
OCTOBER SCIENCE FICTION: This poll decides which two books move on to the run-off poll for October 2011 SF Book of the Month.

  19 votes, 19.8%

  14 votes, 14.6%

  12 votes, 12.5%

  11 votes, 11.5%

  10 votes, 10.4%

  9 votes, 9.4%

  7 votes, 7.3%

  7 votes, 7.3%

  7 votes, 7.3%

Poll added by: Candiss

Comments Showing 1-13 of 13 (13 new)

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Snail in Danger (Sid) Nicolaides Tough choice for me ... Bellwether and Feed are both favorites of mine.

message 2: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn Agent for the Stars looks like a nice light summer fun read - it's got my vote!

message 3: by Jim (new)

Jim Mcclanahan May be a long shot, but Surface Detail is one I'm looking forward to reading anyway. Hope it pulls up in the voting.

message 4: by Richard (new)

Richard Jim wrote: "May be a long shot, but Surface Detail is one I'm looking forward to reading anyway. Hope it pulls up in the voting."

Always time for a little tactical voting.
Go Surface Detail Go.

message 5: by Ken (new)

Ken Agent was my vote

Go Agent!!!

message 6: by Helen (new)

Helen I went for Feed as I was blown away by it. The second part was good too.

message 7: by Candiss (new)

Candiss I'd keen for reading/discussing Feed, Surface Detail, or House of Suns or discussing Fahrenheit 451 or Bellwether, both of which I've read. I'm pretty simple to please this month. :)

message 8: by Stefan (new)

Stefan Mod
I obviously voted for Feed as I nominated it. It's not a perfect novel, but it's a great story. I laughed, I cried, I cheered for the characters. Last time I was so emotionally involved in a book was The Name of the Wind. Then again, I wouldn't mind Surface Detail either!

message 9: by Kara (new)

Kara Woot! Feed has been all over my radar lately. CHAFF!

(and I usually don't vote for SF)

message 10: by Barb (new)

Barb I voted for Feed, as I enjoyed reading it and would enjoy discussing it. I did not like the sequel, I am hoping book 3 will be better.

message 11: by Candiss (new)

Candiss Just a reminder: First-round voting ends at 11:59pm PST tonight, so if you haven't voted - or if you wish to change your vote to help a second favorite inch up into the top two - you've only got a few hours left. Second-round polls go up tomorrow.

message 12: by Hélène (new)

Hélène If I'm not too late, I'll vote for Surface Detail by Iain M. Banks.

message 13: by Candiss (new)

Candiss Hélène - I'm sorry, but the poll auto-closes, and there's no way for me to add a vote after it does so. But Surface Detail made it into the top 2 and goes on to the final poll, anyhow, so we'll say you were there in spirit. ;)

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Meggy 628 books
2 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Jenny 2210 books
111 friends
voted for:
Agent to the

pratell 271 books
0 friends
voted for:
Agent to the

Diane 2282 books
36 friends
voted for:
Spin State b

Pickle 525 books
52 friends
voted for:
Agent to the

Arthur 501 books
22 friends
voted for:
Bellwether b

Suzanne 6264 books
457 friends
voted for:
Footfall by

monkeyelf 305 books
21 friends
voted for:
Feed by Mira

Danie 276 books
43 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Jenn 2010 books
133 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Ajyram 4691 books
30 friends
voted for:
House of Sun

Kammera 1182 books
32 friends
voted for:
Feed by Mira

Ysmalan 884 books
2 friends
voted for:
House of Sun

whimsicalmeerkat 3223 books
85 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Louise 2305 books
254 friends
voted for:
The Map of T

Tom 1489 books
25 friends
voted for:
Feed by Mira

Paul 4294 books
531 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Jim 754 books
32 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Kara 620 books
61 friends
voted for:
Feed by Mira

Drew 3274 books
61 friends
voted for:
House of Sun

Phil 407 books
4 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Richelle 1440 books
38 friends
voted for:
The Map of T

Nik 614 books
47 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Phoenixfalls 858 books
50 friends
voted for:
Bellwether b

Korye 4225 books
57 friends
voted for:
Spin State b

Philip 1292 books
472 friends
voted for:
Surface Deta

Dirk 2929 books
781 friends
voted for:
Footfall by

Sandra 2530 books
148 friends
voted for:
Spin State b

Julie 3172 books
44 friends
voted for:
Fahrenheit 4

Ellie 8291 books
3 friends
voted for:
The Map of T
