Aditya I.P. > Aditya's Quotes

Showing 1-14 of 14
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  • #1
    Marina Keegan
    “Do you wanna leave soon?
    No, I want enough time to be in love with everything ...
    And I cry because everything is so beautiful and so short.”
    Marina Keegan, The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories

  • #2
    Charles Bukowski
    “I remember awakening one morning and finding everything smeared with the color of forgotten love.”
    Charles Bukowski, What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire

  • #3
    Sylvia Plath
    “When they asked me what I wanted to be I said I didn’t know.
    "Oh, sure you know," the photographer said.
    "She wants," said Jay Cee wittily, "to be everything.”
    Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

  • #4
    Sylvia Plath
    “That’s one of the reasons I never wanted to get married. The last thing I wanted was infinite security and to be the place an arrow shoots off from. I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.”
    Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

  • #5
    Sylvia Plath
    “I didn’t want any flowers, I only wanted
    to lie with my hands turned up and be utterly empty.
    How free it is, you have no idea how free.”
    Sylvia Plath, Ariel

  • #6
    Sylvia Plath
    “There is something demoralizing about watching two people get more and more crazy about each other, especially when you are the only extra person in the room. It's like watching Paris from an express caboose heading in the opposite direction--every second the city gets smaller and smaller, only you feel it's really you getting smaller and smaller and lonelier and lonelier, rushing away from all those lights and excitement at about a million miles an hour.”
    Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

  • #7
    Haruki Murakami
    “I really like you, Midori. A lot.”
    “How much is a lot?”
    “Like a spring bear,” I said.
    “A spring bear?” Midori looked up again. “What’s that all about? A spring bear.”
    “You’re walking through a field all by yourself one day in spring, and this sweet little bear cub with velvet fur and shiny little eyes comes walking along. And he says to you, “Hi, there, little lady. Want to tumble with me?’ So you and the bear cub spend the whole day in each other’s arms, tumbling down this clover-covered hill. Nice, huh?”
    “Yeah. Really nice.”
    “That’s how much I like you.”
    Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

  • #8
    Lydia Davis
    “No one is calling me. I can’t check the answering machine because I have been here all this time. If I go out, someone may call while I’m out. Then I can check the answering machine when I come back in.”
    Lydia Davis, Varieties of Disturbance

  • #9
    Fernando Pessoa
    “My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is forever the same. Everything interests me, but nothing holds me. I attend to everything, dreaming all the while. […]. I'm two, and both keep their distance — Siamese twins that aren't attached.”
    Fernando Pessoa , The Book of Disquiet

  • #10
    Marissa Baker
    “INFJs weakness: have no sense of direction, often so clumsy, worst at expressing their emotions, too afraid to hurt someone, stubborn, have too high / low goal.”
    Marissa Baker, The INFJ Handbook: A guide to and for the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type

  • #11
    Antonin Sertillanges
    “It is a painful thing to say to oneself: by choosing one road I am turning my back on a thousand others. Everything is interesting; everything might be useful; everything attracts and charms a noble mind; but death is before us; mind and matter make their demands; willy-nilly we must submit and rest content as to things that time and wisdom deny us, with a glance of sympathy which is another act of our homage to the truth.”
    Antonin Sertillanges, The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods

  • #12
    “Psychologists have discovered that when a person is repeatedly submissive in her interactions with another person, the other tends to feel guilty about getting her own way so much. This feeling generates pity, irritation, and finally disgust toward the submissive person.20”
    Robert Bolton, People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts

  • #13
    Alain de Botton
    “We should add that it is a privilege to be the recipient of a sulk: it means the other person respects and trusts us enough to think we should understand their unspoken hurt. It is one of the odder gifts of love.”
    Alain de Botton, The Course of Love

  • #14
    “Never interrupt a happily engaged baby. Okay, there may be times when you must. But in general, when a baby or child is focused on something, he’s working. Interrupting him is disrespectful, implying that what he was doing isn’t important. It keeps him from solving that particular problem, at least for now, but more importantly it interferes with his concentration and “attention span” muscle building. This is how he learns to play by himself, which you’ll be very happy about when he’s three.”
    Laura Markham, Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting
