Energy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "energy" Showing 241-270 of 1,823
Rose Rosetree
“Could be, you’ve lived before; in which case, you might have sought Enlightenment before. This time around, you bring more than eagerness to your quest. Very likely, in this lifetime you bring along qualities that will serve you well for seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening; those qualities being your curiosity and thoughtfulness, and also your passion for truth; qualities that would have been problematic during the Age of Faith, yet will serve you very well now.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Rose Rosetree
“What’s the main allure of folks in Extreme Spiritual Addiction? Astral flash, of course.

Picture a wannabe rock star, all decked out in garish colors and sequins. Why does that over-the-top kind of dress-up work so well in Vegas?

Because audiences in Vegas aren’t seeking Spiritual Enlightenment, nor even a refined experience. Quite the opposite, right? Fact is, multitudes anywhere prefer entertainment that’s larger-than-life. Sleazy sex sells, and so does every other kind of garishness, including astral flash.

To some spiritual seekers – and others -- astral flash can seem incredibly wonderful. Only some folks of course – you need not be one of them.”
Rose Rosetree, Seeking Enlightenment in the Age of Awakening: Your Complete Program for Spiritual Awakening and More, In Just 20 Minutes a Day

John Kreiter
“We are energy, all of us, everything on this planet is made up of pure energy.

Ancient religions and metaphysical schools of thought have been telling us this for millennia, and physics has been echoing this energetic reality for over a hundred years now.

As these ancient teachings tell us, and as physics now echoes; energy vibrates, it is all connected, it has nonlocal properties (meaning that it can exist in multiple places at once, and as such there is the possibility of instant communication and travel across great distances). This energetic essence can change its structure but it can never be destroyed (which can seem like a paradox). Like tends to attract like, and this energy conglomeration, which is us, has a great drive towards greater complexity and expansion of that very essence.”
John Kreiter, The Magnum Opus, A Step by Step Course

“Everything has a frequency, that's why images, smells, sounds, tastes, touch and words are spells.”
Henry Joseph-Grant

Robin S. Baker
“You can completely transform your life by transmuting your martian energy.”
Robin S. Baker

“Praying gives positive power.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Reconnect to the source of all energy by going off a grid”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

“Reconnect to the source of all energy by going off the grid”
leo lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

Steven Magee
“For most people with radiation sickness, it is a life of significantly degraded health.”
Steven Magee

Donna Goddard
“Touch is a conveyor belt of energy. It has a binding nature and can be as deep and impactful in simple, noninvasive physical interactions as it is in sexual interactions.”
Donna Goddard, Dance: A Spiritual Affair

“Desires are the source of drive and aspiration in human life. They provide the energy for a whole range of human accomplishments, including the spiritual quest for awakening. Bodhicitta, the thought of enlightenment for all living beings, evolves in the minds of bodhisattvas to become the primal desire, the deepest source of energy.”
Dale S. Wright, Living Skillfully: Buddhist Philosophy of Life from the Vimalakirti Sutra

“Energy vampires are those who exert finite energy and time to be around, fit in with, impress and receive fake love or hollow validation from people who haven't got their back and will quickly forget about them when the currency which binds or bonds them ceases to be beneficial.”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Reality isn't limited to limited perception”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Conscious people with true knowledge of self don't see;

Attention as affection

Attachment as connection

Codependency as support

Disagreement as attack

Lack of boundaries as empathy

Trauma bonding as healing

Enmeshment as intimacy

External validation as internal self esteem”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Without balance, equilibrium and knowledge of self people will always get drawn to low frequency energy, topics and themes, getting dumbed down, losing their soul bit by bit without even realising it, which means they’ll eventually hit a wall of unfulfillment, which can only be solved by looking within, not without.”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“With less ego,
You have more optionality.
Don't let that go over your head.”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Go along get along gang are weak and not to be trusted”
Henry Joseph-Grant

“Health, Nature and Spirituality have been gentrified, manipulated and monopolised.

