Environment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "environment" Showing 211-240 of 1,640
Erik Pevernagie
“When we create an environment that ensures a space where our dreams can burgeon, happiness can let us see the wonders in everyday moments and value the intricate tapestry of life. (“When is Happiness?”)”
Erik Pevernagie

“Consumers and investors are increasingly drawn to companies that demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental causes.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

Susan L. Marshall
“Can you see us, Celia?
More of us have risen from the grass
that your bare, searching feet have sunken into.
Steadfast and sturdy are we, Agapanthus africanus.”
Susan L. Marshall, Fleur of Yesterday

Susan L. Marshall
“Gusts of fiery winds blow,
blasting a furnace of heat.
The air rings with the shrill screams
of my beloved carnations.
Rising and falling,
they shed their flower heads
upon the worn,
foot trodden dirt.

Staring up, their heads smile sadly,
their petals shedding tears.
Rolling across the planks,
they reach out for me.

The carnation flower's scent
is fragrant in the breeze.
It wakes me so I escape
the dark world of dreams.”
Susan L. Marshall, Fleur of Yesterday

Sebastián Wortys
“English: "Primary adapt your surroundings, secondarily adapt yourself to your surroundings."

Česky: „Primárně si přizpůsobuj okolí, sekundárně se přizpůsobuj okolí.”
Sebastián Wortys

Pam Houston
“The closer one got to the North and South poles, the more dramatic and obvious the effects of climate change. I didn't want to live in a world without polar bears. I wasn't sure an ocean without whales in it was any kind of ocean at all. My entire life I had watched, hearbroken, as individual pieces of wilderness that mattered to me got destroyed or developed...Now, I understood this thing we called technology had advanced to the point where no place on the planet was safe from our penchant for destruction.”
Pam Houston

Pam Houston
“The energy on deck crackled as if someone had sprayed a fine cocaine mist into the air.
The biologists couldn't wipe the smiles off their faces...We spent the next five hours running into the sunset alongside six to eight hundred narwhal. If a group of narwhal is a blessing, this was a whole damn conversion.”
Pam Houston, Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country

Anna Hope
“Driving along the highway from the airport, they had passed mile upon mile of grain elevators, marking the most productive land in Mexico, but when they reached the place where Google Maps said the river should be, there was nothing but a dusty, toxic-looking trickle. The river — that great, fertile river that the first Spaniards had compared to the Nile — had been dammed long ago, diverted by a huge aqueduct to the factories in Hermosillo and Ciudad Obregón, and all that remained in the traditional villages was polluted, unsafe for irrigation or to drink.”
Anna Hope, The White Rock

“The footprint of progress must never trample upon the footprint of nature. And so human advancement must never overshadow or destroy nature upon which all life depends.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Our lasting legacy lies not in the towering stone structures, but in the forests we nurture, the oceans we safeguard, and the skies we keep pure.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“Every drop of water, every breath of air, every blade of grass whispers the same truth: we are but custodians of this planet, entrusted with its care for generations yet to come.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“In the hands of humanity lies the sacred duty to nurture, not deplete; to protect, not plunder. Our legacy is not measured in conquest but in conservation.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

“From the mysterious depths of the ocean to the towering peaks of mountains, let us be stewards of all life forms, protecting the precious balance of ecosystems with unwavering resolve.”
Aloo Denish Obiero

Mitta Xinindlu
“Don't wait to be famous to plant positive seeds in the society.
Start with the resources that you have today to cultivate positivity in your environment.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Even in an environment designed to demonize you, don’t let their action detonate you. Strive to keep yourself calm and peaceful.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, International Human Rights Art Movement Literary Magazine: 2023 Collected Works

Robert N. Bellah
“Technological advance at high speed combined with moral blindness about what we are doing to the world's societies and to the biosphere is a recipe for rapid extinction.”
Robert N. Bellah, Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age

Robert N. Bellah
“We have proven to be enormously successful at adapting. We are now adapting so fast that we can hardly adapt to our adaptation.”
Robert N. Bellah, Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age

Robert N. Bellah
“The more complex, the more fragile. Complexity goes against the second law of thermodynamics, that all complex entities tend to fall apart, and it takes more and more energy for complex systems to function.”
Robert N. Bellah, Religion in Human Evolution: From the Paleolithic to the Axial Age

Rebecca Solnit
“Environmentalists like to say that defeats are permanent, victories temporary. Extinction, like death, is forever, but protection needs to be maintained. But now, in a world where restoration ecology is becoming increasingly important, it turns out that even defeats aren't always permanent. Across the United States and Europe, dams have been removed, wetlands and rivers restored, once-vanished native species reintroduced, endangered species regenerated.”
Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities

“If you want to practice theatre or any form of art, then go an sow a seed, plant a sapling, grow a tree. Then, go back after a decade and search for that life. If you don't find it, you will find a reason to practice art. If you find it, you have already lived the art.”
Niloy Roy

Avijeet Das
“Climate Change is going to affect us all in gargantuan proportions. Hope the youth all around the world join the movement to make the politicians and rich business people realise their role to play.”
Avijeet Das

Philip Anthony Smith
“Whoever this other woman was she couldn't have been classy. You wouldn't catch me dead living in a place like this.”
Philip Anthony Smith, The Woman He Left Behind

Duncan Ralston
“Smelled like home. Stink permeates homelessness: the smell of trash, the smell of dirty streets, of fire bins and piss and other people's body odor, the wet dog smell that saturates your clothes and bedding, the smell of rust and dirt and decay.”
Duncan Ralston, Where the Monsters Live

“Man is not the only animal who spoils its own environment. But it is one of the very few who ever cleans up afterwards.”
George Hammond

Louis Yako
“Selling & Buying"
Everyone is up for sale,
because most are looking for nothing but
selling and buying …
They sell life to buy a wretched living!
You see them selling with no shame or dignity,
and whenever you encounter
a sign of kindness or a smile,
you soon discover that it is fake
and for marketing purposes only…
You see the sons of bitches
and their children and grandchildren
all busy selling real estate
bodies and desires
fruit and vegetables
countries and agricultural lands
natural resources (after proxy revolutions)
clothes, shoes, and things – both fake and original –
cheap gifts and souvenirs in touristy cities
iPhones with ugly accessories
long and wide lists of all things, big or small,
that are supposed to make them
more attractive
and more human…
And between one sale and another,
they rest and talk about values,
the Creator, ethics, religion,
what is prohibited and what’s allowed…
Between one sale and another buy,
you find them discussing dignity and freedom,
theorizing the meaning of life,
talking about politics and revolutions
nature and the environment
diseases and chronic illnesses
the latest technological advancements
about everything expect the fact that
all the misfortunes on this planet
are because they don’t hesitate to
sell anything and everything their hands can reach,
in exchange for one moment of superficiality!
You see those who chase after and master
the game of selling and buying
in perfect harmony with the latest trends and styles,
yet dwelling inside miserable bodies
whose soul and spirit have long departed with no return…
Oh, how fortunate are those who learned to adapt
with this game of selling and buying…

[Original poem published in Arabic on June 29, 2024 at ahewar.org]”
Louis Yako

Elly Griffiths
“The air is so sweet and pure that it almost takes her breath away. It's as if nature is conspiring to make lockdown a less terrifying experience. Ruth has already noticed herself becoming interested in the tracks left by the foxes and watching the progression of the blossom on her tree. She leaves food out for the birds and has secretly named a crow Corbym.”
Elly Griffiths, The Locked Room

Steven Magee
“Their ‘green’ energy policy is toxic!”
Steven Magee

Thomas Vazhakunnathu
“Corruption, in its various forms, significantly impedes effective environmental action and broader societal progress.”
Thomas Vazhakunnathu, Planetary Crossroads: A Planet in Crisis and the Fate of Humanity

“When we defend the forests, we guard the lungs of tomorrow; when we preserve the waters, we safeguard the lifeblood of the Earth.”
Aloo Denish Obiero