
Poll added by: Angie

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Brandon (new)

Brandon Carr Are we still reading black house next?

message 2: by Andrew✌️ (new)

Andrew✌️ I read many of these and other are on my tbr list. But this time I choose The Terror by Dan Simmons

message 3: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Xu As always with this group, which every book is the most well known always wins.

message 4: by Chris (new)

Chris  Haught Mod
Kevin wrote: "As always with this group, which every book is the most well known always wins."

As with all the groups...be glad that Gaiman and Sanderson aren't on the poll. Heh...

message 5: by Camilla (new)

Camilla Lots of great books here. I voted for Drood, it seemed interesting.

message 6: by L.J. (new)

L.J. Stephens The terror is great!

message 7: by Angie (new)

Angie Mod
Kevin wrote: "As always with this group, which every book is the most well known always wins."

Honestly I am surprised a classic is winning!

message 8: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Xu Angie wrote: "Kevin wrote: "As always with this group, which every book is the most well known always wins."

Honestly I am surprised a classic is winning!"

I'm not To Kill a Mockingbird always comes up in discussions.

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Clayton 88 books
6 friends
voted for:
Lord of the

Danny 266 books
37 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Amber 46 books
7 friends
voted for:
The Terror b

Aitziber 522 books
30 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Camilla 184 books
4 friends
voted for:
Drood by Dan

Rikka 325 books
22 friends
voted for:
Lord of the

Rhys 85 books
0 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Teekay 43 books
2 friends
voted for:
Shadowland b

Emil 201 books
6 friends
voted for:
The Catcher

José 145 books
51 friends
voted for:
Earth Abides

Solveig 583 books
22 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

April 2390 books
53 friends
voted for:
The Girl wit

Mike 499 books
87 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Cheri 248 books
17 friends
voted for:
The Lottery

G.A. 277 books
31 friends
voted for:
The Lottery

Joshua 171 books
4 friends
voted for:
The Terror b

Elizabeth 117 books
0 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Dizzybea 1988 books
39 friends
voted for:
Shadowland b

Deborah 226 books
39 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Noora 619 books
27 friends
voted for:
Lord of the

Ashley 74 books
146 friends
voted for:
The Shadow o

H.C. 108 books
81 friends
voted for:
The Fog by J

Crystal 364 books
96 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Doreen 12073 books
445 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Tolis 128 books
54 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Justice 377 books
23 friends
voted for:
Pines by Bla

Stacey 1042 books
35 friends
voted for:
The Girl wit

Erin 2286 books
901 friends
voted for:
To Kill a Mo

Nektarios 96 books
8 friends
voted for:
Lord of the

Christopher 141 books
1 friend
voted for:
To Kill a Mo
