Lexie > Lexie's Quotes

Showing 1-18 of 18
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  • #1
    Amal El-Mohtar
    “I want to meet you in every place I ever loved. Listen to me. I am your echo. I would rather break the world than lose you.”
    Amal El-Mohtar, This Is How You Lose the Time War

  • #2
    Tracy Deonn
    “The most important thing you can do in this world, the most necessary thing, is to survive it. You can't do anything for anyone else if you don't take care of yourself first.”
    Tracy Deonn, Legendborn

  • #3
    R.F. Kuang
    “War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who remains.”
    R.F. Kuang, The Poppy War
    tags: war

  • #4
    Diana Wynne Jones
    “I think we ought to live happily ever after.”
    Diana Wynne Jones, Howl’s Moving Castle

  • #5
    Andrzej Sapkowski
    “Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.”
    Andrzej Sapkowski, The Last Wish

  • #6
    Victoria Schwab
    “Whatever I am, let it be enough”
    V.E. Schwab, A Gathering of Shadows

  • #7
    Jane Austen
    “I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”
    Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

  • #8
    Victoria Schwab
    “When people see tears, they stop listening to your hands or your words or anything else you have to say. And it doesn't matter if the tears are angry or sad, frightened or frustrated. All they see is a girl crying.”
    Victoria Schwab, Gallant

  • #9
    Victoria Schwab
    “Stay with me. Stay with me. Stay with me.
    I would write the words a thousand times if they'd be strong enough to hold you here.”
    Victoria Schwab, Gallant

  • #10
    Jane Austen
    “I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago. Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan. Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes? I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in F. W.

    I must go, uncertain of my fate; but I shall return hither, or follow your party, as soon as possible. A word, a look, will be enough to decide whether I enter your father's house this evening or never.”
    Jane Austen, Persuasion

  • #11
    Jane Austen
    “One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best.”
    Jane Austen, Persuasion

  • #12
    Jane Austen
    “Now they were as strangers; worse than strangers, for they could never become acquainted.”
    Jane Austen, Persuasion

  • #13
    “The thing about fucking off to the woods is that unless you are a very particular, very rare sort of person, it does not take long to understand why people left said woods in the first place.”
    Becky Chambers, A Prayer for the Crown-Shy

  • #14
    M.A. Carrick
    “I take you as kin,” Vargo repeated after Grey. “With my name, I shield your children. With my body, I guard your spouse. With my heart, I protect yours.” His tongue felt clumsy, and his voice shook. “As the Dežera connects the mountains to the sea, let our blood flow together, as brothers.”
    M.A. Carrick, Labyrinth's Heart

  • #15
    M.A. Carrick
    “I guess this is goodbye. ::No. What are Vraszenians fond of saying? We will meet again when the road leads me home.::”
    M.A. Carrick, Labyrinth's Heart

  • #16
    M.A. Carrick
    “All our grudges are washed away,” she said. Words she’d recited twice before… but she never meant them as sincerely as she did now. “Your secrets are mine, and mine are yours. Between us there will be no debts.”
    M.A. Carrick, Labyrinth's Heart

  • #17
    M.A. Carrick
    “Guess I can agree to that, old man.” Old man. Somewhere, he was sure, Alsius was laughing.”
    M.A. Carrick, Labyrinth's Heart

  • #18
    M.A. Carrick
    “Friends, family—more names than she knew what to do with—love and the safety she hadn’t known she craved when she returned to Nadežra. A future she could face without need of a mask. Truly, a favored daughter of Ažerais.”
    M.A. Carrick, Labyrinth's Heart
