Endings Quotes

Quotes tagged as "endings" Showing 121-150 of 404
Amanda Foody
“I think deep down, some people don't want their stories yo have happy endings.”
Amanda Foody, All of Us Villains

Holly Black
“I raise a plastic glass. 'To family.'

'And Faerieland,' says Taryn, raising hers.

'And pizza,' says Oak.

'And stories,' says Heather.

'And new beginnings,' says Vivi.

Cardan smiles, his gaze on me. 'And scheming great schemes.'

To family and Faerieland and pizza and stories and new beginnings and scheming great schemes. I can toast to that.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

“Ten years. It wasn't enough time, but I would live every blessed second of it. "We're going to San Fransisco." She smiled up at me. "We'll get a house in North Beach." "Right away," I said. "I've got the down payment and then some."
She signed and pulled me close. "We're going to be so happy."
We would be. I'd dust the knickknacks, burn the sausage, wake up next to her every morning. I'd be grateful, even though I knew the end.”
C.L. Polk, Even Though I Knew the End

Rolf van der Wind
“Afternoons are hard,
nights disturbingly silent,
eyes break into tears looking
in the morning sun.
It is the end of a love story
the end of a dream
the end of two hearts.”
Rolf van der Wind

Melissa Broder
“The heart gets wounded—so what? I thought. I’d seen all the plays. I should have been prepared. Love goes. But what I hadn’t known was how good the love would feel when it was there, like a hymn moving through me all the time.”
Melissa Broder, Milk Fed

Kate DiCamillo
“And that, after all, is how it ended.


In a world muffled by the gentle, forgiving hand of snow.”
Kate DiCamillo, The Magician's Elephant

Benjamin Myers
“The collapse of what once was had been comprised of dozens of gestures, scores of things left unsaid and hundreds of resentments spread over the thousand days that all stacked up to create millions of tiny moments of muffled misery.”
Benjamin Myers, Male Tears

Daniel P. Mannix
“He did not care what happened as long as he would never be separated from the Master, for he had killed the great fox, and in this miserable, fouled land there was no longer any place for fox, hound, or human being.”
Daniel P. Mannix, The Fox and the Hound

Katherine Applegate
“I wonder, Byx," said Khara, "amid all the comfort and ease you have now, do you ever miss the days when we were racing from here to there, in constant danger, running for our lives?"
"No," I said. "Not at all."
Tobble shook his head. "I sure don't."
"Me neither," Renzo agreed.
"Nor do I," said Khara.
It didn't take a dairne to know that all four of us had lied.”
Katherine Applegate, The Only

K-Ming Chang
“Don't tell me how it ends yet. Tell me that it doesn't.”
K-Ming Chang, Bestiary

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I would much prefer to see endings as the womb within which beginnings are born.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Rolf van der Wind
“I was able to capture the beauty of a sunrise,
The joy of a child's laughter,
The warmth of a summer breeze,
The sparkle of a starry night.

I was able to take these moments and make them last,
preserving them in my heart and mind.
But the day you left without a word of goodbye,
darkness erased the light of my memories.”
Rolf van der Wind

Jeanette LeBlanc
“People stay all the time where we know they should not.

Even more, they stay where THEY know they should not. Against reason. At the risk of their bodies. At the risk of their sovereignty. At the risk of their heart.

We humans are nothing if not tenaciously obtuse in the face of a story that wants to end itself.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Andre Agassi
“It might not be the right way to end our journey, but it's the best way possible”
Andre Agassi, Open

Erik Larson
“He knew that his day was coming to an end. On July 4, 1909, as he stood with friends on the roof of the Reliance Building, looking out over the city he adored, he said, "You'll see it lovely. I never will. But it WILL be lovely.”
Erik Larson, The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America

Roseanne A. Brown
“A story ends when it ends, and not a moment before. If you are unhappy with this ending, make a new one.”
Roseanne A. Brown, A Song of Wraiths and Ruin

