
*Please only vote if you intend on reading the book with us.

Which of these books would you prefer to read as July's 2021's book club selection?

  4 votes, 100.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

  0 votes, 0.0%

Poll added by: Desirai

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Lised (new)

Lised Hello Desirai, I’m still reading Ariadne, lol. It’s my first Greek mythology book I’ve read!

message 2: by Desirai (new)

Desirai Mod
Hi Lised! No worries. John, Tom and I are still working through Ariadne as well. I just like to put up the poll mid month to give people time to get the new book (in case they have to wait for it at the library, etc.)

That's awesome that's it's your first Greek mythology. Are you enjoying it?

message 3: by Lised (new)

Lised I am sooo enjoying it. At first I had to read the 1st chapter twice!! Lol, but then i got it and I love it so far I’m on chapter 16.

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Lised 124 books
24 friends
voted for:
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
The Chos

Tom 801 books
88 friends
voted for:
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
The Chos

John 245 books
59 friends
voted for:
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
The Chos

Desirai 3269 books
731 friends
voted for:
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
The Chos