Ashly Bench > Ashly's Quotes

Showing 1-22 of 22
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  • #1
    “I have had the best day ever more times that I can remember. So yes,
    I believe I am ready to die if that is what is needed to live as I want to.”
    Hendri Coetzee, Living the Best Day Ever

  • #2
    Ajay Agrawal
    “As AI takes over prediction, humans will do less of the combined prediction-judgment routine of decision making and focus more on the judgment role alone.”
    Ajay Agrawal, Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence

  • #3
    Claudia   Clark
    “Let me make two remarks. First I concentrate on the task ahead for 2016. I’m quite busy with that—thank you very much. And I’m looking with great interest in the American election campaign.’ For the second time during their press conference, the clicking sounds of the cameras was deafening.”
    Claudia Clark, Dear Barack: The Extraordinary Partnership of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel

  • #4
    Joseph Campbell
    “If you are falling....dive.”
    Joseph Campbell

  • #5
    Robyn Arianrhod
    “I understand my parents quite well. They think of a wife as a man’s luxury, which he can afford only when he is making a comfortable living. I have a low opinion of this view of the relationship between man and wife, because it makes the wife and the prostitute distinguishable only insofar as the former is able to secure a lifelong contract from the man because of her more favourable social rank . . . Which”
    Robyn Arianrhod, Young Einstein: And the story of E=mc²

  • #6
    Cornelia Funke
    “She is a real bookworm. I think she lives on print. Her whole house is full of books - looks as if she likes them better than human company.”
    Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

  • #7
    John Bunyan
    John Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress

  • #8
    James Frey
    “Even a second of freedom is worth more than a lifetime of bondage.”
    James Frey, A Million Little Pieces

  • #9
    Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa
    “The world of the senses is just a base camp: we are meant to be as much at home in consciousness as in the world of physical reality. This”
    Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, The Bhagavad Gita

  • #10
    Barry Kirwan
    “He knew what he was doing – justifying an atrocity. But in war, that’s what always happened. Your red lines – those you swore to defend at all costs when you signed up – shifted, until finally none worth fighting for remained. PTSD wasn’t just about what happened to you; it was about what you did.”
    Barry Kirwan, When the children come

  • #11
    Gabriel F.W. Koch
    “Truthfully, Professor Hawking? Why would we allow tourists from the future muck up the past when your contemporaries had the task well in Hand?"
    Brigadier General Patrick E Buckwalder 2241C.E.”
    Gabriel F.W. Koch, Paradox Effect: Time Travel and Purified DNA Merge to Halt the Collapse of Human Existence

  • #12
    Aimee Cabo Nikolov
    “Unconditional Love conquers all!”
    Aimee Cabo Nikolov, Love is the Answer God is the Cure

  • #13
    Robert         Reid
    “Angus reached the young woman to find that she was shaken more by the sudden fire than by the lion, as she had only seen it as it ran back to the mountain. Sliding from the back of the cob, he took the woman’s hand to calm her shaking. Quietly he introduced himself, and hesitantly she told him that her name was Elbeth, and she was the daughter of James Cameron.”
    Robert Reid, White Light Red Fire

  • #14
    Susan  Rowland
    “You can’t set fires, Anna. Never again. Promise.”
    [Anna] aimed her defiance at Mary.
    “And you? What’s your reason to hate me?”
    Caroline spoke quietly. “We nearly died — in the fire in those mountains and at the house when Ravi had a gun pointed at us.” Her eyes were full of tears. “The fire you set at The Old Hospital could have killed me as well as Janet and Agnes.”
    Anna muttered into the syrupy dregs of her tea. “Fire, you’re firing me?”
    Mary grimaced. There had been too much fire.”
    Susan Rowland, The Alchemy Fire Murder

  • #15
    “God had been orchestrating the events of my life behind the scenes for years, and I had no clue.”
    Gregory S. Works, Triumph: Life on the Other Side of Trials, Transplants, Transition and Transformation

  • #16
    Dean Mafako
    “You understand that you are being manipulated by others and you become overwhelmed by hospital bureaucracy. It feels as though you have been violated by administrators who have robbed you of your passion for helping children. That passion that drove you to become a healthcare provider is replaced with mistrust, negativity, and hopeless skepticism.”
    DEAN MAFAKO, M.D., Burned Out

  • #17
    William Kely McClung
    “Legends were mostly bullshit, even his own, but they sometimes could be useful.”
    William Kely McClung, Black Fire

  • #18
    Steven Decker
    “Time travel was invented by the Community of Minds in 2183. I was a thirty-four-year-old billionaire and had fallen in love with one of my assistants a few years prior.  ”
    Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

  • #19
    Katherine Paterson
    “We need a place", she said, "just for us. It would be so secret that we would never tell anyone in the whole world about it.”
    Katherine Paterson, Bridge to Terabithia

  • #20
    Richard P. Feynman
    “Looking back at the worst times, it always seems that they were times in which there were people who believed with absolute faith and absolute dogmatism in something. And they were so serious in this matter that they insisted that the rest of the world agree with them. And then they would do things that were directly inconsistent with their own beliefs in order to maintain that what they said was true.”
    Richard P. Feynman, The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist

  • #21
    Fyodor Dostoevsky
    “Bad people are to be found everywhere, but even among the worst there may be something good.”
    Fyodor Dostoevsky, The House of the Dead

  • #22
    Jules Verne
    “-the future is but the present a little farther on.”
    Jules Verne
