
January 2021 Old School Poll

  76 votes, 27.9%

The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne 1865, 723 pages
  58 votes, 21.3%

Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy 1899, 562 pages
  45 votes, 16.5%

Cousin Henry by Anthony Trollope 1879, 336 pages
  29 votes, 10.7%

  24 votes, 8.8%

  24 votes, 8.8%

Niels Lyhne by Jens Peter Jacobsen 1880, 152 pages
  16 votes, 5.9%

Poll added by: Pink

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Aubrey (new)

Aubrey At last!

message 2: by Michaela (new)

Michaela Aubrey wrote: "At last!"

Yay, you´ve been waiting for this so long! :)

message 3: by Aubrey (new)

Aubrey Yep, myself and anyone else who's worked to nominate/encourage votes for the Jacobs. Now onto the next project...

message 4: by Frances (new)

Frances Congratulations, Aubrey! I'm looking forward to this too. :)

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Catching up on Classics (and lots more!)

Lindsay 215 books
49 friends
voted for:

Mélanie 512 books
19 friends
voted for:
The Mysterio

Terry 7911 books
4544 friends
voted for:
Cousin Henry

Aila 258 books
131 friends
voted for:
A Long Fatal

Karena 642 books
8 friends
voted for:
A Long Fatal

Leda 617 books
49 friends
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Gabriel 23 books
0 friends
voted for:
Niels Lyhne

Stalia 1845 books
123 friends
voted for:
The Mysterio

Caitlin 78 books
1 friend
voted for:
A Long Fatal

gabriela ✺ 664 books
35 friends
voted for:
The Private

E 1222 books
13 friends
voted for:
Incidents in

Ailuj 2481 books
34 friends
voted for:
Incidents in

Pauline 2971 books
382 friends
voted for:
The Mysterio

Charlotte 1022 books
133 friends
voted for:
The Private

Sina 489 books
2 friends
voted for:
Incidents in

ella 🥀 440 books
402 friends
voted for:
Incidents in

I read sometimes 169 books
0 friends
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Shen 559 books
2 friends
voted for:
Incidents in

Rachel 1061 books
0 friends
voted for:
The Private

Tomás 622 books
21 friends
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Booked 100 books
1 friend
voted for:
Niels Lyhne

Zoe 320 books
46 friends
voted for:
Incidents in

Jonathan 519 books
54 friends
voted for:
The Mysterio

Janelle 3424 books
601 friends
voted for:
The Private

Lana 886 books
28 friends
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Molly 3611 books
30 friends
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Sandra 696 books
14 friends
voted for:
The Mysterio

Jade 1031 books
23 friends
voted for:
The Mysterio

Sara 116 books
129 friends
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Charlie 590 books
32 friends
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