
OCTOBER FANTASY: This poll decides which book will be our October Fantasy BotM.

  37 votes, 38.9%

  32 votes, 33.7%

  26 votes, 27.4%

Poll added by: Candiss

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Alexa (new)

Alexa But there was a tie for second place! Shouldn't all three be in the run-off?

message 2: by Candiss (last edited Jul 27, 2015 04:33PM) (new)

Candiss Ack! You're right, Alexa. I'm working without my contact lenses due to an eye infection, and my squinting eyes saw 18 for The Element of Fire instead of 19. I'll update the poll, but I don't think GR will let me send a broadcast to the group until tomorrow, as I've already sent one today. (So I'll send it today if I can, tomorrow otherwise.)

Thanks for the heads-up!

Edit to add: Ok, the poll is changed. GR indeed would not allow me to broadcast, so I'll do it in the morning.

Edit 2: Typos of the blurry-eyed.

message 3: by Alexa (new)

Alexa Thank you!

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Robert 120 books
76 friends
voted for:
The Blade It

Jaro 4616 books
215 friends
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The Element

Teanka 1239 books
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The Element

Guy 1020 books
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The Blade It

Simon le comte 2214 books
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Furies of Ca

Joyce 661 books
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Furies of Ca

Lafayette 565 books
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Furies of Ca

Matt 713 books
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The Element

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The Blade It

Sandi 3208 books
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The Blade It

Arcturus 1139 books
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The Blade It

Alissa 1931 books
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The Element

Sumant 421 books
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The Blade It

Maria 6789 books
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The Blade It

Will 1878 books
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Furies of Ca

Bruce 638 books
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Justine 3770 books
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The Element

Elaine 35 books
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Thiago 1805 books
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James 2466 books
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Furies of Ca

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Furies of Ca

Brenda ╰☆╮ 604 books
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Furies of Ca

Clélie 286 books
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The Element

Stephan 550 books
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The Blade It

Yelena 1959 books
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The Blade It

Cobwebby Reading Reindeer 84804 books
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The Element
