
Poll added by: Bionic Jean

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by Brina (new)

Brina I would read the top 3 books here. All sound great.

message 2: by Bionic Jean (new)

Bionic Jean Mod
I always learn lots of new suggestions from these nonfiction polls Brina :)

message 3: by Debra Diggs (new)

Debra Diggs I have read The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America. Once I got used to the writing style, it was excellent.

message 4: by Pamela (new)

Pamela Mclaren Debra wrote: "I have read The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America. Once I got used to the writing style, it was excellent."

Agreed, Debra. I'm up to Larson's Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania and can't wait to start it.

Now on this poll, this is a tough choice! Wow, lots of great topics!

message 5: by Brina (last edited Mar 08, 2018 06:12AM) (new)

Brina I am embarrassed to admit that I am a Chicagoan and have never read Devil in the White City. Although now I need something happier to read so I voted for Furiously Happy but I would read either.

message 6: by Melanie (new)

Melanie I just finished Evicted a few minutes ago (really!) and it was heartbreaking and incredibly written and I want everyone to read it, so that's my vote.

message 7: by Debra Diggs (new)

Debra Diggs Pamela wrote: "... Agreed, Debra. I'm up to Larson's Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania and can't wait to start it.... "

Hey Pamela. I have only read two of Larson's books, The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America and Thunderstruck. Both excellent. I plan on reading Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania next.

message 8: by Dimitri (new)

Dimitri I'd vote "Nothing to Envy but already read it & the library is closed til june

message 9: by Bionic Jean (last edited Mar 08, 2018 02:57AM) (new)

Bionic Jean Mod
Gosh that's rough Dimitri :( I'd hate to be without a library. I see you live in Belgium - does anyone have any suggestions?

message 10: by Debra Diggs (new)

Debra Diggs Hey Dimitri, openlibrary.org has Nothing to Envy.

debbicat *made of stardust* Daphne! Of course!!!!

message 12: by Bionic Jean (new)

Bionic Jean Mod
This is exciting! There are two books level-pegging, with 54 votes each! There's still over a week to go, so it could be anybody's really :)

Please make sure your voice is heard!

message 13: by Perri (new)

Perri Two very different books but both fabulous!

message 14: by Linda (new)

Linda Munroe I have read The Hidden Life of Trees and it is wonderful!

message 15: by Bionic Jean (new)

Bionic Jean Mod
Two days to go ...

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The Reading For Pleasure Book Club

Diamond 2168 books
153 friends
voted for:
The Devil in

KP 2450 books
0 friends
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Nothing to E

Stella 768 books
122 friends
voted for:
Daphne du Ma

Sara 1511 books
3 friends
voted for:
The Devil in

Rowen 382 books
4 friends
voted for:
Furiously Ha

Tiffany 3567 books
15 friends
voted for:
Evicted: Pov

Naina 3062 books
16 friends
voted for:
The Devil in

April 544 books
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voted for:
Evicted: Pov

Annezo 3055 books
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Nothing to E

Lara 505 books
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The Hidden L

Trey 245 books
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The Hidden L

Caro 1679 books
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Nothing to E

Missy 472 books
77 friends
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The Devil in

Anna 476 books
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Evicted: Pov

Line 1110 books
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Evicted: Pov

Keren 345 books
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Nothing to E

Marisela 2825 books
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The Devil in

Patricia 662 books
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Nothing to E

Jennifer 2870 books
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The Devil in

Kim. E. 3919 books
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Nothing to E

iasa 3152 books
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Daphne du Ma

Lizzy 2192 books
137 friends
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Evicted: Pov

Line 496 books
10 friends
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Furiously Ha

Quenya 5294 books
55 friends
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The Devil in

Kiran 1316 books
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Nothing to E

Jo 658 books
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Nothing to E

SandyFrom 1092 books
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The Devil in

Becca 4516 books
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Evicted: Pov

Colleen 621 books
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The Devil in

Hannah 529 books
61 friends
voted for:
Furiously Ha
