Darkness And Light Quotes

Quotes tagged as "darkness-and-light" Showing 181-210 of 297
Gabrielle Estres
“We create our own hell, it is the sum of all our decisions - we are not sentenced, we condemn ourselves.”
Gabrielle Estres, Captive

“(...) darkness is beautiful. It has tremendous depth, silence, infinity. Light comes and goes; darkness always remains, it is more eternal than light. For light you need some fuel; for darkness no fuel is needed - it is simply there.”
Osho, Freedom: The Courage to Be Yourself

Stewart Stafford
“Halloween is a celebration of the inversion of reality and a necessary Gothic hat-tip to the darker aspects of life, death and ourselves.”
Stewart Stafford

“If you believe light is divine.
Remember light was born out of darkness.”
Rajesh Omprakash

Donna Goddard
“Anything that is held in secret cannot be healed. The light cannot reach that which is locked away in the dark.”
Donna Goddard, Waldmeer

Mladen Đorđević
“We are the eyes in the darkness”
Mladen Đorđević, Svetioničar - Vesnici oluje

Nancy Schoellkopf
“I am dreaming, but I don't know it yet.”
Nancy Schoellkopf, Ghost Owl

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Let you be surrounded by the lights when the darkness visits you!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

James Baldwin
“In a moment someone will get up and turn on the light. Then the old folks will remember the children and they won’t talk anymore that day. And when light fills the room, the child is filled with darkness. He knows that every time this happens he’s moved just a little closer to that darkness outside. The darkness outside is what the old folks have been talking about. It’s what they’ve come from. It’s what they endure. The child knows that they won’t talk any more because if he knows too much about what’s happened to them, he’ll know too much too soon, about what’s going to happen to him.”
James Baldwin, Sonny's Blues

Barbara Brown Taylor
“Our Lady of the Underground never asks me to choose between day and night. If I want to flourish I need the ever-changing light of darkness as much as I need the full of light of day. Give your heart to them both, she says. When I complain that I cannot see as well at night as I can during the days, she tells me this is a good thing. Maybe it will slow you down. When I tell her that I cannot get as much done at night because darkness makes me sleepy, she says yes, that is the plan. Maybe you will get some rest. When I point out that slowing down just makes me think about things I would rather not think about, she laughs. Do you think that not thinking about them will make them go away?
Barbara Brown Taylor, Learning to Walk in the Dark

Mehmet Murat ildan
“As long as the sun does not set in your mind, darkness will be nothing but a weak shadow in your life!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Lauren Groff
“The forest was not dark, because darkness has nothing to do with the forest—the forest is made of life, of light—but the trees moved with wind and subtle creatures.”
Lauren Groff, The Midnight Zone

Mehmet Murat ildan
“For those who can see well in the darkness, there is no darkness and for those who cannot see well even in the light, there is no light! Neither darkness nor light but only your talents matter most!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

James Rozoff
“Don't punch at the darkness, be a light.”
James Rozoff

R.J.  Lawrence
“The door closed and darkness claimed the room.”
R.J. Lawrence, The Xactilias Project

“Everyone roams in darkness,
A wise always find the light.”
Iraniya Naynesh

Tina Carreiro
“You are my light in the darkness.”
Tina Carreiro, Covet the Moon

“The darkness of the ultimate light is better than the lights of the ultimate darkness.”
Mohsin Ali Shaukat

C. JoyBell C.
“The issue here is that we tend to believe that darkness is the enemy in this world. It's not. The enemy in this world is that extremely blinding light that says, "You are flawed, you have dark patches on your face, you have cuts on your fingers, you have scars on your feet, and look, everyone can see all of that here in this light! There's nowhere to hide any of that here! Everyone can see it! You don't belong here!" A blinding light where there is no place for people to hide. That's the great evil in this world. A useless light, one that does not know that light is only useful when it is placed in the darkness! It's not darkness that is the enemy. We have vilified people's scars, people's wounds, and people's hiding places and we have told them that they don't belong "out here like that." Instead of going in there where they are, lighting a candle, and saying, "thanks for letting me inside".”
C. JoyBell C.

“অন্ধকারে চেরাগ জ্বালানো' আর 'অন্ধের সামনে চেেরাগ জ্বালানো' এক কথা নয়।”
Shobuj Taposh

“Легче зажечь одну маленькую свечу, чем клясть темноту.”

Марина Цветаева
“Грех не в темноте, а в нежелании света.”
Цветаева М.И.

“Каким бы темным и страшным не казался тебе сейчас мир, наступит свет.”

“Что за смех, что за радость, когда мир постоянно горит? Покрытые тьмой, почему вы не ищете света?”
Buddha Shakyamuni

“В молчании — слово,
А свет лишь во тьме.
И жизнь после смерти
Проносится быстро,
Как ястреб, что мчится
По сини небесной
Пустынной, бескрайней...”
Урсула Ле Гуин, A Wizard of Earthsea

“Бог приходят ярким светом
В души к людям, тьмой одетым.
Кто же к свету дня привык,
Человечий видит лик.”
Уильям Блейк

Suhail Mirza
“There were so many times along that path when the voice within, felt compelled, to ask me whether my existence had any value; whether my life had any purpose or meaning”
suhail mirza, Many Mansions *** Top 3 Book ***

“You know, there was a time when thoughts about the potential for evil within me would keep me awake at night. I became fully aware that there is no intrinsic difference between me and the killer, rapist, or thief—we are all human. There is more to them then the crime they have committed. They are not the flat monsters portrayed by the media. Discovering them to not be different from myself and understanding the existence of my own potential to commit evil inevitably revealed its possibility, anguishing me immensely. But things are better now. When I re-explore those thoughts, they do not fill me with the same negative emotions. We can be anything we want to be regardless of the darkness and light that co-exists within us…. We may not be able to control everything, but we can influence who we become and what we do…”
Sheila Matharu, Darkness

John M. Sheehan
“If what you were is not fading; no light of Christ is living within for it is just the darkness deceiving you again and again”
John M. Sheehan

“This book is a tribute to an extraordinary and celestial man who lived his life in service of loving others but ultimately couldn’t love himself. It is also an attempt to honor the spirit and innate beautify of all the dear loved ones we’ve loved and lost to suicide. Let’s remember their unique humanity – their beauty and light, and also their darkness and flaws. They are neither one nor the other; rather, they encompass all aspects, death and love and every nuance of life in between. And through this simple fact of their humanity, they live on.”
Sarah Neustadter, Love You Like the Sky: Surviving the Suicide of a Beloved