That’s why so many people are ignorant of truth and have been disconnected from self and look up to and trusting people who are there to mislead and profit from them.

Look within.”
Henry Joseph-Grant

Noah William Smith
“If you want to feel calmer, limit your energy loss, as you feel tired when the environment constantly drains your energy.”
Noah William Smith, How to Feel Calm, Cool and Collected

Noah William Smith
“When a moment feels complicated, and you want to disengage, learn how to process or disengage from the internal feelings. However, keep the people around you from thinking you are disengaged or not interested in them.”
Noah William Smith, You Own Your Life

“The lost copy personalities of those who are faking one, absorbing energy, unaware of what they're taking on.”
Henry Joseph-Grant

Ethan Chatagnier
“An infinitesimal fraction of the sun’s energy is responsible for all the abundance of our planet. A good thing we can’t see the torrent of waste, the enormity of what’s lost. Imagine pouring a jug of milk down the drain. The droplets of leftover milk in the sink? That’s what we live off.”
Ethan Chatagnier, Singer Distance

Donna Goddard
“Material possessions radiate a certain type of energy. They are not neutral. The more material possessions you have around you, the more distracting and draining those objects can become. If the outside world dominates your thoughts with responsibilities, worries, and conflicting energies of all sorts, then your mind and spirit will not have the space to allow the creative force to flow and flower.”
Donna Goddard, Writing: A Spiritual Voice

Donna Goddard
“We make worlds from the thoughts we entertain. It is how we perceive and play with existence. Most people can’t tell that their reality is less objective than they think. If they could, their approach to life would be transformed into something infinitely more extensive and compassionate. The more capable we are of manifesting from energy, the more impactful our created world will be.”
Donna Goddard, Writing: A Spiritual Voice

Donna Goddard
“As we evolve, our thoughts hold more power to create what we envision. Practice holding your intentions clearly in your mind and feel that you consistently add energy to their springing into life. In this way, you can create many things that seem impractical or impossible. Ensure your creations benefit everyone involved, or you will pay a bitter price. No one must suffer from what you create. People suffer relentlessly from what they have made in their minds, but we must not contribute to that. If we intend to bless, and only bless, our creations get the entire force of the universe behind them.”
Donna Goddard, Writing: A Spiritual Voice

John Kreiter
“Alchemical Logic on the other hand, takes nothing for granted, even its own perceptions. It seeks the attainment of a deeper kind of direct knowledge, that begins by first letting go of all a priori understanding.

This forsaking of all a priori knowledge is supplemented with energetic practices, until a certain threshold is reached, where a practitioner becomes a true Alchemist, and is then able to perceive the world in a more direct way that no longer relies on any a priori knowledge.

This new way of perceiving is sometimes referred to as the Energetic Way. But calling it the Energetic Way is really an attempt to use words to try and define a new perceptual ability that allows the practitioner to see energy directly. And as a result of this new perceptive possibility, the world completely changes. It goes from being an object-filled place, to a sea of vibrating energy.”
John Kreiter, The Magnum Opus, A Step by Step Course

Steven Magee
“Power companies love people that light up their homes all night long!”
Steven Magee

Donna Goddard
“Most people do not put much effort into maintaining their bodies properly, but the body is the easiest and most elemental aspect of life to manage and master. Mastery of the physical elements leads to mastery of the mental and energetic elements.”
Donna Goddard, Geboor: Spiritual Fiction

Donna Goddard
“Red is a stimulant—of the body and all the energy systems. It is the colour of fire. Without fire, we cannot create anything. It is the colour of blood. Without blood, we shrivel and die. It is the colour of heart. Without heart, we destroy everything.”
Donna Goddard, Geboor: Spiritual Fiction

Robin S. Baker
“You will be very surprised by how much energy you walk with, that’s not even yours to carry. So whenever you start to feel sick or depressed, make sure it is not someone else’s energy weighing you down first.”
Robin S. Baker