Determination Quotes

Quotes tagged as "determination" Showing 181-210 of 2,119
Solange nicole
“A mother who would stop at nothing for her child is dangerous woman when crossed.”
Solange nicole

Hannah Senesh
“To die,
so young to die.
No, no, not I,
I love the warm sunny skies,
light, song, shining eyes,
I want no war, no battle cry,
No, no, not I.”
Hannah Senesh

Solange nicole
“My burden is my purpose. Without it, I wouldn't be.”
Solange nicole

“The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on”
Joseph Needham

Mary Lydon Simonsen
“‎Determination, effort, and practice are rewarded with success.”
Mary Lydon Simonsen, The Perfect Bride for Mr. Darcy

“What was wrong with these American students? Didn’t they know I was the teacher and they had to do as I said? I learned quickly that my authority meant little, if anything, to them. I was not the all-powerful and feared mwalimu (teacher) of Africa.”
Maria Nhambu, America's Daughter

Ann-Marie MacDonald
“I am burning. I have to live, I have to sing, I want to transform myself into a thousand different characters and carry their life with me onto the stage where it's so bright and so dark at the same time, just knowing there are three thousand people out there longing to be swept away by the passion that's about to flood out from scarlet curtains, to this I consecrate my body and my soul, I can give no more than all of myself, I feel my heart is a throbbing engine and my voice is the valve, like a wailing train, it has to sing or blow up, there's too much fuel, too much fire, and what am I to do with this voice if I can't let it out, it's not just singing. I am here as a speck, but I don't feel scared or about to be blown away, I feel like all New York is a warm embrace just waiting to enfold me. I am in love. But not with a person. I am passionately in love with my life.”
Ann-Marie MacDonald, Fall on Your Knees

Helen Keller
“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Helen Keller

Mark Twain
“But it is a blessed provision of nature that at times like these, as soon as a man's mercury has got down to a certain point there comes a revulsion, and he rallies. Hope springs up, and cheerfulness along with it, and then he is in good shape to do something for himself, if anything can be done.”
Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

T.F. Hodge
“When spontaneous demoralizing thoughts seep into your conscience, don't trip...allowing them to fester. These are random tests of your conviction and determination. Large or small, your reaction to such intrusions is a defining moment for which no one else, but you, can mitigate.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Destiny Booze
“I don't give up. That makes me incredibly resilient or maybe stupid or just plain stubborn. Whichever...”
Destiny Booze

“The Rest of Our Life Is Going To Be The Best of Our Life!”
Darrell Yarbrough

“You have to go head, even if no one goes with you.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

“With adequate planning, passion and perseverance, you can achieve the God-given goals.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind

T.F. Hodge
“If you have a dream, keep it. But write it down and take appropriate actions to see it manifest.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Ogwo David Emenike
“There is a thin line between the impossible and the possible - that is determination.”
Ogwo David Emenike

H.P. Lovecraft
“I neither knew nor cared whether my experience was insanity, dreaming, or magic; but was determined to gaze on brilliance and gaiety at any cost.”
H.P Lovecraft

“being stubborn is not a bad thing, it shows determination.”
Joshua Wright

Darren Shan
“I won't die. I won't give those ghouls the pleasure. I'll live and grow strong. I'll escape, then hunt them down and make them suffer.”
Darren Shan, The Thin Executioner

Maggie Stiefvater
“I still watch her now, like I always did, and she watches me, her brown eyes looking out from a wolf's face.

This is the story of a boy who used to be a wolf, and a girl who became one.

I won't let this be my last good-bye. I've folded one thousand paper cranes of me and Grace, and I've made my wish.

I will find a cure. And then I will find Grace.”
Maggie Stiefvater

“Steam Lodge Song of the Sun Dance Ceremony:

A voice,
I will send.
Hear me!
The land
All over,
A voice
I am sending!
Hear me!
I will live! ”
Frances Densmore, American Indians and Their Music

“You have come nearer to mastering a good many aspects of cooking than anyone except a handful of great chefs, and some day it will pay off. I know it will. You will just have to go on working, and teaching, and getting around, and spreading the gospel until it does. (Avis DeVoto to Julia Child)”
Joan Reardon, As Always, Julia: The Letters of Julia Child and Avis DeVoto

Sage Steadman
“Her sadness was like a deep well just beneath the surface of her determination.”
Sage Steadman, Upon Destiny's Song

Candace Bushnell
“The city was different back then--poor and crumbling--kept alive only by the gritty determination and steely cynicism of its occupants. But underneath the dirt was the apple-cheeked optimism of possibility, and while she worked, the whole city seemed to throb along with her.”
Candace Bushnell, Lipstick Jungle

Stephen M. Irwin
“Hannah expected this to make her sob even more, but instead she found her tears drying up and her tummy growing warm. How dare they? How dare they do this to little girls? She understood now why her parents go so angry when they saw the result of bombers in the white hot streets of the Middle East, why men and women wailed in anger as well as grief as they lifted the limp bodies of children from the rubble. How dare they? No, she wasn't going to die like this, wrapped up like some helpless baby.”
Stephen M. Irwin, The Dead Path

Alfred Noyes
“Stand like a beaten anvil, when thy dream
Is laid upon thee, golden from the fire.
Flinch not, though heavily through that furnace-gleam
The black forge-hammers fall on thy desire.

Demoniac giants round thee seem to loom.
'Tis but the world-smiths heaving to and fro.
Stand like a beaten anvil. Take the doom
Their ponderous weapons deal thee, blow on blow.

Needful to truth as dew-fall to the flower
Is this wild wrath and this implacable scorn.
For every pang, new beauty, and new power,
Burning blood-red shall on thy heart be born.

Stand like a beaten anvil. Let earth's wrong
Beat on that iron and ring back in song.”
Alfred Noyes, Collected Poems Complete

“When the heart accepts death first, words you can trust are feelings you can take.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice