Steampunk Quotes

Quotes tagged as "steampunk" Showing 1-30 of 238
Gail Carriger
“Steampunk is...the love child of Hot Topic and a BBC costume drama”
Gail Carriger

Cherie Priest
“OMG YOU GUYS it has come to my attention that SOMEONE on the internet is saying that my fictional 19th century zombies are NOT SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND. Naturally, I am crushed. To think, IF ONLY I’d consulted with a zombologist or two before sitting down to write, I could’ve avoided ALL THIS EMBARRASSMENT.”
Cherie Priest

George Mann
“Steampunk is...a joyous fantasy of the past, allowing us to revel in a nostalgia for what never was. It is a literary playground for adventure, spectacle, drama, escapism and exploration. But most of all it is fun!”
George Mann

Dru Pagliassotti
“A clockwork heart can't replace the real thing.”
Dru Pagliassotti, Clockwork Heart

Gail Carriger
“So, did you hold back during that test?"
"Maybe a little," Sophronia admitted.
Soap grinned. "That's my girl."
Sophronia glared at him. He was getting familiar.
"You are, miss." He continued to grin.
"I'm my own girl, thank you very much.”
Gail Carriger, Curtsies & Conspiracies

Mark Hodder
“Indeed. I have often thought that when a man selects one word over another he often reveals far more of himself than he intended.”
Mark Hodder, The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack

G.D. Falksen
“Supervillain" means never having to say you're sorry”
G D Falksen

G.D. Falksen
“Many great things have been accomplished by the careful combination of keen minds and ardent spirits.”
G.D. Falksen, Blood in the Skies

Bruce Sterling
“A dagger is the noble weapon of Brutus. Everyone understands that tyrants fall to daggers. A bomb is a sordid modern device with many complex working parts. Only engineers understand bombs”
Bruce Sterling, The Parthenopean Scalpel

Maeve Alpin
“I tell you all the time, you will never be able to replace me with a brass and steam contraption.”
Maeve Alpin, As Timeless As Stone

iLana Markarov
“Time is freedom”
iLana Markarov, The Timekeeper's Secret

Sophia Elaine Hanson
“May your song guide you home.”
Sophia Elaine Hanson, Vinyl

iLana Markarov
“Remember? We have a rematch. And this time, it’s my turn to shine.” With his goggles on, Sterling got into his stance, keeping an eye on the Professor.
“Oh? I didn’t realize that you were so dull.” I put my goggles on and took my stance as well, making sure that Professor Trinkott was within my line of vision. Challenge accepted.
“Ha, ha, joke all you want, Alvara. Just don’t come crying to me afterwards.”
“I don’t cry when I win.”
iLana Markarov, The Timekeeper's Secret

iLana Markarov
“This just proves how far you and the others are willing to go to keep things hidden.”
iLana Markarov, The Timekeeper's Secret

Bruce Sterling
“«I love both her and them. I have come to understand that she is what they are. A woman accepts a man, expecting that he will change. A man takes a woman, expecting that she will never change. They are both disappointed. Yet within this very disappointment is the primal source of all new men and all new women»”
Bruce Sterling, Different Kinds of Magic

Mark Hodder
“Here lies the body of Colonel Cornell’s. The rest of the fellow, I fancy, in hell is.”
Mark Hodder, The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack

Philip Pullman
“Dust is not a constant. There’s not a fixed quantity that has always been the same. Conscious beings make Dust—they renew it all the time, by thinking and feeling and reflecting, by gaining wisdom and passing it on. And if you help everyone else in your worlds to do that, by helping them to learn and understand about themselves and each other and the way everything works, and by showing them how to be kind instead of cruel, and patient instead of hasty, and cheerful instead of surly, and above all how to keep their minds open and free and curious…Then they will renew enough to replace what is lost through one window. So there could be one left open.”
Philip Pullman

K.W. Jeter
“He turned away from me, the better to hide the exclamation of annoyance which he muttered under his breath; I caught only what seemed to be the syllable cog (perhaps a reference to my mechanical trade) and the word succour (a prayer for divine assistance?).”
K.W. Jeter, Infernal Devices

K.W. Jeter
“Creff, my factotum, interrupted the breakfast he had brought me only a few minutes earlier and announced that a crazed Ethiope was at the door, presumably to buy a watch.”
K.W. Jeter, Infernal Devices

Maeve Alpin
“A priest, who came from a land far away and wed priestess Seshat, used powerful magic for Pharaoh Tutimaeus. With his invention of a horseless chariot and magic men who blew steam, the Egyptians defeated the Hyksos warriors.” He felt his mouth quirk and a deep chuckle rolled from his belly. “Well, an Egyptian priest is a quite a step up from assistant to the conservator of the Louvre.” - As Timeless As Stone”
Maeve Alpin

