Closure Quotes

Quotes tagged as "closure" Showing 31-60 of 107
John Mark Green
“Sometimes the only way to get closure is by accepting that you'll never get it.”
John Mark Green

Mia Sosa
“Listen, there are different ways of getting closure and one of those ways might be to make someone miserable for the sake of satisfying your petty soul.”
Mia Sosa, The Worst Best Man

Namrata Gupta
“Just like you left me without closure, I’m over you without forgiving you.”
Namrata Gupta, Together We Were (W)hole

Maggie Shipstead
“Closure doesn't really exist....That's why we're always looking for it.

[Hadley Baxter]”
Maggie Shipstead, Great Circle

“Closure, for me, would mean accepting my circumstances rather than trying to alter them to serve me best.”
Samra Habib, We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir

“When you love someone, they're a poignant daily part of your life. When you lose them, you are separated from that relationship. Moving forward doesn't mean you leave that person behind; it means weaving them into the narrative of your life.”
Christina Zampitella

Emily Henry
“I thought missing my Dad would be the hardest thing I’d ever do; but the worst thing, the hardest thing, had turned out to be angry with someone you couldn’t fight it out with.”
Emily Henry

Shelby Forsythia
“Death is an ending, but it is not the end. The day your loved one died marks the beginning of a new life for you, a life where your loved one is no longer present in the physical world. It’s a horrendously painful ending, and simultaneously, it marks a new beginning for you. Their death is not the end of your story as a whole, but the end of a very beautiful and important chapter in your life. Your task in this new beginning is to grieve the painful ending— and to learn how to navigate life in the aftermath of loss.”
Shelby Forsythia, Your Grief, Your Way: A Year of Practical Guidance and Comfort After Loss

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Because as long as Spring is there, the windows shall always walk open!

Each time a chapter closes by, my heart sinks in a whirlpool of emotions. Walking through a canvas of moments I smile with a bunch of happy tunes, often shunning my foolish heart for being too emotional too caring and too loving. But then a breeze clutches me in a smile of being alive, after all my heart feels and that spark of Life is all that Life is about.

I warmly wrap them up in my heart, tucking every moment, every character in pages of a mulberry leaf! And walk on to a path of unknown, in a journey yet to be found, in a page yet to be written.

I sit with my book and sip my heart's flow through my soul and with a smile embrace the morn of another beginning as the door closes a chapter only to find another.

I inhale an experience and all along open my heart to walk ahead in a journey to find another part of my journey, to give my soul's part to another voyage in Life's amazing maze where each turn makes me wonder in awe of Him, who walks beside us when Strength goes dimming and Courage goes faltering, holding our head up against a burst of Sunshine, to wrap us on our Stardust of Self.

I drink in the Sunshine, in the halo of a starry journey, some of it already lived while some yet to behold!

Because as long as Spring is there, the windows shall always walk open!”
Debatrayee Banerjee, A Whispering Leaf. . .

J.D. Salinger
“What I was really hanging around for, I was trying to feel some kind of good-by. I mean I've left schools and places I didn't even know I was leaving them. I hate that. I don't care if it's a sad good-by or a bad good-by, but when I leave a place I like to know I'm leaving it. If you don't, you feel even worse.”
J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

“I forgive you.’ This statement suggests attachment. If you have forgiven someone to close their chapter from your life, you won’t feel the need of saying it to them. They will just stop existing for you.”

“If you’re hurt, get a closure asap. Once pus collects in the wound, scratching it gives more pleasure than healing it.”

“It's our story. We should tell it together”
Tom Ryan, I Hope You're Listening

Ocean Vuong
“I only have the nerve to tell you what comes after because the chance this letter finds you is slim -- the very impossibility of your reading this is all that makes my telling it possible.”
Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous

Edith Eger
“But closure is temporary. It’s not over till it’s over.”
Edith Eger, The Choice: Embrace the Possible

André Aciman
“Closure, if it exists at all, is either for the afterlife or for those who stay behind. Ultimately, it is the living who'll close the ledger of my life, not I. We pass along our shadow selves and entrust what we've learned, lived, and known to afterpeople. What else can we give those we've loved after we die than pictures of who we were when we were children and had yet to become the fathers they grew up to know. I want those who outlive me to extend my life, not just to remember it.”
André Aciman, Find Me

