
If it were possible to be sucked into a book, but would live out the rest of your days within it... Which book would be the WORST one to be stuck in?

  43 votes, 20.6%

  36 votes, 17.2%

  29 votes, 13.9%

  28 votes, 13.4%

  19 votes, 9.1%

  14 votes, 6.7%

  12 votes, 5.7%

  10 votes, 4.8%

  9 votes, 4.3%

  9 votes, 4.3%

Poll added by: J.D.

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube Mod
Blah! lol

message 2: by Literally (new)

Literally Jen Hunger Games should be on this list. :-P

message 3: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube Mod
Jennifer wrote: "Hunger Games should be on this list. :-P"

Oh! I didn't even think of that!

message 4: by Patty (new)

Patty "Fifty Shades of Grey" should be on this list also. :-)

message 5: by Priti (new)

Priti It was a tussle between Lord of the Flies and The Giver.. :)

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

I'd love to be trapped inside the Ripper book. I'm convinced I could figure out who did it. I'd probably get killed too, but at least I'd know.

message 7: by Tammy (new)

Tammy Kesteloot Couldn't you have put Harry Potter on the list...lol

message 8: by Literally (new)

Literally Jen Shauna, you'd only get killed if you were a prostitute. :-P

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Jennifer wrote: "Shauna, you'd only get killed if you were a prostitute. :-P"

Good point. I could go undercover as one.

message 10: by J.D. (new)

J.D. Stroube Mod
Tabitha wrote: "I actually liked the Twilight books, but I would crawl into the fetal position and suck my thumb if I had to live in that world. In real life, Bella and Edward would be VERY annoying, lol."

lol I thought the same thing. Some characters are enjoyable to read about, but put into the context of the genuine world... not so much. For instance: The fact that Edward watches Bella, while sleeping and she isn't aware of it at first... It sounds sweet, but when you really delve into further thought, it's a bit creepy.

If I found out I was being watched while I slept, it wouldn't matter how hot he was OR if his skin was like diamonds in the sun! I would take my pink can of mace out of my purse and spray him in the face, until he fell backwards, through the window and landed on his predatory feet OUTSIDE my house! lol hahaha

message 11: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell Definitely Lord of the Flies. Don't think I want to be tortured on the island. The Hunger Games is a close second.

message 12: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa O Haha... great poll! I agree. Lord of the Flies then Hunger Games.

I wouldve gone with Twilight but the story is so centralised, unless I was a main character I doubt it would even bother me... anyway, there I go overthinking things again lol

message 13: by Emespre (new)

Emespre I was tossing up between Lord of the Flies, Hunger Games and Jack the Ripper, but I think it'd be the first one.

I would be fine if the sleeping thing was in the context of a husband waking up first and watching me for a few seconds before getting out of bed, or maybe one partner falling asleep first and the other watching that partner until (s)he falls asleep too, or if someone almost died and it was like 'You're still here I just want to watch you and be with you as much as I can, I'm so glad that you're still able to sleep'...but any other context (especially one where you aren't even friends at that point) is just disturbing.

I'd be getting locks on the windows and, considering Charlie is a policeman, telling my father.

message 14: by Kat (new)

Kat Yares Had to go with Mommie Dearest - and since I couldn't be Joan Crawford - I'd be afraid I'd end up one of her children.

message 15: by Shas (new)

Shas I voted for The hunger Games. I loved the books,but seriously I dont want to be stuck in Panem... I know I'll surely die in the Games XD

message 16: by Jessica (new)

Jessica It's so hard to choose but I think Fahrenheit 451 would be the worst because we do not know if they find a way to resolve their government problem plus no books!!!

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

Sorry to all Twilight fans out there, but I CAN'T. Lol!

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