Emil M. Cioran
“My weakness for doomed dynasties, for decaying empires, for the Montezumas of forever, for those who believe in sings, for the lacerated and pursued, for the drunkards of the ineluctable, for the jeopardized, the devoured, for all who are waiting for their executioner...”
Emil M. Cioran, The Trouble With Being Born

Kim Stanley Robinson
“She tried to put that together with the burbling roar of the crowd, the overlapping music, the lake and the sky; it was too big. She tried to take it in anyway, feeling the world balloon inside her, oceans of clouds in her chest, this town, these people, this friend, the Alps—the future—all too much. She clutched his arm hard. We will keep going, she said to him in her head—to everyone she knew or had ever known, all those people so tangled inside her, living or dead, we will keep going, she reassured them all, but mostly herself, if she could; we will keep going, we will keep going, because there is no such thing as fate. Because we never really come to the end.”
Kim Stanley Robinson, The Ministry for the Future

Felicia Watson
“Have you ever been in love?”
“Oh God, no.” Stein gave him a speculative look, asking,
“Why? Have you?”
“Yes.” Matt almost left it there but felt compelled to add,
“Ah, Ricci, you can still surprise me after all these years.
What happened?”
“It ended.”
“Badly?” She seemed genuinely curious.
Matt shifted his gaze away from her before finally
answering, “Is there any other way for love to end?”
Felicia Watson, We Have Met the Enemy

Amie Kaufman
“And you cry or laugh or whatever‘s your deal, but in some place deep inside, you know things will never be the same.”
Amie Kaufman, Obsidio

George Saunders
“What we want our ending to do is to do more than we could have dreamed it would do.

George Saunders, The Braindead Megaphone

“I say my story starts here because endings are always a kind of beginning.”
Katie Hale, My Name is Monster

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A seed is a place where things begin their lives. It is not a place where they live their lives, for attempting to do so will end their lives.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If beginnings are certain to occur, endings are certain to end.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“The only good thing about wars was that they ended.”
Otaro Maijo, JORGE JOESTAR [ジョージ・ジョースター]

Luis Joaquin M. Katigbak
“For many vague, ill-formed reasons, I wanted to ask: Can something that never truly properly began be said to have ended? If I had wondered it out loud, I like to imagine that she would have said: No, that’s the beauty of it, something that never properly began, never ends.”
Luis Joaquin M. Katigbak, Dear Distance

Ruth Ann Oskolkoff
“Visiting sheer essence of bog and fen,
Walking rough footpaths along edges
Slowly nearing home, greeting itinerant
Passers-by, contemplating end journeys
We all take, flying towards distant seas
Like great blue herons do, understanding
Harmony amid nature’s undulate ways
Of old river rhythms, oh Father Thames.”
Ruth Ann Oskolkoff, The Bones of the Poor

T.M Cicinski
“There was a name. That was all. A name upon a piece of paper. The beginnings of a letter, started but never finished and pushed into a drawer and then forgotten about as all old and unhappy things had been forgotten with the coming of that spring. Yet, after the name had been read, and a false seed of suspicion planted, the sun of their happiness dipped behind a bank of storm clouds and the light which had bathed them faded. It did not fade immediately. Nor in a way which was recognisable at the start. It faded in long silences and crossed arms, in questions which came from nowhere and were answered awkwardly for their strangeness. It faded in kisses avoided and tired sighs, then finally in absences and then all was passed into darkness, though neither knew it until a moment in which they both turned to look for what once they had loved, and found it was gone.”
T.M Cicinski, The Mind Is Its Own Place

“Für meinen Geist musste immer alles ein Ende haben. Der Tod, als Ende der Seele. Eine Markierung, als das Ende der Welt. Eine Abtrennung, als das Ende des Universums. Der letzte Satz, als das Ende meiner Aufzählung. Für meinen Geist das Gegenteil unvorstellbar. Doch genau wie meine Aufzählung wird es kein Ende geben.”
Spencer Hill, Krieg zwischen den Welten – Das zweite Gesicht