Dark Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dark-romance" Showing 241-270 of 1,150
Shantel Tessier
“It's not the violence I crave (...) Although I like it rough, I think it's more of the idea of a man being so overcome with desire for me that he can't be stopped. And the fact I have no say over what he does. The feeling of having no control makes me feel in control. I let him catch me even though I run. I let him do it even though I fight him.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“I'd set the world on fire, including myself, if it meant saving her.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“My girl has proven that I own her, and I an't wait to show her just what that means.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“L.O.R.D. - Leader, Order, Ruler, and Deity”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“They say love is patient and kind. I'm not either one of those things when it comes to Blakely. I'm controlling, possessive, and madly jealous. Which can only mean one thing - I'm obsessed with her. To the point I want to hide her from the world. I don't want another man looking at her, let alone talking to her.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“A Lord does not show mercy. Blood and tears are what we demand from those who betray us.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“I'm the type of man who would never trust my revenge in someone else's hands. I'd take them out myself. I' want to see the life drain out of their eyes as they choke on their own blood from my hands.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“Ryat Archer is a killer, and all I can think of is I wish I could prove my love for him the way he has for me. He deserves that much. Blood for blood. He's spilled so much for me. I'm not afraid to bleed for him.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“She will know hell, but for now, I shall be her devil.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“She's mine. It's just that simple.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Ali Hidalgo
“Great. I was about to get mur-f*cking-dered, and the first thing the cops would see upon entering the scene of the crime would be my eight-inch Johnson.”
Ali Hidalgo, Vic & Luna: A Silly Little Dark Romance

Anne Brontë
“But he who dares not grasp the thorn, Should never crave the rose.”
Anne Brontë

Laura Thalassa
“Return to me, kismet. Let me heal those wounds and soothe that ache.”
Laura Thalassa, Death

Shantel Tessier
“I vow. You bow. We vow.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“Yeah, I'm cynical. Love doesn't exist. Convenience does. Most of us are already set to marry that certain person who will make our lives a living hell. There's a reason the rich stay rich - arrangements are set in place before we even come along. Empires are combined to remain indestructible. Contracts signed, promises spoken, and alliances made to ensure our futures remain on top.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“Desperation is never pretty.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“I forgot how much I enjoyed this side of Blakely. Things were getting a little too comfortable between us before she left. You know, catching those feelings and all because she looked stunning in a dress. Good thing we're back on track now. 'Till death do us part, Blake. And I'm not ready to kill you yet.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“I don't believe in life after death. (...) The Lords have shown me that darkness exists. That you don't have to die in order to burn. And then you came along (...) I can see you, touch you, and kiss you (...). I can love you (...) You, Blakely Rae Archer, are my heaven (...) I made a vow to protect you, and I'll show anyone who tries to hurt you my version of hell.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“Never show weakness. A Lord does not feel. He's a machine.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“I uphold my duty. For I am a Lord. I know no boundaries when it comes to my servitude. I will obey, serve, and dominate (...) For my brother, I am a friend. I shall lay my life down for thee or take it (...) For we are what others wish to be (...) We will be held accountable for our actions (...) For they represent who we truly are.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“A Lord must be willing to go above and beyond for his title. He must show strength and have what it takes.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“Choosing my question carefully, I ask 'Haven't you ever wanted to do something for yourself?”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“It's been painfully exhausting. Do you ever just want to shut it all off? Not have to think about the next second of your life? Go on an unplanned road trip? Have a one-night stand with the cute guy you scrolled past on your timeline? Social media makes you think you have all this freedom, but you don't. Not really. You're stuck behind a device watching others live out their dreams. You post selfies of fake smiles and expensive clothes, hoping that someone will envy you. Reassure you just how good you have it. All the while hating your life.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“His hands touch my inner thighs, and I jump. 'Every touch, every kiss, every ounce of pleasure your body receives will come from me.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“Tell someone they can't have something and watch them do anything in their power to get it done.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“One of the things I learned as a Lord is if you give someone enough rope they will always hang themselves.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“I expected being married to feel different. I always had this dark cloud hanging over my head that I was expecting to open up and drown me once I married Matt. That's not even close to what is feels like being married to Ryat. It's a freeing feeling that I can't even being to explain. The only thing I can compare it to is when you're swimming and come up for air. That burning sensation in your lungs, that tightness in your chest. When you break the surface and get that first breath and feeling the sun on your face. That's what Ryat is to me.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“Some of us will never know defeat. Others will never know victory.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“Good girl', I hear him praise her, and she whimpers.
I know girl. I get it. Why do we crave that? To be praised for something that others would find degrading. I'd do some sick and twisted shit for Ryat if I knew he'd praise me for it. I want to please Ryat all the time. And when he tells me good girl, it's like everything I actually did meant something to him.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual

Shantel Tessier
“I'm the kind of man who will crawl across the floor and lick the dirt off your shoes like a peasant begging a king for some scraps. Just to make you think I'm weak. So, when they look away from me, I can slit their throats.”
Shantel Tessier, The Ritual