Elizabeth J. Kolodziej
“How dare you! What is your name? I shall make it a sin to be spoken.”
The braveness of his chuckle and grin made me step back. “Garrett. My name is Garrett and please make my name a sin to speak. Maybe that way I won’t have people like you screaming out for people like me; for people like you are so ghastly and in need of saving too many times.” Lucy to Garrett from my Steampunk YA Romance book I have started.”
Elizabeth J. Kolodziej

Maeve Alpin
“We do not need you. Do not come unless I call you.” Ricard crawled out of bed and shut the door as the steam men moved down the hall. “Dumb things.” Ricard - As Timeless As Stone”
Maeve Alpin

“John's mother lay dying. Her once‐delicate nose jutted from her shrunken cheeks, spider‐
webbed with wrinkles and spotted with age. She turned her face into the shadows, seeming to be
unwilling to show him the wreck that had once been a lovely face.”
BJ Sikes, The Archimedean Heart

Sam Dogra
“I see your aptitude for modesty hasn’t changed.”

“Please.” I clenched my fingers around the scroll. “I know my own skill, and so do my assessors. Why bother to play it down?”
Sam Dogra, The Sorceror's Lament

“I found the spot where the gap was smallest. I was about to go across to them when an arm in the darkness grabbed me from behind. It belonged to a man. He covered my mouth and dragged me into the shadows behind the staircase that lead to the ships wheel. I struggled against him for a moment, then I felt the cold steel of a knife press into my esophagus. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t slit your throat,”
Olivia N Davenport, First Voyage: Book 1 of the Sky Sailor Trilogy

“And what ‘role’ would I have here, captain?” my eyes fluttered. “I’m sure we could find something for you,” his voice was quiet and wispy as he pressed his lips into mine slowly. I closed my eyes and let him embrace me, his hand weaved its way into my hair, and he pulled me closer. I put one hand on his shoulder and with the other I reached behind myself to grab something off of his desk. Clunk. The sound the rum bottle made as it collided with his head was uncomfortably loud.”
Olivia N Davenport, First Voyage: Book 1 of the Sky Sailor Trilogy

“Vale moved like a shadow in the night, it was his element. The darkness engulfed him. His breathing was silent and his steps were lighter than the most experienced assassins.”
Olivia N Davenport, First Voyage: Book 1 of the Sky Sailor Trilogy

“You have no idea how much that means to me,” I told him. “I haven’t had a lot of people in my life that I could rely on,” I admitted. Somehow it felt like a confession to myself, admitting that I could rely on and trust Piers. I hoped that someday I could repay him for all that he had done for me. “Me either,” he smiled at me. “Let’s make a deal,” he said. “You can rely on me, and I’ll rely on you.” I chuckled. “You can count on me; I won’t let you down.”
Olivia N Davenport, First Voyage: Book 1 of the Sky Sailor Trilogy

“Life's lessons are the threads that weave the fabric of time. With each stitch, we create a tapestry of wisdom that guides us on the journey of growing up.”
Beverley Douglas, The Gears of Time Heist: A Steampunk Mystery

China Miéville
“Имало е време, когато не сме оформяли всички думи както сега при изписването им върху страница. Имало е време, когато думата „&“ се е изписвала с една точно определена буква. Сега това изглежда налудничаво. Но това е така & ние с нищо не можем да го променим.

Човечеството се научило да се придвижва по релсите & това движение ни направило тези, които сме — фероплавателен народ. Линиите на морелсите се простират навсякъде & никога не водят от едно място право на друго. Винаги има зигзази, възли, серпантини около & над собствените ни влакови релси.

Коя дума би могла да символизира по-добре морелсите, които свързват & разделят всички земи, от самото „&“? Къде ли другаде ни отвеждат морелсите освен на това място & на онова, & на онова, & на онова & тъй нататък? & кое ли по-добре въплъщава под замаха на писалката витиеватото движение на влаковете от „&“?

Един експедитивен маршрут от началната до крайната ни точка ще превърне думата в тъничка черта. Но лъкатушен маршрут е нужен — нагоре & назад, подминаване на целта & поправка, пак надолу, на юг, & на запад, пресичане на собствения по-ранен път, смяна на посоката, пак застъпване, за да спрем най-сетне на няколко косъма разстояние от мястото, откъдето сме тръгнали.

& маневри, & отклонения, прехвърляния по пътя към крайната цел, както правим всички ние.”
China Miéville, Railsea

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