
Final poll: July 2024 SF

  32 votes, 69.6%

  14 votes, 30.4%

Poll added by: Shel

Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)

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message 1: by Emma (new)

Emma The Memory Police is fabulous, but I have already read it. And Exhalation is on my TBR!

message 2: by Alexander (new)

Alexander de Bree I just finished reading Exhalation and I think it's worth your while. I suppose I'll be reading The Memory Police myself!

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Reader 1086 books
0 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Cheng 405 books
25 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Nachiket 2747 books
3 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Ryan 802 books
160 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

David 972 books
1 friend
voted for:
Exhalation b

T. 2182 books
5 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Jess 5153 books
233 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Wekoslav 2625 books
237 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Najaf 5947 books
42 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Mike 3083 books
6 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Yelena 1959 books
16 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Wolf_Maiden 7456 books
44 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Kurt 3249 books
23 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Marmie7 2426 books
106 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Christos 4392 books
103 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Conrad 87 books
3 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Sue 313 books
312 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Maureen 1878 books
26 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Andrew 6325 books
27 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Christopher 1453 books
278 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Colleen 696 books
99 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Pat 1387 books
26 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

a.g.e. montagner 1658 books
194 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Emma 4341 books
240 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Trude 1289 books
70 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Chris 1974 books
25 friends
voted for:
The Memory P

Antonis 1092 books
135 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Paul 4296 books
531 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

Cheryl 18990 books
367 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b

aPriL does feral sometimes 3251 books
834 friends
voted for:
Exhalation b
