Book Giveaway For Don't Be a Stranger

  • Don't Be a Stranger by Susan Minot
    Don't Be a Stranger

    Release date: Oct 15, 2024

    A mesmerizing new novel from the author of the story of a woman swept into a love affair at mid-lifeIvy Cooper is 52 years old when Ansel Fleming firs ...more

    Format: Print book

    Availability: 15 copies available, 4372 people requesting

    Giveaway dates: Jul 01 - Jul 19, 2024

    Countries available: U.S.

  • 22476
    Susan Minot is an award-winning novelist and short story writer whose books include Monkeys, Folly, Lust & Other Stories, and Evening, which was adapted into the feature film of the same name starring Meryl Streep. Minot was born in Boston and raised in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, attended Brown University, and received her MFA in creative writing from Columbia University. She currently ...more
    More about Susan Minot...


    Katie, Alicia Hewlett, Joyce, Nhi, lacc190, Stacie, Ashley Goddard, Sarah, Ashley Grace Wagner, Jess, Sarah Harvey Toth, Romy - The Bookaholic, Kevin Leighty, Cheryl, Chris

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