Covid 19 Quotes

Quotes tagged as "covid-19" Showing 151-180 of 914
Jodi Picoult
“Humans love to find patterns and to make sense of what we see. When you can’t find those patterns, it’s unsettling. The CDC tells us that we have to social distance, and then the president is on TV without a mask, shaking people’s hands. Doctors say if you feel sick you should get a test, but the tests are nowhere to be found. Your kids can’t go into a classroom, even though it’s the middle of the school year. You can’t find flour on the grocery shelves. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, or six months from now. We don’t know how many people will die before this is over. The future is completely up in the air.”
Jodi Picoult, Wish You Were Here

Weike Wang
“No formal antonym for catastrophizing exists, but why did it seem that more people had this trait than not? Isn't it more evolutionary favorable to catastrophize? Does fortune truly favor the bold?”
Weike Wang, Joan Is Okay

“At the time of crisis, when death marks every nook and hopelessness is abundant, only one act triumphs above all: HUMANITY”
Dr. Anhad Kaur Suri

Mark Lanegan
“This illness also seemed to unlock something in my subconscious, and I was dreaming more than I had ever remembered doing before.”
Mark Lanegan, Devil in a Coma

Steven Magee
“25th December 2020 will go down in history as the Christmas of death.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“25th December 2020 will be remembered as the poverty Christmas.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“We are at a time in history where the smart will maintain a body chemistry that is distinctly different from the masses.”
Steven Magee

Ron Baratono
“Dear God,
Please wrap your healing hand around our health care workers fighting so hard in this pandemic to heal the sick. Keep them healthy dear Lord; they are heroes as they sacrifice their own health and emotional well-being during this overwhelming time. Dear God, you’re the truth, and you’re the light. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”
Ron Baratono

Anthony T. Hincks
“All thoughts lead to covid.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Germ Warfare knows no sides.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“To me there seems to be a direct correlation between the original coronavirus and the Omicron that is sweeping the world.
The original virus seemed to have a penchant for certain countries which I believe has to do with the protein source that it desired. (People's food)
Delta didn't really have the same liking for the same proteins, but it was more transmissible and far more deadly.
Now along comes Omicron. It is far more transmissible than delta and less deadly or so we thought, but it seems to have the same liking for the countries as what the Wuhan virus did which means that it is similar in the sources of proteins that it wants.
It may be just me, but to me...there is something all too familiar.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“Delta was a mutation of the Wuhan virus.
Omicron was an enhancement of the Wuhan virus.
-Think about the wording. Think about the origin.-”
Anthony T. Hincks

“And realizing that covid-19,was not part of our agenda yet it affected everyone in every aspect of life。 It brings a sorrowful state。 Life starts to feel like the plot of a movie whose setting you do not like. You long for small things you were used to, for you hope they can bring a feeling of how life used to be when you had the opportunity to take control before being forced to fight with an invisible enemy who is said to have the potential to change in form and capability, you sit and wish that it was possible to bounce back to normal, before you sleep you pray for life, a state of living free from virus.”

“Ganges, the Carrier of Corpses

Don’t worry, be happy, in one voice speak the corpses
O King, in your Ram-Rajya, we see bodies flow in the Ganges
O King, the woods are ashes,
No spots remain at crematoria,
O King, there are no carers,
Nor any pall-bearers,
No mourners left
And we are bereft
With our wordless dirges of dysphoria
Libitina enters every home where she dances and then
O King, in your Ram-Rajya, our bodies flow in the Ganges
O King, the melting chimney quivers, the virus has us shaken
O King, our bangles shatter, our heaving chest lies broken
The city burns as he fiddles, Billa-Ranga thrust their lances,
O King, in your Ram-Rajya, I see bodies flow in the Ganges
O King, your attire sparkles as you shine and glow and blaze
O King, this entire city has at last seen your real face
Show your guts, no ifs and buts,
Come out and shout and say it loud,
“The naked King is lame and weak”
Show me you are no longer meek,
Flames rise high and reach the sky, the furious city rages;
O King, in your Ram-Rajya, do you see bodies flow in the Ganges?.”
Aakar Patel, Price of the Modi Years

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
“Throughout 2020, before vaccines were available, 99.9 percent of people's natural immune systems protected their owners from severe illness and death. The CDC and World Health Organization, indeed all global health authorities, have recognized that healthy people, with healthy immune systems, bear minimal risk from COVID. Indeed, many people, according to our health authorities, have an immune response sufficient that they don't even know they have COVID.
Maloy's pronouncement hat humans cannot fight off COVID-19 without a vaccine is misinformation in its purest form.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Mai Fathy | مي فتحي
“إن قضي الفيروس على البشرية، فسيكون هو ويل سميث الباقي على قيد الحياة، وحيداً بكل تأكيد، لكنه حي.”
Mai Fathy | مي فتحي, شجرة برتقال ضاحكة

Kate Bowler
“So often the experiences that define us are the ones we didn't pick. Cancer. Betrayal. Miscarriage. Job loss. Mental illness. A novel corona virus.”
Kate Bowler, No Cure for Being Human: And Other Truths I Need to Hear

Kate Bowler
“It is irrepressibly familiar, the send that the world is suddenly growing smaller and the time growing shorter. I am heavy with the thought of each person I know who needed these months to wander or rest, find their match or start all over, who need the chance to say every hello and goodbye to each delicious moment, unrestricted.”
Kate Bowler

Anthony T. Hincks
“BA2 and BA3 the latest Omicron variants to hit the streets.
We shouldn't panic yet, but it appears that they are more transmissible than the original Omicron virus.
Time will tell what we are looking at, but deaths are still happening at a slower rate so we all need to be careful.
We still need to wear masks and be responsible for looking after family, friends, loved ones and strangers because if we let our guard down, then it will get out of control once more.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“I turn off the notification app for good,
no longer needing to know exactly how many gone.
After all, clinging to life
is what we have always done best.
We are still trying to hide
from the truth of things and who
can blame us.”
Jim Moore, Prognosis: Poems

“Covid Pandemic circus is on. It is unlimited. It is borderless. It is free. It must be fun living in a circus that never stops performing.”
Qamar Rafiq

Allene vanOirschot
“The only weapon greater than fear is faith.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl

Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“During pandemics, there will always be the ayes and the nays. In Noah’s flooding pandemic, the ayes were those who boarded the ark. The nays were those who refused to board it. In today’s Coronavirus pandemic, the ayes are those who have taken the jab. The nays are those who have refused to take it.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

“A disease is not defined by the complete and permanent lack of EASE. It is just a phase of DIS-rupted ease that departs with the return of hope and positivity.”
Dr. Anhad Kaur Suri

Munia Khan
“This world lives on lies
Feeding itself with flesh
that denies and dies
and decayed into the loam: fresh

This terror preys upon earth
Saving itself with human-worms
that creep inside weapons’ mirth
in the name of curing demonic germs

From the poem "Covid...”
Munia Khan

“Give this gift to the world. Give yourself.”
Moisés Bismarck Medina De León, Love in COVID Time

Mark Lanegan
“More and more this was reminiscent of an unending stretch in country jail that I couldn't shake, with my trial date being intentionally undetermined, constantly moved around just to keep me inside. It felt like the longer I was kept here the worse I got, not the other way around.”
Mark Lanegan, Devil in a Coma

“So Many Concerts after Covid . . . so little time”
Kevin Kolenda

Steven Magee
“The rapid rise of COVID-19 in the USA population confirmed what I have known for years: The USA general population is sickly.”
Steven Magee

Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“The only thing Covid-19 shares with false rumour is the speed with which it spreads. And that must have misled people in the beginning, who treated it like rumour.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu