reread it now. The world seems to be driving me nuts lik..."

Thanks, Janz! Had another test today: our fridge died. S--- happens. No one's gonna remember this in 100 years, or even 10. Enjoy!

message 3: by Peacejanz (new)

Peacejanz I feel sad that your fridge died. That is a mess - clean it out -- and all the dripping stuff - buy another one or try to get this one repaired. It is hard to get good/competent people to fix refrigerators and other electrical stuff - they don't teach that stuff in Philosophy classes or English classes. In another life, I plan to be a craftsperson -- someone who can repair anything, think through the problem or see the problem. On the other hand, you are pretty wise - figured out the fridge died. I did not get that my icemaker was screwed up until it flooded the inside of the fridge two or three times. Oh - the icemaker is not working? No ice, water all through the fridge. It was small stuff when I finally figured it out. Keep reading the good stuff like this. You can never go wrong - it is better than wasting your time on a bodice ripper; they are all the same, just change the names. peace, janz

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