Hugh Hugh’s Comments (group member since Jul 08, 2016)

Hugh’s comments from the Reading the Chunksters group.

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31572 I think Every Man Dies Alone is the same book as Alone in Berlin.
31572 I read that one years ago and I don't remember it being long.
31572 Sorry, I haven't been giving it much thought recently but we could do another round of nominations.
31572 Welcome Cindy
31572 Welcome Kathy Jo. I will try and organise another group read soon.
Dec 06, 2023 09:56AM

31572 Thanks for all the hard work you have done on the summaries Brian, and thanks to you, Nidhi and Cat for keeping the discussions going. Sorry I never got hold of the book.
Dec 04, 2023 01:38AM

31572 This is the final part of the discussion, and covers part IX (and any comments about the book as a whole).
Dec 04, 2023 01:37AM

31572 Sorry, I must have forgotten to do this last week. Week 9 covers the whole of part VIII
Nov 21, 2023 07:18AM

31572 This week's section covers the whole of part VII
Nov 13, 2023 03:42AM

31572 This week's section covers the rest of part VI (Chapters 2 to 4).
Nov 07, 2023 11:25AM

31572 This week's section covers the last three chapters of Part V and the first chapter of part VI.
Oct 30, 2023 10:57AM

31572 This week's section covers chapter 2 of Part IV and the first two chapters of Part V.
Oct 23, 2023 01:52AM

31572 This week's section covers the second half of Part III and the first chapter of part IV.
Oct 15, 2023 01:03PM

31572 This week's section covers the final chapter of Part II and the first two chapters of Part III.
Oct 08, 2023 05:44AM

31572 This week's section covers the three chapters of Part 2.
Oct 01, 2023 12:06AM

31572 This section covers the three sections of Part I.

I'll start with a couple of apologies - firstly for taking so long to get this going and secondly for not having got hold of a copy of the book yet. This means that I can't do detailed chapter summaries (or ask the right starter questions). For me and for many British people of a certain age, this book will always be best remembered the 1980 BBC TV adaptation, which means that the story is familiar to me, but not the writing. So unless I do get round to finding the book, my participation in this discussion will be limited to starting the threads.
31572 I have posted the schedule, assuming we are happy to start next week. I am not promising to read this one.
Sep 28, 2023 03:47AM

31572 I propose that we go with Brian's option 2 for the reading schedule. Since I have kept you all waiting for too long, I propose starting week one on Sunday (October 1st).

So the schedule is:

Week 1 (Oct 1-7): Part I Ch 1-3
Week 2 (Oct 8-14): Part II Ch 1-3
Week 3 (Oct 15-21): Part II Ch 4, Part III Ch 1-2
Week 4 (Oct 22-28): Part III Ch 3-4, Part IV Ch 1
Week 5 (Oct 29-Nov 4): Part IV Ch 2, Part V Ch 1-2
Week 6 (Nov 5-11): _Part V Ch 3-5, Part VI Ch 1
Week 7 (Nov 12-18): Part VI Ch 2-4
Week 8 (Nov 19-25): Part VII Ch 1-3
Week 9 (Nov 26-Dec 2): Part VIII Ch 1-3
Week 10 (Dec 3-9): Part IX Ch 1-3
31572 Sorry - my fault - I should have been organising this but have been too distracted by other groups and the Booker list. I expect to have time to get things moving tomorrow evening or Thursday.
Aug 15, 2023 10:37PM

31572 I am out today but will post a full schedule later in the week.
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