Topher Edwards
“Most of the time I lack closure; a reason. Without closure, you are perpetually haunted by the separation. Even if the reason is obvious, there is no easy way to move on, despite what people say. I have lost enough to know that when people say "You are better off" or "Just move on", they do not understand. Most of the pain comes not from the separation itself, but from the chaos created internally.”
Topher Edwards, The BPD Journals: A Year in the Life

A.D. Aliwat
“Closure: Now there’s a silly idea. Nothing ever gets closure, the only real closure is death. Maybe it’s not a good idea to stare a dying bird in the eye. It might reflect something back at you that you don’t want to see.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

“i will.
and this will end.
— closure | dankyes”
Nayyirah Waheed, Nejma

“As leaves fall, I remember the times when love was happier and a lot easier. The countless letters I wrote and kept. The middle bench that may still contain our names carved. The compass that I lost afterwards.
As leaves fall, I stand still smiling. Soon enough, a perpetual sadness fills here and there. Like dust that piles up thickly once left unnoticed. That happiness is a memory now.
As leaves fall, I realise that not everything stays and sometimes, it's better that way. The words that kept ringing in your head had always said, "Autumn leaves must fall."
As leaves fall, I decide to move a step further away. Knowing full well there's no going back anymore. It's time to bid the promised farewell. Until we meet again. A hope.
As leaves fall, the revelation dawns on me. The leaves are falling. As it says. The leaves are not dancing with the wind. As it says. The leaves are falling. As distant as you, from me. Me, from you.
As leaves fall, I am choosing myself. I may never unlove this person. But I'll soon crystallize everything that belonged to that time and leave. I'm choosing to do that. As leaves fall.

- Athira Krishnakumar”
Athira Krishnakumar

R.J. Intindola
“Closure is not always available in our lives. Sometimes, we must move on without the answer.”
RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo) – 1999

Katherine Applegate
“I cannot, will not, tell the full story of my next few hours. I'll only say that I found what I knew I must: the sun-bleached bones of everyone I'd once loved. Even knowing what I would find, I was unprepared for the knife of pain that cut through me. I half fell, half dismounted, from my pony. Kneeling on the ground, I gave in to the grief I'd held at bay for so long. I howled like an animal. I beat my fists against my chest. I wept. I don't know how long it went on. Time disappears, I suppose, when you need it to.”
Katherine Applegate, The Only

Steven Magee
“The governments blatant denial of my disability benefits caused me to pursue the closure of the toxic USA companies involved with damaging my health.”
Steven Magee

“The worst closure is through an embrace.”
Mantaranjot Mangat, Plotless

Amie Kaufman
“See, the second reason we have burial rites is that they give people a change to say goodbye. Watching a body get put in the ground or go up in flames or be consigned to the deep, you get the sense there's no coming back. You feel that door slam closed. And you cry or laugh or whatever's your deal, but in some place deep inside, you know things will never be the same. They call that closure.
That's the theory, anyways”
Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

Anthony T. Hincks
“Sometimes the closure that we need is a new door opening.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Rupi Kaur
“i tried to find it
but there was no answer
at the end of the last conversation”
Rupi Kaur, The sun and her flowers

Ranjani Rao
“There was no social ritual to indicate that I had undergone a major life event. No forty days of rest as after childbirth, no forty days of mourning after death. There was no symbolic act of closure. Like the divorce, the absence of closure would be a unique cross for me to bear.”
Ranjani Rao, Rewriting My Happily Ever After - A Memoir of Divorce and Discovery

Steven Magee
“I suspect COVID-19 hypoxia research will bring about the closure of the biologically toxic Mauna Kea Observatories.”
Steven Magee

Ashok Ferrey
“We are so obsessed with the quick clean end, the end that takes no longer than the length of a Hollywood film, that we have invented this word 'closure' for it-hoping that the truth of of this heroic compound will follow shortly after the naming of it. If the word exists, the concept must, mustn't it? But I will tell you differently. All that exists at the end is the sheer animal act of forgetting, and the act of forgiving ourselves for forgetting. It is a physical thing born of years of harrowing repetition and replay: the road so often travelled that the scenery is no longer visible, the paragraph so often read that the sense is no longer apparent.
- Sanjay de Silva”
Ashok Ferrey, The Unmarriageable Man: A Novel