Be Yourself Quotes

Quotes tagged as "be-yourself" Showing 871-896 of 896
“And I wasn’t playing a role – I was trying to be myself.
But the harder I was striving, the more I was realizing that I had probably lost that ‘myself’ somewhere between two perfectly performed roles...”
Simona Panova, Nightmarish Sacrifice

Tommy Tran
“We live in a world full of people who are satisfied with pretending to be someone they are not.”
Tommy Tran

Steve Maraboli
“Stop living within the confines of how others define you! You weren't created to live their life; you were created to live yours - so LIVE it! You can reignite that fire within and bring the passion back into your goals, dreams, ambitions, careers, and relationships by reclaiming control of your own life. Be unapologetically YOU!”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

“Break the rules, stand apart, ignore your head, and follow your heart,”
Paula Abdul

Steve Maraboli
“It doesn't matter if you're 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100. Embrace your sexy-ass self and express it!”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Steve Maraboli
“Don't dilute yourself for any person or any reason. You are enough! Be unapologetically you.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Rebecah McManus
“For in today’s generation of teenagers finding acceptance is hard, especially for those who dare to be different-then it’s impossible.”
Rebecah McManus, Colliding Worlds

Steve Maraboli
“Don't look for society to give you permission to be yourself.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Tegan Quin
“You are not a bad person because you are gay. You are you because you are you and you were meant to be you so be you proudly.”
Tegan Quin

Steve Maraboli
“Don't let other people's opinions distort your reality. Be true to yourself. Be bold in pursuing your dreams. Be unapologetically you!”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Steve Maraboli
“It's simple; be YOU. If you're not being you, you're being someone else. YOU are not here to be someone else.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Mandy Hale
“Don't be afraid to be who you are, no matter who that person might be.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Candace Knoebel
“You are the first of your kind. Books will be written about you. Be the legend you are meant to be. - Astral”
Candace Knoebel, Embracing the Flames

E'yen A. Gardner
“Life is simple, just be yourself.”
E'yen A. Gardner

Erin Bowman
“I'm trying to say that I think doing what you feel can't always be easy, but at least you're being true to yourself.”
Erin Bowman, Taken

Nathan W. Morris
“Life's too short to live someone else's”
Nathan W. Morris

Bryant McGill
“Wake-up! Think for yourself, be yourself and return to what is real.”
Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

Alyson Noel
“Everything just feels so empty without her. She was more a parent to me than my birth parents were. She took me in, fed, dressed me, but most importantly, she treated me with respect. She taught me that my abilities were nothing to be ashamed of, nothing I should try so hard to deny. She convinced me that what I had was a gift-not a curse- and that I shouldn't let other people's narrow minds and fears determine how I love, what I do, or how I perceive myself in the world. She actually made me believe that in no way, shape, or form did their uninformed opinions make me a freak.”
Alyson Noel, Night Star

“The less you look to others,
the more you find in yourself.
What have you found in yourself.”
Ron W. Rathbun

“Trust is learning how you feel about yourself,
not how others feel about you.
Do you trust how you feel.
If not, why.”
Ron W. Rathbun

Vignesh SV
“Nevertheless You are Yourself, you cannot win the World”
Vignesh S.V.

Roberto Hogue
“During sex, people are often way too focused on giving or taking to actually just celebrate this moment, be themselves completely, and rejoice in their own realities.”
Roberto Hogue, Real Secrets of Sex: A Women's Guide on How to Be Good in Bed

Joan Bauer
“But then Macon smiled at me. "Just be yourself, Foster. That's the best thing in the world.”
Joan Bauer, Close to Famous

Rossana Condoleo
“There's a way,
a way way too long but reachable,
not for everyone a way but possible...
Go and don't lose your way!”
Rossana Condoleo

Pablo Andrés Wunderlich Padilla
“When man meets himself upon the reflexion of the mirror, it is always advisable to ask the question "Who are you?". If an unsatisfactory answer comes forth, then one must delve into the far reaches of Self and understand why he failed to answer this simple, yet transcending question.”
Paul Andreas Wunderlich

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