Lark Benobi > Lark's Quotes

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  • #1
    Walt Whitman
    “These are the days that must happen to you.”
    Walt Whitman

  • #2
    Sebastián Martínez Daniell
    “Then, for a moment, silence dominates the path to the summit of Everest. If the furious race of monsoon winds blasting the outlines of the Nepalese mountain range can be considered silence.”
    Sebastián Martínez Daniell, Two Sherpas

  • #3
    William Sleator
    “I learn more from books than from people”
    William Sleator, The Beasties

  • #4
    Claire Oshetsky
    “Time moves sideways through the most important moments of our lives.”
    Claire Oshetsky, Poor Deer

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