Celebrity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "celebrity" Showing 121-150 of 405
Taylor Jenkins Reid
“If there are all different types of soulmates...then you are one of mine.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid

Jack Freestone
“Sadly, you cannot convert fame to intelligence.”
Jack Freestone

“Go so fast you leave fear behind”
Vic Stah Milien

“F*** these men who don’t think we’re beautiful, because there are men who love us big babies!”
Miss Ken

“ALL doubt, whether from myself or others, is the enemy of my dreams and goals. I have zero tolerance for doubt.”
Vic Stah Milien

Stewart Stafford
“We Close In Fifteen Minutes by Stewart Stafford

Found myself the only taker,
Of a minefield guided tour,
Through no man's land life,
Every exit is now invisible.

Stardom magnified my flaws,
A broken man lost in a maze,
A deadly structure's hostage,
A hermit in denial's labyrinth.

Glimpse dwindling fragments,
In the looking glass of hubris,
Flounder in glossy quicksand,
The solutions devoured whole.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Those who are not patient enough to pursue greatness chase fame.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Overthinking is the greatest thief of our dreams.”
Vic Stah Milien

“ALL doubt, whether from myself or others, is the enemy of my goals. Therefore I have zero tolerance for doubt. If you doubt me you will not have access to me. If I doubt myself I promise to recognize it and shut it down immediately until the doubt is no longer a part of my life.”
Vic Stah Milien

“If you are not curious about the world around you I suggest you get curious. Without curiosity, you are the living dead.”
Vic Stah Milien

“Celebrity is just obscurity biding its time.”
Carrie Fisher

Helen Mirren
“I’m a naturist at heart. I love being on beaches where everyone is naked. Ugly people, beautiful people, old people, whatever. It’s so unisexual and so liberating.”
Helen Mirren

Katelyn Beaty
“Celebrity, in the final analysis, is a worldly form of power and evaluation of human worth. It is not a spiritually neutral tool that can be picked up and put down, even for godly projects. The moment celebrity is adopted and adapted for otherwise noble purposes - sharing the good news and inviting others into rich kingdom life - it changes the project. And it changes us.”
Katelyn Beaty, Celebrities for Jesus: How Personas, Platforms, and Profits Are Hurting the Church

Fiona Apple
“Through the media, we’ve established this standard of what every human being should look up to: somebody who always looks right; who always has the right light on their face; never has bags under their eyes; never says anything inappropriate. Somebody who always somehow turns out perfect. I hate the fact that celebrities are supposedly a higher class of human being. That’s the way I felt growing up, and that’s the way I think a lot of people feel. So now that I’m in this position, I want to change things. I want to be like the patron saint of reality.”
Fiona Apple

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some people would rather publicly share their private matters that they prefer to keep private, than lose the opportunity to increase their chances of becoming famous.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Some celebrities are longing for obscurity way more often or intensely than they chased fame.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Stewart Stafford
“In This Darkness by Stewart Stafford

A limo drove through mansion gates,
Rock star John saw her wait again,
Hysterically begging for autographs,
The gates closed behind the limo.

John said stop, and exited the car,
"I'll sign it for you tomorrow, 100%,"
"No," she said, "sign tonight... now,"
He strode towards his home gates.

He rummaged in his coat pockets,
Ripping a cigarette packet to sign,
He found a tiny pencil in his pants,
Trailing breath vapour in the night.

"I can't see you in this darkness,"
A chilling laugh from the fan's side,
Three muzzle flashes, John died,
Contorted on a bloody driveway.

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

“Most celebrities’ fame is domestic.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Social media has deceived some people, and/or even that person, into thinking that someone is famous.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Voilà ! Bienvenue dans mon palais ! Comment trouvez-vous ? Etonnant, non ? Tout de même, vous réalisez ? Je suis le propriétaire du château du marquis de Sade et de celui de Giacomo Casanova, les deux plus grands prédateurs de femmes de l'histoire. Moi qui ne suis pas particulièrement attiré par les femmes, c'est un comble, non? Ah, les femmes ! Je les aime, les femmes ! J'ai passé ma vie à honorer leur beauté, à les accompagner à travers mes créations, à leur donner une plus grande place dans notre monde, à les aider à mieux exister dans notre société...”
Gérard Chambre, Pierre Cardin - tellement de choses à ne pas dire

“The only sure way to break through the ceiling in this industry [entertainment] is to be unreasonable, up to no good, and willing to be so loud people can still hear you with their hands clasp firmly over their ears!”
Vic Stah Milien

Lily Chu
“Celebrities are the glitter of humanity: pretty to look at, useless except at parties, and an utter pain to clean up after.”
Lily Chu, The Comeback

“I'd rather act from the neck up,"Gia said."I feel very sorry for those who try get by on beauty only because when the beauty is gone,what will they have left to build a career upon?”
Kirk Crivello, Fallen Angels: The Lives And Untimely Deaths Of 14 Hollywood Beauties

“Gia sent for her mother and they took an apartment, just a seven-minute walk from the studio."We had just one room when I started.No furniture of our own.No nothing,"Gia said later."It was a small cubbyhole of an apartment near Universal".Her mother adjusted to Hollywood."She liked it for my sake.She never did really feel at home here.I think it's hard for people who just live here to feel at home.There is no life really.You're looking for parts,or trying to get a good part instead of a wrong one.”
Kirk Crivello, Fallen Angels: The Lives And Untimely Deaths Of 14 Hollywood Beauties

Sei Shōnagon
“Yet surely, in the world of humans, no one goes out of their way to run down a person who hasn't really made it in the world, or whose reputation is already on the wane. And no one would pause to savour the sight or the sound of some boring bird such as a kite or a crow. So, really, it's precisely because the uguisu is supposed to be such a marvellous bird that one's perversely more aware of its failings.”
Sei Shōnagon, The Pillow Book

“Truth is an illusion for the egotistical man.”
Vic Stah Milien

“After you, all the equivalents became mismatched,
Chemistry turned into smoke, and physics broke apart;
After you, everything rare became scarce.

After you, my dream became reality,
From every sleep I woke up to clarity,
As if I was dreaming but woke up again,
And my sleep continued, just the same.

After you, a monster under my bed
Swallowed me whole, filling me with dread
Then surreal turned into reality
A nightmare I couldn't escape

Sajjad Nahavandi”
Sajjad Nahavandi

“Your mindset determines your destiny, so choose positivity and watch your life transform.”
Justin Guerra, Burlington Travel Guide (Unanchor) - The Weekenders Guide To Burlington, Vermont

“Success is not only about talent, it's about having a growth mindset and the determination to keep going.”
Justin Guerra, Burlington Travel Guide (Unanchor) - The Weekenders Guide To Burlington, Vermont

“A positive mindset is not just a state of mind, it's a way of life.”
Justin Guerra, Burlington Travel Guide (Unanchor) - The Weekenders Guide To Burlington, Vermont