©hrissie ❁ [1st week on campus-somewhat run-down] > ©hrissie ❁ [1st week on campus-somewhat run-down]'s Quotes

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  • #1
    W.G. Sebald
    “And yet, he said, it is often our mightiest projects that most obviously betray the degree of our insecurity.”
    W. G. Sebald

  • #2
    Franz Kafka
    “My happiness, my abilities, and every possibility of being useful in any way have always been in the literary field.”
    Franz Kafka, Diaries, 1910-1923

  • #3
    William Shakespeare
    “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.”
    William Shakespeare, As You Like It

  • #4
    Lee    Hall
    “Cold darkness would follow, and it excited me a little, for reasons I still don’t know, maybe it was just the intrigue of what another season would bring or perhaps it was what actually lay in the darkness beyond.”
    Lee Hall, Open Evening

  • #5
    Virginia Woolf
    “The future is dark, which is the best thing the future can be, I think.”
    Virginia Woolf

  • #6
    Henry James
    “Never say you know the last word about any human heart.”
    Henry James

  • #7
    Anne Fadiman
    “If you truly love a book, you should sleep with it, write in it, read aloud from it, and fill its pages with muffin crumbs.”
    Anne Fadiman

  • #8
    Franz Kafka
    “I am a cage, in search of a bird.”
    Franz Kafka

  • #9
    “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”
    Alan Alda
