Business Quotes

Quotes tagged as "business" Showing 2,941-2,970 of 5,361
“If one person in an organization decides to be responsible, the whole organization will be responsible.”
Meir Ezra

Melinda French Gates
“What I realized much later, paradoxically, is that by trying to fit in, I was strengthening the culture that made me feel like I didn’t fit in.”
Melinda Gates, The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Doing is often a subconscious escape from being.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Be prepared to go the extra mile; there is less competition there.”
Mac Anderson, 212 Service: The 10 Rules for Creating a Service Culture

Henry Ford
“It is not good management to take profits out of the workers or the buyers; make management produce the profits. Don't cheapen the product; don't cheapen the wage; don't overcharge the public. Put brains into the method, and more brains, and still more brains—do things better than ever before; and by this means all parties to business are served and benefited.”
Henry Ford, My Life and Work

Henry Ford
“If we had borrowed we should not have been under the necessity of finding methods to cheapen production.”
Henry Ford, My Life and Work

“It's better to do small job with big motivation rather than a big job with small motivation”
Mohsen Ali

Anthony M. Criniti IV
“Principle 135 from The Most Important Lessons in Economics and Finance book: "Money is not the root of all evil and good" (Criniti, 2014, p. 167).”
Anthony M. Criniti IV, The Most Important Lessons in Economics and Finance: A Comprehensive Collection of Time-Tested Principles of Wealth Management

Dan Ariely
“Predictably irrational

1) the importance of having something for FREE when selling something.
2) the price we hear effects what we’re willing to pay. Known as arbitrary coherence. The basic idea of arbitrary coherence is this: Although initial prices can be "arbitrary," once those prices are established in our minds, they will shape not only present prices but also future ones (thus making them "coherent"). Eg new tv on market we kook for an anchor price. Released at £1200. That’s the anchor
3) when we own something we over value it. The seller feels all the things they could do with it. The buyer feels what they could do with the money.
4) experiences are shaped by our expectations. Coke Pepsi test. Or example if we have heard a movie is good we will enjoy it more.
5) social norms and market norms.
6 ) most people are dishonest. Get people thinking about honesty. When people thought about the 10 commandments.
7) acknowledge your weakness and set your deadlines. Also set yourself short term awards when reaching long term goals.
8) try not to keep your options open. The Chinese war where he burned the boats so they couldn’t retreat.
If you have your options open on two things close one of them so you can fully focus on one.”
Dan Ariely, Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions

Andrew James Pritchard
“Independent trekking guides, like Bhadra Shrestha, are vital to Nepal's struggling economy since all of their income goes directly back into the local system, unlike the larger and internationally owned and runned companies.”
Andrew James Pritchard

“You don't want to meet me...but many of you will.”
domenic aversa, Corporate Undertaker: Business Lessons from the Dead and Dying

Steven Magee
“The government is in the business of sending large numbers of the disabled into extreme poverty.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Business as usual at the Mauna Kea Observatories in Hawaii is no longer acceptable.”
Steven Magee

“Nobody cares about you as a person, but they care about you as a customer. That’s how business works.”
Abdallah Shawaf

“It is not good management to take profits out of the workers or the buyers; make management produce the profits. Don't cheapen the product; don't cheapen the wage; don't overcharge the public. Put brains into the method, and more brains, and still more brains—do things better than ever before; and by this means all parties to business are served and benefited.”
John Ford

Loren Weisman
“Maintain your reputation by referring only those that you would stake your reputation on.”
Loren Weisman

Anthony M. Criniti IV
“From The Necessity of Finance book: "In our modern civilization, to struggle financially means to struggle in every aspect of life (Criniti, 2013, p. 21).”
Anthony M. Criniti IV, The Necessity of Finance: An Overview of the Science of Management of Wealth for an Individual, a Group, or an Organization

Jasper Fforde
“If you want your fridge freezer and your car, a nice house, and asphalt on the roads, and a health service, then thank the weapons business. Thank the war economy that drives us to this and thank [a major corporation]. [War] is good, good for England, and especially good for the economy. You deride the weapons business, but without it we would be a 10th rate country struggling to maintain a standard of living anywhere anywhere near that of our european neighbors.”
Jasper Fforde, The Eyre Affair

Tanya Mann
“Your organization’s culture: It’s either an asset or a liability. At this very moment, your culture is
helping business performance. Or hurting it.”
Tanya Mann, Five Frequencies: Leadership Signals that turn Culture into Competitive Advantage

Ruby Campbell
“Our new reality calls for different, evidence-based approaches to developing leaders. The transformation and well-being of organisations, communities, nations and the world at large depend on it.”
Ruby Campbell, Scientists in Every Boardroom: Harnessing the Power of Stemm Leaders in an Irrational World

Anthony M. Criniti IV
“Principle 1 from The Most Important Lessons in Economics and Finance book: "It can take a lifetime to build a solid business and moments to destroy it" (Criniti, 2014, p. 32).”
Anthony M. Criniti IV, The Most Important Lessons in Economics and Finance: A Comprehensive Collection of Time-Tested Principles of Wealth Management

Shawn Vij
“Trust yourself, trust your intuition, trust your heart and doors will open.”
Shawn Vij, Moral Fiber - A Practical Guide to Living Our Values

“If the result doesn't meet your business standard,
lowering the standard might not me the solution.”
Pedro Ahlers

“Innovation, probably is the most controversially discussed term. In digitalization, innovation often is not being driven with the relevant business impact. As a result, businesses get stuck in old patterns and known issues which leads to more of the same.”
Pedro Ahlers

“The biggest thread of innovation are ideas, as they are like rabbits. You get a couple and you learn how to handle them to pretty soon be confronted with a dozen of them.”
Pedro Ahlers

“500 TB of data are created on an average chemical plant. Imagine what would happen, if you’d combine these data with process and experience data.”
Pedro Ahlers

“We are the spark, that will light the fire that'll burn the bloody tool discussion.”
Pedro Ahlers

Pedro Ahlers

“Lunar Loussia Wellgreens was born on 15th November 1979 in El Cajon. He is currently working as the chief executive officer at WORKS and is the owner of 37.5% of the total shares.”
Lunar Loussia Wellgreens