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According to Google, the phrase “I’m offended” has increased in usage by more than 5,600% in just the past century. Humans have always taken offense, but never have we been so obsessed with it. Offense stunts our conversations and divides our relationships. It infects our families, politics, entertainment, and churches. Yet few seem to be asking why or what it might be costing us.

If you trace the offense deep enough, you’ll find a culture and our individual lives drowning in insecurity. For all our self-help, self-affirming, and self-esteem rhetoric, we can’t seem to overcome it. Just beneath our awareness, our insecurities distort our desires, poison our relationships, and leave us increasingly sensitive to offense. But there is a worse consequence.

Offense makes it harder to hear the truth. It can even prevent you from hearing Jesus’s good, but sometimes hard, words.

A Sharp Compassion offers readers a closer look at some of Jesus’ most challenging words. Through a careful study of the conversations in which Jesus offended, you will discover a savior willing to risk offending you to heal you from your deepest insecurities. Because his love is great, his truths are often hard, and his compassion sharp. But perhaps it’s Jesus’ hard words we need most right now.
  • Religion
  • Spirituality
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25 copies
Most days peace feels elusive, and our hope feels light-years away. And it is almost impossible to set our minds on God's coming reign. But what if the return of the King and His Kingdom is exactly what we need to find our peace and ground our hope today? His coming victorious reign is what gives us the strength we need now.

In this definitive book, trusted Bible teacher and Pastor Dr. David Jeremiah unfolds the Second Coming of Christ and His millennium reign here on earth with stunning clarity while also showing how the correct interpretation of these pivotal events changes how we live here and now. The King is coming, and we have a part to play in this story that promises to set right all that is wrong and usher in a new golden age.

Read with fresh eyes, how the coming reign of Christ impacts us today.
  • Religion
  • Spirituality
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Everyone, regardless of level and background, is concerned with getting the outcome they want. To put it simply: everyone negotiates—some of us are just better at it than others.

You might think negotiation is the realm of the salesperson, that it’s for the business executive or the lawyer, but we all negotiate on a daily basis. Any interaction has the possibility of potential gain if we look for it. Settle for More breaks down and provides practical application for negotiation; Meyer specifically explores the motives that drive successful behaviors and how those behaviors impact relationships.

By centering on the motives that individuals bring into interactions and examining how they shape their interactions, processes, and outcomes, Meyer equips readers with a new mindset, one not about winning or losing—but about getting and giving more. In Settle for More, Meyer compares current thought in negotiation with Christian ethics, answering the questions of how Christians can successfully negotiate in a secular world without being exploited and embracing the idea that you can gain more when the others involved also gain more.
  • Business
  • Spirituality
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7 copies
The Good Dog is an allegory about how to love, accept, and show compassion to others through the eyes of a girl's love for her dog. It is the sequel to Charlie Finds Love .
  • Children's
  • Spirituality
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God stands ready to have you join Him in a quest for mutual success in your career, marriage, family and every area of life. He offers a partnership with Himself and a specific list of needed capabilities and practices, strategic imperatives, as the starting point to get there. Altogether, these constitute a “platform” that can leveraged in every phase and circumstance for the man who wants his life to matter.

Passionate, personal and spiritual, Throw No Rocks provides God’s to-do list to rapidly assemble the needed imperatives. Success in every part of life, including our influence on the next generation and the nations, is determined by our decision to follow God’s model and implement His platform. It includes using all our resources, and importantly, taps God’s limitless reservoir in multiplication.

Time, talent, money and relationships in His hands are the raw materials for growth and miracles. Identity, authority and dealing with spiritual warfare are to be understood and implemented to see God’s victories. These, operating in partnership with God put us into position to receive and walk in our inheritance in Christ.

Using Charlie’s own powerful testimony and decades of experience in business leadership and working with men, Throw No Rocks demonstrates how God leverages partnership to be our competitive advantage in life. Ultimately, He shows us and leads us to what we are truly seeking, including what we can’t even see today.

There are wonderful surprises in store as we engage in this unique relational model with Jesus. Our highest and best dreams hang in the balance. If you are serious about success and know that true success goes through God, join the many men who have become master-handlers of God’s true riches, the ones that have no trouble added to them. I’ve never met a man who regretted it. God is ready to partner with you. Will you accept His personal invitation?
  • Non-fiction
  • Spirituality
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