Book Giveaway For A Talent for Murder (Henry Kimball/Lily Kintner, #3)

  • A Talent for Murder by Peter  Swanson
    A Talent for Murder (Henry Kimball/Lily Kintner, #3)

    Release date: Jun 11, 2024
    "I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to reach the jaw-dropping conclusion.”—Liv Constantine, bestselling author of The Last Mrs. Parrish ...more
    A newlywed librarian begins to suspect the man she married might be a murderer—in this spectacularly twisty and deviously clever novel by Peter Swanso ...more

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 100 copies available, 12194 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Apr 22 - May 02, 2024

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 7142445
    Peter Swanson is the author of six novels including The Kind Worth Killing, winner of the New England Society Book Award, and finalist for the CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger, Her Every Fear, an NPR book of the year, and his most recent thriller, Eight Perfect Murders. His books have been translated into 30 languages, and his stories, poetry, and features have appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, Th ...more
    More about Peter Swanson...


    Alicia B.A., Courtney Osborn, Rebecca, Brin, Johnnie, Sarah Greer, Jasmin C, amy, Amanda Rosselot, Janet Michelle Elias, Julie Taylor, Mariah, Laura, Alicia Ceasar, Leah, Steph Nuss, Michelle, michelle gorden, Sarah Pachner, Madi Thibodeau, Julie Lawson, Jeanne Groce, Jill Marie, Kaitlin, Lexie, BritterBeeBooked, Roy Holden, Molly Schaeffer, Lauren, Shawna, Dana Lowry, Melissa, Emma Marshall, Stephanie Lussman, Wayne, Penguin, MissLisbeth, Melody McNamara, Tina, Meghan (booksbevsnfun), Gayle, Jason Smith, Courtney, Sonia Draese, Jennifer Berry, Rachel Nahabedian Vallance, Cathy, liana, SEA, Lyndsay, Monica Palmore, Tati, Angelica, Susan Lind, Tara Landry, Emiliy, K, Maddie, Rebekah Patton, Sara Di Carlo, Didi Holt, Jillian Eliza, Jess Ellstrom, Ashley Geottman, Miranda Gray, Pranavi, Katherine, Tammy, Brandi O'Berry, Mary Carrasco, Ashley Korus, Caitie, Cara Hauser, Jess, Haight Ashbury, Matt, Denise, Kristen, Judy Darlene Hall, Judie, Arianna Yonas, BookGirlAngie, Cheri Brown, Linda, Jessica, Gwen, Andrea, Robbie Savoie, Anneliese Grassi, Jane Heibel, Ella Tormey, Crystal McPherson, Melissa, Bianca's Book Binge , Wendy Beason, Belle Nguyen, Timmy, Jess ✨, Laura Mcewen-miller, Tabitha Culp

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